Topic started by Saran (@ on Thu Apr 25 06:53:28 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Surprising! Even after 10years, ARR still a kid in BGM. Even in his latest KM, BGM lacks a lot. Especially in the scenes where the BGM need to lift the scene. Does his musical talent is LIMITED only to the songs or his CREATIVITY misses something whenever it comes to BGM or does he need MUCH MORE TIME to compose it? Yeah, i agree perceptions differ. Lets see how it goes.....
- Old responses
- From: WN (@
on: Tue May 7 02:54:05 EDT 2002
you have no idea what I am talking about do you??
I am talking about ARR choosing his assignments carefully.
Why are you talking about flops/hits? That is not what I meant by good/worthy movies versus movies which need to be flushed down the loo.
How can one possibly know if a movie is going to be a hit/loss (except in certain clearly obvious cases)?
What I am talking about are movies which are good or worthwhile in one or more of the following ways...
1. Movies which involve good/top directors/actors/actresses (eg. KB, BR, Mani, Kamal, Aish Rai etc). This list cud include directors who give justification to picturisation of music scores (eg. Rajiv Menon).
2. Movies that have significant or unique qualities or themes (eg Iruvar--period drama, Rhythm--songs involving the 4 elements)
3. Movies which have high entertainment value. (eg. Prabhu Deva dances, Rajini movies, Shanker's movies, Kamal's comedies).
4. Movies where the songs are intrinsically linked to the plot to a certain extent (eg. Jodi, Sangamam, Iruvar, Kandukonden Kandukonden, Parthale Paravasam, Duet, etc.)
I'm sure there may be more categories to add to the basic list above.
For example Sangamam and Iruvar bombed at the box office, but I feel these were excellent choices of movies for ARR to work on...his music for both these films were good and gave him exposure to something new.
Vandi Cholai Chinrasu OTOH, is one example of a down the loo movie. It was one dumbf*** of a movie, if ever. ARR made this mistake early in his career and has since then been doing a good job of avoiding such blunders again.
Now back to you Yaaro. Since ur forever relating everything I say to IR, a few words on IR and other MDs. Take Hey Ram for example. It was a flop. But IMO (and I'm sure others wud agree wit me), Hey Ram was an excellent choice of a movie for IR to work on (even tho I understand he had to bail out kamal at the last minute)... it is an example of a good choice of project (tho it goes under the flop category).
OTOH, something like Vanathai Pole which was a big hit, had nothing much worthwhile for a MD, IMO.
Then there are absolute thrashes like the normal Ramarajan/Murali items (No Offences to Ramarajan/Murali fans here), and I even heard several IR Fans like S, praying he will not do any movies for the lipstick mannan. These are movies which shud be avoided.
No point if ARR had rushed to make another 50 movies for every ramarajan, vijayakanth and murali garbage. I'm not saying these actors cannot produce anything worthwhile. but I believe that unless it is something unusual wit something to make it stand out from every other movie they do, it's not worth ARR's time to do movies for these guys simply to increase the quantity of his output.
- From: Vj (@
on: Tue May 7 03:18:05 EDT 2002
IR is indeed doing a Ramarajan movie.. :-)) "Pallavan paandiyan" the name... ya goddit buddy.... :-))
- From: WN (@
on: Tue May 7 03:23:27 EDT 2002
"Particularly the last line..Do u mean that people who go to IR first approached ARR and after ARR's rejection went to IR?"
Did I mention anything about IR?? ARR has turned down many directors & producers bcos of his BD commitment. This is a fact. I've read tat he turned down Dum Dum Dum and several BW movies for this reason.
This was in reply to allegations by IR Fans that ARR was not doing enough movies to be considered the King. Jus a reminder that he cud be doing more if he was purely involved in TFM alone.
"Frankly do u feel that ARR will give a better score for Azhagi?Kasi?"
Frankly I do. I'm sure u dont. We're entitled to our (differing) opinions.
"Or Thangar or Vinayan wud go for ARR for these movies?"
