Topic started by Ravi (@ on Mon Jun 30 22:39:10 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
...titled "Thendral" starring Karthik, produced by Oscar Films V.Ravichandran. Is it Ilayaraja or Vidyasagar? Please let me know. Also, provide a link, if you guys can, where it confirms that Ilayaraja or Vidyasagar is doing the music for Thangar's next film.
- Old responses
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Tue Jul 8 14:49:42 EDT 2003
IR sucked with "Manasellam" (pls dunt call......BLAH..... BLAH..... BLAH.....
Hi MADDY: good attempt, i appreciate ur adamancy in making us belive ARR is no less than IR. but wat to do there is a popular saying in tamil - "pithalaiya pudam pottu theichalum thangam agathu" - means however u try u can never convert bronze to gold.
In a earlier post u had given a long list of people who had worked with ARR - dont u find this funny jus bcos one is working with someone it doesnt mean that they appreciate him. there are many other reasons for people to approach ARR for their projects. economical,cultural etc., if ur senssible enuff u can go thro my previous postings in various threads where ive answered u directly for more information.
MADDY now tell me touching ur conscience[ if u hav one] were u able to answer or counter argue me wherever i answered u. u just left those messages and go on shifting frm this and that thread and trying to convince others.come on this is stupidity to the core. if u cannot answer my queries pls stop this business of getting into a reasonable discussion. go and keep telling to the walls in ur room - ARR IS GR8... ARR IS GR8...Atleast ull hav the satisfaction of not getting any counter arguements.
- From: V (@
on: Tue Jul 8 15:02:30 EDT 2003
rajasaranam says,
"jus bcos one is working with someone it doesnt mean that they appreciate him"
I have not hear of bulllshit like this for a long time.
Can I use that to merely nullify IR's association with Kamal and the symphony guys and all popular Directors he worked with?
So andrew lloyd webber thought it will be a great economic stimulus to rope in ARR to work in a west end musical? ARR was unknown before bombay dreams and webber wanted to "introduce" arr to mainstream west end audience.
Hmmm may be Hollywood directors want to take advantage of ARR's image and want to sell his name in hollywood. IS that what u want to say?
- From: V (@
on: Tue Jul 8 15:06:00 EDT 2003
I dont think it is viable for Thangar to go back to IR now after the bulllshit IR gave him!
Atleast it is VS and not HJ who got the offer
- From: sc (@
on: Tue Jul 8 20:10:36 EDT 2003
Who are the rest of the cast members in Thangar Bachchan's "Thendral"? I know Karthik has the lead role but that's it. Anyone here know?
- From: ambleen (@
on: Tue Jul 8 21:56:34 EDT 2003
Like what Jag mentioned and from what all of us have seen, you have proven your stupidity and cowardice acts. Your ignorance and naivity has shamed you. I warned you about this before that this is forthcoming to you(from the way you jump threads and unnecessarily and very stupidly hailing ARR is gr8 without proper justification.
So now you know. (btw, u still owe me that Vandicholai Chinraasu sh*t).
V(the bulllshit),
"Can I use that to merely nullify IR's association with Kamal and the symphony guys and all popular Directors he worked with?"
Yes please do that. And that is what we've been trying to tell you ignorants all this while. IR gives quality based on his own inspiration and don't need no association with high flyers. Rahman even with his association with high flyers is giving crap. Get it?
- From: MADDY (@
on: Tue Jul 8 22:26:03 EDT 2003
Hey Vandicholai chinrasu had a gr8 song "chithirai nilavu" and he used that tune for BGM in romantic secenes.. thats the way ARR works.. he uses the song's tunes in BGM so that the mood in the film is not shifted... i have seen many hollywood composeres do that... ex:jerry goldsmith...
- From: rsy (@
on: Tue Jul 8 22:32:12 EDT 2003
Since thangar bachan has worked with IR in the past movies he has some sense. He did not go to that ba*d ARR.
- From: MADDY (@
on: Tue Jul 8 22:34:16 EDT 2003
and for u rajasaranam...
IR is GOLD and ARR is Bronze... i dunt want to deny that.... i just want to say that i like bronze a lot and i'm tired of Gold as it ruled me for 15 years before bronze rocked me....
Rajasaranam i can never accept that ARR's success in west is just a economic gimmick... no way.. ALW had many people who could have fetched him same amt. of money.... but he was "Fidaa" (adored) for ARR....
u think using Commercial softwares and Loops are not creativity.... both of my musical icons used that 1. Bryan Adams and 2.Kurt Cobain and so i feel it is nuthin less creative... and also being a fan of such a genius how can you forget that tunes cannot be computer generated...
- From: ambleen (@
on: Tue Jul 8 23:48:51 EDT 2003
So that 1 song is great. But did you listen to the whole BGM. You are only remembering the tiny bit he adapted from that song as BGM which he used here & there for the romantic scenes. But have you listened to 95% of the BGM? Please do. Its TOTAL noise. TOTALLY out of placed. Very embarassing.
