Topic started by U.SHYAM SUNDAR (@ on Mon Mar 25 02:11:55 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: kk (@
on: Sat Mar 30 16:22:15 EST 2002
ROFTl, Sorry I didnt reproduce the exact words, But i was refering the collective tone of your posts that time. The Sarcasm, Assumption that I am just defending IR, the unwanted sigh etc etc.
You can better use straight words like 'Are you saying this because you are IR fan?'. I dont have any enemity towards and chatter, here.
- From: kk (@
on: Sat Mar 30 17:17:42 EST 2002
I understand many are disgusted on few IR fans, who use abusive language. But dont show the disgust on every one and everything you see about IR here.
I am not saying good people leave the forum, because of people like 'you' as in just you, I mean many like us including those IR fans.
May be at this point there are many Anti-ARR people our here. Beleive me thats not the same always. Can I show you, new comers who entered the forum with 300, 400 lines of abusive crap on IR? Lucky they are not regular!. How many times you see people saying IR is only good for dappanguthu and thagaradappa music?. If we sit try to debate with those guys, its never going end. Dont say only ARR gets bashed. In your point of view it appears more, may be in my point of it appears other way round, because of inclination towards a particular MD.
All I am saying in the name of creating balance dont loose your own balance and try to defend some one posting crap.
Dont show your general disgust on every thing you see about IR here.
I myself have tried PA against anti-ARR posts, but I dont get much time and I dont go in ARR threads much (Because I dont have any productive to say there). I will take your word, try to do that in future if possible.
- From: arr-ir fan (@
on: Sat Mar 30 18:58:07 EST 2002
how many of the so called anti-ARR or pro-IR posts in this forum could be generated by the so called ARR fans?
something to think about.
lets not show inclinination to one MD as an expression of a negative stance towards other MDs
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Sun Mar 31 06:04:34 EST 2002
To be fair to WhyNot, I cannot remember her ever bashing IR. In fact, she does go around saying the same things you have said, except that people perceive her remarks as that coming from an ARR fan.
I still stand by my earlier statement that one who tolerates and accepts injustice is as guilty as the one who is doing the injustice.
Each of us have our own writing styles. Surely you are not suggecting that all of us must talk like you? :)
As for disgust in my postings, it has always been reserved for low-lifes and morons. :)
Besides "No-not-another-justification" feeling, I bore nothing against you when posting the response to you. If it did not come across as such, you can blame it on my communication skills, your state of mind, your interpretation of my intent,...a combination or exclusion thereof.
Thanks RajaG. :)
- From: vaal_payyan (@
on: Sun Mar 31 17:12:47 EST 2002
come on guys, there is no such thing as a 'balanced' fan.. atleast not in this forum. and for those who try to be, u know that somewhere deep in your heart u have soft-corners for only one. if thats the case you should speak your heart out and give your strong views and opinions about your favorites (and not so favs), instead of trying to please both sides. after all, thats what discussion forums are for. and there is no point in squealing about the pigs who just try to hurt the sentiments of others with no interesting arguments or evidences whatssoever. they dont even deserve your attention.. just ignore them.
- From: s0 (@
on: Sun Mar 31 17:34:17 EST 2002
rotfl, don't you think that the bashing statements against IR like his greatest contribution to TFM etc.. are injustice.
- From: arun_uk (@
on: Sun Mar 31 18:31:30 EST 2002
Yes, there is no such thing as a 'balanced' fan......but will you tell us what balanced means in the first place. Are you trying to say that one can ethically like/appreciate/enjoy only a particular person's/type/variety of music?
Likewise talking about 'soft corner for only one' does not make much sense at all b'cos it bears no relation to reality in most cases. In your case the word 'soft corner' is too 'defining' and 'limiting'. You cannot apply the 'all or none law' here.
Are you new to this forum? A lot of people clearly 'speak their heart out' regarding their loyalties. Further a few can indeed be neutral fans with no specific 'soft corners'& what's wrong with that. Please feel free to elucidate and amplify your point if you think my arguement is invalid.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Mon Apr 1 00:42:59 EST 2002
raycas, how accurate is that article from vinayan?
Tis is from http://www.raajangahm.com/archive6.html
"Maestro Ilayaraaja's new film album Kasi was released on 24th November, 2001. The album details are as follows:
1. En Mana Vaanil - Hariharan ( Lyrics : Mu. Mehta )
2. Punniyam Thedi - Hariharan ( Lyrics : Pazhani Barathi )
3. Rokkam Irukkira - Hariharan, and Sujatha ( Lyrics : Muthulingam )
4. Maanuththollu - Hariharan ( Lyrics : Pulamai Piththan)
5. Aathorathilae - Hariharan ( Lyrics : Pulamai Piththan)
6. Naan Kaanum - Hariharan ( Lyrics : Mu. Mehta )"
I dont know how accurate tis is either. can any IR Fans confirm?
