Topic started by Rajesh Kumar (@ on Fri Feb 23 01:46:41 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
This Thread is to discuss abt the MElody Queen-
P SUSHEELA.. Who is the Inspiration for may singers... I feel she's the Only singer who dominated.. Rather ruled the TFM for more than 40 yrs.. And even now her voice is Very Sweet(god's Gift)..
So Come out with u'r Views
- Old responses
- From: karthi (@
on: Mon Mar 5 21:59:30 EST 2001
Why don't you listen to PS' great songs and do the comparison for yourself? You don't have to usher in facts like the great MDs of Hindi films were after Lata, that she had the greatest fan following etc. The same were true for PS also in the languages that she sang!
It's true that Lata's range and stability in higher ranges are incomparable. In the same way, PS' depth within her range is incomparable. And PS voice is THE SWEETEST. You may want to look at the HMV's introduction of PS (in a compilation that has a collection of devotional songs) which says "....bestowed with the sweetest of voices..."! But this is just for records. If you really use your unbiased judgement, you will understand that PS' voice is the sweetest. There cannot be an iota of doubt in that.
I am a great fan of Lata too. Her achievements can never be belittled by any one for that matter. IMO, she was the sweetest voice until PS came along. But Lata's strength is her "bhavam". And by sheer nature of her range, she could elevate any song (of the genre that she could sing) to great heights.
Lata-vinudaiyadhu kattip pOdum kural. PS-udaiyadhO sokka vaikkum kural. AvvaLavE.
rajaG, ravusu party neenga!
- From: SL (@
on: Mon Mar 5 22:29:36 EST 2001
You may want to look at the HMV's introduction of PS (in a compilation that has a collection of devotional songs) which says "....bestowed with the sweetest of voices..."!
The practice of heaping lavish praises is quite common in the music business. Even Mukesh was hailed as 'the melody king':)).
Lata started singing off-key consistently, slightly later than PS and given the fact that Lata's advent precedes PS's by atleast 8 years, Lata wins :)))
- From: G.Ragavan (@
on: Mon Mar 5 23:31:27 EST 2001
kaathodu poovurasa
poova vandurasaa
unodu naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
enodu neeeeeeee
poovak kaatha urasa
unna nampi nethiyileeee
una nampi nethiyile
pottu vechaen mathiyile
machan pottu vechean mathiyile nethiyile
pottu vecha kaaranatha purinjchika rasaaaaaaa
vittup pona uthundthu pokum vaasana rosa
- From: rajaG (@
on: Tue Mar 6 11:01:34 EST 2001
G Raghavan:
ippO enna solla vareenga?:-) naanga PS thaan bestu nu oththukkalainnaa, avanga paadiya pattOda lyrics ellaam ingE eduththu vidaradhaa udhdhEsamaa?:-)
SL: You said it.
karthi: There are two things any discerning music fan should discount while trying to make a rational judgement
a) HMV's introduction of an artist
b) karthi's evaluation of PS and her achievements
- From: TNS (@
on: Tue Mar 6 12:14:30 EST 2001
Konjum Kili Vandhadu...
Sollavo Sugamana Kadhai Sollavo
Malar Edhu En Kangaldhan Endru Solvenadi
Darling Darling Ennaivittu Pogadhe
Manamedai Malargaludan Deepam..
Enna Solli Naan Ezhudha...
Hey Thendrale Ini Naalum Paadava...
Veveru Kalangalil PS padiya indha Paadalgalil Avar ORU College student POLA padi Pragasikkirar...LATHA val indha alavukku Hindi il feelings i VELIPADUTHA Mudindhadhillai.
Like MRS.Vairamuthu has said in this week's KUMUDHAM, PS is very different from anyone.
Those days in Hindi films Sumankalyanpur exactly sang like LATA.Today ALKA YAGNIK SINGS better than LATA. But in TFM where do we find another P.Suseela
- From: rajesh (@
on: Tue Mar 6 23:17:59 EST 2001
Exactly.. Tears Started flowing from my eyes when i Read the Kumudam Interview....
