Topic started by SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu) on Fri Aug 28 13:44:52 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Guys & gals, I have already put this stuff in one of the therads. But, owing to the poor response, I am starting it as a topic. I am sure if some of us get together, we can sponsor an album of say, IR's great BGM pieces or something like that. I really miss listening to them. I am sure we could raise the funds over a period of time.
Interested people, please respond in this thread. We will have to plan out the details also.
- Old responses
- From: hari (@ hud04a01.ml.com)
on: Thu May 6 12:06:37 EDT 1999
tabla beats .... tabla beats. poduma bb, :-)
- From: Mapillai (@ dyn2-139.kla-tencor.com)
on: Thu May 6 14:03:07 EDT 1999
we can also have the following songs
kannan vandhu paadugiraan-Rettai vaal kuruvi
Manjam vandha thendralukku-Mouna ragam
madai thiranthu-Nizhalgal
en vaanille-Jhonny
these songs would enrich our collection.
- From: Muralidharan (@ host035.databahnsoft.com)
on: Thu May 6 14:23:51 EDT 1999
NaNbargale, Anbargale,
Enna aachu? Guruprasad, CDs koNdu poi kodutheengala? Have you guys
decided about the list of songs, letter, etc? Where is Srinath missing for sometime?
- From: Srinath (@ ss07.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Thu May 6 15:00:40 EDT 1999
Most of this discussion is being continued via e-mail. Please send a mail to Arularasan at rajan@psiphi.umsl.edu with any questions/suggestions and also to be included in on updates (I guess everyone is doing a "Reply All", so it's easier to correspond via email !).
- From: ARR Fan (@
on: Thu May 6 16:28:15 EDT 1999
Please post the outcome here and let us know what happens/ed - Thanks
- From: Muralidharan (@ host035.databahnsoft.com)
on: Thu May 6 17:07:48 EDT 1999
Hi guys,
I have started a mailing list rajafans@egroups.com to discuss things like this. Whoever is interested, please send a blank mail to rajafans-subscribe@egroups.com
- From: Muralidharan (@ adsl-216-102-88-252.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net)
on: Sun May 9 15:38:25 EDT 1999
Hi all,
Pls update us abt whatever is happening?
- Murali
- From: Desperate Murali (@ host035.databahnsoft.com)
on: Wed May 12 12:36:01 EDT 1999
Hi all,
Pls update us abt whatever is happening?
- Desperate Murali
- From: chandy (@
on: Wed May 12 14:11:11 EDT 1999
Updates on CSO pls.
madhan/MS/ arularasan and others involved in CSO efforts, pls let us know whats happening
- From: kiru (@ surf0004.sybase.com)
on: Wed May 12 15:31:59 EDT 1999
Re: CSO.
I have offered to cut the CD-R for this. People are still talking about the list of songs. And now we are talking about including BGM. In the meanwhile, I am trying to buy/order all the CDs required for this.
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Wed May 12 20:50:32 EDT 1999
i have problems with my mailservers. i am not able to send mails (even though i am able to receive!). that's the reason i am not able to reply to any of your mails. i am working on fixing the proble. i will send you all a mail after i get done.
- From: Madhan (@
on: Sat May 15 01:55:51 EDT 1999
Friends, What Happened ? Why this lull all of a sudden ?
What is up ?
Any development on the compilation of the final list ?
How are "IT", "DEVADHAI" and "Anjali" title BGM tracks faring ?
Any more info. from Shankar and PS from Bangalore on the status of the BGM
tracks of the above two ?
Has the format for compilation of the songs / BGM tracks in the two CD-Rs
been finalised ? Is it going to be two separate CD-Rs , with one CD-R containing only the
BGM tracks including I24 HRS, NBW and HTNI, and the other containing the
songs...or is it going to be a mix of both ?
What happened to the efforts on meeting IR himself in Chennai and letting
him know of our project / contact with the CSO and getting his
Come on friends, let us all give this whole thing a nice sprucing up, a
real thorough professional touch and do it with finesse and panache.
Awaiting your responses.
- From: Madhan (@
on: Sun May 16 22:56:53 EDT 1999
Knock, Knock, Knock !! Hello !! Anybody out /in there ?!
- From: Raja Fan (@ spider-tn062.proxy.aol.com)
on: Mon May 17 01:18:55 EDT 1999
Madhan, is something happening in Chicago?
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Mon May 17 12:51:08 EDT 1999
things are progressing smoothly. we are very hopeful of a significant outcome out of this effort. to keeps distractions to a minimum, nothing will be divulged until substantial progress has been made. i request everyone to be patient in this regard.
did you get my mail i sent you on saturday?
- From: mapillai (@ dyn2-37.kla-tencor.com)
on: Mon May 17 15:17:14 EDT 1999
Hi guys,
Who's actually collecting all the work?If you guys need any information please let me know.I have a fair collection of IR's work.
- From: Sree (@ tarka.cs.concordia.ca)
on: Mon May 17 23:05:30 EDT 1999
Background clips from the movie 'Housefull'
are available at:
Enjoy listening to them.
- From: Raja Fan (@ spider-wd084.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue May 18 13:58:09 EDT 1999
Don't forget it is IRs birthday on June 2nd. Cards from each one of us should go this week itself. Write some really complimentary messages
- From: mapillai (@ dyn2-95.kla-tencor.com)
on: Tue May 18 14:22:37 EDT 1999
Guys can someone give me either IR's email or address so that we can send cards to him.Does he have an email address.
