Topic started by G.Suresh (@ 207-172-73-110.s47.as2.man.erols.com) on Wed Apr 1 13:21:53 EST 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I am G.Suresh for those of you who don't know me, this is my second posting in this forum , it is unfortunate that my earlier one 'Has Arr not copied Narumugaiyae' has to be deleted due to some controversies.
Coming to this latest one , We have lot of singers who resembles SPB in singing, closest being Mano, Arun Mozhi and on one song by Ramesh "Rahde en Radhe.." in Japanil Kalyana Raman, Can we identify here who comes next to SPB in terms of Soft voice and versatality. My choice is Arunmozhi , Awaiting response
- Old responses
- From: LV (@
on: Tue Jul 24 02:15:36 EDT 2001
oops the above post is for IMF!!!
- From: MS (@ ch-1317.che.sc.edu)
on: Tue Jul 24 02:28:07 EDT 2001
sligh digression:
LV - the song "oh dil banjaare" is a very good number.
- From: DAS (@
on: Tue Jul 24 05:25:22 EDT 2001
Come on silly amit , go & kiss kumar sanu's jatti, hahahah, he stinks like shit
SPB is the lord, where kumar is SPB's slave & will remain slave 4 ever
- From: LV (@
on: Tue Jul 24 11:40:53 EDT 2001
yes, u are right. 'Oh dil banjare' is quite good. But I cannot appreciate Kumar Sanu songs in that film. Also 'chhaya jagi' does not please me. Thats why I wish HM - being such a genius - should not have done such an album, and that too with Kumar Sanu. I wish he'd taken Suresh Wadkar or Hariharan for that.
- From: spb_maniac (@ webcacheh08a.cache.pol.co.uk)
on: Wed Jul 25 16:14:37 EDT 2001
SPB himself!!!, rather silly question to ask is it not?
- From: paddaiyappa (@ webcacheh02a.cache.pol.co.uk)
on: Sat Jul 28 18:10:21 EDT 2001
SPB him self, no one else
- From: Amit (@
on: Mon Jul 30 14:26:05 EDT 2001
If there is one thing that all these postings show (esp from Nameless@webcacheh02a.cache.pol.co.uk AND from Nameless@oneway.convex.com), it is that
1. The image of the fanatic Tamilian with mono-tracked belief in his cinematic idols (or behind the screen idols) is true and alive.
2. These two aforementioned people (who I hope do not represent the general Tamil people) do not and CAN not have a debate without calling names and abusing the other side esp if they feel that the other sides' view is too much contrary to what they hold dear.
Either way, free forum as it is, I re-instate my belief that the true successor to SPB is the one and only,
- From: sundar (@
on: Tue Jul 31 00:56:38 EDT 2001
amit are you off your onion?
it is like casting aspersions on SPB.for heaven's sake pl do not bring in Kumar Sanu's name in this forum.he is a disgrace to HFM. you are free to criticize any singer including SPB but by comparing him with Kumar sanu you are stooping too low.
it is like comparing Latha Mangeshkar and Jency.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue Jul 31 03:03:05 EDT 2001
Who is Jency ?
And Amit...
HFM has gone for manly voices ? Do you know why SPB was made to playback for Salman Khan right from the "Maine Pyar Kiya" days ? It was only bcos the so-called macho looks of Salman needed a voice that would enhance that image. This was repeated in many other films. Mission Kashmir had SPB renditioning for Sanjay Dutt - MANLY VOICE = SPB only !!
- From: Kupps (@ atlwebproxy2.core.hp.com)
on: Tue Jul 31 03:30:53 EDT 2001
I respect your belief. I cannot question that. But i want to point out certain things. When we are talking about likes of SPB then it is not just popularity of the singer that counts. Ability in various factors of singing and outshining others in those department matters. Are you sincerly proposing Kumar Sanu(KS) to be successor of SPB? A successor, here, doesn't mean that one who merely succeeds SPB; It is one who shows almost all those qualities of SPB to a very great extent, not a chronological successor.
KS, first of all badly tries to imitate Kishore Kumar(KK), in false voice. But ofcourse he has failed in that attempt too. Given the range fo KK, KS is nowhere near him. KS lacks in shruthi control; cannot sing in high pitched songs; cannot think about singing semi-classical (or) classical songs that requires heavy Gamakams(what is the hindustani equivalent for this?).
Man, in HFM at present if you can say anybody who has this ability then it is Shankar Mahadevan(SM), to a great extent.
Finally, if KS is destined to be the sucessor of SPB then the destiny of IFM is pathetic.
I think you were stopped by parent donkeys. If you had looked at two notches above father and mother donkeys you would have found the name of oneway.convex.com person. Its been the tendency of fellow TFMDFers to impersonate briefly to enhance the appreciation for their views.
- From: cosmician (@
on: Tue Jul 31 12:30:16 EDT 2001
"Mission Kashmir had SPB renditioning for Sanjay Dutt - MANLY VOICE = SPB only !!"
Sorry...make that Daud....but the fact remains that SPB has used for playback for many of Salman's songs as either the director or the MD have felt that SPB's manly voice will enhance the image of Salman !