- From: peeps (@
on: Mon Apr 1 01:14:08 EST 2002
I think raycas got the wrong info from somewhere..The union of IR and VM is a highly expected in TFM circle and if they wud have joined in KASI it wud have been a BIG news and i am a regular reader of tamil magazines and i never came across such things as far as KASI is concerned...VM didnt work in KASI for sure..
- From: NagaS (@
on: Mon Apr 1 01:28:49 EST 2002
I am sure VM didn't work for Kaasi - I must also add that every song in Kaasi had good lyrics - particularly 'Naan kaaNum UlagangaL', 'En Mana Vaanil' and 'Maanuth tholu' !
I am surprised why Mu. Metha was not used properly by any other MD other than IR :-(((
- From: raycas (@
on: Mon Apr 1 02:47:46 EST 2002
whynot, i thought my post went unnoticed in between all the 'other' discussions here...in fact i felt somehow uneasy for interrupting u people...just had a look...all the 11 postings after my posting had nothing to do with the topic of this thread, untill u answered to my query...thanks.
i got that interview from cinesouth, in the malayalam section. this guy vinayan, he made the movie first in malayalam (vaasanthiyum, lakshmiyum pinne njanum) then in tamil and now he wants to make the same stuff in hindi too...strange guy...
but i guess, as that info about IR and VM in kaasi was wrong, this could be wrong too...
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Mon Apr 1 06:45:05 EST 2002
With a certain level of maturity, one will eventually move from personalities to enjoy the entire field.
Therefore there are certainly people who are really neutral fans, although they cannot claim it themselves. (watch out Vels.) :)
I don't bash. But sometimes I have spoken the bitter truth. :)
- From: s0 (@
on: Mon Apr 1 08:45:08 EST 2002
rotfl, so, you do believe that the greatest contribution of IR is songs like nila kaayudhu. I'm sorry for this digression, guys.
- From: vaal_payyan (@
on: Mon Apr 1 17:49:32 EST 2002
my posting was intended to the people who assume that the idea of 'neutrality' is just praising both sides and NOT discussing the shortcomings of either of the side. maybe such ppl never exist in this forum.. but thats the impression i get from reading the threads written for/against the popular MD's. so, i would be glad if u can point out the threads that contain neutral criticisms.
appreciating all kinda music also means 'not knowing anything about music'. from your postings i cant tell which category u belong to :-)
- From: Ravana (@
on: Mon Apr 1 21:34:30 EST 2002
Here is another source:
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Apr 3 03:47:33 EST 2002
peeps & NagaS, thx for the confirmation.
raycas, hope to see more of u around here. :-)
I esp miss ur 'insider' updates at the New Releases by ARR thread.
- From: raycas (@
on: Fri Apr 5 14:12:13 EST 2002
could i have ur personal email id?
thought of visiting malaysia...
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Fri Apr 5 19:39:01 EST 2002
raycas, I do not live in Malaysia. U probably got confused as I talked Singlish wit ROTFL. I was born in Singapore, but right now I am living in Perth, Western Australia. ROTFL is in Malaysia. If u still want my email id, pls give me ur email and I'll mail u. My apologies for tat confusion.
- From: senth (@
on: Fri Apr 5 20:07:24 EST 2002
oh, i see. appadiya. pertha. sEri, appuram parkalam
- From: raycas (@
on: Sat Apr 6 00:00:31 EST 2002
whynot, actually i got confused with singapore and malaysia...but anyway ur in none of these countries...okay, then i'll visit australia for a change...
so we both don't want to reveal our personal email id here, right? hmm...what to do? any idea?
hey, and no need for apologies...
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sat Apr 6 03:13:09 EST 2002
raycas, please send an email to twilight_zone. He has my email address and I'll ask him to fwd ur email id to me or pass u my email id.
His email id is: velramanan@yahoo.com
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Sat Apr 6 08:01:31 EST 2002
I am in Malaysia, but before I commit anything, tell me, are you male or female? :)
Just joking only, NOM. :)
- From: raycas (@
on: Sat Apr 6 13:54:14 EST 2002
raycas stands for raymond castello...now how does this sound to u?
why don't u come over to australia...we could go and meet whynot...
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Sun Apr 7 04:34:24 EDT 2002
I don't know you, have never known you and will never know you. :)
You wanna go down there to OZ land? Over Vels dead body, my friend. :)
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