Topic started by cosmician (@ on Tue Mar 26 01:26:00 EST 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi All,
Apologise for this sudden and unusual thread.
We have regular contributors and silent watchers in these forums, some new, some have been there since inception of the forums. Today we have a lot of new faces and there will be more.
I am just curious to know about which year/month did you join in the discussions here..
..I still remember chancing upon newtfmpage in Jan 2001 and sparking off a war in the 'IR's latest' thread unknowingly without realizing the ongoing IR-ARR fans blood feud ! A few of the DFers who were around (and are still)around were : kiru (the audiologist), bharath (a new generation fan), swami (sangeetha vidwan and once Bharath's nemesis!), common friend (a balanced fan), ambleen, eden(who got hurt when I said that he was still stuck in the 70s!), Karthik S (the music dealer who can make out a fake from an original!)...and a lot more interesting people that I have not mentioned !
Could you guys/gals tell us when and how you joined the discussions here and also narrate any funny incidents or discussions that had happened ?
- Old responses
- From: isaiosai (@
on: Mon Apr 1 17:35:18 EST 2002
That was not flattery. I did know about you from the archives and others' sites and about Ramki, but honestly, not much about bb as i am not much into lyrics.
I somehow was of the impression that i downloaded Kulir Thendral from Srikanth's site and you to be the lyricist as you have written some songs for him.
Thanks for the correction.
- From: (@
on: Mon Apr 1 17:37:05 EST 2002
others' sites = other sites
- From: Sriram Lakshman aka SL aka Mr. Observer (@
on: Mon Apr 1 18:04:04 EST 2002
AVR, I am sure it was not Udhaya's so called profanities that bothered you :))).
This is my favourite site for its mission and for the knowledgeables that is has managed to attract. Eventhough there have been intermittent mud-slinging much like those in sites dedicated to "Rafi vs Kishore Kumar" wars, one has to only browse through the archives to get a feel of the quality of discussions that was prevalent during the forum's nascent days. It could be safely concluded that nowhere in the web world would you bump into a store-house of information such as our newtfmpage. Well, time to thank Ravi for conceiving this and Sathya Keerthi for his magnanimity (the old-timers know what I am referring to, now :)).
Among the frequent posters, I have always sat up to make special note of posts by Rajaraman, Sathya Keerthi, RajaG, MS, Udhaya, IR, Srinath (pOnA pOrathu :), O_IS_G and Manisegaran etc. Udhaya's eloquence, RajaG's humor and penchant for skirmishes and Srikanth's spontaneity and his 'no-nonsense' posts have kept me entertained all along. My favourite set of posts are in a thread that was about copying by our MDs where Madan (a HCIRF) during the course of defending his idol stated (incorrectly) that Yaman is the Hindustani equivalent of Mohanam in Carnatic. In an effort to bolster his claims, Madan quoted his Mirudangist friend. In came RajaG, started with suggestions to ask Madan's friend to rid the world of problems like UFO, AIDS and applying for a PHD in Carnatic and went merrily along . I kept recollecting this post for quite sometime and I used to end up breaking into a smile, uncontrollably so. This was actually followed by Veliyaththavan's one-liner, 'Mohanam has become Madan's yaman'. Great fun !!! Karthi, has often been my target for leg-pulling and has this track record of succumbing each time I laid the bait for him. He has this uncanny knack of discovering non-existant qualities in his idols :)).
Apart from the wealth of knowledge I have gained, some of the mails/phone calls that I exchanged with some of the forumers have resulted in pretty deep/lifelong friendships, the basis of which have spread well beyond the ambit of TFM. Karthi, bb, rags, Udhaya, RajaG, Srikanth, Sathya Keerthi, MS, Vidhya, IR......the list is too long. Thanks for the wonderful time.
- From: S T S (@
on: Mon Apr 1 22:06:16 EST 2002
Thanks for remembering. Felt like our college farewell days. I am a silent spectator these days but visit forum few times a day. Our office is kind of reluctant to let people post from office, citing security reasons. By the time I reach home it is too late or too tired to post. But this is one of the nicest threads.
I remember Common Friend. We had a lots of encounters and others who termed me as IR's unpaid PRO. We could not see genius like Ramanujam, Bharathi... But I wish to see IR in my life.
Kupps, RajaG, CF, Srikanth, Velaiyathavan, Athi, NagaS, MS, Udhaya etc., etc.,
Very informative, very funny, sarcastic, fights, mud slinging, etc., etc., Keep up the great work, God Bless You All.
Still maintaining site (sometimes linking to others but...)
- From: AVR (@
on: Tue Apr 2 01:04:09 EST 2002
From: Sriram Lakshman aka SL aka Mr. Observer (@ on: Mon Apr 1 18:04:04 EST 2002
Ah so Karthi was right when he/she said that Mr R Sunderraman is nobody but Sriram Lakshman!
AVR, I am sure it was not Udhaya's so called profanities that bothered you :))).
