Topic started by nojalra (@ on Sat Apr 13 06:27:06 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
simple question. is this statement right or wrong?
- Old responses
- From: Vj (@
on: Fri Apr 26 01:04:45 EDT 2002
well said Kupps...!!!
ARR did gud marketing.. and so did Manirathnam. and thats precisely the reason they're well known now in Hindi. that ARR's 70% of films bombed in hindi is altogether a different story.
IR is the most under-rated MD in India, period.
Just a digression... i just hate people when they say Indian Cinema is one and only Hindi cinema. a glorious example is IIFA which had only hindi cinemas lined up for awards and calling itself as an IIFA. what the hell.
- From: kiru (@
on: Fri Apr 26 02:01:54 EDT 2002
Well..maybe marketing maybe one reason..but I think the reason for ARR's success whether hindi or tamil is his use of 'new' rhythm arrangements. People were used to the tabla/dholak/indian percussion and the western drum for a LONG time. The use of drum machines and 'new sounds' helped ARR get the attention of the audience.Everybody has some novelty-seeking nature in them.
The specific reason ARR does very well in North compared to IR is because his music does not have a tamil or 'south-indian' style to it. One of the reasons could be the 'rhythm' in his music is almost always 'foreign' (not south Indian). So with a slight hindustani twist to the tune you got a song for the North Indian audience.
- From: kiru (@
on: Fri Apr 26 02:03:38 EDT 2002
BTW, guys you are all falling for it.. there are few detractors of IR here who go around provoking people under different guises. Even if you ignore them you have given them more than enough attention !!
- From: Kupps (@
on: Fri Apr 26 04:39:56 EDT 2002
i agree with kiru. ARR did well (new sound, rhythm etc), he marketed himself well; i became well known. had ARR did only good marketing and didn't have this much potential then ARR would have been music equivalent of Greame Hick.
i would equate ARR to shane warne. Did very well got good push-up(ofcourse with hardwork) and now became well known. Now lets not talk too much about ARR here. Lets talk about whether IR is most over rated or not.
Now as per JaimeLeBaron IR has the talent and potential but is not known to much people. Then does JaimeLeBaron say IR is much underrated?
- From: eden (@
on: Fri Apr 26 08:22:26 EDT 2002
You posted:
How many ordinary people outside TN ever heard his name ? I bet Johny Lever or Vinod Kambli or Prabhu Deva are better known in Assam/Haryana/Gujrat. Get the idea of what a huge waste of talent ?
How many ordinary people outside TN (or the World Thamizh Community, WTC:-)) ever heard of Bharathi? Or Kamban? or ThiruvaLLuvar? OTOH, many ordinary souls outside TN are probably well informed about JJ:-))
And talking about Gujarat, I think Mr Modi is more popular there than any other person in India:-))
I'll ask another simple question, since you've talked about cricketers...How many ordinary people in the whole of Americas (excluding those little islands called WI - or for that matter in the whole of the world except a couple of test playing nations) know or show any interest in cricket at all? For them the little masters SG, GRV, ST or for that matter even Don Bradman will not mean anything...
Arguements apart, the only forms of music that're popular worldwide are probably pop & rock and those sounding `similar' to them. Anyone who's not doing that will only be a regional figure and will not be appreciated by `ordinary' people across boundaries. This is applicable not only to IR, but also to others from South India.
- From: yaaro (@
on: Fri Apr 26 11:01:47 EDT 2002
How many ordinary people outside TN (or the World Thamizh Community, WTC:-)) ever heard of Bharathi? Or Kamban? or ThiruvaLLuvar? OTOH, many ordinary souls outside TN are probably well informed about JJ:-))
well said eden,I wonder even if JLB has heard of these names-I have noticed it is the non-tamils who barge in to make such atrocious statements.when did getting your name familiar with some chap in assam know your name become the yardstick for greatness?conversely, We live outside bombay,we have heard of chota rajan and the other thugs in bombay-does that make them great?Please enlighten us JLB!
- From: ravi (@
on: Fri Apr 26 11:06:21 EDT 2002
He's underated...............
How many people in India know that
Ilayaraaja is the first and till now the only
musician in the whole of asia who has
a Symphony to his name ....
dont u think we lack in general knowledge
Dont u think Indian government should have taken some pain to appreciate him ..or for that matter people in the industry ..no
instead the someone gets the national award
for Hum dil de chuke sanam .....ahead of
Hey Ram ....can anyone believe this ...
How do u expect someone to respect the national
awards .....
Then only disadvantage is the he was born in
south india ....
i just cant imagine ..his popularity if he
was a northy .....
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Fri Apr 26 11:53:42 EDT 2002
I am yet to get a point here. The discussion goes unabated with the wonderful statements and arguments about IR and his talents (apt to this topic), but eventually crossing the threshold of not resisting oneself in comparing him with ARR. This happens as naturally the idea is deeply buried in the mind (preset). One can unhurriedly feel where this is heading to. I don't think anybodyelse has to carry this blame.
