Topic started by WhyNot (@ on Sun Nov 25 09:01:01 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I think all ARR fans who have particiapted or simply observed newtfmpage forums will agree that there is something vicious in the way his haters attack him. They start threads like "ARR is becoming unpopular" or "arr is mad", a thread that was fortunately deleted. And they also make really stupid postings against him. Some of these haters carry the "IR fan" logo, but let's keep in mind during this discussion that not all of these ARR haters are IR fans.
The thing is, if someone simply dislikes ARR's songs, u'd just leave it aside and not worry about it. I mean, if ARR fans find that Bharadwaj's songs are nice u'd listen to them. If you found Bharadwaj's songs unappealing, u'd leave them aside instead of starting threads and making postings on how Bharadwaj sucks, how he is mad, he's becoming unpopular, how his songs are falling behind in the top ten listings, share links on poor reviews on his work, etc.
But ARR haters do this and more. If they simply state "I don't like PP songs" and provide their reasons why, that's ok and I wouldn't classify them as ARR haters. But when they make comments like "RAHMAN IS A DISGRACE TO INDIAN MUSIC COS HE COPIES FROM ARABIC MUSIC
SO HES A BAD MUSIC DIRECTOR AND A BAD MAN" by DINESH (@ from the thread, "Brand New Topic - ARR Vs IR!!", you know there's something more than just a dislike of ARR's music.
So let me outline the purpose of this thread:
1) To discuss what lies in the root of such hatred.
2) To share some of the worst postings made by ARR haters in this forum, attacking ARR and his fans personally. (like the one above)
3) To discuss the different ways in which ARR haters attack him.
and finally, as a bonus to this topic, we'll most likely find several ARR haters visiting this thread to make more aggravating comments not only about ARR, but also about ARR fans, me for starting this thread, and the singers who sing in ARR songs. Let's talk about it too.
- Old responses
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Nov 27 23:43:13 EST 2001
Well..I went through the topic...and it does not significantly differentiate between music haters and just ARR haters...For example, predicting "ARR is becoming unpopular" is not a personal attack at all... Coz...it could be derived out of personal feeling based on ARR's latest releases...this may as well refer to his music style too..and next, these people carry IR fan logo...what does it mean? For this why should the attitude of an IR fan to be discussed? I reasonably feel that this topic by itself does not contribute anything to TFM page..It attempts to discuss about some ill-players psycology, from which TFM page is not going to gain even a single cent worth of information...
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Nov 28 00:01:45 EST 2001
Fliflo, u r entitled to ur opinions tat IR's music is superior to ARR's. I do not 'feel hurt' abt tat. The fact is, i can't care less if someone else likes ARR's or IR's or BW's or whoever else's music (Even Deva's). But i do feel puzzled when people use many vulgarities and unsubstantiated allegations against ARR and seem determined to put him down (i'm not talking abt his music, but HIM) and his fans at all costs, and keep repeating this behaviour over long periods of time.
Read the topic again Fliflo. What I said abt 'IR fan logo' is tat not all ARR haters belong to that category and to keep it in mind. I said tat bcos previous experience has shown me tat any discussions abt ARR will somehow have IR creeping in and i didn't want tat to happen in this topic, but it obviously has, once again.
U say there's no single cent worth info in this thread, but how worthy are the threads 'arr is becoming unpopular' then?
If someone started a thread 'IR is becoming unpopular', than I'll observe how u react to tat. I'm sure it'll drive all IR fans mad and wild and the reaction will be far worse than the reaction which ARR fans had to the thread abt ARR's unpopularity. U for one, will go beserk.
- From: fuggadaboudit (@
on: Wed Nov 28 00:03:52 EST 2001
Whynot :
Just shows that you have not been in this forum long enough. Or that you have been exercising the selective memory which you used with my post. :-)
If you go through archived threads, you will find sufficient evidence of attacks on IR.
Fliflo :
There are lies, damned lies and statistics. Do ARR's cassette sales exceed IR's? If the statistics say yes and you rely on the data, my statement is true - at least in part. ARR replaced IR at the top of TFM money-wise. What is debatable is whether he replaced IR in people's mind when it comes to quality music.
I do not think that ARR is the cat's whiskers, but then who wants to know what I think? :-)
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Nov 28 00:12:37 EST 2001
fuggadaboudit, u r right. I probably need to go back to the archives to find ARR fans condemning IR. Then a topic like 'What's wrong wit IR haters' will also be found in the archive if i was here earlier. But, u don't have to go back to the archives to see posts the other way round. U jus need to have a look at active threads. Tat's why this topic, now.
- From: fuggadaboudit (@
on: Wed Nov 28 01:14:48 EST 2001
Uh Oh!! Jump to conclusions if you will. I have been there done that. If you spent some time to read someone's post first rather than wriggling through hoops to arrive at your pre-determined conclusions, you will be more balanced and not spew venom. As I have been saying all along, it is not one way. Did the chicken come first or the egg is not the issue. If neither side wants to stand down, this will continue. And if you really want to understand why this attitude is prevalent, you will have to put in some work. Not just go around wearing your heart on your sleeve and whining that nobody likes ARR.
- From: Venus (@
on: Wed Nov 28 02:27:40 EST 2001
Dear raycas,
Since you asked about my opinion I am giving the following, otherwise I do not have any interest or motivation in this psycoanalysis.
You wrote
mostly it is 'envy' i think. one of the so called mortal sins (or deadly sins)...it's there in every single person on earth...in some more, in some less...but it's there. even if anyone says he doesn't have it, he has it (perhaps without knowing it even)...