As you claim, which other hollywood composers have done like what ARR did?
- From: V (@
on: Wed Jul 9 00:09:53 EDT 2003
Also listen to BGM of Ilaiyaraaja in film Maveeran
Especially the scene in which Rajini comes out of a cake.
Insane BGM!!!!!!!!!!!
Total nonsense stuff from Ilaiyaraaja!
- From: V (@
on: Wed Jul 9 00:20:01 EDT 2003
IR is the best when it comes to BGM composing
That does not mean ARR is bad at it.
Just pointing out one or two bad movies and saying he is bad is just the perfect task of a vayatherichal fan who tries so hard to find faults.
Anyway lets celebrate Raja's exit and VS's entry into Thangar's next movie!
I dnt mind Raja doing the music. But the change of MDs would be awesome too. especially VS!
- From: ambleen (@
on: Wed Jul 9 01:49:50 EDT 2003
wat naansense is this. in one post u condemn IR, then the next one u say u don't mind...ennappa ithu? u seem so confused.
pls seek help.
- From: MADDY (@
on: Wed Jul 9 02:17:28 EDT 2003
hey ambleen,
it means V has a good and balanced head on his shoulders.. look at ur reaction wen someone criticise IR:"...ennappa ithu?" u hate ARR more than wat u like IR...... that's the fact ... as a co-tamil i wud advise forget ARR and enjoy IR's music cos he has a lot to offer for u guys..
- From: ambleen (@
on: Wed Jul 9 02:27:09 EDT 2003
hahaha....there's a difference between balanced and confused.
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Wed Jul 9 03:16:50 EDT 2003
HI MADDY first lemme answer to that bullsh*t..... V
read my post once again[......approach ARR for their projects. economical,cultural etc.,] didnt u see the word cultural and etc., i dint mean only money is the factor moreover iam not a mind reader to say exactly why people appraoch ARR. i can only give u some theories which i belive to be true if u can disprove it and give me better theory ill be happy.in various posts in various threads ive given why ARR is popular- the cultural implications- why ARR is being promoted by the MNCs and many other facts abt ARR being a success.go thro them and giv me reasoble counter arguement till then ciao.
now MADDY ...IR is GOLD and ARR is Bronze...i just want to say that i like bronze a lot and i'm tired of Gold as it ruled me for 15 years before bronze rocked me.... GOOD ONE AGAIN!!!! frm maddy.MADDY Sir konjam yosinga sir.ur trying to tell us something like this "in last birth i was a deer eating grass i was tired of that so in this birth i am born a pig and eating shit..... YAHOOOO.... I LUV THIS TASTE GRASSSSS HAD NO TASTE AT ALL ALL SHUD EAT SHIT.
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Wed Jul 9 03:37:12 EDT 2003
to MADDY again
.. ALW had many people .....
we r appreciating IR bcos he is genius and hv done many innovative things for the music world. not all the poeple who worked with IR came ot him bcos he was a genius. many of them came to him only bcos at that point of time he was saleable.but a sizeable no. of people who worked with IR came to him cos he was a genius and apprecaited him.in various interviews they hav given facts on the creativity of IR in musical terms.there are many Phds being done on IRs creativity in music colleges.a person who is deep into music will certainely identify IR as a musical collosus of our age.i can giv a list of people who r singers, actors, musicians who appreciate IR not bcos he is popular but bcos he is a genius.
now has anyone who has worked with ARR hav given statements abt ARRs creativity in musical terms. they say it good, its nice,ALW said - ive never heard such music in last 20 yrs - thats all. did he or any other hav given a rational analysis of ARRs creativity in musical terms.
try getting into various threads abt IR where there r people discussing IRs songs and BGMs in musical terms.show me one thread like this for ARR.i was into that boys thread where everybody r saying its the album of the decade..... but why??????? r u people so stupid.
- From: Paran (@
on: Wed Jul 9 04:25:15 EDT 2003
- From: MADDY (@
on: Wed Jul 9 04:32:53 EDT 2003
rajasarnam i can never convince u that ARR is gr8.. bcos u have blocked ur mind on that idea.... dunt forget that bronze has more versatility than Gold and can work under any temperature but Gold melts under different purity level..... y doesen't IR get international recognition? for that matter even national recognition......... dunt blame everyone for being prejudiced.. the reason is that his music doesent have international appeal... he is just for underwear showing, lungi-wearing, moustched heroes and footballed-bellied heroines's movies....... he is a champ in that but.....DARE U CALL ARR MUSIC SHIT... give decent replies.......
- From: ambleen (@
on: Wed Jul 9 04:39:26 EDT 2003
stop bulllshitting and reply to my post.
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