Topic started by Ravi (@ on Mon Jun 30 22:39:10 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
...titled "Thendral" starring Karthik, produced by Oscar Films V.Ravichandran. Is it Ilayaraja or Vidyasagar? Please let me know. Also, provide a link, if you guys can, where it confirms that Ilayaraja or Vidyasagar is doing the music for Thangar's next film.
- Old responses
- From: dsvfg (@
on: Thu Jul 17 10:13:33 EDT 2003
boys songs r keanayakuthy
- From: dsvfg (@
on: Thu Jul 17 10:13:40 EDT 2003
boys songs r keanayakuthy
- From: dsvfg (@
on: Thu Jul 17 10:13:47 EDT 2003
boys songs r keanayakuthy
- From: Paran (@
on: Thu Jul 17 10:21:03 EDT 2003
KM..is one of the best ARR composition..which went unnoticed...or at least was not a hit..
KV..is another one on the list..
the three melodious songs..are the best i have heard recently....
- From: Vel (@
on: Thu Jul 17 10:34:38 EDT 2003
:-) Nice points Vatsa....one comment though..
"..What IR lacks is that he has not still understood popular hindi and current youth taste ... atleast for now!..."
The reverse of you said could be true too...that popular (hindi) cinema audience & (a creamy layers of) current youth have not still understood the richness in his music..atleast for now..[pardon my idai serugals to your hypothesis..]
Just wondering...for all you might know, some day in future, they might :-)
- From: Vel (@
on: Thu Jul 17 10:36:07 EDT 2003
Oops typo...
"The reverse of what you said could.."
- From: Music4ever (@
on: Thu Jul 17 11:05:16 EDT 2003
How can one forget KVM and MSV when the discussion veers towars carnatic-type songs in TFM? I wonder.
BTW, I was pleasantly surprised to hear some of the ARR's songs like "Maargazhi thingaL allavaa"
and "Kannil varum kaatchi ellam kanmaNiyE uruththum, kaaNadha un uruvam kannukkuLLe inikkum" at the Borders book store! I was engrossed with some perusal in the Biography section of Borders when suddenly my attention was
switched to some sound. I paid close attention to the sound and then I realized it is some Tamil song! I was delighted and wanted to investigate more, so I went in the direction of the music and couldn't believe they were playing ARR's songs!
The place I live is frequented by few, if any, Tamilians. It was indeed a pleasant experience. Borders played that CD twice in the last one year. They also play middle eastern and other music occasionaly.
- From: Jag (@
on: Thu Jul 17 11:22:07 EDT 2003
There is actually a compilation of ARR's hits by the record album which does Ravi Shankar's albums which is available all over US. You can find it in the international section of the B&N store.
"..What IR lacks is that he has not still understood popular hindi and current youth taste ... atleast for now!..."
If they can appreciate it! What is the use of churning out gems and not getting noticed? If people like Bappi Lahiri(percussion based) and RD Burman(melody based) are popular why not IR who is master of both. Only, he should changed his name to IR.Raj instead :)
- From: Jag (@
on: Thu Jul 17 11:23:24 EDT 2003
read "hits by the record album" as "hits, by the record label"
- From: Vatsa (@
on: Thu Jul 17 13:12:16 EDT 2003
I actually heard some of IR songs of earlier Hindi movies. He experimented alot instead of pleasing the audience first in his earlier album, which was the problem. As I have already said IR is known as IR in Hindi belt, he is known as bappi lahiri, anand milind and others who copied his music. I hope you agree.
- From: vatsa (@
on: Thu Jul 17 13:12:57 EDT 2003
sorry jag,
"As I have already said IR is known as IR in Hindi belt, he is known as bappi lahiri, anand milind and others who copied his music" shoud be read as
As I have already said IR is NOT known as IR in Hindi belt, he is known as bappi lahiri, anand milind and others who copied his music
- From: V (@
on: Thu Jul 17 15:47:00 EDT 2003
Very good points!
I like your restrained approach at conveying musical merits rather than fanatical boasting claims of rajasaranam!
Here are my thoughts
1. 100 % agreed that IR is god when it comes to WCM in its old classical and technical form. The article by Prasanna is testimony to this! ARR has to catch up in tems of WCM technicality!
2. 100 % agreed IR is a genius in Carnatic Music and I repeat the lines mentioned in Unnal Mudium Thambi. "Karnataka Isaiyai Podhu Makkal Manasula Idam pidikka vekanumna konjam elimayagathan paadanum". Only IR can do this beautifully and the common man in Panrooti will appreciate a Carnatic song!
