Topic started by NagasubramaniaN (@ fw.baan.nl) on Fri Dec 4 01:26:45 EST 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
today's dinakaran has this info.
IR gets Lathamankeshkar award given by MP state govt.
Any idea about this award & other persons who got this award ???
- Old responses
- From: MS (@
on: Sat Apr 14 00:46:52 EDT 2001
LV = Lata Veriyan ? :-)
ok..that aside, I need to say a few words on Chitra singing Lata's songs. It would have sounded unpleasant ONLY because of her accent. Chitra IS a singer par excellence and NOT mediocre at all. If u have not heard a lot of Chitra, well,either learn malayalam or get a mallu spouse :-)
And LV..I dont understand one aspect of your posting. Why do you shower praises on Lata in newtfmpage ? Her songs in tamil have been very mediocre.
- From: LV (@
on: Sat Apr 14 06:45:27 EDT 2001
Dear MS,
I love Chitra as a singer too. But the only singers that can be compared to Lata are Asha, PS and possibly Janaki. I just read an interview where Chitra herself has admitted that she is just a fraction of what Lata is.
As far as LM's/Asha's Tamil diction - thats bad. But not their singing. But Chitra sounded very screechy in the Lata songs she sang as a tribute to RDB. I even heard Sailaja sing Asha's Rangeela songs during ARRs Dubai concert. I wouldn't wish to hear them (other than in Asha's voice) again.
Sometimes I feel its become very fashionable for all female singers to compare themselves to Lata,Asha , PS and SJ. But there are NO equals to these today at all!!!
- From: MS (@
on: Sat Apr 14 13:30:53 EDT 2001
Chitra acknowledging Lata as a veteran and putting her ownself on a platfform below her is a result of modesty and not by sheer evaluation of talent. Well, suppose Chitra had said : "Lataji may have sung 35000 numbers. but the number of challenging songs I have sung in Malayalam would easily pack her off". Would you have accepted this statement and tell me, "MS, chitra herself declared she was better than LM. So she is! " ?:-) you would have rather derided her saying she is heavy headed.
LV - There is one aspect of all these greats which we MUST overlook. That is their modesty - genuine or false. IF SPB takes an ordinary song and praises it to heights, it does not necessarily mean the song is great and the singer par excellence. It just shows his respect towards his predecessors and contemporaries. We, as fans, should be in a position to discard all these statements of these greats and evaluate talents in an unbiased manner rather than resorting to quoting the statements made by the great artists to buttress our arguements.
And why should there be "equals" ? If poorniama had proven to be an equal to Lata / Asha, she would not have been a great hit with songs like " channe kekhEth mein". And if Chitra had been a replica of Lata, I would not have been fortunate to hear her semi classical ( carnatic) renditions like "paadriyEn" or numerous other mallu numbers.
A clone is never appreciated very much. Eg Mano. In MFM there are so many singers who sound like KJY. (One bad example is K.G.Markose). IF SPB had sounded the way TMS did, he would have been just another insipid addition to TFM. Shankar Mahadevan and Hariharan are appreciated because they are original.
COmparison is good but only to an extent. The greatest quality that we appreciate is originality. So instead of cribbing that we dont have "people to equal the greats of past" ( which is dangerously close to the thiNNai pEchchu of mayilaappoor mamas :-) ), we may start looking into the beauty of what we have at present. A pupil contracts or expands in accordance with the distance and size of the object to get a beautiful picture. Why should not our perspective too ?
- From: Subbu (@
on: Sat Apr 14 16:12:15 EDT 2001
MS :
Nalla bathil (unga first para ...)
I agree with you... (after long time I saw a long posting from you- am I correct ?)
LV :
I stopped visiting this thread because two weeks before I read a 'final Good Bye' posting from you. But I was surprised to find you here again. Anyway congrats for your stamina in enlightening the TFM fans on 'Singer is greater than a Composer' kind of stuff. Innum ennavellAm solluveengalO ? BeethOvan, MozArt, Bach ellAm irunthA romba appreciate pannuvAnga ippO...
Ummm... nadakkattum.
- From: kiru (@
on: Sat Apr 14 18:46:52 EDT 2001
Well said.. except for this nitpick..the pupil does not contract based on the size - only the distance and lighting :)
Anyways, Subbu..yes LV is very enlightening when he/she says that 'Singer is greater than a Composer' or atleast a 'a great singer is greater than film composers'...
- From: LV (@
on: Sun Apr 15 04:38:17 EDT 2001
Dear MS,
Well - I have heard Chitra singing Malayalam songs with Salil Chaudhary. Quite a few of those were recycled tunes (taken from his old Hindi compositions). And I know that Lata's versions are far better.
But I agree with you that Chitra is a marvellous singer - maybe I unnecessarily angered you by putting her and AP in the same category. Chitra's semiclassicals are really a marvel.
