Topic started by Geetha (@ gatekeeper.oracle.co.uk) on Thu Jul 9 11:53:09 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
"Today, music directors think globally. There's so much information available. With the exception of A R Rahman, most of the composers have no distinct style today; they're in the process of sifting through the information and influences to discover their own identity."
So, guys, what do you say? I guess that a big part of this is true, but I'm sure you'll all have a lot to say about this.....
- Old responses
- From: R.Balaji (@
on: Fri Jul 10 23:07:37 EDT 1998
I thought most of your comments were neutral and not biased whenever you supported ARR.
Now you yourself had in the begining said that you supported ARR.You have contradicted your statements in the earlier threads.If you want me to be specific I can take out those statemnets for you.
Anyway I am not saying that it is wrong,just for arguemnt sake...
Every music director has his own speciality.I too agree that ARR has some uniqueness.But ZH has no right to comment or degrade all other MD's.This shows his stupidity.
If RD burman wsa able to cover all the north indians with his music.SAy IR was able to cover south indians with his music.ARR was able to spread over india.So this doesn't mean that all other MD's are inferior to ARR.Times is changing so people liked different music.And preferred ARR.Now you can't ask 1940's dad to wear jeans and go around.He might have liked dhoti from those time and still he might prefer that.Similarly IR had given us some great music during the 70's and 80's.Now since ARR is leading it doesn't mean that al other MD's are inferior.
What kinda judgement is ZH making?
Macrena was global hit.Then do you mean to say that those guys are the best in the world?
What an timeless and thought less statement given by ZH?
- From: Srikanth (@ 176.minneapolis-06.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Fri Jul 10 23:55:21 EDT 1998
Balaji - Why do you Expect ZH or X or y or Z to always to say about Raja when they speak about somebody they like..
Why the hell you guys expect to appriciate Raja for everything.
All the others are also musicians - it is only ZH judgement. He has not told Raja's score is bad or etc...If asked he might also say - Rajas score is good. He did not degrade anyone.
ARandavanuku Irundandallam ghost...
your thondar padaai policy is to Assume - Any ones growth is your mans downfall.
ASSUME - Making _ASS_ out of U AND me...
Why do you take this has black mark for Raja.
ZH has not degraded Raja in any manner . There is no hard and fast rule any one who appriciates ARR should perform a pooja for Raja and then appriciate ARR or anyone..
Take it postively , hindi field or north had bowed to south Indian Music , thats how I take it. What ZH says is right. ARR is international
--- he is been saying that his music should be heard around the world from the day one he arrived at the scene. No doubt - He has achived this in a very quick span of time.
I have not contradicted anywhere, you guys have again started to sing Pazaiya Pallavi ....
- From: Madhan (@
on: Sat Jul 11 10:21:01 EDT 1998
Dear Srikanth and others,
I do agree with what Srikanth is trying to explain - but my query was an equally interesting one - since i HAD NOT read that interview and did not know about the full comments of ZH -
anyway, my apologies - I think we should not drag IR ' s name into this topic unnecessarily -
But, Srikanth, calling IR a guitarist is a bit too much - anyway, let us forget the acidity in our comments
- From: Srikanth (@ 8.minneapolis-07.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Sat Jul 11 10:37:39 EDT 1998
Hi Madan,
I was offendend when one person here called AR as Keyboard player and ZH as a Tabla player. (usthad! - i am sure you will know the meaning of this word. Not just a tabla player.)
- From: R.Balaji (@
on: Sat Jul 11 13:45:08 EDT 1998
Srikanth and others,
OK.Only one question.
Can you tell me the reason for dragging IR into the picture whenever there is ARR?Why?
What I feel is two top ones are always compared.Not the thukkuda small ones.Nobody brings Deva or vidyasagar or jatin lalit into the picture.B'cos they don't qulaify for that.
It is only IR could match this competition.He has served the TFM for more than 20yrs.ANd what did the indian govt do to him?I heard IR himself once said that what had TFM fetched him.Isn't this pathetic?
I am angry b'cos IR didn't get so much of recognition by the govt.(probably his ecccentric personality might have palyed some role in it)
Don't you agree with me?
"All the others are also musicians - it is only ZH judgement. He has not told Raja's score is bad or etc...If asked he might also say - Rajas score is good. He
did not degrade anyone."
Srikanth,ZH had himself said this statement.What does he mean by the word exception of ARR?What does ZH mean that with exception of ARR no other MD's has distinct style?
Do you think that IR didn't have any style?I can spot out any song of IR.Now do you see why I say ZH's statement is absurd.
