Topic started by NagasubramaniaN (@ fw.baan.nl) on Fri Dec 4 01:26:45 EST 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
today's dinakaran has this info.
IR gets Lathamankeshkar award given by MP state govt.
Any idea about this award & other persons who got this award ???
- Old responses
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Mar 26 12:26:56 EST 2001
Your postings are excellent. You seem to have good knowledge about hindustani and HF music.
"10) I never mean to under-estimate IR AT ALL.
But people here have not heard other MD's at all"
I too have said this here like many others, but no body seems to listen. Don't waste your time by trying to establish personal contact with someone who is not willing to broaden his mind.
You can wake a person who is sleeping, but not the one who pretends to be sleeping.
Any way , don't leave this forum in a short span. Keep posting.
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Mon Mar 26 12:30:23 EST 2001
You can wake a person who is sleeping, but not the one who pretends to be sleeping.
"You can wake them by giving a big Kick" - :-)))
- From: Apples&Oranges (@
on: Mon Mar 26 12:35:35 EST 2001
If MS - a classical singer cannot be compared to LM - a playback singer, how can you compare IR and LM (2 totally different works). If you accept that they cannot be compared then how can you give LM award to IR. It's like giving the Best Apple award to an Orange :)
- From: Common Friend (@
on: Mon Mar 26 12:37:02 EST 2001
Maarave mattinkgala.
Any way hello.. after a long time.
- From: Kannan (@
on: Mon Mar 26 13:18:13 EST 2001
1.I could see your obsession with HFM inspite of being tamizh speaking but that shouldn't in no way stop you mentioning Balamurali krishna as it is and not as Bal Murali Krishna.
2. As LM cannot be compared with MS so cant you compare LM with IR. Both belong to an altogether different fraternity of music. It is like praising Bhimsen Joshi against Karaikudi Mani. Just because they are musicians, you cannot compare these two personalities. Dont bounce on me saying that I haven't listened to LM and so cannot talk about her. I am a greatest fan of LM and IR and have 500 song collection of LM alone. I can appreciate the nuances of her voice. Even for IR, C.Ramachandra is his most favourite MD and Naushad too. I heard him saying in an interview. We can only comment about these MD's shortcomings but cannot compare. The shortcomings with IR are very very less due to his versatality. He reached the peak in Folks, Carnatic,Hindustani, light Classical, jazz etc etc and WCM also, which is a rare feat. But that doesn't mean that he is the greatest MD than C.R and Naushad and G.R etc etc. The whole arguments above doesn't hold water. God! save these people.
- From: Prabu Iyer (@
on: Mon Mar 26 14:00:55 EST 2001
When i read the news, i felt somewhat uncomfortable.. Not to undermine the contributions of Lataji, but i think IR has equally, if not more.
personally i think IR has contributed and talented much more than Lataji to music industry [i know it is like comparing apples and oranges, but feelign has no logic] and to give Lathamankeshkar award to IR is like giving "Stalin Award" to Karunanidhi.
Anyway, i will forget the name in the award and just think that IR has been recognized and awarded.. [may be that is the way we have to take it]
- From: Fliflo (@
on: Mon Mar 26 14:02:42 EST 2001
Thanks for ur enquiry. I am keeping quite fine.
- From: Prabu Iyer (@
on: Mon Mar 26 14:12:57 EST 2001
Oopps, i didnt read through previous replies to this and hurried with my earlier post and found that people have already expressed my feeling..
Anyways, it is good to know that i am not alone..
I heard the strong support for Lataji from LV, as i mentioned earlier, by saying IR is great, we dont undermine lataji's contribution by anyway...but we think since both of them have contributed a lot to music field, giving award under one name to other may lead to saying one is good over other..that is what makes us uncomfortable..
And i strongly agree with people saying south indian artist never gets due recognition... but i can understand the reasons too, language, culture, music [hindustani and carnatic], etc are barriers..
- From: e.hari (@
on: Mon Mar 26 16:45:54 EST 2001
The solution to the problem is, ask TN govt to install IR award and give to LM.
You said, naushad has composed ghalazs, and not IR. So what, IR has composed Tamil folk songs, not naushad, so does it evens it out. Ghazal is a north indian music, how you can question, IR not composing is beyond me.
Though, I have to agree, why there is so fuss about all these things. One should be proud that MP ( being in the thick of northern terrotory) still recognized IR and awarded him should make all of us here happy.
- From: e.hari (@
on: Mon Mar 26 16:57:37 EST 2001
Did not Ravi shankar opted for VJ for the movie meera, when LM was supposed in her prime. Does it mean, ravi sankar considered VJ better than LM?.
I think, if lot of people are being accused of DHFIR, then you look like DHFLM. The fact is, though LM is a great singer, it is not that, any one could have done or matched her prowess, if given proper chances. But can we say, any one can become another IR, in terms of his music prowess, or versatility.
- From: LV (@
on: Mon Mar 26 21:51:58 EST 2001
Dear e hari,
Lata had recommended VJ's name to Ravi Shankar for Meera. The film Meera is of 78-79 when Lata was busy with a huge series of concerts in Europe. She was too busy with her concerts and other recordings and had already recorded too many Meera bhajan albums before.
I have read this in none other than Ravi Shankar's and Gulzars interviews too!!
