Topic started by Ravi (@ on Mon Jun 30 22:39:10 EDT 2003.
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...titled "Thendral" starring Karthik, produced by Oscar Films V.Ravichandran. Is it Ilayaraja or Vidyasagar? Please let me know. Also, provide a link, if you guys can, where it confirms that Ilayaraja or Vidyasagar is doing the music for Thangar's next film.
- Old responses
- From: V (@
on: Fri Jul 11 15:19:12 EDT 2003
Hi V,
Its unfortunate that he let it slip. One of the strongest points about IR is that he his prolific and these slips is a by-product of that I guess. Because though its easy to create tunes (for IR), recording takes alot of time, its absolutely not human to give full attention to everything (this is my opinion).
About Madai thiranthu ... wow what a great song. This is one of my favorites. He sure has quality to please every age group. How good it will be if there is a remix of his songs which have inferior recording quality and shrilling chorus voice. Because the only thing which is different from today's trend and IR's music is recording quality (some IR's songs have very good recording quality too). I would have all the preludes and interludes, because he is famous for his interludes/preludes apart from tunes and BGMs.
Talking about interludes and sound quality, check out for interludes in Perai Chollava (Guru), Nee oru Kaathal (Nayagan). The speciality about these the interludes are kind of teasing and the recording quality is good for a movie that is released way back. These two are just picked randomly which I remember. There are so many which have great interludes.
- From: k (@
on: Fri Jul 11 16:18:16 EDT 2003
The best recordings of old IR films are geetanjali, ninaivellAm nithya, thani kaattu raaja etc. If you put these on a good system, the sound is very close to real instruments. This is way better than even the current albums. Note, what people consider today as 'good recording' are very digitally processed too much, so when you put it on a highly resolving audio system, the sound of the instruments does not sound very real. BTW, even some older songs in mono(for eg of MSV) have very good recording (as listened on LP records).
Did somebody mention 'my dear kuttichaaththaan' here ? This album is very 'symphonic'. The malayalam guys demonstrate they know music much better than us tamils, when they put select 'my dear kuttichaatthan' songs in the same CD along with the latest 'Guru' (recorded with Hungarian musicians).
- From: MADDY (@
on: Sat Jul 12 04:32:44 EDT 2003
Does any IR-fan knows ARR made a song called "Rasathi" in "Thiruda Thiruda" which is one of the best Choral songs(according to me.... for all ARR-critics who think he cannot survive without Softwares and loops... this is the song... listen to it....
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Mon Jul 14 16:34:35 EDT 2003
Maddy thats one song which i wudnt like to listen by ARR . but jus bcos u said i tried listening to that song. awwweeeee it sucks man i dunno how ur able to listen to that song. there r many other songs u cud ve suggested which r exceptionally well done by ARR.
ive got a storg aversion towards that song bcos ARR thinks if the lyrics r written using folk language[ words like rasathi, kaandangi chelai or karisa kaadu] it becomes folk song.
- From: V (@
on: Mon Jul 14 17:30:12 EDT 2003
Nice Joke!
Atleast if you has written a decent post saying that some major folk elements are missing (example tharai thappatai) then it would have been interesting!
Now that you have said it sucks I can gauge what kind of taste you have and how serious I should take your queries!!
You call "Thoppil Oro" song a "classis folk" number and u say Raasathi sucks??
I cant believe this man. The song is honey all the way and nobody needs a tag from you now!
- From: xml (@
on: Mon Jul 14 17:47:47 EDT 2003
Vidyasagar is doing the music for thangarbachan's Next film. Now a days I could not see the news about that film anywhere.
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Tue Jul 15 02:49:30 EDT 2003
ha hers V who is a very decent guy and can gauge others taste excellently.thx V.
defenitely that song 'raasathi' is not honey man. long time back whne i bought the cassette itself i got aversion towwards that song. i wud forward that song and listen to other songs.
try listening to the song without the lyrics[ itll never sound folk]. and try to fill up with any english or hindi lyrics it will suit well all the way. may be if the song had not been classified to be as folk then i wud ve liked the song.but iam always against such endevours where u put a mask over something to hide something.
now try listening to 'thopilloru' without the lyrics ull find the difference man.and try adding hindi or english lyrics into it. definetely ill say 'awweee it sucks man'
- From: BeN (@
on: Tue Jul 15 03:55:04 EDT 2003
hey rajasaranam...i think something is wrong with ur ears...come on...Raasathi was a very famous song...why is it famous? bcoz all like that song...the hummings are just perfect..excellent lyric...superb voice by the Late Shahul Hameed....A R Rahman has proven his calibre in his early years of TFM... wat u mean "iam always against such endevours where u put a mask over something to hide something."..wat kind of statement is that?? it doesn't make sense...even IR has given worst score in TFM...wanna know...as i remember..Kamal's KALAINGNAN - KO Ko ro ko koli..something like that....that is the MOST HORRIBLE song i've ever heard in recent times...and mind u...RAASATHI sounds 10000000000x better than that STUPID Ko Ko song, no meaningful lyric, very everage music.....