- From: Srikanth (@ 112.minneapolis-06.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Sat Jul 11 16:42:16 EDT 1998
Top 1 & 2 : for you i am sure 1 is IR ..and 2 is ARR..
for ZH point of view 1 is ARR and 2 might be IR or anyone else.
There is nothing wrong in his statment.
present day - AR does have a style, where us IR scores (currently) sounds similar to other Tamil songs...of DEVA etc. Nothing new!...
ARR songs are popular in other languages!, he has country wide fans...Raja only in TFM -tell me something Raja done nationally!....or internationally - if you say symphony ! give me a break!.....
What ZH said is 100% true - presend day!...(IR has done good things long ago, no doubt- if ZH says the best musician for film music in 80's is RDB or anyone we can take his blood out but in the current day music circle! Raja is not anywhere near. Except ARR - no one has an international std. in all aspects of music( including the technical side).
Good joke - why should Raja need br recognized by the govt, This is a different Topic.. all together, start a topic - Why Raja not honoured by govt of India -print the thread and take it to India and give it to the Communication
Balaji did you hear the new hindi album by ARR...
Sounds Great!...Jeans innum #1 in all the DD programs, sun tv, raj tv.
I am out of this!...from now.
- From: nesan (@
on: Sat Jul 11 16:57:09 EDT 1998
Yes Srikanth, you are correct. ARR is known internationly for his work. Since he lifts tunes
and beats from internationl MDs, he is recognized internationly. Hope they wont put him behind the bar for doing this. He is a good business man where as IR is good MD.
Nesan P
- From: Rajesh (@ pdxss902.jf.intel.com)
on: Sat Jul 11 17:45:51 EDT 1998
What is wrong in govt recognising artists? I dont
think there is anything funny about it. Raja never
got his due recognition is my view too. In your
enthusiasm to prove your point that ARR is better
today(i am not arguing this) dont just dismiss views of all others as jokes.
- From: Srikanth (@ 227.minneapolis-06.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Sat Jul 11 21:52:57 EDT 1998
Hi Rajesh,
Here we are discussing about ZH comment on AR,
I saw postings just cursing ZH and ARR left and right. I felt I should try to stop this Raja Thondar Padai's attack on all the other musicians.
ZH has appriciated ARR...it ends there, why should you guys bring in our man Raja into this.
People started to call ZH with names and Ar with the names,
Once again - there is not hard code protocol that if any one appriciates any musician in India he/she should first perform a PooJa for Raja and then only proceed with thier comments.
This is often emphazied by H.C.R.F group.
This is what I am totally against, --> I am
not against Raja, I am more against his Hard core fans and thier views which they post here, cursing all the musicians of India, infact the entire world.
(Nesan - ARR is Lifting , Raja romba sutham pola solrenga... Inge ore thread iruku - IR copy aditha padalgal!..Just read that before pointing the other musicians.)
- From: R.Balaji (@
on: Sat Jul 11 22:03:14 EDT 1998
"With the exception of A R Rahman, most of the composers have no distinct style
today; they're in the process of sifting through the information and influences to discover their own identity."
This was given by ZH.What does he mean by with the exception of ARR and no other MD's has no distinct style.I am not bringing IR into the picture.
There are lot of tabla players but ZH has some style.So it doesn't mean that all other tabla players are just hitting something with their hands.
It is like comparing nithyashree and subhalakshmi(carnatic singers).both have their style,infact a distinct style of their own.If you find subbulakshmi interesting it doesn't mean that nithyashree is a piece of nothing.Then you really don't know to appreciate music.That is what i found from ZH's statement.
(note to srikanth:Can you increase the number of songs in raja channel and also put continuous play soon.When will you update neyar neram?)
- From: Srikanth (@ 20.minneapolis-06.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Sun Jul 12 10:56:10 EDT 1998
I am reallocating to another place, Neyar neram is ready, but I have to find time to upload it...will be done ASAP.
Sanda porum pa, boraadhikuthu..
- From: UNmai Vilimbhi (@
on: Sun Jul 12 18:14:52 EDT 1998
Hello all die hard IR Fans!
Do u wanna list of IR copies from Hindi / English songs. He has also copied BGM from English movies.
Wanna list Boys.
It is a that ARR is the King today. IR captivated Tamil Film music. ARR has gone beyond Tamilnadu.Go to any place in India, people know about ARR, nobody knows IR.
- From: S.P MAHENDRAN (@
on: Mon Jul 13 00:54:57 EDT 1998
IR is god of music.IR already touch intrenasional level but AR do mot touch that level.IR do not copy music from western countries but AR did.Anand-Milind said that AR do not have standard/knowledge to score music for movie.They also said that IR is a god of music and genius.IR is best ever was and best ever will be.
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