Topic started by madhav (@ on Thu Jan 18 16:45:41 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
This is the next release after Dheena. Any ideas about it?
- Old responses
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Fri Mar 23 17:14:41 EST 2001
Info about Kalasa Recording Theater!
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Fri Mar 23 17:16:03 EST 2001
I think Kalasa is located somewhere in Saligram, Chennai.
- From: UVII (@
on: Fri Mar 23 17:19:56 EST 2001
Thanks for the info. Doe sanyone know the name of the second recording theatre ARR has then.
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Fri Mar 23 17:21:08 EST 2001
Here are some more,
- From: UVII (@
on: Fri Mar 23 17:28:09 EST 2001
Fliflo, Thanks again. I was not aware of these recording studios before. I am sure about ARR's second recording theatre, I saw
it, it is in Kodambakkam.
- From: UVII (@
on: Fri Mar 23 17:29:38 EST 2001
R U seeing these sites. Can you translate these techinical terms which have been written. I am happy to know that YSR is recording in Kalasa, seems to have the state of the art things.
- From: Analog (@
on: Fri Mar 23 18:11:23 EST 2001
My friend doesn't say that ARR has copied this and that to me. But if I bring up something then he agrees with me. Anyway I haven't listened to ARR's albums that much, that's why I posted it here to see if anybody agrees with that or not.
Yeah, I am glad that Yuvan is trying to bring something new (Techno stuff) to TFM. He is giving atleast one melody in each album with some fast paced songs to satisfy everyone.
Is the album available in US?
- From: kiru (@
on: Fri Mar 23 18:38:26 EST 2001
Kalasa seems to have the big name products. The O2R console is something that is heavily advertised in recording magazines. The Alesis ADAT is almost the standard multi-track recording system. Neumann and Shure are big names in microphone (like Nike and Reebok for shoes to give an example). So yes, I think Kalasa should be pretty good. Note also, that you have to have good engineers to use/record with them. I have poovellAm kEttuppAr CD of Yuvan and it is as good as ARR's. But ARR seems to be really keeping ahead in the technology (per my understanding based on KKKK). I also think Rishi, Dheena and TI are really good recordings. Especially TI has some recordings of drums. The volume level of the interludes is a little higher I think. I suspect this is a slip in the mastering process but I should keep my opinion reserved till I get the CD. As for my opinion on sound quality, you can blindly buy any YSR album he is really committed towards that.
Re: kOthandapAni studios. I have a CD by Philip Glass and Ravi Shankar which has some tracks recorded in this studio but you cannot tell which one was recorded in US and which one in the US. So this studio should be good too.
Analog .. I couldn't spent some time to check out those things, yet. Re: Techno..Man..this is what teenagers in the US listen to ..even Richard Marx etc are teenagers stuff :) You can see my bias already :) :)
- From: UVII (@
on: Fri Mar 23 18:41:43 EST 2001
Thanks a lot for explainging those things. I am sure YSR will try to catch up with ARR, and ARR will try to clim further, in this process we will get better recordings.
- From: UVII (@
on: Fri Mar 23 18:43:05 EST 2001
I think if you start to listen to ARR, your friend will talk more about copied songs of ARR :-))
I know can understand the reason behind your name (Analog, and ARR don't go together :-)) )
- From: UVII (@
on: Fri Mar 23 18:43:12 EST 2001
I think if you start to listen to ARR, your friend will talk more about copied songs of ARR :-))
I now can understand the reason behind your name (Analog, and ARR don't go together :-)) )
- From: Harish (@
on: Sat Mar 24 13:49:21 EST 2001
I think Yuvan is a god. He has done so much for such a young guy. Most guys his age are out chasing girls and things but it is nice to see someone who is so dedicated to his profession and doing so well for the improvement of the Tamil Film Industry.
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Sat Mar 24 14:06:00 EST 2001
"I think Yuvan is a god."
Define the meaning of God...Nobody is God...
God- Generation (Bramha), Operation (Vishnu) and Destruction (Siva)..God is limitless...endless...undefinable...Read the first chapter in Thirukural (Kadavul vazhthu)..Each kural has a different meaning for God (such as Venduthal Vendaamai Ilaan (No wishes)
Aim Pulanavithaan (No feeling of senses))...Don't get sucked yourself in illusions....Yuvan is an excellent music director...May top all soon...I don't see any reason Yuvan or for that matter any MD compared to God....If you don't pay them for a month or so..then you find your statements credibility..
