Topic started by kk (@ on Sun Mar 4 06:17:07 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
There has been this image of IR being arrogant from his early days. I feel its more of lack of verbal communication from his part, and his peers being musicaly not par with him to communicate to him. What can you expect to a director, asking for Sitar type music for a scene.
Now let see who else is arrogant in TF world.
Rajni, made a sick statement that raja earns money on par with actor like him who work hard in sun. May be a joke but its unwanted. Is this a humble?
Kamal says he is bringing international std to kodambakkam. What is it about?. It may not be a direct statement, but he talks to that effect. The thing is, wasnt mahendran or others making movies of I std? Just because they are made in tamil without any 'inspiration' from hollywood, they are not upto I'std?. I'std comes when we make movies true to ourselves, not when they package india for foreign audience as in film like Kamasutra. Isnt kamal statements like last hope of TF arrogant?.
Rahman ignored IR name purposely in his early interviews when asked MDs whose music he admired. He said he is trying to bring some I'std to tamil music?. I can agree Tamil films are not great, but when music standard went that bad?. Best part was his claim that he used hollywood style of BGM. All his interviews he wants keep an separate identity, than other MDs as if he has got a dozen grammmys. Why cant he talk like a TFM MD?. Arent all these crap?.
SAR says he the melody king, himself!. so humble. Deva says all his copy is coincedence.
- Old responses
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Mon Mar 5 17:01:06 EST 2001
Why do you feel this is directed at you? Don't take that way. I did not address to anybody or I did address to everybody.
- From: aruLaracan (@
on: Mon Mar 5 17:25:09 EST 2001
Trend: you don't have to have even the 1% respect for ir for having used the phrase "plastic music" for pop music. it was the term used by his conductor in hungary. ir said just said what an apt term for music that doesn't last long (or something to that effect). (plastic-a konjam thAn nIttalAm; adhukkappuRam puttukkum!) num-tv might still have the whole interview somewhere in their archives.
- From: Trend (@
on: Mon Mar 5 17:46:21 EST 2001
Thanks for the pointer.I will try searching for the link soon.
"having used the phrase "plastic music" for pop music"
This is totally a subjective opinion."Which song lasts longer" is also subjective.In my list long lasting songs are equally available from MSV period to the present period(inclusive of late 70s, 80s and early 90s too).Your list may be different.
So,is today's music being plastic a subjective opinion which came at the heat of the moment or truly and deeply felt objective opinion?
- From: kiru (@
on: Mon Mar 5 19:30:36 EST 2001
You dont have to believe me(god..this dude is trying). I told things so that people will have a better understanding of IR. If you dont wanna do that but are looking for 'evidences' to support your favorite theory on what sort of personality he has, please count me out. I do not have the time or patience to get into a debate whether IR or the journalist is right or wrong.
There are other things he told in the interview about how we dont use tamil in everyday life, because he was impressed how the Hungarians use their mother tongue exclusively. I guess everybody has their perspective on whether the glass is half-empty or half-full.
- From: S T S (@
on: Mon Mar 5 20:32:27 EST 2001
Mr Mani, I am reproducing ARR's interview from the link you had given and he did mention about IR. Pls read below.
Vidhya: How do you compare yourself with Ilayaraja? Describe your experience working with him?
Rahman: Well, Ilayaraja used to work for my father and that's how I knew him.After six years of my career as a player he called me once and then I started working for almost one and a half years with him.He's got a unique quality of Orchestration and discipline, which I learned from him. He was a complete clean guy. He wouldn't drink or smoke. So this is the unique thing that I noticed because for me any western musician must have dope to produce good music. But this guy doesn't take anything and he's spiritual and still gives so much of good music for Tamil Nadu....."
There is obsolutely no respect or what so ever. To ARR, IR is identified as a person worked with his father and he is a 'GUY' to our Attahaasamaaha Replicate seiyum Rahman. God Bless TFM. And this is another definition for humbleness.
IR...arrogant to Press? Yes. What is wrong? To him it is a waste of time repeating the same bloody answer for the same questions (which is your best songs etc etc.,) After all press are not gods. They make money by talking about Ramba's thodai and Manthra's maarbu. I read few ARR interviews where he was equally frustrated when the interviewer asked 'Why your songs sound similar..'.
- From: S T S
(@ on: Mon Mar 5 20:33:21 EST 2001
Oops. Sorry. Stopping bold :(
- From: S T S (@
on: Mon Mar 5 20:34:01 EST 2001
Sorry again.
- From: S T S (@
on: Mon Mar 5 20:36:15 EST 2001
Just saw your posting. My site is still up and running (not under www.vikatan.com though). Don't like that advertisements. Looking to register another site.