One point I wanted to make was about Salil C - I should've stressed it long back. You had once told me that he had copied 'Itna na mujhse tu pyaar badha' from Mozart's 40th Symphony, and 'Raaton ke saaye ghane' from Chopin. But thats not true - only the opening line is a copy, the remaining songs are truly Salil's own creation. Check out the Salil C website for further details.
to dearest Subbu,
I stopped visiting this thread because two weeks before I read a 'final Good Bye' posting from you.
Reply: Anyway, there wasnt much substance in what you had posted.
Anyway congrats for your stamina in enlightening the TFM fans on 'Singer is greater than a Composer' kind of stuff
I have cited enough reasons for believing that a singer has as much, if not more, a role to play in the making of a good song. Thanx for "enlightening" me on how IR > LM, when you haven't heard LM nor have expressed the desire to do so. I adore your courage!!!
Its like this, Subbu - if I say I adore LMs voice, you brand me an NSCM, if I give a list of her good songs, you say you dont want to listen to it, if I quote several maestros praising her,you say its hotch-potch and hypocrisy and what not, if I talk about her struggle and her hard work, you crib, and if I quote a few more facts, you crib again,for lack of anything else to do!!!
- From: MS (@
on: Sun Apr 15 15:45:00 EDT 2001
Subbu :-) I have had my share of IR vs ARR. Since this was a new subject in the offing, I thought I can step in too :-) (Just kidding)
was never good at biology..would usually get confused between neurons and nephrons :-)
Cool down please. U have not provoked me or any other chitra fan with your content. It is just an exchange of opinions. BTW, Chitra sang for Salil da ? I though salil da stopped composing for Malayalam even before she entered MFM. Anyway, if you can point out a few songs of her under salilda ( not necessarily the recycled versions of Lata's songs), I will be thankful.
- From: aruLaracan (@
on: Sun Apr 15 16:34:12 EDT 2001
kiru: pupil size depends on the distance? care to exlpain how. (at least through email?)
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Sun Apr 15 17:58:18 EDT 2001
a lot of psuedoscience
- From: MS (@
on: Sun Apr 15 18:01:18 EDT 2001
Fliflo - What does your comment mean ? Anything profound ? :-)
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Sun Apr 15 18:45:35 EDT 2001
no, not at all..it was just like that..:-))
- From: Kupps (@
on: Mon Apr 16 02:55:20 EDT 2001
let me state my points about this heavy energy-flowing thread. but before that: im zero in classical/semi-classical stuff (both indian and foreign). i'm not even a very heavy patron/listener of different language songs/albums, but still i have dared to air my views. hence i request you all to pardon me if my views are immature. if it is so then please point it out. also, please forgive me if it directly/indirectly hurts anybody.
to me, Film music, esp. Indian Film Music(IFM) is a 3D object whose shape depends on the perception of a person. But, in general IFM depends more on the composer than the creator. How? It is the composer who creats, not skeleton alone, but also flesh and entire structure, including giving the breath. Now as a Nude human (or) in some situation as a basically dressed human the composer gives it to the beautician called singer. Now it is in the hands of the composer cum the producer(director included) to choose the OK/Good/Better/Best Beautician depending upon the need. After the beautician's job is over the final human(shall i say the beauful and further beautified lady) is sent to the public for her marriage.
Now if the beautician is creative enough, then based on the physique of the human, the beautician will/has to decorate it further more to enhance the beauty of the song. There might be cases like the creator i.e the composer might have created a shabby/ordinary person but still the bride was looking good because of the creativity of the beautician. Such cases are out-of-the-way in IFM because of the limited responsibility that lies in the singer. At the same time, even though the composer has created a very good bride he/she cannot afford to send the bride thru a shabby beautician and ultimately ruin the bride's beauty. Also, without the composer no question of beautifying raises. Hence in IFM composer is the creator and the singer is the beautician. Only after these two you have the beautified bride, but onus lies more on the composer.
Whereas in classical singing, that too in Indian Classical, the singer has more room for showing creativity. Because the singer, here, has more responsibility. Even though a kriti is created in a tune the entire life giving of the kriti lies in the hands of the singer. He/She shows his/her prowess via gamakkam, aalaapana etc etc that nobody need to instruct the singer to do.
OTOH In western classical, as i read from this forum, the voice is another instrument. So, again, the singer has limited responsibility.
Now back to IFM, many a times creators like SDB, Madan Mohan, MSVs, IR etc have created the human with basic dressings. Among these human the have gone for Better and Best beauticians for the reasons:
(i) to further beautify the bride very well
(ii) cannot beautify by ordinary beauticians.
There were instances like what LV pointed out LM has beautified even sick person to a good bride. But, we need to note that this is not the way of IFM should be working, given the present grammar of IFM.
- From: areshan (@
on: Mon Apr 16 06:19:03 EDT 2001
arr is not a good md.he is coping songs from english albums.raja is all time great.he deserved
latha mangeskar award.
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