Topic started by 1999 (@ on Mon Nov 1 10:02:46 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Shankar is a Fool because he didn't take A.R.Rahman for ANNIYAN. Shankar-A.R.Rahman Combination is always a Hit.All people who read this Message go to this Pages, listen to the Songs there and then tell me if Shankar is a Fool or not.
by www.Tamilmp3tracks.com
- Old responses
- From: Teja (@
on: Sat Nov 13 05:09:46 EST 2004
"If you truely feel that they r extraordinary melodies and tunes"
sorry I meant
" If you truely feel that they r not extraordinary melodies and tunes"
- From: )))))))))))))maKKubai((((((((((((((((((( (@
on: Sat Nov 13 05:21:10 EST 2004
Rahman ippallam paattayya podararu...sagikale.avaru patta kekarathukku bathila orginal english pattaye ketthuthu polam. ini intha tamil cinema H.R , Y.S.R ,V.S, B.W vasamthan pongo!
- From: DD (@
on: Sat Nov 13 06:26:33 EST 2004
- From: cho (@
on: Sat Nov 13 09:32:02 EST 2004
Guess Me,
The reason I was picking on Iruvar songs was because Dinesh said that IR can never do such songs... So pl tell your buddy that MSV and IR have done such songs so many times before... which you kind of agree with me too..
ARR tunining for yaakkai thiri isn't a big deal. IR has tuned for lyrics a lot of times (e.g songs from bharathi). Ask Vairamuthu's honest openion about that song. In his heart he knows that one of his best poems has been ruined..I dont know how people claim this as a high class song! I think ARR bought a new software and he just tested it on that song :)
About Kathal rojave, thamizha thamizha, pudhu vellai mazhai... I didn't say that these were bad songs.. They are some of my favourites too bcos he made them sound different and better in terms of quality even in a transister radio..But what I wanted to say was that they all had very average tunes, whether you agree with me or not. I picked on 'chinna chinna asai' bcos that was the most popular song in that movie. Claiming those songs overtook IR's melodies is way too much to accept..I can very well compare 'nilavu thoongum neram' from kunguma chimizh with 'kathal rojave' and 'thendral vandhu ennai thodum' with 'pudhu vellai mazhai'..
IR's 'thalayai kunium..' song from oru odai nadhiagirathu and 'kanmani nee vara' from thendrale ennai thodu were far superior than 'narumugaye' from iruvar interms of tune and orchestration..
- From: Guess Me (@
on: Sat Nov 13 10:04:10 EST 2004
You still say Kathal Rojave and Puthu Vellai Mazhai are average tunes, which I cant believe.
Regarding Yakkai Thiri, I didnt mean IR hasnt tuned for lyrics before. What I meant is that IR will never be able to compose a song with such techno stuff, fusing it with classical mood (referring to Sa Pa Ma Pa... towards the end of the song).
- From: cho (@
on: Sat Nov 13 10:24:35 EST 2004
Guess me, I hope you are not telling me that kathal rojave and puthu vellai mazhai had great tunes that simply overtook IR's previos albums...
I was provoked by this from dinesh and that's why I replied.. Pl compare nilavu thoongum neram and kathal rojave in terms of tune.
Regarding your comment on yakkai thiri... IR has done a lot of experimental techno stuff including western/classical fusion but within the limit. He knows where the line is drawn and he never crossed that line. ARR is way passed that line... I don't want to get into that discussion... Actually, you dont need IR to do a song like yakkai thiri.. even YSR, Deva are capable of doing it.. For argument sake, I can quote a list of IR's songs that ARR can't do.. So asking IR to do yaakkai thiri is pointless.
With regard to sa pa ma pa.. towards the end.. pl ask a knowledgable person and find out if there are any mistakes in that swaram.. I had some doubts about it and I comfirmed with some people.. I would like you to find out yourself..
- From: Guess Me (@
on: Sat Nov 13 10:29:52 EST 2004
I havent learnt classical music but I always love it when it pops up in between songs. I dont care much about swarams as I am a very ordinary listener and but I just love that stuff.
If I remember correctly, IR tried some techno stuff in Kamal Hassan's Vikram, but it was a total failure.
- From: Note Man (@
on: Sat Nov 13 13:13:08 EST 2004
Vikram's songs and music were not a failure. They were quite big hits. IR has done so-called techno stuff (what is so special about it anyway??, thousands have done it in the west).
All that classical mode stuff also has been done, eg. Rakkamma kayya thattu.
But, he belongs to the mould of composers who like to compose and orchetrize his pieces. I have seldom seen IR use techno pieces or rhythm loops or exotic bits of recorded music. Point is, please don't confuse and compare ARR's RECORDING quality with IR's and say IR is an inferior COMPOSER than ARR. ARR is a very good MD but IR is not lesser than him in any way.
- From: Guess Me (@
on: Sat Nov 13 14:50:50 EST 2004
Note Man:
"ARR is a very good MD but IR is not lesser than him in any way. "
Exactly what I was trying to say. They share equal status. There is no need to find who is better.
