Topic started by yaaro (@ ac9f1293.ipt.aol.com) on Mon Aug 13 16:57:46 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
some chaps seem to think ARR has done many experiments.please enlighten us!
- Old responses
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 11:12:40 EDT 2001
//"07//Taking time for movies. And not bowing to the dictats of either the producer or the director! This experiment has ben his most successful, 'cos this helped him manage a unique image and style of his own//
this is the most revolutionary thing ARR has bought out. It is so revolutionary that 10 years since people dont understand what it means and are still aruguing against it.
That is the first and formost reason why I like ARR is that he bites only what he can chew and he does justice to what ever few he accepts.
The demand and returning customers stand testimony to this.
A little insight as to why RSA and australia play better cricket is bcoz they accept less.
No Way is this not an "experiment". I will ask you. If you are a new MD and you put a condition saying that you will accept only 4-5 a year. Imagine the pressure of saying no to producers who can go and do a lot of back talking. If after this ARR can survive 10 years and still going then the "experiment" has worked.
I cannot understand why people cant understand this. music is not a factory product to keep on churning stuff.
- From: yaaro (@ spider-loh-tc053.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 11:31:13 EDT 2001
//That is the first and formost reason why I like ARR is that he bites only what he can chew and he does justice to what ever few he accepts. //
tenaali-musically , less said the better.
1, 2 ka 4, i love you hamesha, star, nayak-these are the releases this year.you know all the recycling that has taken place.
//this is the most revolutionary thing ARR has bought out. It is so revolutionary that 10 years since people dont understand what it means and are still aruguing against it.//
big words indeed.
one thing i must say-I consider ARR very environment freindly with all the recycling he is doing:-)
- From: yaaro (@ spider-loh-ta022.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 11:38:44 EDT 2001
//I cannot understand why people cant understand this. music is not a factory product to keep on churning stuff.//
we cannot understand this for the simple reason there were atleast 2 guys who were doing this churning business and they were doing it quite well too-i am talking about MSV and IR.
- From: g mauruthi (@
on: Fri Aug 17 11:58:43 EDT 2001
//07. Taking time for movies. And not bowing to the dictats of either the producer or the director! This experiment has ben his most successful, 'cos this helped him manage a unique image and style of his own.//
That was just a QUIP from Kumar (is it ?). I wonder y all u guyz took it so heavily.
//1, 2 ka 4, i love you hamesha, star, nayak-these are the releases this year.you know all the recycling that has taken place.//
Wouldnt anyone want his Work to reach a GREATER AUDIENCE ? In anycase I wonder how foolish you can be to call NAYAK as recycling. I wonder about your idea of Starting this thread...
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 12:33:54 EDT 2001
we have already discussed about % and I firmly beleieve that IR and MSV did more movies that they should have and certainly a big chunk of them were below par compared to the rest.
It is that "accepting everything that comes my way" is what I think distinguishes great from the greatest. both ARR and IR (and MSV) will end up as just great . The reasons for ARR is different but the reasons for IR is simply accepting and doing avereage/junk movies.
I personally dont know how I can handle 15 courses in 1 semester and I do know I would get less grades in some of the courses. same applies to ARR/IR .
If you say ARR accepted less movies because of inability its as ridiculous as saying IR accepted more movies for greed of money!
huh! quality over quantity can never be overstressed and yes IR did more quality tradeoff with quantity than ARR.
ALl this IMHO.
- From: g mauruthi (@
on: Fri Aug 17 12:54:47 EDT 2001
//huh! quality over quantity can never be overstressed and yes IR did more quality tradeoff with quantity than ARR.//
Yeah I think it is true. Now a days I see IRM (IR's Music) in every other movie.
// both ARR and IR (and MSV) will end up as just great .//
This is Just your assumption.
Most of the PPL in India are calling ARR as the Greatest Ever in India.
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 12:59:21 EDT 2001
//"This thread has been going on for 5 days-all of you have come with some very abstract sounding statements! I am sure u can do better. "//
i was taking a look at the thread IR's eperiments and saw all your postings. You have really enjoyed and analysed IR's music all that is very good.
The question that I ask you is How much of your list will remain if I filter out stuff that wasnt part of IR's first 10 years in filmdom.
The point behind the question is what "tharasu" are you comparing with.
Is this the starting point of "who made more experiments in first 10 years IR/ARR " :-)
- From: Jag (@ cps-26-217.cse.msu.edu)
on: Fri Aug 17 14:26:59 EDT 2001
//we have already discussed about % and I firmly beleieve that IR and MSV did more movies that they should have and certainly a big chunk of them were below par compared to the rest//
very loose statement . do you have enough proof, at least in IR's case.
