Topic started by Nesanp (@ on Tue Jul 7 10:58:17 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi All TFMers
I always think if is it possible to organize a meeting in a common place. We all discuss and argue but most of us dont know each others. Why dont we vote on a place to meet and date. Then we can see if see could really work this out. Your comments are welcome.
Nesan P
- Old responses
- From: Nithin (@ nc36.pr.mcs.net)
on: Mon Jul 27 23:27:19 EDT 1998
I am also for Chicago
- From: badri raghavan (@
on: Tue Jul 28 06:56:40 EDT 1998
idhu enna ulaga tamil film music maanada! why can't we have individual chapters in each of these locations and hopefully the list will grow gradually and one day, we can all meet somewhere together!
request to amma and krishnan to send mail to me about their availability so that we can get the tfm chennai chapter rolling
- From: PeeSoo (@ horus.erlm.siemens.de)
on: Tue Jul 28 09:23:52 EDT 1998
I think we are in the preliminary stages of creating TFM Appreciation Society [or we can have exclusive IR Appreciation Society ;-)]. So all of us in those respective places can meet together often and discuss TFM. People in transit can join the appropriate society depending on the place where (s)he is.
But somebody need to co-ordinate the meetings locally and we can also have a global co-ordinator!
I think Mr Shankar from Bangalore has already started this for Banagloreans I guess! Cheers to him! And Mr Badri Raghavan had already started for chennai chapter!
Kudos TFM!
- From: Prakash Krishnamurthy (@ node1.allegiance.net)
on: Tue Jul 28 11:56:26 EDT 1998
All the people voting for Chicago, please email me at kprakash@yahoo.com. Though I have spent most of my life in north India, I do have a lot of appreciation for Tamil Music - both Carnatic and Film Music. So, I will not be able to take sides for IR or ARR etc., since I enjoy them all.
So go ahead and mail me. Let us all meet together soon. I can try and organize a meeting.
Prakash Krishnamurthy
- From: dhan (@ dajal.legato.com)
on: Tue Jul 28 17:11:05 EDT 1998
pee soo:
you left me :( add me under california,
santa clara.
- From: mannAru (@ ns.arraycomm.com)
on: Tue Jul 28 23:29:51 EDT 1998
pee soo:
Add my name also in Santa Clara list. My residence is in Santa Clara. Office is in San Jose.
id: gana@arraycomm.com
- From: Viswa (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Wed Jul 29 01:49:08 EDT 1998
PeeSoo, Shankar,
Pl. add me in the list of TFM DFers from Bangalore. Shankar, you may contact me at 3006.
PeeSoo, are you P. S. Sivakumar from IISc ?
- From: Pee Soo (@ horus.erlm.siemens.de)
on: Wed Jul 29 02:30:58 EDT 1998
Dhan, mannAru:
I have updated the list. Will be posting it here soon in a day or two.
U r name is now included in Bangalore list. And... u got me finally..I am the same old sps ;-)
- From: bull (@ horus.erlm.siemens.de)
on: Wed Jul 29 04:16:52 EDT 1998
vaamaamE viswaa! eppadi kIra? romba naalaa DF pakkamE kaaNum...
- From: Prakash (@ node1.allegiance.net)
on: Wed Jul 29 12:05:50 EDT 1998
Hello fellow DFers,
I am not seeing any activity towards the Chicago meeting of the TFM. I got only one response from Mr. Srinivasa in St. Louis, Missouri.
Hope to see more activity soon. Is someone going to make up a new head count list ??? I notice that there are some more new people in the CA listing.
Prakash Krishnamurthy
- From: Viswa (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Thu Jul 30 00:07:23 EDT 1998
VanakkOm BullaNNE, TFM puNNiyathula nallA Odikkittirukku. Viraivil nEril sandhipOmAga.
- From: rsreekkanth (@
on: Mon Aug 3 10:20:38 EDT 1998
Hi tmffriends,
I am new to this circle. I do not much about the etiquettes of this. Anyway, I am happy to meet u all. My name is rsreekkanth. I am from Madras. So I would like to meet the Madras (Chennai) people first. I think we can organise city-wise and then nationwise. Seeing the mail, my god it is unbelieveable that people from so many different places corresponding from different corners of the earth. Really great. I am ready to meet tfmfriends from Chennai at any place, at conveient location and date/time in consultation with others. Mr.krishnan, Mr.Badiri and amma or any other mdrs friend can contact me.