- From: Note Man (@
on: Sat Nov 13 18:06:55 EST 2004
Guess Me,
I concur. I don't think there is anything to be gained by belittling either of them.
- From: To Cho (@
on: Sat Nov 13 23:27:14 EST 2004
Long Post:
Some common notions i have noticed among general music-listening public in india, especially the middle-aged and beyond. Of course these notions can be conveniently twisted/interpreted in different fashion when it comes to their fav composer :-)
1. Only Melody determines whether a song is good or bad
2. Irrespective of the creativity and effort that goes into the 'music' of the song, a song is of higher quality only if its tune can be hummed without any perceived sense of discontinuity in the absence of music behind it and, if not, its crap.
3. Techno (a very loosely used term to identify all electronica music) is very inferior and can be done in no time by certain artists, if they want to make such kinda music.
4. Any different/other side of the mill song by a certain artist is already done by their fav composer or can be done (better) by their composer if he wants to do such a thing.
5. Sound engineering has got nothing to do with music.
6. Musicians with software/synthesizers etc are the evil ones ready to drive the 'real' musicians out of their livelihood.
and so on.
First of all, lemme say that I am not against Melody as such. A beautiful melody sure does turn me on. But can somebody tell me why only the Melody has to be the determining factor? What if I cant sing a song properly without the music behind it? And if thats the determining factor, why all the hassle to write music for such songs, hire people to play it and record when all u need is one singer, probably two if u want to have both male and female?
If such kinda music or song is ur cup of tea, u have every right to enjoy such music, but to criticize other music with that as the standard does not make justice.
If Roja is viewed as a crap album since it does not have any melodies that can be sung without music, I think ur missing the point of Roja. At that time, it made it big cos it showed u can build different soundscapes and still reach out to listeners.
If u didnt like it cos u were expecting solid carnatic tunes, or huge counterpoints or big violin ensembles and u didnt find them, then that is not the right kind of base to criticize that album. But if you say, dude I heard this kinda synth bass lines and reverb laden drums from vangelis before, U have a point there.
Putting Thangar magan and Narumugaye on the same stool is an insult to all the percussionists, the recording engineer and the producer of that song. Again if you want to compare selectively only the tunes in those two songs, then I feel ur missing the bigger picture. U can compare those two songs from two points of view. One is how those songs served the purpose in their respective movies, and the second one is each on its own musical merits. On the first point of view, I dont think I am qualified enuf to comment, but on the second view, here are my observations. First of all Narumugaye showed me that I can have a phakwaj, mridanga, tabla, ghatam, and all those cymbals and still build a clear sounding song. Thats to the music
director and the sound engineer for envisioning that sound and reporoducing it. Second, it showed u can build a cohesive rhtyhtm pattern by selectively using each percussion instrument. The bass from the Pkhakwaj or mridangam together with the ghatam and tabla rolls. Third u can bring in a 'non filmi instrument till then' and try to make it mainstream (of course the idea has been implemented by others). Fourth narumugaye has a brief change in the tonic to the VII note and back to the original tonic (again done by others). And so on. Now if i want to compare narumugaye and thangar magan musically, I would look for such common grounds. And in the absence of such a ground, how can one say that narumugaye has been done before in the form of thangar magan, or is it just becos both sport a classical based tune?
My next question is what was ur standard when u say Yakkai Thiri is extreme use of techno stuff? And how does it not make it a song? Most of the electronica is usually given a condescending look by so called music connoisseurs in India. Software and synthesizers are like any other musical instrument. You have your own advantages and disadvantage with using them and other musical instruments. People have this impression that with software ur brain goes dead and what ever u hear is becos of the tools and not the becos of the person, which is quite true in some songs. But then again there is bunch of stuff where a
person has to be creative and bold to come up with certain elctronica stuff. ITs not easy to use software or synths or those effects boxes to produce a song and be called unique. U need to have your own knack and creativity to come up with certain sounds and how they mix with other sounds. Take for instance "Bitter Sweet Symphony' by Verve (I am quoting that song becos that is a quite popular one). All the wierd whooshes, and bird noises and other stuff u hear in the intro are just a result of manipulating the feedback noise from the guitar. A person needs to have some talent and technique to do that. Or with Anarkili in KKS, it requires some mental mapping and skill to blend in a synth instrument at the end of a flute lead.
I have my own set of complaints and grounds for comparisions for various musicians, but then I wud have some common ground for comparing them. Not a Prodigy song vs a IR song.
Anyways, what I want to say is there is more to music that what ARR or IR is doing and we cannot bind ourselves within that world and criticize others. And I have addresed this to you, cos U seemed to ahve some opinions contradicting mine, so I thought I cud know the reasoning of your opinions.
- From: Guess Me (@
on: Sat Nov 13 23:33:23 EST 2004
Excellent post To-Cho. I always wanted to say these.
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