Topic started by ambleen (@ sbproxy2.mystarhub.com.sg) on Sun Feb 20 04:18:49 EST 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The official website http://www.raajangahm.com of Maestro Ilayaraaja is scheduled for launch on Wednesday, March 1, 2000. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions, suggestions or contributions, please email them to aruLaracan, RaajaNGAHM co-ordinator, at rajan@psiphi.umsl.edu.
- Old responses
- From: Neels (@ ppp-203-197-9-128.bom.vsnl.net.in)
on: Wed Mar 1 23:38:34 EST 2000
Great work guys!
Do you have plans to include his photo-essays (that appeared in Vikatan)in the site?
I thought they were excellent.
BTW, is a name change in the pipeline (ilayaraja.com)?
- From: prabhudas (@ nico.pediatrics.sunysb.edu)
on: Thu Mar 2 03:31:45 EST 2000
Dear Raajangahm Administrators,
(From AruLaracan to Vagula Srinivasan),splendid work by the whole crew. Congratulations for your great efforts, it was nice to see all your pictures I could sense the great amount of hardwork put by each one of you.
Rex, I finally was able to see ur picture.
I was surprised not to see Dr.Balaji's name/contribution (He is actually not to be seen these days, even in other threads,palasai ellam marandirupparnu ninaikkiren)
In the Shop link, you could add the "oriental recording company"'s address at New York, I in fact have the 1800 toll free number with address and list of the majority of old albums of IR released thro' them. In 1995 when I spoke to them they were selling each CD for 6$(reasonably good price, for pretty good recording, I would say the best available recording for IR's old albums) a piece if you bought 10 CDs of the same combo at a time. I will send more details soon.
The statement "I was born with music.You were born with my music", by IR
As an ardent die hard HCIR fan it reminds me of what I used to think during my college days, like I used to think if I Am the only greatest IR fan on this earth, are there any more ardent fan of IR than me on this earth , or could there be more great fans to him,
and these kind of thoughts always used to give me so much joy/elation as I yearned to talk about IR's music everyday with somebody, till I first participated in TFMDF 3 years ago , when with the introduction to various people (The greatest ever IR fans)with their vast contribution to internet media about IR and his works I was just spellbound.
And hence this IR statement "I was born with music.You were born with my music", is really true atleast for each and every HCIR Fans, Are we all doing some sort of mass following at our subconscious level influenced by his (IR) music so tremendously akin to some type of cult following, I sometimes wonder (may be I am crazy) we should test all our (HCIRF) DNA's looking for some common GENES which could be influencing us in so many different ways than a regular listener of his music. Honestly I like MSV's music and ARR's music and being from Bangalore , most of the yester years Kannada MDs work, and have known fans of these MDs but yet to see even one fan of these MDs to the level of a decent HCIRF in terms of the special yearning towards this special MD (IR).
I have found these common/typical features of a Decent HCIRF inside TFMDF and outside TFMDF
1.Love IR's music to the core (I cannot explain with the words as to what extent this genious's music gives the pleasure)
2.Extremely reluctant to accept other MDs music atleast during the first time and especially if they are hit with the mass (you don't know how much hard time I had to come out of that to accept ARR's music especially ROJA inspite of it being a reasonably good album, to add to the fuel I was literally shattered with national award given to it especially with Nadodi Thenral and Devar Magan released during the same year, Infact to digest this hard bitter truth and to artificially ignore this recognition given to ROJA I had decided to listen to IR songs 24 hours NONSTOP (velaikku mattam pottuttu sappidumpodhum vidaamal) in 2 different cassette recorders playing continuously) , well now I like ARR's music without much bias and avoid bashing like many other Decent HCIRF
3.Try to convince "only" close friends (who are not so keen about IR like you) about IR's work in what ever possible ways
4.Failing to recognise or appreciate other MD's success casually
5.Feeling happy with more new albums released by IR especially during festival times
6.Feeling extremely happy when the other successful MDs fail miserably with their new albums
7.soft corner to IR's sons music (they are talented no doubt)
8.Hopes on IR's sons to give the biggest set back to ARR
9.Surprisingly appreciating a new MD's music especially if he fairs better than the current succesful MDs (Non IR)
10.OOre inda paattu IR paadamal irunda nalla irukkum nnu ninaikkm podhm, manasalavule anda IR song nalla varalainnu terinjirundaalum, failing to accept it whole heartedly.
11.The greatest feeling of IR's great work for the BGMs which are probably going to be immortal come thousand years, thousand new MDs
12.Unexplainable joy with the big failure of films directed by directors like MR,BR,KB who ditched IR and used other MDs
Kudos again to the crew, hopefully we will be able to listen to the BGM soundtracks /symphony soon
- From: Venkatesh (@ ww2.ssbcd.co.om)
on: Thu Mar 2 05:06:45 EST 2000
Maestro Ilayaraaja's magnum opus Guru (Malayalam) is being telecast in Surya TV this Sunday (5th March, 2000) at 4 PM (IST). A must-see movie for all IR fans and music lovers! Please don't miss it!!
