Topic started by greatest_spb_fan (@ on Thu Aug 2 04:57:19 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
why don't anybody start a thread like 'SPB the greatest singer that India had ever produced', pls
- Old responses
- From: av (@
on: Wed Oct 30 17:28:57 EST 2002
Those people who are not aware of Mohammed Rafi's versatility, may continue to wallow in their ignorance. They dont know what thye have missed :-). A singer who can sing "kuhu kuhu bole koyaliyaan", "yeh desh hai veer jawaanon ka", "chaudavin ka chaand", "aaja aaja main hoon pyaar teraa", "do sitraaon ka zameen par hai milan" and "man tarapat haridarshan ko aaj" is versatile in my dictionary.
As far as Rafi taking a backseat after the rise of Kishore, this is a myth. The article rightly says so.
Someone above has mentioned the OP NAYYAR song "subhan allah haseen chehra" sung by Asha and Rafi. This is yet another proof of Mohammed Rafi's unbelievable versatility. And there are people who say Rafi's voice lacked "machoness" (sic). Rafi has sung for all the "macho actors" . So that statement is at best childish. People who come up with such gems should first try to listen to Rafi's "sar par topi laal haath mein resham ka roomaal" again with Asha. Listen to Rafi's rustic vocals at the end of the song.
Nobody is denying credit to SPB, but these remarks against rafi are idiotic.
- From: (^!^) (@
on: Wed Oct 30 18:01:41 EST 2002
av: 1. Rafi was an extremly versatile singer and has handled all genres of songs which he was given wonderfully.
2. SPB is an extremly versatile singer and has handled all genres of songs which he was given wonderfully.
Most music lovers will agree with both the statements. However, some fans of SPB (like Raghu) believe that somehow statement 2 is truer than statement 1. And then there are posters like ali, LV, who believe that statement 1 is truer than statement 2.
Do you really see an end to this highly subjective debate?
As a mark of respect to these singers let us put an end to this purposeless argument, here and now.
- From: Ali (@
on: Wed Oct 30 19:30:04 EST 2002
It shows your ignorance once again that you are making all these statements. Rafi has never said SPB is his favourite. This is pure BS. Why are you telling us to go find the link ??. Go and find it and present it yourself if you beleive its true. I already have been to the beginning of this page and throughout and saw who wrote this BS and he provided no link !. I provided links regarding the same situation vice-verca. Don't believe what everyone says. Rafi's idol and favourite singer was K.L. Saigal and he wanted to be like him, not SPB !!. This is just a stupid posting by someone who is jealous that SPB has mentioned Rafi and since you are the TOP of them all in claiming SPB is the so called "best" that is why you rush to conclusions. And saying Rafi is only hyped shows that you have very LITTLE musical knowledge to be saying this. Which means you are also saying that the idol of SPB/KJY/Jayachandran and many more is HYPED !!. I think they must have all been drunk when they said Rafi was the best. GEEZ MAN, give me and everyone else a break !. ST was right when he said that people like SPB and KJY understand what music is all about that is why they have pointed out that Rafi is the ultimate. And getting back to YOUR "hype" statement, do many SI know about people like Madan Mohan of whom Naushad said he would trade in his whole repetoire of songs just for one tune of MM's to be credited to him from the movie "Anpadh" and who IR respects so much as a MD, and do they know about a composer by the name of Roshan whom Lata chose out of all composers in the industry to give him her movie "Bhairavi" which later got shelved. Just because some people who do not have a great exposure to the whole of the industry condemn other artists doesn't mean that everyone else's judgements are wrong such as SPB/KJY and others about Rafi. Practically majority of the male singers in India point out Rafi as their idol and greatest. What more do you want ?. Maybe SPB is YOUR ultimate singer but it doesn't make him the greatest. What others have said about Rafi pinpoints towards one conclusion which is that if he is receiving all this praise, he must have been really GREAT to receive it or else why would ppl waste their time in making these comments. Don't give BS about humility and all. Any humble singer would have humility. There's a difference in humility such as one singer respecting another because they are senior to them. That is humility. Humility is not mentioning i have been "inspired by" or "i wish to sing in his style". So when SPB says that tears run down his eyes when he hears the song "Deewana hua badal" you call that humility ??. Give me a break man !!. As Kamudi pointed out, there is a great deal of importance when another artist praises another one and it has to be taken as a serious matter. By the way, SPB has said many a times that he tries to sing in Rafi's style. And you say SPB himself won't accept that ??. So are you saying SPB will not accept himslef what he has himself said ??.....you're really a comic you know !. Just ask others around here what SPB has said regarding Rafi and his style !. You haven't heard Rafi ALOT to be able to make such comments. I provided info to listening the songs from 'Laila Majnu' but it seems you don't care to go and hear them which if you don't will show your ignorance. This movie is just a drop in the ocean of his versitality but the songs have enough depth in them to make you think, that it is why i want you to go and hear them and hear the other ones ST has mentioned as well. Please go and have a listen to ALL of them especially "Likhar Tera Naam Zamin par" and "Barbad-e-Mohabbat". You will also come to realize the genius of Madan Mohan and see how many SI are not aware of him. This is from both sides, NI not being aware of SI talents and SI talents not being aware of NI talents. Only people who have been exposed to all know when to differentiate between greats and HYPED artists and I'm afraid you are not one of them !!. It's really pointless arguing with you on this matter since you seem to be pointing out facts which are FICTION and getting overly excited on certain matters. Buddy, i think you are a bit jealous that everyone including SPB has Rafi as their all time greatest. I'm sure if it was everyone but SPB having RAfi as their greatest you wouldn't care less, but since SPB is one of those intelligent musically awared minds that knows when to differentiate between the Greatest and the Greats, you seem to be all boiled up. Well, there's nothing you can do to change SPB's or other's opinions now can you !!