Well it was. Just that i relaised that I was stretching it beyond limits.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Tue Apr 2 02:12:43 EST 2002
wow! great thread for nostalgic moments...thanks cosmician
like many of the fellow DFers i stumbled upon this site from the Google directed IR songs site -- "Dr. Balaji's Site" sometime during early 1999. began to write a word or two since late 99, i guess. In early 99s i thought only those who have registered themselves to the site can post and others can only read. After that I "discovered" that, that is not the case and this site is open to persons even like me. Hence this site remained holy only till late 1999s and had begun to lose its chasteity - one of the worst things to happen to this forum. Since 99s this has become my home page. my collegues, if happen to see any computer having one window for newtfmpage immediately conclude that i am "working" in that machine. so addictive it is.
i'm learning how to speak(in forum-ming sense) to others from this forum. Techno Stalwarts rajaG, swamiji, nethaji(srikanth), rjay and others; Songs Enceclopaedias like Ramji, P.S.Karthi, kalai(not bull, but a beautiful crescent/art :-) ), "Paadal pugaL" Udhaya (hey remember some person for a short span termed himself/herself as Udhai-ayya? know who is it?), "Admin" bb; Thamizh enceclopaedia filmaanicas like Sathya Keerthi, Manisegaran; WCM fundoo Kanchana Madam; "Same side pals :-)" like eden (1000 IR padalgaL list-tiya aboorva sinthamani); ezhuththaaLar NagaS, palludaikkum vaakkuvaadha thilagam Bharath( is he me? was the latest identification crisis solved? :-) ); famous ROS roses IR, Murali Sankar(MS), Sindhuja, the new entrant neha a.k.a mandu chloride et al; Three lettered VIPs like TNS(r u still T.N.Seshan? :-) ), STS; "anbudan" mahabs; "kanivudan" cosmician; "prayer pugaL" Common Friend; IR Fan his collegue Prabhu the music maker; sarcasm-to-the-core Trend; "whazzap" Theva; "thamizh" arul aras(c)an hihi :-) ; "kavaravaikkum postugaLudaya" kiru; "Observer" S.L; O_IS_G; "pakkaththu veettu" peeps; and lot others have their quota of influence on me making a person. Ofcourse "Kupps" also has his own influence which is nothing but his famous "gnaabagamaradhi(forgetfulness)" which is evidently shown above in the inadvertantly left out heroes/heroines -- indeed they are heroes and heroines, unsung due memory corruption. so as usual "echchoose me please".
i still remember getting on my nerves during so-called-defending-my-idol and idiotically posted "MSV lost his position due to running out of stock(sarakku kaali)" and went home with a blackened eye and reddish swelled nose courtesy Srikanth, no..no not a single word was pointed at me or my post but still all of his postings were pointing at me indirectly, then. Still remember my apology to Udhaya having unnecessarily dragged his name in a "polite conversation" between Bharath(a new entrant then) and some X, to show that Bharath and that X are "politely conversing" by quoting only line of the alter ego's statements and giving a "polite reply" to that and getting a similar "warm" treatement and on and on. I still feel bad about these. Those are a few of bad things contributed by me that offended people.
Though bad, i still enjoy the famous "vaseegara" thread and the translation to that song.
As my contribution, I started a thread something like "what is common between IR's music style and ARR's music style". Expectedly it did not get a kick off rather it kicked its own bucket very soon.
An important word i learnt from this forum is DIGRESSION, when searched the dictionary it said "digression is nothing but whatever you post in TFM threads and in your case it could also be equated to garbage".
Surprisingly this thread made me to start liking MKT songs with a great interest.
As someone suggested earlier, let us make this as a permanant thread otherwise it seems that this is a parting note, i don't wish it to be so.
- From: peeps (@
on: Tue Apr 2 04:38:15 EST 2002
engey poneenga kupps ivalavu naala?I thought u became a minister in "Amma's" Cabinet !!..:-)
- From: Kupps (@
on: Tue Apr 2 08:10:59 EST 2002
hello peeps 10 naaLa office-kku leave he...heee
sondha oor poi irundhaen...adhukkuLLa yaenna thaedappadupavargaL list-la saeththutteengaLae...romba aniyaayam :-)
- From: isaiosai (@
on: Tue Apr 2 13:15:06 EST 2002
Kupps, enjoyed reading ur post:-))
- From: Bharath (@
on: Tue Apr 2 14:12:43 EST 2002
good post. although because of memory corruption I am unable to recollect the "sweet" incident where a lot of "polite conv" were done.. :-)
ngabaga marathi jaasthi ayikitte irukku
- From: pErillaa pichai (@
on: Tue Apr 2 15:23:41 EST 2002
From: Kupps (@
From: Bharath (@
innaadaa idhu. nammaLaiyE dabaaikkaraanga.
- From: Bharath (@
on: Tue Apr 2 18:11:15 EST 2002
ha ha ha ha.
Mr. pErilla pichai...
sitai'kku raman chittappa illai..
from kupps post
//"Bharath( is he me? was the latest identification crisis solved? :-) ); "//
we work for the same company but in different hempispheres.
- From: rajaG (@
on: Tue Apr 2 18:28:14 EST 2002
Bharath/Kupps : hemisphere naa? Left Brained Right Brained aa? :)
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