- From: kk (@
on: Thu Mar 2 05:45:43 EST 2000
raajangahm.com seems to be meaning more full, Still, I wish they can make ilayaraja.com to forward to this site. That would be more intuitive.
I too remember How i laughed at roja songs when i heard it for first time. (as i used to do at athithyan, SAR songs that time). Anyway i havent changed my idea about it much since.
like you my recent achivement is, I made my IR reluctant easy listening roomate (obvious ARR fan) to hail raja for his BGM saying 'its all is out of world, above any damn MD', lol.
- From: Sridhar Seetharaman (@ 130.newark-25-30rs.nj.dial-access.att.net)
on: Thu Mar 2 07:57:02 EST 2000
Rajangam folks,
I expect more technical information about Raja's music in this official web site. I would appreciate if Karthik Raja or somebody could write about musical breakthroughs of Raja with annotations.
- From: chandy (@ ws025038.coba.siu.edu)
on: Thu Mar 2 09:49:15 EST 2000
I enjoyed your posting.. esp about the analysis of traits of HCIR fans!! ::::))
- From: alaghu (@ ddslppp102.desm.uswest.net)
on: Thu Mar 2 16:10:05 EST 2000
bayangra maana mind readera iruppinga polirukku...
- From: aruLaracan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Thu Mar 2 16:57:54 EST 2000
thanks. there is going to be no name change because RaajaNGAHM is an acronym, not a name. we are planning to obtain other domain names and link them to RaajaNGAHM. that has to wait for some time.
you might have seen the article by hari govindan on shrutibEdham in raaja's music. more such articles (with audio clips to easen the understanding) are on the pipeline. thanks for your comments.
- From: vel (@
on: Thu Mar 2 17:48:16 EST 2000
You summarized what I had in my mind.
I know it is not good but that's how
I think all the time man. You are a
dangerous mind reader.
- From: sk (@ harvest.ucar.edu)
on: Thu Mar 2 20:53:15 EST 2000
I visited RaajaNGHAM. It is excellent! Great job
by you Gopal, Gokul, GTR and others!
You are writing your name as 'aruLaracan' with a
c instead of an s. Are you following
some tamizh standard?
Someone who doesn't know thamizh may read 'aracan'
as 'ara(k)kan'. :-)))
- From: STS (@ firewall.baan.com)
on: Thu Mar 2 22:28:53 EST 2000
Kudos to persons and their efforts behind Rajaangham. I am really proud of your excellent work. God Bless You All and IR
- From: Venkatesh (@ ww2.ssbcd.co.om)
on: Mon Mar 6 00:48:18 EST 2000
Dear Arul
Some links in the Maestro's discography in the site is not working (101-200, 501-600). Request you to update the same.
- From: s.sridhar (@
on: Mon Mar 6 05:45:12 EST 2000
prabhudas has correctly listed the various charecteristics of a typical HCIR fan. I am sure most of HCIRs will share many of those.
- From: Neels (@
on: Mon Mar 6 10:19:59 EST 2000
*** Digression ***
Watched Guru (Malayalam) yesterday on Surya TV. Venkatesh, thanks for the info.
It was the MOST BRILLIANT BG score I have ever come across in an Indian film. Since dialogues were limited (unlike Hey Ram), there was a lot of scope for music, and IR lapped it up and gave a wonderful, consistent score. It was mostly Western classical based, and included a variety of new sounds and un-heard of instruments! Even the scales used were not the run-of-the-mill ragas and created a near-perfect ambience, that's part real and part fantasy.
Take for instance the scene where the hero explains to the blind kids the wonder of 'vision' and the beauty of nature that lies ahead of them... IR's score was evocative, to say the least.
On another occasion, where the hero makes the union of two lovers possible, when 'believers' begin to follow the hero, and the narabali sequence... it was BGM at its best. I'm glad I watched this film and IMO, it's IR's best score todate.
It's a must-see film guys. Listening to the BG score in isolation may not give you the 'high'. Anyway, those who can't get to see the film, sample the song that comes as a finale, 'Aruna Kirana Deepam': It's the climax song that sums up the story, where the lyrics and music complimented the visuals perfectly.
Here's a link from Shibu's site:
Is the signature tune available someehere on the Net? It's brilliant!
*** Digression Ends ***
- From: Venkatesh (@ ww2.ssbcd.co.om)
on: Tue Mar 7 01:08:51 EST 2000
Dear Neels and other fans
I too watched the film and recorded it. Guru had the best ever WC BGM. I liked these pieces:
* Reghuraman slipping into fantasy world, falling thru glaciers(?), mountains, etc.
* Title score which is the theme music
* Music depicting the daily life of those people like sellers of vegs, etc.
* Climax music around 'Aruna Kirana' song
I am seeing the movie some more times.
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