Topic started by NagasubramaniaN (@ fw.baan.nl) on Fri Dec 4 01:26:45 EST 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
today's dinakaran has this info.
IR gets Lathamankeshkar award given by MP state govt.
Any idea about this award & other persons who got this award ???
- Old responses
- From: LV (@
on: Wed Mar 28 09:18:38 EST 2001
Dear e-hari,
Dont compare Vani Jairam to LM and Asha,please. What happened to VJ in her own backyard? Why could she not earn P Susheela or S Janaki's place. Why did IR prefer S Janaki over VJ??
Comparing Vani to Lata/Asha/Susheela is like comparing a stream to an ocean.
Suman Kalyanpur's voice cracked as early as the seventies. She had a weak voice, could not display the kind of expression that Lata did and also did not have such range,speed or flexibility.
Again, Suman herself says so. In fact she denies that Lata ever tried to thwart her (Suman's) performance. In fact in her most recent interview she listed out songs she got due to Lata's recommendation. As far as Asha, she has become so successful. In fact, she has some strengths which LM too does not have. She too denies any such allegations against her sister. SO DONT INVENT SILLY MYTHS - REFER TO PROPER SOURCES FOR THE SAME.
Most prominent music personalities claim and IT IS VERY OBVIOUS FROM LATA'S TREMENDOUS STRENGTHS AND VERSATILITY that there cannot be another Lata.
Your statement : 'LV says Lata is great because so and so said so' makes no sense. If prominent music personality after personality from all over the world say so, there is more than just a grain of truth in that. Of course, I do feel that Asha and Susheela also equal Lata here, but not a
singer like VANI JAIRAM of ALL!!!!!!!!!
Read my EARLIER POSTS. Again i'll tell you, go and purchase her ghazal albums, wince in boredom- and you'll change your opinion. Vani's Hindi songs are HORRIBLE!! Listen to her songs in 'Ek mutthi aasman' and her Marathi/Hindi bhajan programmes on Star/Alpha TV (Zee).
Even I am a fan of IR. My only point was that people here were commenting when they had not even heard of other MD's. Some so called 'LOYAL' fans of IR and 'LOYAL TAMILIANS' passed UGLY COMMENTS about Lata, I wont stoop to such a low level and say such things about IR. But I feel other mds' ARR,Vishwanathan and Ramamoorthy, MSV
and some MD's from North that I mentioned before have contributed equally. And they have got and WILL BE GIVEN EQUAL recognition, no matter how much SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE CRIB HERE.
Again your statement ' there has and can be another LM' does not hold. It does not tally with the opinions of the maestros at all. As for IR, I feel we have an equally good MD - ARR - who has achieved so much in such a short while. He is probably the best comparison with IR.
Dont say anything about LM'S background at all. Her father died when she was barely 11. She supported her family, at such a tender age. Those people who were jealous of her father ( her father dinanath was a great singer) troubled Lata even after his demise. But against all odds, she supported her family. It took her several years to repay all those loans. Inspite of very less classical training, she had the ability to perform classical concerts. She excelled in almost all idioms of music, and very rightly earned the title 'Nightingale of India'. Inspite of being Marathi speaking, she perfected her Urdu/Sanskrit/Hindi/Bengali and silenced those people who said she lacked good diction. She learnt perfect breath control, and was the only singer who could sing without the slightest interference of breath in the mike, and who could pick up any song in less than 15 minutes, and who could sing the same song in all moods (happy+sad) without any change in tune/pitch/speed. This was done merely by clever voice modulation. No singer - no Suman, no Vani, not even Asha (though she was ahead of lata in some other respects) could ever have done this.
THE PEOPLE OUT HERE HAVE NOT HEARD LATA MUCH AND JUST WANT TO PASS LOOSE STATEMENST TO SATISFY THEIR OWN SKY-HIGH EGOS. AND THEY CALL THIS 'IR LOYALTY' AND 'TAMIL LOYALTY'. ANYONE WHO PRAISES LM OR ASHA OR HINDI MUSIC DIRECTORS OR NORTH INDIAN CLASSICAL SINGERS IS BRANDED AS 'NSCM'. That's what happens when you have majorly lost out points in a discussion, and are not able to provide good explanations to the questions the other person has asked. ( Till now, all questions I asked here have been totally unanswered. Go throught the entire series of posts and you'll realize this.)
- From: abc (@
on: Wed Mar 28 09:39:58 EST 2001
Dear e-hari,
Naushad severely criticises the presnt day bollywood music, even that of ARR sometimes.
And can you show us the link where he says that IR was better than he was??? In fact, Naushad accuses all modern MD's (that includes ir) of making cheap copies of western music.
Anyway, surprisingly, you did not say this in your first post. In any case, we'll take it with a pinch of salt!!
- From: e.hari (@
on: Wed Mar 28 10:11:11 EST 2001
That is a very popular article from frontline. I m surprised, you did not seem to know it. Go to RMIM archieves or rajanagham site. You can see that article.
- From: e.hari (@
on: Wed Mar 28 10:16:22 EST 2001
** Anyway, got your point.Don't know what to make of it though. **
It is difficult to make of it , if you keep on reading **wide-eyed** in "Internet" and only the PRO-IR statements. :-).