By the way, you only named one clone such as Sonu Nigam which goes to show that you have no right in making such comments without being exposed to Indian music on a broader level. If you had been exposed to more music in India other than just SPB you would have come up with more names and not just one. Also, the name's which you mentioned as being clones of SPB, only one was a true clone, the rest have their own ways which again shows that you're not sure what you are talking about. Here is the list of clones of Rafi :
Mohd. Aziz
Shabbir Kumar (all singers that came into the limelight in the 80's)
Mahendra Kapoor (who was personally trained by Rafi and who tried so hard to sound like him)
Debashish Dasgupta
Vipin Sachdeva
the early Sukhwinder Singh
Mohammed Salamat
and finally Sonu Nigam. Udit Narayan has also tried hard to sing like Rafi and claims to sing light songs in his style.
So one message Raghu. Be EXPOSED to more music in India and then MAKE statements !!.
- From: av (@
on: Wed Oct 30 20:00:52 EST 2002
Agree with you whole-heartedly. The whole debate is extremely subjective. An absolutely purposeless one. I intervened only because there were people who passed some very unwarranted remarks against a highly talented national treasure like Rafi.
- From: st (@
on: Thu Oct 31 03:49:06 EST 2002
Raghu since u have addressed me, here is the reply..
Deviation from topic:
Have u heard of "pottu vaangardu" / "give and take policy".
In communication and related psychology, they tell u how to locate people who argue just for the sake of arguement. To do this all that is needed is to present our case based on facts related to the topic and to introduce some obvious mistakes like i introduced twin towers. Certain people who cant find anything wrong to counter w.r.t the topic will jump on to pointing the unrelated mistakes. That way you come to know with what kind of people u are dealing.
When u dont have anything to counter or add to what i have posted, i dont see any utility of your response.
Second i just jorted down those 24 sngs of rafi for diff moods as they occured in mind. The list was intended to show how crappy/hollow/BS some postings were regarding rafi. I wasnt posting against any singer.And please...U can not give me a list of spb sngs that i havent heard. Being a tam and knowing 8 languages i dont think i would have missed anything that u have heard.
Unfortunately u have missed the whole purpose of my posting. I love music to such a core that if there is something that touched me musically i wouldnt be satisfied till i share that with friends who i know luv music. From the north Rafi/lata/kishore magic is something not worth missing. Only if u have got into it u would know what u would have otherwise missed.
SPB is a part of rainbow. U could be satisfied with the particular color,but there are many more colors that u can enjoy. If u dont want to or cant , atleast u can avoid negative comments.
The strange pain of knowing multiple langs and cultures is that everytime u are treated to something wonderful, u wish that some x friend of urs who didnt understand it could somehow understand it. The other problem is that u meet people with limited or no exposure who still manage to give crap.
- From: Raghu (@
on: Thu Oct 31 05:19:58 EST 2002
Ali the comedian;
first of mind your language, when u post!!!!!!!!
I think u have difficulty understanding my statement, I said Rafi said SPB is his favourite, did I say That, rafi wanna be like SPB, come on man, read it properly,
>>Maybe SPB is YOUR ultimate singer but it doesn't make him the greatest>, SPB has said many a times that he tries to sing in Rafi's style. >
- From: fan (@
on: Thu Oct 31 05:35:35 EST 2002
to all in tfm, spb is the ultimate in indian film music industry. he is a maestro in the real sense and the most versatile ever know to indian film industry. no lengthy arguments against this will carry wait. The voice of spb is a golden one and like, Sivaji, he is unlucky to be southie. Otherwise his image and popularity will be much more than rafi,kishore, lata,asha etc
- From: st (@
on: Thu Oct 31 06:29:08 EST 2002
Alll GASSSSssss....i wish i could be as silly and kiddish as some people here.
Next someone will say madras koovam was unlucky to be in south.
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