- From: mapillai (@ dyn2-95.kla-tencor.com)
on: Tue May 18 14:22:47 EDT 1999
Guys can someone give me either IR's email or address so that we can send cards to him.Does he have an email address.
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Tue May 18 15:04:03 EDT 1999
following madhan's efforts and the consequent response of CSO, efforts were made to achieve much more than just sending samples to CSO. good progress is being made and we are hopeful of a fruitful outcome that would benefit all music lovers. in order to keep the distractions to a minumum and for efficient management no updates will be provided hereafter in this forum . if you wanted to know about the progress, please write to me.
before i writeoff, i want to express my thanks to few individuals: (1) madhan: the person who started all this :-), (2) gOpAl prasAdh and (3) MSK. each one of them has contributed to this DF in more than one way. there are few others who volunteered to help in one way or other. (1) kiru, (2) jsrinAth, (3) kaushik rAghavan, (4) prasadh, (5) muraLidharan. thanks to everyone.
thanks to all of you who made suggestions and expressed support.
once again, no updates will be provided here in this DF hereafter about this issue. i request everyone to stop discussing it here and please send me email.
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Tue May 18 15:06:42 EDT 1999
how did i miss that:-( i forgot to include one person: muraLishankar. thanks muraLi for your helps and support.
- From: MS (@
on: Tue May 18 15:16:54 EDT 1999
cheers arul.
- From: SitaRam (@ portal.ameritech.com)
on: Tue May 18 15:21:44 EDT 1999
Arul and the wonderful team, thanks for the update. Godspeed.
- From: MS (@
on: Tue May 18 15:22:49 EDT 1999
Through "people finder" of mailcity I searched for the name "Ilayaraja" and got five matches. the best was :
E-mail Provider: Geocities
More Details About ISAIGNANI ILAYARAJA?(Last Updated: October '97)
Is this an address of one of the tfm fans ? If so clarify. else we may have to "assume" it is the address of IR.
- From: ShibuTN (@ pppa45-springfldpa9-2r563.saturn.bbn.com)
on: Tue May 18 18:27:41 EDT 1999
ilayaraja@hotmail.com ?
It will 99% be a TFM fan's address. I myself have created some in yahoo, mailcity and even geocities(as ilaiyaraaja@geocities.com)!!! Sorry for creating such confusions. But better to clarify it now itself, though the above was not created by me.
But I can give IRs postal address. Please send me a mail at tnshibu@writeme.com .
- From: Raja Fan (@ spider-wd083.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed May 19 13:43:14 EDT 1999
Mappillai, IRs postal address:
38 Murugesan Street
T. Nagar
Chennai 600 017, INDIA
- From: MS (@ )
on: Wed Jun 23 15:15:48 EDT 1999
- From: kiru (@ surf0004.sybase.com)
on: Fri Jun 25 15:21:52 EDT 1999
While we are trying to remaster IRs old works. He is messing up his current works with bad quality synthesizer and electronic stuff. Keyboard cannot replace real instruments just because you do not have good microphones/cables/recording mechanism. To get sharp recording you can easily close mike the recording (obviously losing some ambience in the process, but better than keyboard anytime).
I am planning to subscribe Karthik Raja to some Hi Fi Recording magazine. Do you guys know what kind of microphones/recording instruments are used in IRs studio ? Also, is the new studio open ?
- From: Raja Fan (@ spider-wo054.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed Jul 14 02:03:11 EDT 1999
Sorry to repeat, but this is really a new insight into the matter of making IR popular worldwide:
IR's music can be made popular by him first speaking in the musical language that the foriegners like, then only his native compositions can be wedged in. Right now, only one three musical forms he has attempted: Film songs, Fusion non-filmi album, and Symphony and perhaps some New Age. If we want to see IR gain acceptance outside these are the following ways, Mr. Ramani please note and see if you can convey this sincere petition to the Maestro:
First, stop composing for films
Second, work on more popular forms of music like Jazz, New Age (a good example is India 24 Hours even though it contains traditional sounds, it is made in a breakthrough new age style!) or even western style romantic theme music
Third, work with famous musicians and bring out music only for specific instruments. Best posssibilities and match for IR's genius - Wynton Marsalis for the Trumpet and Jazz, John Williams for Jazz or Classical Guitar.
I am giving this a lot of thought and I honestly feel that it is time IR moved out from beating the dead hores of Indian film music and start working on other more acceptable forms of music for the world to first recognize the genius of IR and then the rich treasure of 60s, 70s and 80s TFM.
This is really the issue and us singing TFM in the USA is not going to help us spread IRs film music what with even the perfection we can achieve in conveying the sounds of limited orchestration to a first time audience.
So, I am requesting Mr. Ramani to make a note of this and give us his feedback here and also somehow convey this to IR. We want IR to not waste time in Kummi Pattu (trash) or even Manam Virumbuthey Unnai (superb but went unnoticed amidst the new cacophony of today's crappy film music. I hope Indian film music is done with sooner than later. Honestly, I am tired of hearing the concoctions and contrived nonsense.)
Madhan, Srinath, RajaG(most importantly) please let us talk about this here and now.
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