Topic started by musician (@ on Mon Jun 10 07:14:46 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Uthaman (@
on: Tue Jun 25 10:50:30 EDT 2002
They have scored music for 1053 Movies!!
I still don't believe this
- From: O(pi)nion (@
on: Tue Jun 25 10:51:00 EDT 2002
Unga list en karthick raja illa, Yuvan illai?, they also dont know use gizzmoes? or...u dont like them.
Why is then IR did not score even one hit movie with or without tech gizzmoes?
ippo paraunga summa oru periya, (Kameshwaran malaigai) list varum ....
chinavanga, periyanga ellam oru theram jora kai, kal tatungo.....:)
(bgm track: udukai with some sampled kolusu sound, with korean chours humming sung in latin)
- From: MIF (@
on: Tue Jun 25 12:29:11 EDT 2002
thnx for the info man
- From: OISG (@
on: Tue Jun 25 12:32:09 EDT 2002
Perhaps Uthaman is not aware of the news items that appeared when IR recorded the I sterophonic song in Priya.Techology was welcomed at that time.Infact MSV was criticised for using older techniques.Sakkaram suzhalgirathu!
The usage of Keyboards started during IR s period.No body said "oh!god!artificial sounds!"
He recorded the songs of a tamil movie in 24 tracks at Mumbai.( I dont remeber the movie name)
When Punnagai Mannan happened IR was the picturised as the man who has both music and science temper.
When Symphony happened (did it? ) the Anne,thambi,periyavar,chinnavar of Kodambakkam claimed that "Vellakarane othukittan paruyya"
Why suddenly this aversion to technology?Is it because someone else has managed to use it better???
(Old habits die hard !for me!)Becker found thatTennis has become a power game when Goran entered!!!!
MR is fortunate to hold on to ARR despite his flops of Iruvar,Uyire,KM and not the other way round.
- From: Cnn (@
on: Tue Jun 25 12:53:40 EDT 2002
This is "Onnai" reporting from Cnn HQ in Atlanta.
Atmosphere is overcast for an out right war in newtfmpage on arr vs ir issue once again.
Let us ask someone who knows about it.
Special guest: halo Mr.Onnai
Onnai: Welcome to the show, please tell the viewers about the background of this issue first.
SG: yes , basically ir was a musician from 75-90 and Arr is the musican for the current generatation. now both of them have fans now they are fighting on who is the best.
Onnai: Cha! thats all about it, after all four anans peratha samacharam . ok get lost i wasted 10 mins of my time.
- From: kiru (@
on: Tue Jun 25 13:07:35 EDT 2002
Uthaman, not a good idea to bring down ARR like this. I really like the songs which ARR did for bhArathi rAja movies. ARR did use technology to his advantage, but whats wrong with that ? For a person who has not even made it to college, his expertise in computers and high tech gizmos impresses me a lot. His recording is on par with any POP album released in the US/Europe.
It is a different matter whether I like his music or not. (for that matter, next to IR, I can only listen to ARR among other new MDs). We do have to recognise his talent.
(BTW, kannaththil muththamittal is a good effort by ARR to tune to the situation eg. sattena bit song. He carries the BGM on his strengths in rhythm (for action scenes) and melody (for serious scenes), the primary ingredients which makes his songs a hit. the movie contines to reinforce my opinion that MR makes up for his weak creativity with good subject/story selection, planning/execution ..one guy who really uses his MBA in movies :)).
- From: Uthaman (@
on: Tue Jun 25 16:03:49 EDT 2002
"Unga list en karthick raja illa, Yuvan illai?, they also dont know use gizzmoes? or...u dont like them"
- I think yuvan is there. Moreover the point i was trying to make is there are so many MDs nowadays you will get lost figuring out who scored music for which movie. ARR scores music for 5 or 6 max 10 movies in an year. What kind of a rate is that? Come on man.. ARR could have done a lot better in KM. Soon he is going to lose his market to all the other MDs because honestly there is no difference between any MDs nowadays. ARR, HJ, Bharadwaj...etc. Tell me one year where ARR dominated completely. He cannot. Because he is so slow that he will take years to compose each and every song. I guess folk music doesn't sound like one. Same goes with carnatic.
"For a person who has not even made it to college, his expertise in computers and high tech gizmos impresses me a lot"
But his father was a musician for sometime. He learnt classical music even before becoming an MD. He had so much privileges which IR didn't have. So don't bring those topics here. IR suffered more than ARR can ever imagine before landing his foot in Tamil field.
excerpts from his interview.
"Normally when you do a film you are too involved in it but why do people take it differently saying that it takes one year for you to do a film.
