Topic started by shwetha (@ on Fri Jan 10 00:56:24 EST 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Do we really need them? Gaanas!!! They lack in musical content, lyrical content and everything else that it takes to make a song. Even the video for gaanas is so cheap and 3rd rate.
** coca cola brown color daa, enga akka ponnum adhe color daa
coffee- ila bun-a amukku daa, andha combination romba dhool daa
podango, podango, podango, podango **
Indha maari paatu laam thevaya? :-(
- Old responses
- From: shwetha (@
on: Sat Jan 11 12:41:48 EST 2003
paran... i don;t think there can be something called 'alternate music' Gaanas a venumnaa "alternative for music" nu sollalaam!!! As Prabhu rightly put it... onnum tune and lyrics thonalenaa konjam thaarai, thampattai laam vechu 'gaana' nu oru paer!!! Pathetic state of affairs that these are the ones that sell :-(
C~P ... not only the "para-molam"... using names of gods in gaanas is also irritating.
- From: Sam (@
on: Sat Jan 11 13:08:49 EST 2003
gaana is the music of poor people in south india. But there r no rich people in south india. LOL!
- From: isairasigan (@
on: Sat Jan 11 13:35:46 EST 2003
Not all ganas are great.. But there are some lines that do make a lot of sense and have a element of touch.. Like in the gaana.."Oothikinnu kadichukkava" there is a line that comes like this
"Paava patta vaithukku pasikka solli thandadhu yaaru"
Something is better than nothing :-)
- From: shwetha (@
on: Sat Jan 11 22:00:49 EST 2003
isairasigan...ippdi nadoola edhavadhu oru senti line varum nu full gaana paatayum concentration -oda kekkanumaa?? :O
- From: shwetha (@
on: Sat Jan 11 22:05:02 EST 2003
isairasigan...ippdi nadoola edhavadhu oru senti line varum nu full gaana paatayum concentration -oda kekkanumaa??:O
- From: WN (@
on: Sat Jan 11 22:52:51 EST 2003
Gaana songs have their own set of followers. Just bcos one group of ppl don't appreciate them doesnt mean we don't need them. The same goes for various genres of music like classical, folk, etc. If we don't like them, I'm sure we have the option of not putting ourselves in a situation where we have to listen to them.
- From: C~P (@
on: Tue Jan 14 06:24:26 EST 2003
>>C~P ... not only the "para-molam"... using names of gods in gaanas is also irritating.<<
which one are u referrin to shwetha??
oothikinnu kadichukkavaa....kadichikunnu oothikkava.....enna thathuvam paarunga.....oru vishayathai eppadi venumnaalum seyyalaam endru telling.......athey maathir poathikinnu paduthukkava....paduthkinnu pothikava.....wah wah wah....ithaiyellam vituttu etho "pasi-PATNI" matter ellam sollareengaley ;) :))
- From: C~P (@
on: Tue Jan 14 06:26:11 EST 2003
not to forget...
coffee-la bun-a amukku da....intha combination romba dhoolu da.....vijay tea kadai poi entha combination saapta thripthi-a irukkum-nu tellin! :)
- From: curses (@
on: Tue Jan 14 08:05:16 EST 2003
This has been 1 exclusive case of
"laugh and u laugh alone" !!
I wanted to ignore u too. I really dont know why i'm addressing u!
neway. Happy Makar Sankranth. That's how u folx call it, na?
- From: Sam (@
on: Tue Jan 14 10:27:13 EST 2003
u r a good man. Happy Pongal!
- From: Sivam (@
on: Tue Jan 14 17:23:00 EST 2003
I back you up WN. People should start understanding, that everyone has thier own taste and likings, if these songs are a hit, that itself is an indication that a huge group of people like these type of songs.
Anyways guys, Happy Pongal and Happy Maha Sankranti.
- From: shwetha (@
on: Wed Jan 15 06:49:07 EST 2003
>>which one are u referrin to shwetha?? <<
Every gaana that has God oda names in it. Similarly maamis wearing madisaars... all of these also can be avoided :S It not at all hilarious!!!
- From: Sivam (@
on: Wed Jan 15 10:41:50 EST 2003
Tho Para da Makal are critizing what people are wearing in the songs, So it is ok if girls wear mini and midis and sing slow romantic songs or guys wear baggy pants and sing " Venus venus kanne" and all these songs now have musical content and are ok for people all people to watch.
But when it comes to Gana it becomes cheap. See Ganas may be crude agreed but most of the present day songs are, just by putting techno beats in a song doesnot make it better does it.
If you [ Shwetha and company ] are against Songs that don't have " Musical Content and decency " then hit out against all type of songs that don't have them and don't concentrate only against Ganas.
The reasons Ganas become a hit is not because of its content or cheap dresses, but because masses feel connected to those type of songs, they feel they can understand those type of songs, not your rap or hip hop.
Try to Understand the basic and then start talking.
- From: Lord LabakuDas (@
on: Wed Jan 15 12:14:57 EST 2003
But BASIC was not there when i started talking..
he he..But Assembly language irundhudhu..:-))
- From: C~P (@
on: Wed Jan 15 12:17:33 EST 2003
there is no denying the fact that there are ppl who are very much fond of gaanaas.....i do agree they are funny!
it is the individuals opinion dat differs.....like for eg i don like em....but i obv cant say we dont require them coz there are ppl who like those.....tis left to one's taste....i feel tis not possible to generalise these cases
enna gods name??!@! .... is it dat im not following the lines properly or u are too much of a bakthimaan! :)
- From: Sivam (@
on: Wed Jan 15 13:28:17 EST 2003
lolu ! Lord LabakuDas ; )
I agree C~P, but Madam Shewtha and others are hell bent on trying to ask " Do we really need them ". Now if we start asking such questions, Avalu dhan Tamil padham yedkurdhe vitturlam.
