Topic started by Ravi (@ on Mon Jun 30 22:39:10 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
...titled "Thendral" starring Karthik, produced by Oscar Films V.Ravichandran. Is it Ilayaraja or Vidyasagar? Please let me know. Also, provide a link, if you guys can, where it confirms that Ilayaraja or Vidyasagar is doing the music for Thangar's next film.
- Old responses
- From: MADDY (@
on: Wed Jul 16 00:40:40 EDT 2003
heck with ur attitude Ambleen, remember Dhirubahi ambani is not a tamilian, sachin tendulkar is not a tamilian, M.K.Gandhi was not a tamilian, sabeer bhatia(Hotmail founder) is not a tamilian,Chatrapathi shivaji was not a tamilian, then y do u have this attitude that only Tamilians are intelligent and others are fools and dunt have a music taste.... ye "chootiye", do u have the guts of an sardarji to fight a pakistani in a war??????
stop this attitude u pathetic "tamil terrorist" , we are all indians and everyone is equal......
- From: Mumbai Ramki (@
on: Wed Jul 16 01:12:24 EDT 2003
V ,
IR never claimed that he had used Indian Folk or Bengali folk .???He has simply used the instruments ,that's it .I think you are relating what IR"s fans are claiming and what IR claims .As far as i know IR has claimed only these things ....
1.The use of a foreign Symphonyic Orchestra extensively for a film ( Hey Ram)
2.The first song to have only Arohanam (Kalaivaniye from SIndu Bhairavi)
3.Giving Carnatic music in a easy to hear form as far as SIndu Bhairavi is concerned .
4.COmposing frsh music for already shot songs ( Heyram)
Many have questioned IR for not appreciating other MDs music ....He gives the reason in Paal Nila Paathai ...
" I cannot look at music with ears alone ,i cannot lok at the same way in which you can look ...I will appreciate the music ,from which i have lot to learn .I appreciate Beethoveen ,Mozart ,Bach ,Brahms ( and a lot) ,Naushad ,SD Burman ,Madhan Mohan ( etc ) ,MSV ,KV Mahdevan etc "-the music given by them will last for centuries ...If you ask me to appreciate my own music ,sorry i canot do that !!!!!!!
IR considers his won music ( my god !!!) to be worthless when compared to the greats ....Well, everybody knows how much IR has delivered over the years !
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Wed Jul 16 01:38:19 EDT 2003
ive very clearly given the theory that economic boom was directly connected with the new style of music appearing in indian scenario thro MTV and Channel v. but IR didnt cater to the people whod listen to such music. but ARR used the oppurtunity well and catered with such music, thats y his albums sold like hot cakes within the upper middle class circle and college students who readily accepted that alien culture[ they had the affordability fo buying the tapes]. but IR was composing songs for lower middle class and poor people who listens to the songs thro a radio in bus stands ot tea stalls. and IR was ruling these places.
this is the third time iam giving u the same expalnation for teh same question ur posing again and again.r u so dumb....
read my earlier posts and give me an convincing counter arguement and dont post the same questions again and again.
- From: ambleen (@
on: Wed Jul 16 01:44:29 EDT 2003
re-read my post carefully and do not misinterpret.
and this thing abt sardarji fighting a pakistani, yes i can appreciate that especially for an indian not born in india and not living in india. but can u? aren't u the same scoundrel who come up with those famous sardarji jokes that i hear from those RIs living elsewhere in the world?
pls don't preach and be a pr*ck at the same time?
- From: Paran (@
on: Wed Jul 16 01:49:12 EDT 2003
Dear AMbleen
"ppl on the streets of punjab and Rajasthan can be equated with the quality of the music?? "
When a dash like u can talk abt music...why cant they?
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Wed Jul 16 01:50:08 EDT 2003
listen to that song frm mahandhi once again if u find only dolak playing. i heard some instruments like salangai, a flute,a violin, another string instrument, and two types of percussion instruments. naturally i dont know their names. the song doesnt begin yengoyo thekku desai, but as mathangii tharaaomaaa..
i dont doubts abt the creativity of ARR[ everybody knows abt that. iam only asserting teh fact that IRs compostions will be authentic to the style of music he adopts [unless its an experiment in fusion]while ARR doesnt feel to be authentic. he tries to make every no. sound western.
- From: Speaker (@
on: Wed Jul 16 02:57:09 EDT 2003
V, read one more "intellectual" post. first you started with TN, extended now to AP, soon no doubt will cover south india. keep posting craps. soon india would be covered.
- From: Speaker (@
on: Wed Jul 16 03:06:49 EDT 2003
"Anyway it is an untold fact that any person in the streets of punjab or Rajasthan will know ARR for his music. The is true internationalism in music!" - Ask whether your street friend knows kerala, he may still think it as "Madras".
From: Ehsaan (@ on: Tue Jul 15 14:34:31 EDT 2003 - Addressed to Ramki.
I am being Bollywood specific here not talking about the gorgeous stuff that ARR and IR do.
Weather Punjab street guys knows or not definitely all MDs do know IR. Many HFMDs survived/surviving because of IR.
- From: paran (@
on: Wed Jul 16 03:18:56 EDT 2003
nice theory Speaker...
