Topic started by Ramki (@ cs101.cs.wmich.edu) on Fri Oct 30 21:41:00 EST 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
They look like antonyms to me.THe forum,which had once been a playground of fun filled people,happniess,joy is now reduced to hatred,personal and verbal attacks.The attitude of certain people has literally driven some of our regulars here.Where are we heading to?If this trend continues i dont think this forum will be ever used for the main purpose it was created. We are here to talk about music,varieties of music,its creators,irrespective of who it is ,listeners.This forum is accessed and read throughout the world. SHouldnt we,people who come from prestigious universities,who are woring in respectable positions,show minimal politeness in
what we speak and what we write.But whats happening here is worse than 'kuzhaiyadi sandai'.I really feel ashamed and hurt to see this. SOme of us are really brutal.I dont want to cite examples,wait what the heck,once a srikanth had posted that he wanted to cut the throat of SUresh peters.I was shocked and was very sad to read that.You need not have to give respect for his talent but atleast he deserves some respect as a human being.WHat if suresh peter also reads the forum??Wouldnt he be hurt?If you dont like
an artist,keep it to yourself or say it diplomatically. We are not barbarians,we are all educated,talented human beings.Let us not slay each other with words.
Stop comparing people.Stop comapiring their works.
If you cant ,sorry to say,but stop coming here.
Ravi sorry for creating a melodramatic thread,but by the look of things here i guess you might even consider putting this thread in permanent section:)
- Old responses
- From: Viswa (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Tue Nov 3 00:56:49 EST 1998
YGeetha :
The article appeared in the issue dated Oct 1, 1998. The URL was http://www.vikatan.com/01_10_98/internet.htm
but the link does'nt seem to be there now. I shall try and transliterate the article in the "TFM in Vikatan" thread started by balaji (now in the archives).
- From: Viswa (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Tue Nov 3 00:59:58 EST 1998
Geetha, sorry...the URL should be :
(The link does'nt work anyway :-))
- From: cram (@
on: Tue Nov 3 09:52:22 EST 1998
thanx a lot srinath,
just walked in and saw all the postings. i hope people have got the gist of what u and i want to say and how we are saying it.
phew! even i am getting a bit battle-weary. let's get back to the main business of TFM and related stuff.
peace out pals.
- From: Observer (@ spider-tm061.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Nov 3 10:29:35 EST 1998
"I have not come across a DF regular who does not follow unwritten rules here"
this shows how closely people are reading this forum. If this was true, there would not have been a real deewali crackers this time. There would not have been instances when ravi had to delete many postings. There would not have been foul language used to criticize artists. No DF participant may have quit for being counter-attacked to criticizing an artist so bad. How do we keep the decorum of this forum? by having ravi to delete all these dirty postings which are not only digressive but also some nasty comments. IMHO, let us come out to say something frankly rather than ridiculing the person who thought this thread was necessary to discuss.
- From: Srinath (@ ss02.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Tue Nov 3 10:43:54 EST 1998
Provocative postings like yours and mine are what I feel should continue to be allowed in the DF. Now you weren't mincing any words while making your observations about me, were you ? Thanks for vindicating my stance :-)
- From: cram (@
on: Tue Nov 3 10:51:28 EST 1998
yeah, srinath, solli adippoam, neththi adi thaan. keep the fire alive. that's the spirit. veLuththukkatta vaendum, muraiyum ganniyamum thavaraamal.
- From: Swami. (@ wp1.ericy.com)
on: Tue Nov 3 13:38:40 EST 1998
veLuththukkatta vaendum, muraiyum ganniyamum
Please add one more thing to this Mr.Cram. Before we post anything, we should realize what we post, whom/what we are posting about, and who we are. Due respect should be give to the creators of music 9whoever it may be). Usin words like crap, junk, third rated doesn't look good right??
- From: Srinivas (@ pup36.stanford.edu)
on: Tue Nov 3 14:35:54 EST 1998
I think that the decorum/ politeness in this Forum is a lot better than all the other forums on the net and I feel that it is as good as it can get, without strict regulations.
However, I agree that there should be a moderation when expressing harsh opinions. But, this should be self-imposed.
- From: cram (@
on: Wed Nov 4 05:10:00 EST 1998
swami saar,
inna ore formal aayitteengo. mister gisternnu. paerai solliye kooppidunga.
regarding crap, junk, there are worse 4-letter words and lets thank our stars no one's using them.
- From: Swami (@ wp1.ericy.com)
on: Wed Nov 4 11:04:07 EST 1998
"pull arikka vechteenga cram avargale.
The basic point I wanted to make here was, lets respect the work of others. Let's imagine ourselves in the shoes of the composers before we post anything. Maybe they would have lifted the whole song abruptly; well lets ignore them, instead of wasting our time over such unnecessary things. There are many good things about music which we can discuss about.