3. I also appreciate your frank confession that IR has not been able to really catch the pulse of the Hindi music listeners and he has not been successful enough to cater them their kind of music. ARR on the other hand did a lot of reasearch to make sure his music is prsented in a very common punjabi medium that the North Indian listeners can attach themselves with!
4. Also agree 10000% that North Indians are not open minded as SOuth Indians are when it comes to accepting different forms of music. ARR himself mentioned this! ISn't that what I am saying too?? ARR has been able to prsent his tunes nicely wrapped in a north indian mood and the people there obviously accepted that. HE HAS TO BE APPRECIATED FOR THAT!!
In my opinion IR is a huge underrated musician. If given the right platform he can go places with his WCM skills and can impress the "niche" audience in the west. Mind you! not the mainstream audience but the ones that are old and go and watch symphony concerts! I dont term them as inferior but I am just outlining the audience that he would genuinely have for his style of disciplines WCM music!
ARR does not want to envelope himself to very structured and siciplines tyles in WCM, Carnatic, folk! That is the reason he goes out and tries to fuse different themes to make something that toes the middle line and reaches the farthest expanses of the nation. Prabhudeva was talked about in the north for Urvasi and Muqabla. Muqabla has 7 versions running when it released? ALl this is not possible without some genius of talent.
I am not saying IR is inferior just because he is not known much and just because he is not all-india popular. I am just happy for ARR that he has adopted this style of music whioch breaks all conventions and throw his music all over India!
Thus the two musicians have their own style of working. I like both their styles and I dont want them to change it just because so goons here feel it is not good!
- From: V (@
on: Thu Jul 17 16:00:48 EDT 2003
There is a huge culture crisis for Indians all over the world.
There are millions of NRIs abroad who identify their musical tastes with popular western music performers instread of Indian music. The kids of our Indian parents settled abroad have no way to get introduced to Indian music like pure folk, pure carnatic.
So ARR has taken it up so that he can cater Indian music in a popular medium by using western themes! This helps the NRIs to stay in touch with Indian music too!
It is pretty simple.
1. Think of yourself as an NRI father with american-borm kids.
2. You take them out on a car-ride and intend to introduce them to some Indianish music so that they dont get totally absolved by Metallicas and Britneys.
3. You play "Madura Marikozhunthu Vaasam" with the idea that you will get your kids to hear some indian folk music.
4. As kids who have had nativety with western music and western musical ideas and themes how can you expect them to say "Dad that song is soo good!"?
5. On the other hand you play 'Kariye Naa' from Taal. The programming and western elements in the song helps these kids to atleast feel comfortable listening to these songs and they still get to feel some Indian music!
Why is it wrong if ARR has a strongly western feel to his music? Who are we to say that a musicians should stick to authentic rigid and disciplined genres of music and should not break conventions??
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... I am not trying to say ARR is greatest because he can do this and IR cannot! I am saying that ARR does this and thats his style of working! We have no right to say that he should not do that and should make his songs more indianish.
ARR has made up his mind that his music is now being widely catered to western audience.
Even taking up the theory that the western audience of ARR abroad is 99 % Pakis and Desis (which btw is not true) it is just amazing that ARR pulls these people closer to our music rather than letting them get lost in the world of Mettalicas, BSBs, NSyncs
I commend ARR for this! I hope he does not lose this vision and I hope he does different styles henceforth!
- From: Admin (@
on: Thu Jul 17 16:18:31 EDT 2003
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
- From: Admin (@
on: Thu Jul 17 16:18:51 EDT 2003
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
- From: Admin (@
on: Thu Jul 17 16:19:12 EDT 2003
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
People Please download yahoo messanger in their computer for chatting.
- From: V (@
on: Thu Jul 17 16:23:04 EDT 2003
IR sure has been a trend-setter for introducing authentic folk, pure carnatic music by giving them a suitable theme in mainstream TFM.
Same way ARR has just done this more globally by taking what we already knew and were exposed to and adding western slant to them to make them presentable to the whole of India and now even across the seas!
Unfortunately ARR is accused of doing this while IR can be hailed for doing so!
I have heard a lot of negative comments on IR from a lot of older people who are so faithful to Carnatic music. They contend that it is unfair on IR to 'dappankuthize' a "deivigamana" musical form.
So do you expect me to reject IR totally because he does that? Even when they feel that way I agree with Udhayamoorthy's comment in "Unnal Mudiyum Thambi" that classical music must be moulded in a simple form to make it presentable to the common man.
When this can be done why cant ARR westernize our Indian music?
- From: V (@
on: Thu Jul 17 16:28:48 EDT 2003
All further discussions on the same lines may be posted in the new thread titled "Musical Merits & Demerits of IR and ARR [Only for fans, not fanatics!] "
Just want make sure this thread is more in lines with the original topic.
Thanks for your co-operation!
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