Topic started by dinesh (@ on Sat Oct 4 10:33:55 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Hi guys,im sure its gonan release soon,posters & Trailors r out,all together 6 songs....
2.Yetho Yetho
3.Misai Veitha Ambalai
4.Ding A Ling
the 5th & 6th song i cant remember much,but the songs will difenetly be a hit ...Do discuss on them,Just one request,IR fans,if u wanna discuss on the songs,ur welcome,but if u come here to bash ARR,PLz leave this Thread,ok va?
- Old responses
- From: C~P (@
on: Sat Nov 29 21:49:43 EST 2003
sorry i din type ur name in caps, hope u can read
when u guys have a positive attitude towards the most unlikeliest of events(!) conecrning IR, we guys showing a positive response for something good is definitely accptable!
and yeah...we can definitely trust u man....for u know things that nobody else know - BOYS audio is a flop...naethu kanavula vanthucha??!!
spking of music knowledge, u shudnt!!
- From: C~P (@
on: Sat Nov 29 21:54:28 EST 2003
You have put in a way that can convince people. If MusicLover has anything to say in this manner, it is fine. I don't know if he knows that such posts can be made.
He has 3 rules in mind :
1) Type In Caps
2) Write Crap
3) CrossCheck to see if he gets a pleasure - saddistic!
and btw...BOYS had a U/A ... rite? ... dats wat i saw on the screen man!
- From: Piratheepan (@
on: Sat Nov 29 21:57:58 EST 2003
Well to me there was nuthin explicit in boys i would take family and friends with me as long as they were above like 12 cuz by then u can understand most of the jokes n e ways and it was done as fun.I live in America so my standards are prolli different from those living in india.which is why i said the movie did well everywhere but india.i mean come on how many rapes are ther in other movies those are okay but harmless teasing isnt?
As for ur comments abt ARR and IR they were very nice a agree with u mostly. Cept for the part where u said u need an expensive stereo etc.u can get the feel of his music in anything. And there are always peices that everyone can enjoy(cept in BOYS id say that one is strictly youth) As for his roots i doubt he wanted to go into film, i mean he prolli wanted to do albums and foreign projects.So im in disagreement with u in that sense too, i think its that thinking which has made sum o his great peices flops angry fans.
And I feel he has great talent in making music for the situation.and has a folk sense in him. Look at Sangamam.And what i dont get is this complaint abt synthesizer and ppl sayin ARR doesnt use real instruments?becuz if u look at his albums he gives credit to all the musicians so u can see which instruments were used.
Anyways Jaiganesh i enjoyed ur comments was good to have intellectual conversation abt music.Hope u wil have more to say.One request plz, for ur long posts plz separate a little to make it easier to read. thanks
- From: IRRRRRRR (@
on: Sun Nov 30 00:34:02 EST 2003
Piratheepan: My liking for Raja is precisely for the variety he showed in his best days. I don't think Rahman has shown as much yet.
- From: Jaiganesh (@
on: Sun Nov 30 00:42:11 EST 2003
Hi Piratheepan,
Roots are not where you want to go my friend. They are where u come from. My roots are in Madras. Illayaraja's roots are in Pannaipuram, ARR's roots are middle class madras + inspired in life by sufism. so I expect ARR's real soul in the form of Tamil songs which come from his heart. not from his business mind, u know i will make this song a hit. I would like him to do something like what he did in dil Se. But in tamil, he is muted. He does not come out in full colour. Boys is good. but u dont see real rahman there. in fact if he continues to demand the sum he does and if he keeps himself away from young new dirs, he will remain as high and as unreachable as ever. And sangamam is not classic folk. It had more carnatic and less folk. Allala ganda and Varaha Nadhikkarai oram are great compositions, but alas, I have never heard any folk music troupe play that kind of music. I sometimes also feel, he gives too much of room to his singers and they just put their soul into it instead of the soul of Music director. classic eg. is Shankar Mahadevan, who makes every song of his sound like a hiindustani classical and hari haran makes every song sound like ghazal.
- From: JustTooBad (@
on: Sun Nov 30 04:20:51 EST 2003
What do arr fans have to say about this?
- From: Piratheepan (@
on: Sun Nov 30 09:31:30 EST 2003
Thats simple are u talking abt the review or the rating.If ur talking abt the review the reviewer wanted to bash ARR but ends up complimenting the music.As for the ratings there are abunch of anti-arr fans out there with lots of time on their hands.
- From: Piratheepan (@
on: Sun Nov 30 09:37:51 EST 2003
I know what u meant by roots i just didnt dwell on it too much, but like u said his roots, i dont think he grew up in the village to be inspired by folk music.Becuz when he got into the field he was a teenager who prolli listened to the type of music we find in his songs. Two different eras IR and ARR.What i like about ARR's songs is it changes as time goes along but it still has that "indian" feel to it.
Plus didnt ARR go to school in London?I think IR did too but they might hav majored in different types of music.