- From: Prabu Iyer (@
on: Sat Mar 24 15:05:07 EST 2001
"Neruppu Koothadikuthu" song is really innovative.. Well done YSR
- From: Prabu Iyer (@
on: Sat Mar 24 15:06:46 EST 2001
Did anyone notice in the song "Theenda Theenda" the voice of Bombay Jayashree sounds exactly like T.K.Kala [famous singer in DD age]. I had a bet with my friend that it is T.K.Kala..and ofcourse lost it..
- From: t (@
on: Sat Mar 24 16:24:21 EST 2001
- From: Teeya (@
on: Sat Mar 24 16:26:35 EST 2001
I don't know if anyone is knowing this news, but Yuvan's girlfriend was actually spotted by Selvaraghavan and was offered the lead role in Thuluvatho Ilamai.However, Yuvan refused to let his would-be-wife to act in such things
- From: UVII (@
on: Sat Mar 24 19:38:12 EST 2001
This thread is for discussing the songs in TI, not about girlfriends.
- From: S T S (@
on: Sat Mar 24 22:45:58 EST 2001
TI CD's are available in New India Bazaar, Santa Clara. CD has few songs from Yuvan's other films.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Mar 26 10:14:17 EST 2001
Yes, YSR in this age is doing a good job. He can do better if he is more selective on films. I haven't heard TI till now.
ARR too, if you know started doing jingles when he was 15 or so. In his teen he got the best award(An all india award for jingles- forgot the name) for LEO COFFEE Ad.
This is irrelevant here. Any way this is just an information. Can any one confirm the Award and give its name.
- From: kiru (@
on: Mon Mar 26 12:52:51 EST 2001
Music composing is a very creative process. I dont think listeners like us can advise an MD on how best to do their job. For eg, I tend to think that I write code much faster and think better when I am in the end of the schedule :) Many times I like to be given challenging tasks so that it will bring out the best in me. Maybe these MDs also think that way. Its all an approach and approaches vary by person.
- From: UV (@
on: Mon Mar 26 13:11:28 EST 2001
Ah atlast some really sensible words from kiru in this otherwise ludicrous threads!!
Well said Kiru.'Offlate the some jokers are starting threads on some really sick and of poortaste eg "kuppai songs of ARR" this is just to irk ARR fans or some like 'IR the worst'
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Mon Mar 26 13:48:57 EST 2001
I extrapolate kiru's statement..
Music composing is a creative process...True in most of the cases....How do you justify SAR, Deva as music composers...Their creativity is better than no ordinary. For them to be MDs and and for us to be listeners is what you call "fate". Creativity depends on how much one is knowledgable. Knowing to a great detail gives lot of flexibility. Interestingly, even if you are not musically perfect, it is going to affect nobody(sometimes you may get praised). If you make a mistake in your code, your system is not going to work..So you are a more perfect creator than a MD.
- From: sri (@
on: Tue Mar 27 02:07:34 EST 2001
In response to Kiru's statement, I must say that YSR is one of the tru MD's.People are having to search high and low to find a song that he may have resembled in a track. His music includes no blatant theft, unlike other so called MD's who I do not wish to mention.This is shown in Thulluvatho Ilamai which is a great album.
- From: Trisha (@
on: Tue Mar 27 10:18:11 EST 2001
Yuvan has been producing albums of a very high quality as of late. I really have to say hats off to him for doing such a wonderful job. I just hope that the movie Thulluvatho Ilamai, will enhance the songs and becoma a big hit too.
Also, does anyone know what Yuvans upcoming projects are?
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Tue Mar 27 10:45:44 EST 2001
I have got a philosophy (not actually..summa) in favour of deva and SAR.
If you talk to a common man in train or bus for whom music is just a source of outlet during journey , he is not at all bothered about copying. Till you give him the right example to prove that a perticular song is a copied one, he assumes that the song is a original one. He doesn't know about WCM/ICM/hindi or pop. All he wants to sing is some jolly gaana number or dappankuttu and put thaalam.
Now , we are also in the same boat but we knew that few songs are lifted and we make fun of them. We think that the rest are pure original. Again, some body else after some time will come with some thing to say that what we have been thinking as original is actually a xerox.
So, I just want to say what I had been saying in my very first postings. Every creative work should have got inspired from one or other. Its 80:20 factor. If that excedes to 80+:20- the its better composition. If its 80-:20+ then its getting toward a bad corner.
Never, can anybody acheive 100:0. Not at all.
- From: naNban (@
on: Tue Mar 27 11:47:07 EST 2001
>>Never, can anybody acheive 100:0. Not at all.<<
nee karuththu vudu thalaivA...ingE kELvi kEkka yAr irukkA...sollavENdiyadhu dhAnE...thyagayyar
80:20 deekshidhar 73:27 nnu....
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