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Mon Mar 5 21:28:53 EST 2001
Very nice of you! Thanks.
- From: Veriyan (@
on: Tue Mar 6 09:56:46 EST 2001
Is IR arrogant?
Is India in Asia?
Is there a temple in Thirupati?
Is Taj Mahal a love symbol?
Is English spoken in the US?
Do not ask obvious questions, puleez
- From: kk (@
on: Tue Mar 6 11:03:29 EST 2001
The question is, Is only IR arrogant, read properly.
- From: kk (@
on: Tue Mar 6 11:12:46 EST 2001
Iam talking about early interviews of ARR. These Ilayaraja the clean guy, comment started very recently. He uses the same comment for Prasanna too. Traditionaly Music is a clean job in tamil nadu, from KVM and MSV, I dont understand what is he trying to say.
In one of his first interviews for question who are his favourite musicians, he gave a list of 5 6 hindi MDs. The when asked what about tamil MDs, he came up with a 5 6 MD list except Raja.
He kept repeating, he wants to bring quality to tamil music, as if its not there.
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Tue Mar 6 11:32:00 EST 2001
Your posting is really good. You have talked about the psychology of some great men. Yes, some men tend to have ego. If it is out of control then it is a problem.
I agree with you on ARR bashing. many bash him with out giving any chance. But, your comment on IR not acknowledging any body is not true. I have seen and read some interviews in which he has acknowledged greats like MSV, KVM and Naushad etc.
My point is one should not go by interviews alone. We would have missed many and many would not have had place in inet. Also, we don't remember much about the interviews given by somebody whom we don't like.
Regarding IR, it is fact that this gentle man is not so gentle, but also he has raised to such a pedestal that for him anything silly is unbearable. A psychiatrist can really analyse and answer about IR.
- From: fliflo (@
on: Tue Mar 6 13:49:26 EST 2001
Podu namba, I agree, mine was over statement on IR, but still I am sad when IR blames the public that they are not giving him proper recognition etc etc. As you say man of that much status should not give silly interviews., he needs someone to write down what he speaks,
In the west, many musicians have a specical team that prepares a star before making a public apperence, this culture is slowly spreading in India. I have heard people say, IR had his brother doing this PRO service for quite some time. Looks like he not with him anymore.
- From: comment (@
on: Tue Mar 6 13:50:31 EST 2001
btw; the above is my posting, I changed names just for fliflo's sake. :)
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Mar 6 14:06:23 EST 2001
comment, that's funny. but that's not courageous either.
- From: comment (@
on: Tue Mar 6 14:23:49 EST 2001
not courageous ...are we having a war here :)
flifo,music is not a religion, just relax, take it easy, we have not seen each other......we simply discuss because our employers are considerate, thats all. ir/arr ellam comes next.
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Mar 6 14:33:10 EST 2001
i will respond this as I am pulled from here. I am not in a war. I relax and keep posting different stuffs here. courageous...I mean not a physical one...I will reply in a few mins...my friend is pulling me out.
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Mar 6 15:20:32 EST 2001
Ok I am back. Comment...tell me what happens if everybody keeps posting on somebody else's name. Many try to keep their identity secret, which enables them to post whatever they want. Of Course, that does not exclude me. So one can post even unparliamentary words and gets away with it. You need courage to give your real name and email id...do you accept that? Coming with different names is one step ahead. I put this way!Least courageous guys can use somebody's name and talk anything they want. They believe privately one can't approach them and can talk all sorts of things on other's behalf. This is what I meant to be courageous!! I mean Dhill. (Manusle dhill venum!).
- From: vijay (@
on: Tue Mar 6 15:26:54 EST 2001
Hey, Fliflo chill out. after all comment HAS acknowledged here openly that he posted in your name. so where does the ssue of "courage" come up. and even if he didnt, people here are smart enough to find out that it was him using his ip, since you two are the only ones who are posting here anyway;)) and he didnt write anything 'bad' either using your name. so why make a big issue out of it?
- From: comment (@
on: Tue Mar 6 15:50:16 EST 2001
ayooooooo flifo..kal enge....
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Tue Mar 6 16:49:22 EST 2001
vijay...FYI, I did not write angrily. I attempted to explain "comment" what "courageous" in this context means.
comment; I don't think that was hot. If you've felt that way take it lightly..I had a coke after the discussion.
- From: doubter (@
on: Tue Mar 6 17:06:03 EST 2001
Guys, don't worry about real names. For that matter, A.R. Rahman and even Ilaiyaraajaa are not real names :-))))))))
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