- From: pee soo (@ horus.erlm.siemens.de)
on: Tue Aug 4 05:11:18 EDT 1998
USA 1. Washington DC Srinath jsrinath@hotmail.com Atlanta Gokul -not known- Atlanta Shyam oblashyam@hotmail.com Vienna, VA, WDC 2. Stamford Raja.M rajamahadevan@hotmail.com Stamford, CT Ramki -not known- ditto Madhu mmohan5027@aol.com Stamford, CT 3. California Udhaya udhayak@yahoo.com San Jose Mannaru gana@arraycomm.com Santa Clara Dhan dhan@postpone.com Santa Clara 4. Chicago Prakash Krishnamoorthi kprakash@yahoo.com Chicago Mohan rcmohan@gateway.net Chicago, IL Anban -not known- Chicago, IL Veera Akoor hiranmayi@email.msn.com Detroit Srikanth jsri@worldnet.att.net Chicago Kannan Srinivasan sricann@hotmail.com Indianapolis Nithin -not known- chicago 5. New Jersy ChandraMouli cmouli@m-net.arborner.org Edison, NJ Pg -not known- Eidson 6. Others Nesanp nesanp@hotmail.com Dallas Krishna gkrishna@uswest.com Denver, Colorado Laks -not known- Minneapolis Pal -not known- Minneapolis KC Gunasekaran kugs@hotmail.com Boston, MA Ravi -not known- Amhest, Boston/MA Vijay -not known- from Trichy, in US INDIA 1. Bangalore Madhan tmr@unigoa.ernet.in Goa/Bangalore Arvind -not known- Bangalore Suresh sureshs@wipsys.soft.net Bangalore Manjula manjula_pjt@inf.com Bangalore Shankar shankar@miel.mot.com Bangalore Radha Sanjay sradha@wipsys.soft.net Bangalore Sundar bull@blr.sni.de Bangalore PeeSoo PeeSoo@rocketmail.com Bangalore 2. Chennai Amma vadumangai@hotmail.com Mylapore Badri Raghavan badrirag@yahoo.com ditto S. Krishnan ravikri@hotmail.com West Mambalam R. Sreekkaanth rsreekkanth@hotmail.com Chennai CANADA Shree shree_ram@hotmail.com Montreal Sam samco@nortel.ca Ottawa Mano -not known- Toronto UK Geetha ygeetha@hotmail.com London Ramanan jramanan@bfsec.bt.co.uk Belfast MALASIYA ananda.um -not known- malasiya Nov N_O_V@yahoo.com malasiya
- From: anandaum (@
on: Tue Aug 4 20:49:59 EDT 1998
Oh! My goodness. We do not live in Malasiya. We live in Malysia. My e-mail is anandaum@yahoo.com.
- From: anandaum (@
on: Tue Aug 4 20:50:48 EDT 1998
- From: nesan (@
on: Tue Aug 4 21:49:46 EDT 1998
Thanks for updating the data. Actually I am fine
with Montreal/Tornoto or Dallas. I will be in Ottawa next weeks. I will try to meet Shreeram and
Sam while I am there.
- From: sree (@ orchid.cs.concordia.ca)
on: Tue Aug 4 23:04:34 EDT 1998
You are welcome.Just send me an email to my address listed above.
- From: pee soo (@ horus.erlm.siemens.de)
on: Wed Aug 5 00:42:07 EDT 1998
ananda u. m:
Thanks for pointing out my typo re. malaysia! [One single 'malasiya' was cut & pasted every where!]. It will be corrected in next update.
- From: SATHIYAVAGEESWARAN (@ ntproxy2.comdisco.com)
on: Wed Aug 5 22:43:28 EDT 1998
I am Chicago
- From: Sathiyavageeswaran (@ ntproxy2.comdisco.com)
on: Wed Aug 5 22:44:42 EDT 1998
Sorry, it must be I am in Chicago
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