Chanceless . Another P.susheela can never Arise in TFM
- From: sk (@
on: Wed Mar 7 00:36:00 EST 2001
kaNNeer varum aLavukku Suseela enna sonnAr?
Can you please give the link to the Kumudham
article? I would like to read it.
- From: guest (@
on: Wed Mar 7 03:08:28 EST 2001
Can somebody translate it into English which
will help people like me?
- From: suriiyengar (@
on: Wed Mar 7 11:57:33 EST 2001
When i said dont be biased in judjements ,i am careful enough to make them by listening to both.
I have heard all songs of PS which i liked and which happen to be some of her best songs.
And i do believe she is great but LATA is the greatest.
U have already agreed that LATA's range and stability in higher ranges are incomparable.
I cannot help laughing when someone like TNS says
suman kalyanpur sounded like lata in the old days and alka yagnik sings better now.
I am sure when SPB is 70 there will be lot of
18 year old guys singing better than he can sing at 70. If based on that u decide on spb
then i cant help it.
As about Suman, she was a lata fan and used to
practice word by word her styles.She wasnt the stuff for any complex songs.
When Crores of people belive lata is the best and THE MELODY queen,all of them cant be wrong.
Repeat again, if all MD of past wanted to use only LATA,alleast they cant be wrong.
When small gifted kids regularly say in music programs (surely not produced by her) that she
is the best and their idol it speaks a lot
She certainly isnt in her prime today but to
know how much she is loved u can at least go by some stats.
When a couple of years back a survey was conducted on the most popular indian, LATA topped with a whopping percentage.The nearest was too less.Even Tendulkar was somewhere down.
Mr. TNS does it reflect anything???
I wont have space if i try to put in the words which have been said of her.
And if she has the greatest fan following then
all those words are true for al least her.
I will mention something by Pandit JasRaj.
He says his master used to silence everyone whenever there was a lata song.He would listen to the whole thing and say (in urdu)
"Kambakth kabhi besuri hi nahi hoti".
Translation "Stubborn - she never goes off key"
Mukesh said "No artist deserves to stand on a stage she stands"
Even Anuradha Paudwal with whatever grudges she
has mentions that when it comes to singing
there is no one as good as LATA.
Noorjahan "voice of pak" says there is no one
like LATA and there would be no one.
Kavita Krishnamurthy said if someone tries to
be LATA it is simply not possible
PS is certainly one of the most gifted in TFM as (also is Janaki).Full stop there.
Some songs of PS in combination with MSV are just out of world
But Lata created Unbelievable magic with a variety of MD's in hindi each considered to be having his distinct identity.And she was their way to public hearts and to bank.
In fact MDs waited till LATA was
available to get songs recorded by her.
Asha Bhonsle told in an interview that one famous MD once told ASHA bluntly that dont ever imagine
that u would be given a LATA song.People were ready to wait for her.
MDs have even said that many of their complex numbers would never have become so popular if someone else had sung them.
She gave the best with R.D, S.D, Salil, SJ....
Each had own styles.
And this TNS says she didnt bring out feelings.
Now i believe crows can be white too.
One more thing TNS, u say that there is no PS in TFM.Thats b'cos , there was then Janaki, then there are hoards of them.
If u poll in TFM (not this forum)but overall u will find that probably there are as many Janaki
fans in south as for PS.
But in Hindi till Lata had a voice there was no one but lata.And everyone belives that there is no Lata replacement possible.
If u have a comment/doubt, check survey thing i mentioned above and read the whole thing again
till u can read it without any bias or stupid things unsuccessful people have told.
Sweetness can't be decided if we dont
understand the language.This may seem odd but i think u will agree.
I have observed that like me many people who
are tamilians/southindians but have had the oppurtunity to live substantially in the north too, enjoy best of both music worlds by heart and are really fortunate.