- From: MusicIsLife (@
on: Sun Nov 30 10:28:07 EST 2003
"America so my standards are prolli different
from those living in india"
Standards does not matter, only attitude and way of thinking should matter. I was recently in India, just got back today.. India is not that far behind as u might think!! or better, it is kind-a more advanced in a lot of things!!
So dont say things like that just coz u have to say that. and btw i feel through ur post a strong ARR Biazed opinion nothing else...
But to agree with you, i was watching the previews and trailers, and all the monotony of same kind of music, boyz did sound different in the midst, but does that constitute a hit? may be Yes, may be No.
- From: Piratheepan (@
on: Sun Nov 30 10:49:02 EST 2003
do u realize how stupid u sound?Tell me how India is advanced in their way of thinking?Yes my standards for films are different from the average indian. The average indian would have trouble going to see BOYS with family and friends.
And i feel ur posts r way biased against just everyone.Hows my post biased just curious?Who was talking abt hits?I like Boys cuz its different.Its a hit becuz ppl also enjoyed it.
I prefer different music each time.I could careless what everyone else wants.Keep up the good work ARR.=P
- From: vin (@
on: Sun Nov 30 11:25:26 EST 2003
My thumbs up for BOYS!!! I liked it.
- From: MusicIsLife (@
on: Sun Nov 30 12:03:16 EST 2003
yeah yeah yeah to your blabbering... and your thinking and the standards of average Indian!!!!
- From: Jaiganesh (@
on: Sun Nov 30 12:05:09 EST 2003
I dont think that both ARR and IR ever visited London to study. I think, if I am right, they attended classes here and got their gold medals from London(Both gold medallists in western music!! Sheer talent we have. contrast it with Hindi music directors!! phew!!). In fact both these geniuses picked up Carnatic and hindustani music only after their entry into films. Thats why u see that their reportairre of raagas improving with each movie. I see ARR as IR of today. Only difference is that IR sought music from everywhere but always was happy composing for everybody. He did not care whether it was for a small time director or a big guy. In fact He helped Mani Ratnam establish his film career, by composing not just his early tamil ventures but also kannada and telugu ones. In fact IR also produced movies and mostly they were directed by fazil(another director whom he sponsored in a huge way). So in a way you can say IR was interested in movies in more than one way. ARR even after having established himsel, still has not mastered the art of either getting the feel of the story and characters or investing (in the way of producing) in a movie which can bring out his real self in a qualitatively better way. Maybe he should do that instead of wasting time with Bala and Kanika, the patriotism sellers.
Sorry piratheepan, I could not make this a single post. Any ways I see a lot of interesting comparisons between two great music legends of TFM, may be we can bring together the fans of these two geniuses in a more civilized manner.
- From: Jaiganesh (@
on: Sun Nov 30 12:05:42 EST 2003
I dont think that both ARR and IR ever visited London to study. I think, if I am right, they attended classes here and got their gold medals from London(Both gold medallists in western music!! Sheer talent we have. contrast it with Hindi music directors!! phew!!). In fact both these geniuses picked up Carnatic and hindustani music only after their entry into films. Thats why u see that their reportairre of raagas improving with each movie. I see ARR as IR of today. Only difference is that IR sought music from everywhere but always was happy composing for everybody. He did not care whether it was for a small time director or a big guy. In fact He helped Mani Ratnam establish his film career, by composing not just his early tamil ventures but also kannada and telugu ones. In fact IR also produced movies and mostly they were directed by fazil(another director whom he sponsored in a huge way). So in a way you can say IR was interested in movies in more than one way. ARR even after having established himsel, still has not mastered the art of either getting the feel of the story and characters or investing (in the way of producing) in a movie which can bring out his real self in a qualitatively better way. Maybe he should do that instead of wasting time with Bala and Kanika, the patriotism sellers.
Sorry piratheepan, I could not make this in multiple posts. Any ways I see a lot of interesting comparisons between two great music legends of TFM, may be we can bring together the fans of these two geniuses in a more civilized manner.
- From: Piratheepan (@
on: Sun Nov 30 12:44:18 EST 2003
ahh they just got their gold medals, ic. Well yeh thats true that ARR has dropped most of the small time directors but he still gives music to sum new directors and sall ones here and there. Like Arjun lol.
As for his giving feeling and what not i feel he does do an adequet job for important directors but for small projects yeh he doesnt give much time or he gives the project to an assistant. But like KM,KV, and BOYS-just looking at recent movies the background music is outstanding for the situations.Like in KM velai pookal at the end,the small musical interlude during the bombing, vidai kodu song...maybe its cuz im sri lankan but the music in that movie was touching. And Laagan gr8.
But tru I'd agree with u when sayin IR loves just doing film music no matter who it is hence he's still in the business even if tho he an retire comfortably.
I just dont want to see him be like rajini or kamal to keep going at it the same way.Tho i feel rajinis next movie and kamals should do gr8 cuz they kamals will have IR music and seems like its a diff type of movie.And i feel rajini is also looking for sumthin new too.
whats ur feeling abt IR recent release dont even remember the name i listened to it a few times didnt do much for me.
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