You asked me whether I agree or disagree with this.
I do not buy your theory on relationship between envy -->popularity--> Hatered. First of all, I strongly disagree with your global generalization the theory.
I envy Sachin's batting abilities, I enjoy everyone of his innings, I do not hate him because he is popular.
I envy Ramanujam's mathmatical intution, I admire
it, I would never deny his acheivements, I do not hate him.
I envy Kalinger's fluency in Tamil, I love his Tamil nadai, I do not hate him for his popularity.
I envy Rajinikanth's Superstardom, I respect his hardwork to acheive this, I do not hate him.
I envy Kamal's acting ability, I exclaim his talent, I never hate him.
I envy Mohanlal's causal dialogue delivery, I rather realise the flow in it, I do not hate him.
I envy about the Musical talents of Mozart, Beethovan, I try to immerse in their compositions, I never dare to hate them.
I envy Raja's musical creativity and soul touching melodies, I will try to digest that I am a contemproary of one of the excellent composers, I could never hate him.
I envy some of the DFer's too (to name a few Rjay, Srikanth,Sridhar seetharamn, Srinath, Shashi) for their technical analysis, I try to learn from them, I do not hate them.
I envy ARR for his fresh outlook to the Indian
music, I will try to look to it with due respect.
As a fan I may have few personal opinions about him or his compositions (that is true with everyone I mentioned above) but I would never hate him.
So I please do not just generalise that "somebody's popularity leads to envy and in turn it leads to hatered".
None of the abovementioned people's talent, comes
and stops my bread and butter. So my buy is that "envy need not always lead to hatered".
Onece again I would like to emphasize that ,I write all these because you asked my opinion on your posting.
Venus .
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Nov 28 02:38:05 EST 2001
This is not abt the chicken-egg story. I'm not very worried abt whether ARR or IR fans started it first, bcos it's irrelevant to the topic. It's simply abt ARR haters. IF u guys desperately want to find out wat's wrong wit IR haters, go start ur own topic.
I know many DFers will agree tat there's so much viciousness in the way certain ppl condemn ARR. We jus want to look into tat. And to keep this topic from going astray from digressions, twisting of my words, and added insults to ARR and his fans, i am doing the work reqd to keep looking for answers by setting the record straight on wat this topic is all abt.
I am not whining no one likes ARR. No one needs to bcos ARR remains popular among the masses and we all know tat. I am not spewing venom. This thread has not got me mad enuf for tat. I have plenty of fun posting and replying to even HC ARR haters out there.
fuggadaboudit, I am arriving at pre-determined conclusions? No Way! It's ARR haters who are!
I did not start out wit the mind ARR haters were triggered by equally demeaning statements from IR haters. But when u pointed it out, I accepted it wit the concession tat I started this thread bcos in my personal experience in this forum, ARR haters r more prevalent. If u can't accept tat, then maybe ur the one wit predetermined conceptions.
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Wed Nov 28 09:16:45 EST 2001
Let's summarise everyone's points so far:
The reasons ARR haters make personal attacks on him in this forum:
1) envy (which I read as jealousy) bcos ppl who don't appreciate his music don't understand why he's popular. (venus disagrees, no jalra agrees)
2) As people are determined not to like his music, if they hear any appealing tunes, they have to attribute the success of the song to other factors like copying, etc.
3) Pure sarcasm for the kick of it. For the fun of bashing him and his fans.
4) The need to defend their own fave MD, IR or someone else. Hence the need to bash ARR.
5) Every MD has haters and are at the receiving end bad mouthing of some sort. So it's not unique to ARR. (kupps agrees)
no jalra: agrees on raycas' point abt vaitherichal or envy.
6) ARR is the contender for the top position unlike the other MDs. This relates to point (4). But this points out why ARR rather than BW or Deva or someone else is targeted.
7) ARR haters are instigated by ARR fans who condemn other MDs, mainly IR.
8) IR is more popular among the masses than ARR. Hence, ARR is hated on a personal level. (really?)
9) Didn't quite say this in so many words. But what I glean from his/her posting: Excitement derived by ARR haters in seeing their hate postings receiving attention.
Different ways in which ARR haters attack him/ Observations on this trend:
Common Friend:
1) ARR fans are the more quiet lot and there are more IR fans who indulge in attacking other MDs, mainly ARR.
2) ARR haters are not usually frequent users of this forum. they 'spit and go' leaving others with the mess.
3) comparison of MDs leads to 'war' (which results in such hate statements against ARR.)
no jalra:
4) IR fans are determined to dismiss and condemn anything by any MDs outside the IR family.
5) 'predicting "ARR is becoming unpopular" is not a personal attack at all' Hence does not agree that all postings condemning ARR are attcking him at a personal level, rather his unsatisfying music.
And finally,
Fliflo, Sushma and mutawakeel don't believe this thread should exist :-)
Thx for everyone's contributions (except vel, u didn't need to copy and paste everything all over again)
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Wed Nov 28 10:39:27 EST 2001
"IR is more popular among the masses than ARR. Hence, ARR is hated on a personal level. (really?)"
I think simple statements are twisted and misinterpreted for convenience. In the above sentence, first statement is true..But I do not remember of making the second statement. I just said that the arguement given under this topic does not significantly differentiate between personal and non personal attacks. So, why not, why not you make a careful attention to statements of people. As of I see, there are only few, stranded, personal, abhorrent statments against ARR, which can as well be neglected..
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