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Tue Jul 15 04:32:08 EDT 2003
i was mentioning the fact that ARR tries to add lyrics in folk language[mask over something] to make it appear as folk cos he doesnt know composing folk nos[to hide something]. does it make sense now?????
read my post once again to make sense i said if it had been written in normal tamil then iwud hav liked the song perhaps???
and i dont like ko ko ro ko koli.... either, bcos of the lyrics.
but raasathi definitely doesnt sound even 0.0000000000001 % of ko ko......
- From: BeN (@
on: Tue Jul 15 04:55:52 EDT 2003
ya...ya...ask anyone..which song is better.. they give you a straight answer....RAASATHI !!
- From: Rajesh (@
on: Tue Jul 15 05:44:02 EDT 2003
The best folk song in my opinion from Rahman is "Kaadu Pottak kadu... ".....
- From: V (@
on: Tue Jul 15 08:04:26 EDT 2003
Hi All,
My humble opinion. Rasathi is not a folk song altogether, especially "Kadala kaathu kula .. bit", which just says that. I agree with Rajsarnam that lyrics did most of the work in making it sound like a folk song. It is no doubt a good song. Rehman is a bit weak when it comes to producing authentic folk song without much effort.
V (different from the V 141)
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Tue Jul 15 14:07:37 EDT 2003
BeN for ur kind information Thiruda Thiruda was a flop album which was accepted by ARR himself in an interview. he also added that he tried some new things in that movie and it didnt work out at the time when the film was released, but later on people came to him saying that the album was good.those people may be ARR fans who like every composition frm him, but definetely that was a flop album in view of genl. public.
but the case of Kalaignan is different - all songs frm the film were a hit eventhough the movie flopped at the boxoffice.
my personal opinion is that it was a good album except for the song for which ive given u the reasons. if ur defending with konjam nilavu against ko ko rako i accept that konjam nilavu is better.in my cassette the portion where the song comes is no more in use...
- From: MADDY (@
on: Tue Jul 15 14:20:29 EDT 2003
hey mann u call ARR is weak in folk music... all this time i didn't want to jump the gun but i think it's time to do it.... ARR is a master of many folk types....
Chinese -Maya Maya(music in the interlude)
Middle-east- Tu hi tu (Dil se)
European- Putham pudhu bhoomi(Thiruda Thiruda)
punjabi- wedding qawali (Bombay dreams)
Gujrati- Dandiya attamum (Kadhalar Dinam)
Pakistani-Varaha Nadhi karai ( Sangamam, dunt laugh it is a sufi tune)
Tamil- Maanuthu Mandhiyale (KC)
ARR is a gr8 man and his knowledge is very vast... he is not weak in any type of music, leave alone Tamil folk
- From: V (@
on: Tue Jul 15 14:24:15 EDT 2003
Thiruda Thiruda was a flop album??
I remember TT as the first album whose songs were hit in the North in the original tamil version itself!!!!
I rememver watching Superhit Muqabla where they play top 10 hindi songs!! IUn the top 10 hindi songs the no 1 was 'Veerapandi Kottayile'!!!!!
a Tamil song beating all hindi songs!!
Can Ilaiyaraaja even dream of doing something like that???
Go and play your kokarako and thopiloru in National level. Nobody will appreciate it!
It is staright now! Ilaiyaraaja is only in TN! ARR is all over India!
It is an undeniable fact that IR is best in folk in India. But not Indian folk but only TAMIL FOLK!!! Radha Kaise Na Jale from Lagaan is a geart north indian folk song by ARR!
- From: MADDY (@
on: Tue Jul 15 14:26:01 EDT 2003
wat, thiruda thiruda is a flop album??? god save you man.... kalaignan is a success album??????? god save this forum.... compare the sales of both the albums...... and thiruda thiruda created havoc amongst youngsters.....
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Tue Jul 15 15:00:46 EDT 2003
it was a flop and that was accepted by ARR himself ive got nothing more to say abt that album.
IRs folk contribution for the broader indian base
bengali folk - mahanadhi
telugu folk - oyilalo - guna
marathi folk[the form is called laavani]- pollatha madana baanam - heyram
western folk - all the time - nadodi thendral
gujarathi folk - dil baru jaane - kalaignan
i dont remember much[how come man frm 4000 songs uufffff]and ill post u whenever i find a folk no. of IR.
and ive already said that iam talking abt the scenario in TAMIL FILM MUSIC INDUSTRY . IDONT INCLUDE NORTH WHEN I MAKE A DEFINTIE STATEMENT IS IT CLEAR. and definitely kalaignan was a hit album in TAMILNADU.
and to V@147 definitely IR cannot dream of making his tunes coming in the charts in top 10 but his counterpats in HFM like anumalik and others will do it with DHAK DHAK or PAAYALE CHUMME CHUMME coming at the top.
- From: rajasaranam (@
on: Tue Jul 15 15:07:26 EDT 2003
maddy r u nuts man,
i taught u the economics and history shortly ago and u keep forgetting things. u dont remember that sales and popularity r entirely two different things. u never gave a counter arguement for that one and again u come up with the same statement. go find ur self where u asked me abt kaadhalan sales and i taught u the economics abt this country and come back to me with a counter theory for that.
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