Thats because there was a rule.There was a concept that 7-1 two clients should be there.If you want to do something extra you need to break ordinary rules.A Song which must take a day may take 5-6 days.When the industry is rotating in a manner and you suddenly break the rules it doesn't work well.And if you don't deliver also they'll blame you. "
It is a complaint that he takes too much time.
- From: To Uthaman (@
on: Tue Jun 25 22:05:14 EDT 2002
Many people in the forum keep on saying that Ilayaraja is superior because of the number of movies he did. But there is another side to this coin.
Why did he accept movies, just from anyone, and in the process giving sub standard music for small timers and better songs for his prefered selected few?
Why could he not be magnamious enough and go by the philosophy, "live and let live" and allow other MDs to also survive?
Why did he take advantage of his success to monopolise the industry, depriving other MDs of their chances?
Isn't this plain GREED and PERSONAL GLORY.
- From: ashok (@
on: Tue Jun 25 23:49:30 EDT 2002
No point in answering your concern or arguments....
Well no comments for peoples like u is the best answer....
U can think what ever u like is good for u....
- From: Uthaman (@
on: Wed Jun 26 00:42:52 EDT 2002
If only ARR could monopolize Music Industry he would have gladly done it. But he doesn't have it in him to do that. If only TamilNadu makes 3 movies every year, may be he can think of monoplizing. MDs don't choose Directors. Only directors choose MD. You cannot say IR was monopolizing.
- From: Dude (@
on: Wed Jun 26 00:50:05 EDT 2002
You are very stupid Uthaman.
Directors like ARR and IR (formerly, not now) are in a position to choose who they want to work for.
Also, ARR has refused to do the music for so many many movies, unlike your Ilayaraja.
Yes, IR was shrewd and cunning, so that all other MDs will fail.
- From: Uthaman (@
on: Wed Jun 26 01:13:26 EDT 2002
ARR refused to do because he can't do. He has admitted it because he is very slow in composing songs. He takes enoromous time for which no director will queue up. You think composing a song is a joke? Imagination how much stree he would have gone through composing songs and BGM.
I think Dude is little immature. That's why he took this whole debate personally so much so he is calling me stupid!
- From: cosmician (@
on: Wed Jun 26 01:32:47 EDT 2002
Why do we expect ARR to be like IR ? It is good that ARR has taken a very different route. Gives TFM a lot of variety don't you think. The fact is times have changed, Uthaman. ARR just happened to be the right person at the right time. If he didn't happen, maybe the tech phenomena would've happened through KR or even YSR. All these things seem to fit in a grand scheme of things. No use in holding ARR or IR responsible for anything. They are just playing their part.
If ARR chooses to do 2 films a year, it's his choice. You don't like the music, fine...that's your choice. I don't think ARR is worried about losing his market...even as IR isn't. They are more concerned about the Quality of their music...each in his own way. It is their commitment to Quality that has brought them to this level.
- From: Dude (@
on: Wed Jun 26 01:48:33 EDT 2002
I call a spoon a spoon and therefore Uthaman, stupid. There is nothing wrong with that.
Did ARR personally come and tell you that he can't do more movies?
If he couldn't care less for quality and if he was greedy like IR, then he would have grabbed every opportunity. Don't expect everyone to be so selfish and monopolistic.
What ARR has is a good quality, don;t fault him for that.
- From: Uthaman (@
on: Wed Jun 26 09:30:08 EDT 2002
Dude!! what are you ? still in eight grade? Same ARR didn't meet you either. ARR should go back to his original profession. Composing music for ad.
He is a pathetic musician. He is a no talent as* clown. He sucks big time. Dude are you looking at mirror and calling me stupid!! I guess that's you. not me.
- From: yaaro (@
on: Wed Jun 26 09:47:16 EDT 2002
my god -i just cannot beleive what i am reading.I have stopped posting in such threads nowadays-each man to his own convictions.I have been reading the same arguments over the past 4 years-it is the dfers who change-the arguments never are different.why dont you chaps go back into archives and just read what others have said and let us live in peace.
it is now uthaman and dude playing the which came first game again-chicken or egg?IR or ARR?
I prefer IR, and have decided there ends the matter.do you both think you can convince each other?if you think so,you are a bigger and better fool than me!
- From: Uthaman (@
on: Wed Jun 26 09:56:31 EDT 2002
There are better things in our life than ARR and IR. Tendulkar, Worldcup, NBA... I was just playing around Since he attacked me personally!!! No one can change my opinion about IR.
- From: Speaker (@
on: Wed Jun 26 10:25:13 EDT 2002
If ARR needs to accept all movies then every movie should be made in 5 crore rupees, have a high budget dream sequence, go around the world with 7 wonders.. !!!
- From: :) (@
on: Wed Jun 26 10:25:24 EDT 2002
utama raza...
but you are trying to force your esteemed opinion on ARr to all others, that is the problem.
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