Further most of such people agree that lata is the best.
If ur biased and really dont listen to lata ur missing the most wonderful gift god gave earth-LATA
Crores of people agree with me so do give this
a serious thought and listen to SARASWATI.
- From: chettiyar (@
on: Wed Mar 7 12:50:57 EST 2001
- From: TNS (@
on: Wed Mar 7 12:51:04 EST 2001
I compared ALKA of today with LATA of yesterday and Ifeel ALKA IS MORE versatile than LATA.
Again in Hindi Hemamalini,Rekha to Madhuri,Raveena they can act as heroines for 25 years.Where as in south most of the heroines are given AKKA,ANNI,roles in the very sevevth year of their acting career...In that field PS dominated as queen for 30 years.I include Telugu also
Between 1977 to 1985 SJ was singing IR songs inspite of killing many of IR'S composition by her.Please do not compare SJ'S Keeeeech noisy voice with PS's complete voice.
LATA IS like AMITAB....Leave it there.
- From: Shanmugam (@
on: Wed Mar 7 13:22:51 EST 2001
lathA is great - no questions on that. But, just because she enjoys more popularity doesn't mean that she is the best. As kArthi pointed out, her stability at higher ranges is unbelievable. But, sweetness? IMO, PS scores over any other singer in that aspect. lathA is the most popular singer in India just because the audience for hindi songs is more. . If you go by surveys conducted at a national level for best MD, then IR will not be even in the race although he is arguably the best MD in India, IMHO.
- From: Rajesh Kumar (@
on: Wed Mar 7 23:51:24 EST 2001
Exactly Shanmugam
When it comes to Sweetness In Voice... No one Other than P.S comes to our mind..
Take for Example...
Paal Polave....
No other Singer can sing like that...
PS was/is/will b the Melody Queen For Ever..
Lata,Janaki all come in a category of shrill voice
& not Sweet voice
- From: suriiyen (@
on: Thu Mar 8 04:19:36 EST 2001
Well u can continue to believe what u believe.
Alka is more verstaile than Lata- Great Joke.
Alka herself belives she is just a fraction of
what lata is
No hindi music followers will in wildest dreams
compare lata with alka.
( i certainly wouldnt compare todays new singers
with PS just to prove u something)
It tells me who i am discussing with.I should
I will advice u to check up sites where latas songs in different styles is discussed.
There are many songs similar to Paal Polave in style and many much more complex, and styles whcih are not PS's terriitory and till now no one has done even half a justice to any of those songs when they have tried their versions for those.
Lata gave the best whether it was a gazal, a bhajan,romantic song, semi classical numbers, a
thumri and range of folk songs name a situation
(other than true pop ofcourse) and she has delivered.
Watch hindi music programs and check particularly when participats choose a lata song(which happens most of the times).Invariably all of them end up making adjustments in lot of places because its imposiible to maintain the pitch she maintains without loosing perfection.
And if she sounds shrill somewhere u can b sure that no one can try to reach that pitch.
Result will be disastrous.
And u wont find anyone so easily switching b/w
low notes to highest without commiting harakiri.
Take for instance "Terey merey beech mein" from
Ek dooje key liye, which is just one more normal song for her and not certainly in the list of her greatest songs, but check how many people try that song.Check the speed , modulation and pitch when she particularly goes to word "Anjana" and manages to repeat it with the same great effect. Bet bramha hasnt created anyone else to even repeat that.
I can keep picking numbers and keep proving it but list will be too big.
U can have ur view. But only few people share ur view.
U Forget the majority,Forget the stats.
U can Live ur dreams but they are not reality.
U wouldnt find many/any hindi guy (who also listens and understnda to tamil music ) supporting ur view.
U will certainly find countless southindians (who
also listen to and understand hindi music)
supporting my view.
This should give u an idea if the majority view doesnt.
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