- From: ambleen (@
on: Wed Jul 16 03:21:47 EDT 2003
if a person like MADDY can misinterpret my earlier post, i dun expect a paraiyan to understand.
- From: MADDY (@
on: Wed Jul 16 03:44:51 EDT 2003
"ppl on the streets of punjab and Rajasthan can be equated with the quality of the music?? "
explain this statement and then talk.... i never pass sardarji jokes, bcos i was affected in Mumbai by jokes on Tamilians... leave this crap mann.... if ur an NRI then okk fine.. no probs... but if u r in Indian-Mainland then dunt carry such attitude.. plssssss...
- From: Paran (@
on: Wed Jul 16 04:04:51 EDT 2003
ha ha ha...
the only thing u can do..it to call others paraiyan...
what else would a p*g know other than to eat sh*t...
bring him to McD ..and he still will look for sh*t...
it's the culture that matters....we KNOW ur culture ambleen
- From: ambleen (@
on: Wed Jul 16 04:16:08 EDT 2003
& i noe ur musical culture as well ;)
- From: Paran (@
on: Wed Jul 16 04:30:51 EDT 2003
mmm..let me see..shall i reply to the above post..and argue...????
may be not...not worth my time...to argue with a "being" like the "boy" above...
ta ta...
- From: V (@
on: Wed Jul 16 15:00:27 EDT 2003
"Maathangi Thaaraaomooo"
By the way wasn't it the biggest hit in Calcutta?? That is my favorite song in Mahanadhi! I still contend that there is nothing bengali folkish about it.
Please buy some tapes of Ronu Majumdar and listen to some typical bengali folk! and then listen to IR's hardcore-tamilish versions wrapped with some embellishing instruments such as dholak, twangs and then realise what is real folk.
However I must contend that the bengali of the singers in "Maathangi Thaaraomoo" is superb!!! Better than his cheeesy "taka taka takaka " singers in Kallukul Eeram
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Wed Jul 16 15:38:56 EDT 2003
first uve got to understand wat id folk. then only ull come to know whether the song is folk or not.even in tamil folk there r a no. of variations as to the way the song is sung and instruments used. a fishermans folk song is different frm a farmers folk song in the usage of tunes and instruments. a fisherman frm kerala and a fisherman frm andhra doesnt sing the same kind of folk. and if u think that ronu majumdar is the only authority in folk for bengal ill understand that ur naive. the song maathangi starts with the prostitutes singing the song and the tune takes a different form when the boatman starts singing and again it takes another form when kamal starts singing in tamil. keep ur ears sharp enuff to listen to these changes.and ive got reasons to belive IR wudnt hav done this unless he had taken some pain in understanding the music of that land.definitely thats a bengali folk. find that frm ur bengali friends.
- From: V (@
on: Wed Jul 16 16:12:01 EDT 2003
Hehe rajasaranam
That is the song I play to my bengali friends and boast about about how open we tamils are to incorporate bengali songs in our films.
But let me tell you, these people would rather listen to 'Karie Na" or 'Radha Kaise na Jale' because it has more creative appeal than aassembly line-like folk songs that IR churns out in minutes!
I dont deny that B and C centers love IR for his authenticity but for wider appeal ARR moulds every tune of his (folk, gaana, melody, rock etc) to have an international appeal.
It is simple... When you play a song like "Kuruvi Kodanch Koiyya Pazham" to a north indian audience do you expect them to say "Wow IR! Great real Tamil authentic folk! Wow amazing!"?????
You can ask me - "Does it matter that north indians appreciate 'Kuruvi Kodancha Koyya Pazham' for it to be considered a good song?"
However You me, a kuppan and subban will like this song and we understand the smell and culture of our Thamizh Soil!
ARR on the other hand DOES NOT WANT TO COMPOSE an authentic Tamil folk or punjabi folk. He wants his folk to be grounded in OPunjabi flavor but still people in Chennai should listen to it and appreciate it! He composes for a crossover audience!
So take 'Radha Kaise na Jale'! Even though it is a folk song (not very authentic) ARR made it so generic (like a C++ template) so that any person in India be it a typical gujarati or punjabi or tamil can enjoy that song!
So we have an Authentic IR and creative ARR, who are both great!
But you on the other hand always say ARR had this that and thats why he is popular (constantly referring to your thesis on satelite channels) which I am sick of hearing again and again!
Let us face it IR and ARR are both great musicians! We need both of them! Let us not build our own taste-based citeria for judging their music (like western influence, authenticity, use of words, speed of delivery) and say one is better than other!
- From: Jag (@
on: Wed Jul 16 16:48:58 EDT 2003
Why do you keep saying ARR does things for International appeal? I don't see any International appeal in those songs. Maybe some international sounds in Indian songs but that's about it. Even if foreigners were to listen to the songs they will only like songs which have a predominant Indian influence. Don't expect them to like the hip-hop stuff he does.
What the Indi-pop bands were doing, or fusion bands like shakti were doing, ARR did it in films. There is no denying ARR is talented, any person who can play keyboard for IR is definitely talented and so most of his music is good.
Why don't you really tell us what are the innovations in the songs ARR does/done?, (please don't talk about technology and good recording or usage of loops). In other words, if ARR's music were a topic for study what would you put in for the subject matter?
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