- From: Srinath (@ ss05.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Wed Nov 4 11:28:39 EST 1998
...and a good many ways to discuss them without apologising for every other posting :-)
- From: bb (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Jan 27 14:11:37 EST 1999
in the wake of the nonsense going on in some threads(padaiyappa, new albums of ARR & housefull vs fire), i think there is a serious need to reexamine the amount of politeness that is necessary for this forum.
- From: Srinath (@ ss07.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Wed Jan 27 15:13:03 EST 1999
You shattered my dreams of having the last word on atleast one topic in the world :-))) Anyway, I still don't feel politeness can be quantified. But the topics that you mentioned were pretty funny to see.
In view of these new developments, I would like to narrow my stance to only topics that are related to the TFM-DF. I do not subscribe to the 'passionate' arguments made about the English language in some of the threads ! My stance is that as long as a discussion does not digress too far from the original topic, passionate arguments ought to be accepted. In cases like Housefull Vs Fire, the thread itself could be closed.
- From: bb (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Jan 27 16:04:48 EST 1999
srinath: be rest assured that the world is such a complex place that u can never have a last word:))
- From: Sriram Lakshman (@ ifmxlenx.na.informix.com)
on: Wed Jan 27 16:32:38 EST 1999
bb, "nonsense going on"...my..my how unpolite!!!! (just kidding!!). You mean, extend the limits ?? If so, I am in agreement with you, considering some of the "stimulating" threads that one gets to see presently.
- From: suren (@ webcachew05a.cache.pol.co.uk)
on: Wed Jan 27 17:07:42 EST 1999
Ha ..com`n guys..don`t get very serious and melodramatic.
Horace said "seize the day..Have no faith in morrow". Enjoy .... thangamani....
- From: Raj (@ master.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Thu Jan 28 00:06:29 EST 1999
As a paricipant in the "nonsensical" discussions of "Housefuull vs Fire" topic, I guess I stand indicted before the cultured audience here.
Indeeed, it was funny to go through the discussion again...forgetting for a moment, my involvement. Atleast I didnt call anyone names :)
However, the reason I had pointed out Munniappan's grammatical errors was to show him the futility of pointing out errors in others' English(or Malayalam or Telugu Or swahili:) )
Afterall, none of us is English(OR irish or scottish or welsh) by birth...why should anyone be proficient in English to contribute to the discussions?And SPM being a IR-Worshipper, I felt a need to side with him:)
That it degenerated into "calling names" was sad.
Having said that, I must confess that I have profound admiration for srinath - as much for his
clarity of thought and expression in his postings as for his impeccable English :)
(Actually, if with all these credentials, he had sided with the "IR Bashers", I would probably have had profound hate for him:)..Thank God, he is "objective" enough to be a deva-basher ,ARR-baiter ..:) )
Srinath, I am a happy member of the filter-coffee club;). And where is srikanth, in response to whom you always give us the most special of special brews of coffee:)
- From: Junior (@ proxye.emirates.net.ae)
on: Thu Jan 28 09:16:53 EST 1999
why dont we post a set of rules, saying what sort of language, provacation, etc are allowed?
- From: Srinath (@ ss05.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Thu Jan 28 11:42:05 EST 1999
I am honored :-) But let me take a deep breath before all this goes to my head (you already have me smiling like an idiot :-))
Incidentally, Srikanth is expressing his disgust in the "ARR is smarter than IR" thread :-) I consider it equally honorable to be clashing ideas with a person of Srikanth's calibre !
- From: Raj (@ hydrec2.hyd.deshaw.com)
on: Thu Jan 28 12:17:55 EST 1999
Srinath. look at the "Bhavadharini's interview thread". Some potential for good brew there!
Yeah, srikanth is sure knowledgeable and a worthy rival to clash swords with. But, IMO, he lacks the finesse and clarity of thought that marks out you(Ah.hmm..I am not flattering , so hold your head up, high..and if you smile, smile like a proud man..you deserve all the accolades I am showering on you..Looks like, after IR, you have caught my imagination most:)) from the others.
Srikant sometimes confeses his admiration for raja and in the same breath , he says he bashes IR and says it is because of IR-Fans' blind worship here. Now, how objective does it make him? He argues for arguments' sakeBesides, he is heated up easily and descends to "Kuzhayadi sandai " type , something which you have always avoided. He amight be a good musician..but IMO, pales before you as an objective poster. Besides, man, do I love your style of English!!If I had the say, I would say "You are the most objective poster(Dont think I want to stick you to the walls:)) in the forum, ahead of the "Nadu nilai Nayagars".
So says Raj.
- From: vijay (@
on: Thu Jan 28 16:10:39 EST 1999
ah! what are the filter coffee members doing in the politeness thread?:))
let us not unnecessarily drag srikanth into the picture here. srikanth is not even posting regularly nowadays( and he seems to be much more mellowed in his attacks on IR :)) ).
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