//Most of the PPL in India are calling ARR as the Greatest Ever in India//
One more HFM based generalisation, most northies call him greatest and northies are the only Indians and so whatever they say applies to all India. Then they even gave a national award to the greatest AM.:>
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 14:54:13 EDT 2001
I think i am saying the "loose" statement after some analysis in great detail in some thread here (i think its "who gave the best music in first 10 years")
although the thread did not definitively hammer out the fact that IR made junk songs(like! that can ever happen)
If Jag , you r goin to say 100 % of all songs were in the class of "anthi mazhai" or "poongathave thazhthiravai" etc. I have nothing else to say to u.
- From: Jag (@ cps-26-217.cse.msu.edu)
on: Fri Aug 17 15:02:29 EDT 2001
//100 % of all songs were in the class of "anthi mazhai" or "poongathave thazhthiravai"//
of course not all his songs were of the same class. but I am sure he has done very less "junk" music in his huge track record.
ps: anyway can ,me being a telugu speaker, I don't know which movies these songs are(i might have heard them but forgotten the lyrics.) from. Can you post them for me. Thank you.
- From: ravi (@ guardian.aig.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 17:58:52 EDT 2001
Bharat, are u saying that IR & MSV did music in a hurry because they had lots of movies and that affected their quality ? IR & MSV definitely gave a greater number of quality songs than ARR. Do u think if they had accepted only 4,5 movies a year then they would have taken more time for each one like ARR does ? No, they would have probably still completed them in a few weeks and sat idle for the rest of the year.
What if IR made junk songs ? Who is forcing u to listen to them ? We should ignore the junk and judge an MD only by his best works.
/*100 % of all songs were in the class of "anthi mazhai" or "poongathave thazhthiravai" etc*/
How does the percentage matter ? It's only the number of such songs that matters. And IR has given many such songs, inspite of being prolific ('churning stuff' to say it in ur words).
And songs of that class can't be created by taking more time. They happen in a flash. (How many songs of that class has ARR done ? IMO, none)
So IR does not need to accept lesser movies and take more time for each song.
- From: ravi (@ guardian.aig.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 18:19:43 EDT 2001
Jag, 'anthi mazhai pozhigirathu' is from 'raja parvai' and 'poongathave thazhthiravai' is from 'nizhalgaL'
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 20:36:06 EDT 2001
//"And songs of that class can't be created by taking more time. They happen in a flash"//
I fundametally disagree with this thats all! Thats the basic point. No one born in this universe has a magic wand that they can weave so that things will automatically happen in a flash.
by saying this you are insulting IR's hardwork for that song. dont dismiss "anthi mazhai" as a product of "genetic lottery" that IR has been blessed with! It practice and Hard work that produces such songs
As for your comment abt ARR. I rather say nothing abt it. 1 question in IR's experiments thread creates so much raucus and on the other hand people bash ARR as they like. Hypocricy is at its best here in this newtfmpage.
- From: newtfmpage sArpaga (@ tog-wakko3.prognet.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 20:46:08 EDT 2001
From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com) on: Fri Aug 17 20:36:06 EDT 2001
Hypocricy is at its best here in this newtfmpage.
so PLEASE get out of newtfmpage....
- From: srikanth (@ c1577003-a.carneg1.pa.home.com)
on: Fri Aug 17 22:02:54 EDT 2001
can you pinpoint one musical wonder (in theory) arr did the past 10 years.
also dont question or insult others and their musical ability, it is much more than you..
- From: g mauruthi (@
on: Fri Aug 17 23:24:27 EDT 2001
//One more HFM based generalisation, most northies call him greatest and northies are the only Indians and so whatever they say applies to all India. Then they even gave a national award to the greatest AM.:> //
I dont unserstand what you are trying to say JAG
- From: yaaro (@ acbde046.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Aug 18 06:49:02 EDT 2001
//From: g mauruthi (@ on: Tue Aug 14 01:01:35 EDT 2001
In "YELELO" made by Parthiban, ARR is fusing IRISH and TAMIl FOLK music together.
In "Hojaye Hojayae" from Thenali, ARR used African beats and drums ( he actually learnt it ).//
funny that made me remember a piece of info from long back-devar films initially used KVM, then it was shankar ganesh.the first film raaja did for them was annai oru alayam.
when asked why they went for a change of md, thiyagarajan , devar's son in law said-I remember the exact words-raaja neraiya pudhu rhythms vachu irukkaru-pudhu pudhu african rhythms....
funny how history reepeats itself..this was almost 21 years back.
- From: Jag (@ cps-26-217.cse.msu.edu)
on: Sat Aug 18 14:37:16 EDT 2001
if you think I am off track , then so are you. If you want to post something, post something which makes sense, I did not see anything related to ARR's experiments in your posting and the result was my, another unrelated, posting.
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