Topic started by Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk) on Thu Jul 9 11:53:09 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
"Today, music directors think globally. There's so much information available. With the exception of A R Rahman, most of the composers have no distinct style today; they're in the process of sifting through the information and influences to discover their own identity."
So, guys, what do you say? I guess that a big part of this is true, but I'm sure you'll all have a lot to say about this.....
- Old responses
- From: Priya (@
on: Mon Jul 13 01:28:29 EDT 1998
To S.P. Mahendran:
My dear friend, your statements clearly show that you are an IR fanatic. Poor thing. First of all, if you even listen to Anand-Milind's music, you should not make any comments about ARR's music, or for that matter, any kind of music:) Anand-Milind lift ARR's tune left and right. Furthermore, if you EVEN think that IR is the god of music, you should try to listen to some REAL music by Hayden,Mozart, Bach and other great composers. Then you will realize that IR does not even have one-millionth of the talent of these great composers.
Start listening to some GOOD music.
- From: vijay (@
on: Mon Jul 13 02:44:54 EDT 1998
if mahendran is a poor thing, then u are the poorest thing.from your statements i can see that
u have neither heard IR's music at all, or if u have heard then u do not know anything about music. if IR's music is'nt great, then people would not be fighting about his music day in and day out in this forum. if IR does not have even one-millionth of the talent of bach,mozart according to what u say, then i can guarantee u that no one else has any talent at all , Period.
- From: Srinath (@ socks9d.raleigh.ibm.com)
on: Mon Jul 13 08:55:09 EDT 1998
I can understand a fanatic in love with someone's work. But I cannot, for the life of me, understand a fanatic who HATES someone's work. Your statement about IR's talent is downright absurd. Though I do agree in principle with your statement about Anand-Milind.
- From: Ganesh (@ www.integra.co.in)
on: Mon Jul 13 09:26:17 EDT 1998
I dont agree with what Priya had to say about IR, but equally bad are similar statements (actually lots n lots of them) made against ARR mindlessly
- From: Srinath (@ socks9d.raleigh.ibm.com)
on: Mon Jul 13 09:55:00 EDT 1998
Undoubtedly. Though I dislike ARR's music, I take care to substantiate my statements. Unfortunately, ARR fans, with the exception of a select few, keep spouting vitriol about IR (and his family, incidentally !) without any genuine explanation. We must take care to moderate our statements when we express our opinions. I read this quote somewhere - "Keep your words gentle and kind, for you may have to eat them someday".
If you watch closely, you'll see a large number of posts from ARR fans provoking IR fans into retaliation. I don't mean to say that harsh statements from IR fans are justified just because they are in response to an attack initiated by someone else. But we must learn to accept the fact that where there is an action, there is always going to be an equal and opposite reaction. To Priya's comment on IR, I only mean to say that I can understand (not accept) IR fans unwilling to accept a relative new comer usurping their idol. But I cannot accept or understand ARR fans debunking someone who has proved his talent over a period of two decades.
My earlier posting in this thread was related to the topic in whole. Unfortunately, along comes a militant who diverts the topic and poof!, we are back to square one.
- From: Bharat (@ isdbsd1-inet.ci.mil.wi.us)
on: Mon Jul 13 11:32:08 EDT 1998
To Ms. Priya:
Maybe Anand-Milind's endorsements do not make IR great... but they have lifted more tunes from him than from ARR. About your statement:
"if you EVEN think that IR is the god of music, you should try to listen to some REAL music by Hayden,Mozart, Bach and other great composers. Then you will realize that IR does not even have one-millionth of the talent of these great composers. Start listening to some GOOD music."
I just wish to point out that these are hardly yardsticks for comparison in a Tamil Music forum. I do not even want to get into what "GOOD" music may be, but even a casual listener can make out the talent and creativity of IR. In fact, listening to all those "GOOD" composers that you list only make me appreciate IR's music more, for his best pieces fuse western classical music principles with traditional Indian music.
Another thing is that this is an unmoderated forum, and people have the right to post anything they wish, including attacks on other posters. But that doesn't mean they have to...
- From: Ganesh (@ www.integra.co.in)
on: Mon Jul 13 11:47:10 EDT 1998
"Unfortunately, ARR fans, with the exception of a select few, keep spouting vitriol about IR (and his family, incidentally !) without any genuine explanation"
I thot it was just the opposite. I can go on quoting instances from this forum substanciating my claim. Read this thread 'ARR albums are comercially successful bcos of' and you get to hear all sort of reasons for his success except for his talent! people even come up with theories like he is being just forced on music listeners by some directors (as is listeners had no choice).
I was silent all this while as I did not want to get in to this mindless debate! But then I cud not hold it any longer...