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Tue Jul 31 13:17:34 EDT 2001
Its a pity now that people in HFM have neglected SPB or reasons known to them and God alone. SPB himself said and seemed worried in the M&S program in sony TV. He said that it is a mystery why Salman Khan doesn't call him any more to sing for him. Some in HFM should have gone nuts.
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Tue Jul 31 14:23:38 EDT 2001
From the nameless@oneway.convex.com :-)
To Amit,
SPB may/may not be dear to me. But I hate kumar sanu. I dont think his voice is anything to write home about.
If comparing Kumar sanu and spb is not name calling or abusing then I dont know what else can be categorised as name calling!
You have insulted spb and his family by comparing him with KS. remember I cud do the same thing to u!(u r kumar sanu!)
and I make no attempts to remain anonymous, the IP address is very obvious and so dont feel superior thinking u r the brains of the forum!
//"do not and CAN not have a debate without calling names and abusing the other side esp if they feel that the other sides' view is too much contrary "//
yeah! and u r the einstein who thought "abuse was the last recluse of the defenceless". dont u think we all know it already!
a person who brackets kumar sanu and spb is so easy to hate. its like saying saif ali khan is as good as kamal haasan ( going by the HFM stereo type I wudnt be surprised u actually think so). I normally contest the logic of comments and not the commentator and i have preached that so far in this forum! But since u r totally deviod of any logic I have no option but to avoid the christmas rush and hate you right away.
it saves the time of understanding u and getting to kow u better and then realizing that you r a jerk and then abusing you. why all the time waste when i can do it right now!
- From: pOkkiri rAjA (@ a020-0107.snfc.splitrock.net)
on: Tue Jul 31 15:42:00 EDT 2001
He said that it is a mystery why Salman Khan doesn't call him any more to sing for him
Hope SPB doesn't go the TMS way. What is this world coming to ? SPB being upset about Salman Khan not calling him anymore ?
- From: Amit (@
on: Tue Jul 31 16:58:11 EDT 2001
Keep hatin, beat the Christmas rush.....that's about all left for you to do, besides working on your english. Its "last resort of the defenceless", not "last recluse of the defenceless". LOL! I can of course continue posting my comparisons of Kumar Sanu and SPB and you will only have your name-calling, hating drivel to write.
- From: Bharath (@ oneway.convex.com)
on: Tue Jul 31 17:21:06 EDT 2001
Amit the retarded:
after you blabbered royally about "apprehend" in some other thread and went "recluse". Please accept my offer of the meaning of the word recluse from the dictionary
recluse: 1) a person who lives in seclusion or apart from society
2)shut in, lock up, left with only ONE RESORT.
you always seem to miss secondary meanings, which explains why you r a KS fan, you cannot scratch the surface and look beyond the superficial level.
once again ! pick battles you can win! Dont stuff/force us with your hindi perverted version / analysis. NO ONE IS INTERESTED. we are content to live in our small ignorant world. You can roam outside with a superficial satisfaction that we lesser mortals know less than you! (but remember you have to be back in the zoo by 6:00 PM everyday)
Bye Bye and please 2 goof ups in english is enugh to convince you into adopting a different line.
- From: MoronussDestroyus (@ adsl-21-129-236.mia.bellsouth.net)
on: Tue Jul 31 20:00:55 EDT 2001
RECLUSE (From dictionary.com)
re·cluse (rkls, r-kls)
A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.
Withdrawn from the world; reclusive.
recluse \Re*cluse"\, a. [L. reclus, L. reclusus, from recludere, reclusum, to unclose, open, in LL., to shut up. See Close.] Shut up, sequestered; retired from the world or from public notice; solitary; living apart; as, a recluse monk or hermit; a recluse life
In meditation deep, recluse From human converse. --J. Philips.
recluse \Re*cluse"\, n. [F. reclus, LL. reclusus. See Recluse, a.] 1. A person who lives in seclusion from intercourse with the world, as a hermit or monk; specifically, one of a class of secluded devotees who live in single cells; usually attached to monasteries.
2. The place where a recluse dwells. [Obs.] --Foxe.
recluse \Re*cluse"\, v. t. To shut; to seclude. [Obs.]
Recluse has 6 meanings. None of them is LEFT with ONE RESORT. Bharat, making mistakes in English is common here. Why start making up meanings for words? Recluse is _never_ used in the sense you have used it. Oh!, and BTW, the word enough is spelt e n o u g h, not e n u g h.
It would be great if you could tone your language down.
- From: Shankar (@
on: Tue Jul 31 22:07:06 EDT 2001
I see him using harsh language a lot too. Probably does not realize what an idiot he is.
- From: MS (@ cache145.sc.edu)
on: Wed Aug 1 01:00:35 EDT 2001
Does anybody know the primary meaning of politeness which has been prescribed to be a necessary ingredient in DF ?
- From: muthu_maharajah (@
on: Wed Aug 1 04:49:22 EDT 2001
No one!!!, there can only be one SPB & there will only be one SPB!!
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