- From: LV (@
on: Wed Mar 28 10:18:03 EST 2001
Dear e-hari,
One more thing: Lata WAS GENEROUS. She had recommended Vani's name to Ravi Shankar for
Meera. She had recommended Suman's name to Naushad for 'saathi' and had introduced her to Madan Mohan. She has been the mentor to the success of 'Padmaja Joglekar' who has now sung Vajpayee's poems. She has encouraged Suresh Wadkar very much. She organised 'Meri Awaaz Suno' to encourage people to join the field of light music, and today we have Sunidhi Chauhan due to this programme. She has organised several music programmes in Goa. Read Raju Bharatan's biography on Lata, besides those of several eminent journalists and you'll be able to verify that every word i've posted on this page is true.
Today she openly praises Alka and Kavita, and has openly admired PS and MS. She has stood by her family in times of distress and has supported Asha when her first marriage was in ruins. If you do not know, Lata and Asha have been living together for the past 40 odd years in the same house. I know, coz I've been living in Bombay for long time.
Lata sang very less in Marathi films, she has done mostly private albums. Marathi films gave Suman plenty of opportunity. Yet she was not able to take Lata's place or overtake Asha in Marathi films.
- From: e.hari (@
on: Wed Mar 28 10:25:20 EST 2001
I got your point ( that you are a hard-core fan of LM). It looks like reading some raju bharathan's old articles. What ever you say, you are not going to change the opinions of me or others, and in fact overdoing it, will even dilute it and making it to appear like a ramblings of a mad fan. Try to send LM you appreciation for her, she may be happy to find another dedicated fan of hers.
- From: Trend (@
on: Wed Mar 28 12:05:09 EST 2001
"It is difficult to make of it , if you keep on reading **wide-eyed** in "Internet" and only the PRO-IR statements".
PRO-IR statements is an understatement.I read wide-eyed all the DEIFYING-IR statements.When I see people singing God's praise ,I naturally become wide-eyed.
Anyway,I couldn't reach the conclusion you intended.I'm not as insightful as you are.
"What ever you say, you are not going to change the opinions of me or others, and in fact overdoing it, will even dilute it and making it to appear like a ramblings of a mad fan."
It doesn't seem to be ramblings of a mad fan.He seems to be a knowledgeable fan pointing out strengths and limitations.
Again as I said before I'm not as insightful as you.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Wed Mar 28 12:18:30 EST 2001
What ever it is, I couldn't have got enough information even hadI read some books or LM as I have got from your postings. Excellent. I have saved many of it.
Are you into some book writing business. Just curious.
will even dilute it and making it to appear like a ramblings of a mad fan.
You knew what you are and still you are writing like this. Oh..God.
- From: e.hari (@
on: Wed Mar 28 13:01:39 EST 2001
I dont know, what seems to bother you. I never questioned Lata's greatness or lack of it, the only difference, I have with LV is, he says LM is immortal, and I say, IR is. We both never questioned both IR and LM talent or otherwise.
I been in this forum for a long time, and I dont enjoy IR music exclusively, and I have talked and discussed about lot of other's MDs also. if you dont know it already.
Common friend:
You knew what you are and still you are writing like this. Oh..God.
dont worry. I know me well, I dont need ur help.
- From: LV (@
on: Wed Mar 28 13:03:02 EST 2001
So e-hari.
Since you are a person with such balanced and broad-minded views, why dont you answer the question : Why did Suman not make it big in Marathi films, despite the abscence of Lata???
And why does she herself say that Lata was kind to her, and never snatched her songs???
Try,try, you'll find no answer for this which is convenient to you. The fact is Suman was a fraction of Lata's talent, and cheerfully admits so. She's probably more sporting than you are.
I don't know what LM will feel if she were to read this. But I know one thing: If IR were to be interviewed by some mad people out here who claim to be his fans, making rude statements about LM,
he'd definitely either walk out or kick them out!!!
I know,I know, you are very sensible to say that LM's are born by the dozen. But if you think this is IR loyalty, you are just CONFUSED. ITS QUITE THE OPPOSITE.
- From: LV (@
on: Wed Mar 28 13:05:05 EST 2001
Again e-hari,
I never said IR is not immortal!!! And I'd like to see how much of other MD's you've really talked about.
- From: e.hari (@
on: Wed Mar 28 13:31:27 EST 2001
I never made any rude remarks about LM. I am not defending anyone who made rude remaraks on LM either. If they are culprit on overblowing their appreciation on IR, you are also culprit in over doing on LM. I understand, you said this with reference to some remarks on LM, but that is not convincing.
If you want to read, what I said before in this forum, go back and search lot of threads on MSV, IR, ARR, and others.
The only reason, I have to pedal up my opinions, is because, you intent to portray LM as a generous, helpful person, on the contrary, it is a well documented fact, how she stayed on the top for a long time. I had infact accepted IR's arrogance in the past, and I have infact questioned it.
This is one of the other thread, I discussed about this.
You have right reasons to say LM is immortal, be it, and be the same for me. but still I can readily accept where IR has gone wrong.
In your case, what you have been doing, is just the endless glorification of LM. What difference you think, you are from other fans, who say IR or anyone is god.
anyhow, are you also posting as abc. Your IP address looks like same.
- From: kiru (@
on: Wed Mar 28 16:44:38 EST 2001
I think we are unnessarily dragging LM into a character debate. From the beginning of this thread, it is obvious to me, that a award named after a singer being given to contemporary music directors is not a great idea. This is not a comment on the singers ability or character or vice versa. It is just about the way people of a particular profession should be recognised. It does not matter how many MDs each poster in this forum has listened to or how unbiased he is or how music savvy he is, I think. Am I missing something here ?
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