I seriously believe all this comes out of the fact that IR fans believe he did not get his due (even I think this is true to a large extent). Infact I wanted to start a thread on those lines but refrained from doing that bcos I knew it would invariably end up in ARR bashing.
- From: Srikanth (@ 19.minneapolis-06.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Mon Jul 13 18:55:40 EDT 1998
It is not AR's mistake or ZH mistake for not honouring IR. You guys talk as though everyone is responsible for not honouring IR...
IR is the sole person responsible for his downfall., you guys should realize that before going to AR bashing or any other person bashing. (Including Me)
- From: Priya (@
on: Mon Jul 13 22:13:24 EDT 1998
To Bharat:
I was not attacking anyone. I was simply stating my opinion. I also agree with your following remark:
"Another thing is that this is an unmoderated forum, and people have the right to post anything they wish, including attacks on other posters. But that doesn't mean they have to..."
- From: badri raghavan (@
on: Tue Jul 14 00:22:49 EDT 1998
posting ellam padichu vayuru punnagi vithadhu! muzhukka muzhukka comedy! srikanth, madhan, priya, sp mahendran ivangalluku ellam irukira sudandharam zakir hussainku kidayadhu! avar edavadhu sollanumnu nenacha mudala tfm df kitta vandhu permission vangikakanum! nalla edhirparpu!
i recall one episode in tiruvilayadal where sivaji tells muthuraman that wordy duels are common between poets. i realise now that everybody who participates in tfm df is a pulavar and hence so much of bashing. and even in that bashing there is so much bad blood and wishful thinking than constructive criticism.
edha solli solli aluthu pochu!
ethanai kaalamdhan chandai pidippar indha df'le
- From: Srikanth (@ 81.minneapolis-06.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Tue Jul 14 01:33:23 EDT 1998
Well said , that too if any one want to praise ARR in particular, please perform the required protocols (also called as pooja) for IR else thats it...
Did you read my earlier posting:
Who else-Srikanth
- From: Ravi (@ envy.cs.umass.edu)
on: Tue Jul 14 11:03:13 EDT 1998
Bharat & Priya: This is not a completely unmoderated forum and certainly no one has the "right" to post anything they want. If any personal barbs get through, it is because I do not have the time and patience to read everything. If pointed out, any unnecessary (IMO) postings go. Just remeber send mail to ravi@newtfmpage.com for imm. attention. Please do not send mail to that address for routine messages.
- From: Ravichandran (@ )
on: Fri Jan 21 23:54:39 EST 2000
who are Hayden,Mozart, Bach ?
I never heard of them.
- From: Shankar (@ netcache2.mot.com)
on: Sat Jan 22 01:17:47 EST 2000
Hayden is diana's( India's pride , is what they call her ) father.....i donno about the other two guys...
- From: Kris (@ alc5.ee.iastate.edu)
on: Sat Jan 22 03:09:30 EST 2000
I pity Zakir's ignorance on the purity of music .ARR lifts tunes from English(as Deva does from Tamil ,Hindi etc) and if this is a style ,then Deva definitely has his own inimitable style .But what all matters are melodies and ARR's knowledge according to me is 0 in that area .He can give hummable songs (shortlived) ;but never as melodious as the great (insurmountable) Raaja !
Long live Raaja !
- From: vijanth (@ conpc007.ee.qub.ac.uk)
on: Sat Jan 22 09:53:38 EST 2000
Ayooo Thokidhaga da...!
Sometimes they come up with direct topic ,
sometimes an indirect topic but the focus are
same. One will praise IR and the other
will put him down and and the same go to ARR.
We must all proud that IR and ARR are from south Indian and both are the best music director in
India. What Zakir Hussain said is his only his point view.
As a Malaysian indian living abroad, I never consider Zakir Hussain is greater than Ilayaraja.
Some people compare IR with Beethoven Bach( IR's
mentor) and Mozart . What a earth this forum drive to. Are you people living in the 17 or 18th century or are you poeple consider to be Austrians( Birth place for Mozart ). For
every Tamils , Telugu or Malayalam
( South Indian ) in particular , IR is still a
the King of Ragas. No one can say anything to
him .
Ravi onnuku nu onre thalaivalli.
- From: puzzled (@ abdb2695.ipt.aol.com)
on: Sat Jan 22 18:14:57 EST 2000
why is this thred revived now?
- From: Jay (@ ptl-cache6.jaring.my)
on: Mon Jan 24 09:43:03 EST 2000
Who is Zakir hussein to comment IR.Zakir knows only tabla , so should keep shut with it.He has no right to compare or even commnent about the talents of other music directors, when he himself is nothing better than a tabla.
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