No offense Shewtha, it is just that questions like these get on to my nerves.
- From: Srinath (@
on: Wed Jan 15 15:00:13 EST 2003
Pigs like trash
Donkeys like grass
Horses like oats
Humans like masala dosai
The higher your intelligence the more refined your taste gets. If you like 'gaana' songs, you are the 'connoisseural' equivalent of a pig.
- From: sabesan (@
on: Wed Jan 15 15:06:27 EST 2003
hmmm.... Srinath interesting argument..... tell me this, i have heard many here in US eats PIG.... so i would say
Pigs like trash
Humans eat PIG
so would this mean, humans have "higher intelligence" or pigs are Tasty :-)....
whatever it is, i think the movie "Thalaai Vaasal" had some good "Gaana" Numbers....
if we start saying "we do not need Gaana numbers", then we can extend the logic to
- Shock Adikkum Poovaeey
- Andha Arabic Kadalooraam
- Hey Shabbaa Hey Shabbaa
- Sambo SIva Samboooooooo
and slowly keep extending it, until we are left with "SUPRABATHAM" and "KANDHA SHASTI" only :-)
- From: Sivam (@
on: Wed Jan 15 15:40:43 EST 2003
Thanks Sabesan, See thats the problem, people like Srinath, simply seem to generalise stuff, Why is gana considered so bad ? Oh probably the content --- but most of our songs content are no good either, the way the music is composed --- I don't know about that, but I think people have their own choices, Dress in the song --- that I have told before also 90 % of songs today have some gory revealing dresses.
So what really makes you feel Ganas are trash ? what are the kind of songs you except in TFM, where 99 % of songs seems to revolving around the concept of romance [ tired of them now ], remaining 1 % are devotional, on amma thangatchi sentiment, or patriotic feelings.
Srinath just list out the kind of songs you like in TFM, Let us all see your high level of intelligence.
Guys I am not supporting Gana songs, what I am supporting is a right of a person to choose the kind of song he wants to listen. I don't want people commenting that it is trash just because they don't like it. And the real reason why I am debating against, is because I understand why people like gana songs. People who like gana songs are lower middle class to poor class people and student/youth crowd. THe former like it because they seem to identify with it, they don't have oppurtunity like most of us have to understand/listen to classical or International music.
For them Gana songs energize and make them feel good, and that is the basic idea behind entertainment. If a moviemaker is already putting 5 songs for us, let them put 1 song for them, what is the harm.
Idhu puriyame, pesa vandhtange.
- From: Lord LabakuDas (@
on: Wed Jan 15 15:48:05 EST 2003
What do u mean by intelligence exactly?Musical sense or I.Q?No way musical taste is related to intelligence.
Who knows even Abdul Kaalam may be a Gaana fan.:-)
- From: Srinath (@
on: Wed Jan 15 16:06:39 EST 2003
LLD, you don't have to like music to be able to appreciate it. Similarly, you don't have to hate any music to be able to identify inferior music. 'Gaana' is inferior music - the 'trash' of the music world.
Sivam, Socialism has nothing to do with music!
Oh, I would say I love (think rather high of) about 600-800 songs, an overwhelming majority of which were composed between the years 1976-1993. I think I've detailed a few of them in the archives. Please to be very kind and look :-p
- From: Sivam (@
on: Wed Jan 15 16:19:32 EST 2003
Srinath u still haven't told why u feel Gana songs are inferior, or why the songs that u like are superior, Hey even I can say things, but I try my level best to prove why I say those things.
I thought probably by the kind of songs u like, I could have made a good assesment in your great taste in Music. Unfortunately dateline really doesn't prove anything.
And I wasn't trying to talk about Socialism, was just trying to prove, why you need Gana songs.
[That was real crux of the discussion, hope I have proved my point, Atleast ; )]
So try pointing out some songs that u like --- not 600-800 songs ; )
- From: Lord LabakuDas (@
on: Wed Jan 15 16:26:15 EST 2003
"The higher your intelligence the more refined your taste gets."
I am not getting your point here.
Human intelligence is said to be increasing as time progresses.If that is the case how come Gaana came into picture suddenly in this hi-tech world ?
If we eat what pig or horse eats then there is a problem but,even Gaana is also a form of expression rite?Thyagarajar bahkti'kaga paadinar..Gaana singers avanga happiness'ukaga paadranga..how can we say that its inferior?
if u say musically gaana is inferior to anyother form..and it doesnt require much musical ability to create a Gaana..then agreed..but how can u blame a person for his taste?
I had a bangalore roommate,a software engineer,working in your same company,who according to me a more than average person in intelligence loves filmi gaana songs soo much...i swear he doesnt have anythin in
common with pig.:-)
- From: Sivam (@
on: Wed Jan 15 16:37:30 EST 2003
Lord LabakuDas, This is one point I don't agree with u either, how can one define that one type of music is inferior to other ? And I don't think it is easier to create a Gana, anyone who says that kindly show me if you can write a Gana song. Not everyone is able to write a Gana. Even that is a form of art, crude maybe but definately not simple or inferior.
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