When you need to fix the doorknob, u wont call the president. When u need to fix ur car u dont go to the doctor. I was talking abt wat people who cudnt get the king wud do. Ur talking abt what people who dont need the King for their problems wud do. Why these irrelevant digressions. Peeps, u r a typical hyper-sensitive Piscesean reading more to what I have said to take everything in a negative way. You r good at extrapolating my statements to include IR in some way or other.
There is a world outside IR!!!!!!
S, I dont think u belong to the unbiased category either.
ROTFL, S is not taurus. He is Aquarius like myself.:-) btw ROTFL, Happy Birthday to you since it's the taurus month now.
- From: WN (@
on: Tue May 7 03:37:34 EDT 2002
Peeps, my answer to u which I had prepared beforehand.
On what Basis ARR is King now:
1. Most Sought After.
The no 1 choice for BigWigs in the TFM industry eg. Rajini, Shanker, Mani, etc.
I believe that no other TFM MD will be the default option for so many Big Names.
2. Sets His Conditions
He takes his time, records at night, is damn expensive, insists on recording where he prefers eg. London for Baba and Chennai for certain Bollywood movies. Despite all his quirks, directors & producers are willing to go through all the trouble just for him.
I believe no other TFM MD wud dare to set their own terms for such much desired projects like Baba.
3. Most Expensive MD
Most expensive MD in TFM. If he wasnt worth all this money, no one will be still queuing up for him. Economics wud have worked its way to lowering his price or the number of assignments he is offered.
4. Wide Outreach
He is so good in TFM that he has been hauled into HFM as well. When directors intend to make the movie in Hindi as well, they take a safe bet in getting ARR. Cos his music has such a wide audience that reaches out beyond the TFM circle. This is an asset for ARR. It is not about inferiority complex or need for recognition. It is about his music touching the hearts and souls of people, crossing linguistic, geographical and cultural barriers. This is a reflection of the universal appeal in ARR's music. In strict business terms, u may call this wider marketability which translates into greater profits. No other TFM MD has such a wide-ranging audience as he does.
5. Most Anticipated
The anticipation for his new releases. I believe no other TFM MD gets so much anticipation for his/her new albums, well before the audio/movie releases.
6. Most Popular TFM MD outside India.
His appeal to Indians overseas. His concerts draw large crowds, numbers which I believe no other TFM MD can manage.
7. Versatility
His versatility..eg. period films, comedies, commercial music, transcending language and cultural barriers, from Southern folk to punjabi flavour. From 19th century Lagaan to 90s Kadhalan. No other TFM MD has managed this (perhaps some have not been given the opportunity).
8. Technical Wizardry.
This has been often cited as a negative aspect of his music, and accusations cast tat he relies too much on 'quickfix gadgets'. but I believe otherwise. In fact a whole new influx of TFM MDs trying to follow this trend have got nowhere near him and in some cases, end up producing a gaudy cacophony which shows how much more there is to ARR's music than his equipment, such as his skill and knowledge. It shows how he has these minor things well up his sleeve. It's child's play to him.
9. Trend Setter
He brought in a new trend in TFM (undeniably) and IMO, no other new MD has been able break any new frontiers since then. In fact they are still following the path he has set. Let someone come up with something totally new and different and change the sound of TFM like ARR did, and I'll believe that ARR has been dethroned.
10. Most Expensive Audio Rights
Audio rights for his music still sell at what I believe to be at the highest prices in TFM still, with TIPS, HMV & Sony paying huge amounts for his audio rights. I've read many articles on how much the audio rights for many TFM current releases are going for, and because they are not allowed to reveal the exact figure, they use ARR's price as a benchmark. (eg. "very close to ARR's price" to demonstrate a good price) Hence, it's no myth tat he is still commercially the best.
All of the above apply for ARR till present...the last 3 months till today 7th May. No other TFM MD has been where he has, done the things he has done and accomplished all he has, and he is still continuing along the same path stronger (career-wise) than ever before. Hence, he remains very much the KING and people like HJ, YSR, Bharani (ALL Naga S' examples) have a looooooooonng loooooooooonng way to go before they can reach the heights scaled by AR Rahman.