- From: vimal (@
on: Fri Apr 26 12:32:12 EDT 2002
I couldn't agree with you more Ravi. Thats one of the reasons I hate the Northies. I still remember, the night that IR's symphony was publicised by our local tamil Media, I was expecting something from the DD National News, and watching it till the end. And you know what I saw?? They mentioned that Pandit Ravishankar gave some scintillating performance at some rotten Settu place in the capital!! Not even a word about IR, the first Asian to perform such a feat!!
Well, damn these Indhi guys!! If our country itself cannot honor a genius like IR, how can one expect the world to adulate him??
- From: ravi (@
on: Sat Apr 27 22:30:39 EDT 2002
Once parthiban said that " Ilayaraaja is one
reason for hindi songs not getting popular
in tamilnadu" such was his dominance that
people coudnt think of hearing anything else
for they got everything in music ....
symphony class music ..to their own lovable
folk songs and tunes ..........
what more anyone can achieve than this ...
and why do u think that hindi and english songs
are getting popular these days in tamilnadu
we are not getting the quality we used to get ...
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Sun Apr 28 00:19:31 EDT 2002
On the contrary, Tamil songs are getting popular with the non-Tamil crowd, including the Northeners.
Simply said, TFM underwent three stages:
MS Viswanathan, when he set the standard for Tamil songs in movies.
Ilayaraja, when he made those who listened to Hindi songs switch to Tamil songs.
AR Rahman, when he made the non Tamils appreciate and acknowledge Tamil songs.
- From: S T S (@
on: Sun Apr 28 00:23:13 EDT 2002
AR Rahman, when he made the non Tamils appreciate and acknowledge Tamil songs Tamil songs or MDs? I don't think the first. Can you throw more light here? Anything of junk beats will go well with Northies, if that's what you mean.
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Sun Apr 28 01:02:08 EDT 2002
I mean what I say.
Many Northeners have begun showing interest in Tamil songs ever since AR Rahman came into the field and a lot of his fans of the North have started listening to Tamil songs.
Besides this, a lot of Tamil people who did not listen to Tamil songs previously, have started listening to them.
These are facts, whether you want to acknowledge them or not.
It is your wish on how you want to interpret this - you can either be proud of this fact or blame "deteriorating tastes."
- From: S T S (@
on: Sun Apr 28 01:09:23 EDT 2002
Besides this, a lot of Tamil people who did not listen to Tamil songs previously, is really funny :-) NOM :-) What I say is my opinion and I will say it as a fact (fact to self)
- From: ROTFL (@
on: Sun Apr 28 01:13:54 EDT 2002
That is fine with me.
I am, of course, talking from experience.
- From: S T S (@
on: Sun Apr 28 12:37:24 EDT 2002
I am, of course, talking from my experience could be a right answer. That also I doubt. :-)
- From: Vicky (@
on: Sun Apr 28 17:30:00 EDT 2002
Hi Guys: Does anyone have this song from the movie "Ruchi Kanda Poonai" sung by IR himself. An excellent composition and goes "Anbu Mugam Thanda Sugam"...or just point to the link....Trying to hunt this song down...
- From: ambleen (@
on: Mon Apr 29 00:22:14 EDT 2002
"Many Northeners have begun showing interest in Tamil songs ever since AR Rahman came into the field and a lot of his fans of the North have started listening to Tamil songs.
Besides this, a lot of Tamil people who did not listen to Tamil songs previously, have started listening to them.
These are facts, whether you want to acknowledge them or not."
So who are you going to quote on this. Your neighbor who happen to be chinese/malay or some white guy or north indian who happened to be your frined?
Oh pls.....
- From: ambleen (@
on: Mon Apr 29 00:31:34 EDT 2002
1) Way way b4 all this, my malay friends, and chinese too, were craving for Payanangal Mudivathilai guitar works. And the best part is that I didn't even introduce it to them. One of them happened to stumble upon the movie on tv and was taken by IR.
2) <> This were my friend's words when he overheard on my phone IR's blaring horns for the Amrish Puri's scene in Thalapathi.
Many many more experiences elsewhere.
Such is the power.
- From: ambleen (@ on: Mon Apr 29 00:33:53 EDT 2002
no. 2 should include "Wow what's that background music? So powerful!"
- From: Juan Pablo Montoya (@ on: Mon Apr 29 02:06:03 EDT 2002
>>>Anything of junk beats will go well with Northies, if that's what you mean.
how convenient. i dont mind u saying all the present hindi composers are junk though not all of them, u r directly implying rahman's music is with junk beats. which u reaffirm by saying fact to self. very nice...Now, if someone from the other(read:rahman's) clan had said this, they wud have been driven to insanity by the innumerable 'dont be so mean. rahman and ir are both great' posts from the pacifists or an appropriate and prompt response from the countless permanent members of Rapid Abuse Council that constantly scrouges the forum for even perceieved threats to ilayaraja's divinity.
>>>So who are you going to quote on this. Your neighbor who happen to be chinese/malay or some white guy or north indian who happened to be your frined?
u wud by now know why i quote this ;-)
- From: ambleen (@ on: Mon Apr 29 00:33:53 EDT 2002
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