Topic started by SIVA (@ on Thu Oct 2 05:03:36 EDT 2003.
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- Old responses
- From: C~P (@
on: Fri Nov 14 02:47:52 EST 2003
i know the reason for ur confusion....YM-la pesinathu nyabagam irukkumey? ... i dont wanna bring it in here! :-)
- From: paran (@
on: Fri Nov 14 03:10:41 EST 2003
ade pavi.....
this is emotional BlackMail..ok...
anyway..YM-le nadanthuthaku yaar sachi....
- From: Jaiganesh (@
on: Fri Nov 14 11:01:10 EST 2003
Hi people,
The success of pithamagan is undoubted. There has been debates raging about various things in that film. Irrespective of all those issues, I see a silver lining in the arrival of Bala as a big director in Tamil cine industry.It is his ability to put more than just one layer(dimension) to his stories, characters that makes him special.What do I mean by this? If someone asks you what is the story of Sethu or Pithamagan, you perhaps would tell a one line. But on second thought you would say that the film is more than that. If you see a shankar film, you would say, the hero fights corruption(in whatever way he chooses to). and that is it. But, for sethu, nandha or Pithamagan, the depth in the narrative is awesome. That shows the hallmark of a great director. Everytime you see a great work, something new would meet your eye. So Kollywood is slowly moving from tight sripts and tactful screeplay to meaningful literature in cinema, courtesy Bala. Just today I watched "Road to Peredition" at home (for the 5th time)and I was excited to hear the background score and enjoy the subtle, dark humour in the character "Maguire" (played by Jude Law). In more ways than one I realised how Great directors can create visuals on screen that can elevate even a comic story into an epic saga. In this respect, I see some Bala in Sam Mendes and some Sam Mendes in Bala.
- From: magix (@
on: Fri Nov 14 11:13:55 EST 2003
u forgot about a lil thin called message archives! ;)
- From: magix (@
on: Fri Nov 14 11:14:57 EST 2003
li'l thing*
btw this was in reference to "YM-le nadanthuthaku yaar sachi"
- From: Kannan (@
on: Fri Nov 14 16:03:33 EST 2003
Jai ganesh
You are right. I have not seen Nanda or PM. But I watched Sethu again recently, probably for the third or fourth time in two years. Like a great literature, I found new depths in the movie. Even minor acts of irrationality by some of the characters lend authenticity to the movie. Great work. Beautiful narration with IR's music doing good part of the story telling in many scenes.
- From: Senty (@
on: Fri Nov 14 17:20:39 EST 2003
Velji and Vatsa ...
"Andha Naal" is a great movie.I was stunned when i saw the movie.I was wondering how could some one take a movie like that during that perios.But later found out that "Andha Naal" was nothing but "Vennai balachanders" interpretation of Akiro Kurusawa's "Roshmon".
- From: Sundharam (@
on: Fri Nov 14 18:43:44 EST 2003
Should Surya be getting the national award for best supporting actor for this movie? It looks like, given good roles like this, Surya will be the best actor.
To some extent, Surya's action in this movie looks a grad higher than Vikram.
Is it what you guys think?
Gnana Sundharam
- From: V (@
on: Fri Nov 14 19:34:36 EST 2003
Steven Spielberg personally gave the script of American Beauty to Sam Mendes and the movie when on to win the Best picture Oscar and Sam Mendes also won the best director award.
Just some trivia
- From: Sundharam (@
on: Fri Nov 14 19:59:22 EST 2003
Just go through these links... how bala and Surya were expressing their ideas earlier. They have been humble and they are very different from many "bandha" people in the film industry.....
- From: Sundharam (@
on: Fri Nov 14 20:00:05 EST 2003
Just go through these links... how bala and Surya were expressing their ideas earlier. They have been humble and they are very different from many "bandha" people in the film industry.....
- From: Raj (@
on: Fri Nov 14 20:12:39 EST 2003
Senty: Andha Naal was actually a box office flop,even though the movie won an award and was considered to be path breaking. In those days movies had to run for three hours with about 10 songs. This one ran for about 2 hours with no songs. That year, 1954, they also released Manohara, Kalyanam Panniym Bhrammachari and Avvaiyar(?). In comparison, Andha Naal could not compete. It is not a copy of Rashomon. But, the narrative style with people telling different versions of the murder is the same.