And I better add, AIMHO.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Tue May 7 03:52:31 EDT 2002
2. Movies that have significant or unique qualities or themes (eg Iruvar--period drama, Rhythm--songs involving the 4 elements)
3. Movies which have high entertainment value. (eg. Prabhu Deva dances, Rajini movies, Shanker's movies, Kamal's comedies).
Iruvar agreed. Rhythm shud be in 4 instead of 2. Those 5 elements stuff and are gimmicks nothing different. u doing something and name it kind of thing diamondu did for those songs.
Point 3, i think is a sticky wicket.
How can we associate entertainer with only a few? Assume that the film karagattakaaran is not done(and ofcourse hence its spin-offs too) Whats wrong if ARR accepts the director approaches ARR to do music for karagattakkaaran ( a different enterainer of its time)? coz a might be maanguyilae, indhamaan from ARR wud definitely have its lion's share in such an entertainer and it wud also boost ARR's confidence in accepting such movies.
Moreover, how come ARR wud know in initial that an entertainer from X wud be good or bad. coz there won't be much to be called as plot/story in that entertainer. Hence the box office victory or victory thru otherwise for music has 50-50 chance be it with a known personality or not. Coz, if we assume all movies from big personalities are going to be hit then why they(big personalities) indeed giving flops? And if we assume a relatively lesser-known/unknown personality's entertainer might fail and hence ARR shudn't accept such movies then how come so many such movies have succeeded? plz remembers many big personalities form from being relatively lesser known or unknown. A KTKunjumon/shankars entertainer Gentleman is a fitting example here. What will we think had Vandicholai chinna raasu became a super duper hit?
IMHO, a MD wud be successful if s/he is inspired in giving tunes. For being inspired a self-motivation and/or the makers (director/producer/actor/actress whoever it is) is needed. Agreed that big names like MR, KB etc definitely motivate. But unknown personalities cannot be termed as "they wont/cant motivate" unless u work with them.
- From: NagaS (@
on: Tue May 7 04:03:18 EDT 2002
A very good post by you ... I seriously doubt if u are a lawyer :-)
I agree to most of your points stated, But the only disagreement comes when we define 'what are the qualities of a TFM King', I feel there are more things that determine this ... One of them is dominating the industry, I don't mean to say ARR should do all the movies or x %age of movies - The situation should be like if ARR is not there, we are settling for a secondary MD ... is it the case ? Do you think Producers of DummDummDumm and Dheena lost their hope because ARR rejected those movies ? If somebody else can do what ARR can, how he can be the KING ?
Let me repeat one of my earlier posts - when IR was @ peak, he was the MD for ALL, I repeat ALL big movies and gave quality music to most of them, He was the first MD to see his cut-out in front of the movie theatres (DO you think ANYBODY are doing it for ARR ?), He was the first MD to feature in cinema posters, He was the first MD to see his name in posters - even before the movies' name ('Isainjaniyin isai mazaiyil' was more important than the producer's name or director's name or ANYBODY else involved in the movie - people like kamal, rajini etc., may be exceptions), EVERY audio shop in TamilNadu had IR's picture in its name board (Nowadays they have atleast 5 or 6 faces in their nameboards and IR is still one of them !) .... I can quote more and more such things, which make me believe that IR was KING once and now there is no KING in the TFM,
I agree that ARR was a trend setter (which even IR is forced to follow), he is expensive, he is No. 1 choice for many big guys, he was the most expected MD (before thenali, alli arjuna, star and paarththaalee paravasam) and many more good things that he has done, he is talented, but can never sit in the simmaasanam which was IR's - even IR can't grab it again.
>>>> people like HJ, YSR, Bharani (ALL Naga S' examples) have a looooooooonng loooooooooonng way to go before they can reach the heights scaled by AR Rahman.
Fully agreed !
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