- From: Jaiganesh (@
on: Fri Nov 14 22:14:59 EST 2003
Hi ,
In those days there was a concept of second release. If a movie was released in a very competitive time and it flopped and if people ttought it was good, the film would be rereleased. Like Sivandha mann was a hit when it was rereleased, and so too was Karnan. Andha naal was also a hit when it was released after a gap. Andha naal was a good movie. But I would not tell it was a legendary movie, bcoz, that movie was an intelligent screenplay work and that is all to it. Movies like that are fun to watch, but I would not add them to classics list. I would definitely add "Pasamalar" to classics list, because, it was not a great script or screenplay,story is also not that great, but it made me cry. not once or twice, every time I see that movie, I cry. That movie is a legend. that performance of sivaji is legendary. He might have acted with sensitivity in Mudhal Mariyadhai adn other movies, which some of you feel are less overacting type. But in Pasamalar, Paavamannippu and other bhim sing's movies he was able to touch the raw chords of many people. That performance cannot be called overacting because, it moved enough people on theatre, which is what ultimately the director wants, be it Akira Kurosawa or Rama Narayanan for that matter. Moving people, disturbing them in one way or other, to leave a long lasting imprint on their mind is what the director should try to achieve and the actor is a mere tool that director uses to achieve this. That is why Pithamagan is a success, the actors, peformed the part of this instrument in the hands of Bala, hence the movie is Bala's Pithamagan and not Vikram's or Surya's.
- From: MusicIsLife (@
on: Fri Nov 14 23:07:24 EST 2003
If the actor does not perform as the director wanted it to be, then it will have no sense. though, the director should be given all credit, a significant recognition and credit should go to the actors
- From: Senty (@
on: Sat Nov 15 01:24:47 EST 2003
Raj correction i said "andha naal" was veenai balachander's interpretation not copy.Nobody can take credit from this man for that movie.How could someone even cocieve such a movie at that time period.Andha Naal is great in lot of ways.As far as i know it is the only tamil movie which was narated with world war-2 as a back drop.
I saw another movie of Veenai balachaner...Some thing like "eri malaigai...XXX" it is about this old man who has a palacial house in midst of a lake and he invites all his relatives before he dies... kind of a suspense thriller.that is also a very unique movie.
Sundharam i think "Vikram's" acting in the movie was far far better than Surya's.Surya's charecter is a happy go lucky guy charecter... which is kind of easy to do.compared to that of vikram's.Because of all the comedies and always happy charecter that he potraits surya kind of comes to fore front when we think about the movie.And of course after kaaka kaaka surya has really shown us that he is a very versatile actor with this movie.
But if you consider just the acting part, it is vikram.Imagine yourself doing both roles in front of the audience.I think anyone will be able to do all the surya's scenes of 420 buisness and get a decent clapping.But imagine vikram's role you don't have any dialogue to deliver.what ever u do is ur body language and have to be consistent with it all through out the movie.you have to execute it to perfection otherwise you will be ridiculed. i dont think everybody can do it.Iam very happy with Vikram's performance.cause we dont have to keep saying "SHOW MAN" kamal as the great actor anymore.Vikram has done it without creating any FUSS.
- From: Kunal (@
on: Sat Nov 15 01:43:09 EST 2003
Gnyana Sundaram,
Don't keep your hopes high for the National Awards yet. It's now the bastion of the Hindi film industry. It's the left-overs from there that would come to S. Indian movies. Don't be surprised if they award Salman Khan for Tere Naam (a pathetic remake of Sethu) or the stars of yet another patriotic Kargil movie.
- From: Vatsa (@
on: Sat Nov 15 16:13:13 EST 2003
Sivaji is a legend in his own respect. Kamal is becoming one. Vikram has to go a long way .. though I am happy people like Vikram have come up. Hope this continues and we get some good movies for Vikram to be recognised.
- From: Sundharam (@
on: Sat Nov 15 18:00:17 EST 2003
Senty, the reason why Surya is talked so much because nobody expected that he will give such an excellent performance. Vikram's performance is quite expected since "Sethu" movie we have seen how his reaction for such situations under Bala's direction.
Kunal, I agree with you. At national level, there have been many occasions, good talent and stories have been not given enough credit. It could be possible, someone else could be doing even much more excellent job what Surya did. So, considering this, we can only hope.
- From: Sundar (@
on: Sun Nov 16 11:15:26 EST 2003
Is Pithamagan not doing well? In sun TV top 10 it comes to second position
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