If you compare Susheela or Janaki or Asha to LM, maybe. But not VJ please. LM,Janaki,Susheela,Asha are much better than Vj wrt sweetness,versatility,bhaavam,range of voice and modulation. Moreover VJ is TOO accented. I reiterate - listen to her GHAZALS PLEASE.
As far as Tamil and Telugu songs, I have rewound 'Ezhu Swarangalukkul' atleast 10 times to hear it again and again. Sankarabharanam is just TOO GOOD. But not VJ's hindi songs at all. The duet of VJ with Kishore in 'Ek Muththi aasman' is just too badly sung. Even the songs of the movie 'Meera' are nowhere as compared to Lata's
To IR fans, LM and IR both call their work with each other an experience. I never said Ir is not great. But some people out here say 'LM worh 5$',
'Lm just HYPE'. Why??
LEt me tell you, the newtfmpage is almost LITTERED WITH OBSCENE THREADS like 'ARR th most worst!!' - my foot!!!!! The Susheela or Janaki threads hardly discuss the good songs of either!!
The only discussion is : How Janaki is good and Susheela is bad, and vice versa, and how Janaki
could not have sung THIS song, and vice versa.
Its time to stop foolish debate and look at the beauty of the tune of a song, regardless of the singer/md/lyricist/hero/heroine etc etc, or at the beauty of its lyrics or at the way it was sung etc.
- From: LV (@
on: Mon Mar 26 21:52:48 EST 2001
Dear e hari,
Lata had recommended VJ's name to Ravi Shankar for Meera. The film Meera is of 78-79 when Lata was busy with a huge series of concerts in Europe. She was too busy with her concerts and other recordings and had already recorded too many Meera bhajan albums before.
I have read this in none other than Ravi Shankar's and Gulzars interviews too!!
If you compare Susheela or Janaki or Asha to LM, maybe. But not VJ please. LM,Janaki,Susheela,Asha are much better than Vj wrt sweetness,versatility,bhaavam,range of voice and modulation. Moreover VJ is TOO accented. I reiterate - listen to her GHAZALS PLEASE.
As far as Tamil and Telugu songs, I have rewound 'Ezhu Swarangalukkul' atleast 10 times to hear it again and again. Sankarabharanam is just TOO GOOD. But not VJ's hindi songs at all. The duet of VJ with Kishore in 'Ek Muththi aasman' is just too badly sung. Even the songs of the movie 'Meera' are nowhere as compared to Lata's
To IR fans, LM and IR both call their work with each other an experience. I never said Ir is not great. But some people out here say 'LM worh 5$',
'Lm just HYPE'. Why??
LEt me tell you, the newtfmpage is almost LITTERED WITH OBSCENE THREADS like 'ARR th most worst!!' - my foot!!!!! The Susheela or Janaki threads hardly discuss the good songs of either!!
The only discussion is : How Janaki is good and Susheela is bad, and vice versa, and how Janaki
could not have sung THIS song, and vice versa.
Its time to stop foolish debate and look at the beauty of the tune of a song, regardless of the singer/md/lyricist/hero/heroine etc etc, or at the beauty of its lyrics or at the way it was sung etc.
- From: Meera Krishna (@
on: Mon Mar 26 22:36:34 EST 2001
Mr LV, your postings are marvellous.Especially the last paragraph.What you said it right.Please keep writing.
- From: kiru (@
on: Mon Mar 26 22:59:14 EST 2001
"Its time to stop foolish debate and look at the beauty of the tune of a song" . This is what we do in this forum.
Lyrics, singers do take a back seat. Since the MD is responsible for the tune we have all these wars over the MD !!!
- From: Srinath (@
on: Tue Mar 27 00:07:27 EST 2001
From: rajaG (@ on: Mon Mar 26 11:33:54 EST 2001
Did I read what I think I just read?!!!
- From: Vijay (@
on: Tue Mar 27 00:18:17 EST 2001
Btw, any idea of what happened to SPB. I saw him being taken on wheel chair, when he received the award from the President K.R. Narayanan.
- From: Subbu (@
on: Tue Mar 27 03:47:35 EST 2001
--Thanks for all the inputs from HFM (is there not a hfmpage ... oh so sad...). I agree that you seem to have spent lot of time in listening to a wide variety of N.Indian music.
--Fortunately, I did not have to because I could get whatever I want from South. You are saying Naushad composed Ghazals but IR did not. Come on you can not be so childish - do you wanna list of what IR has done which Naushad has not ?
-- You are trying to divert from the basic point here. Compared to a composer, how could a singer be regarded as great ? Sonnadhai sollum kiliyum, sollikodukkum manidhargalum onrA ? enna madaththanam idhu ?
-- You are saying LM's voice is Heavenly voice ... acknowledged by so many people including Michael Jackson (what a great reference...). Let me give you a reference for MS's voice. This incident I read from a old book called 'India's greatest ever' (which obviously did not include LM). In the chapter on MS - "Gandhiji once requested MS to sing&record a list of bhajans. Except one bhajan MS completed everything and sent to him. She conveyed that she did not know the proper tune for that particular missed bhajan. So she had requested Gandhiji to use some other voice. When this was conveyed to Gandhiji, he told the messenger 'Ask MS to just read the bhajan and send it to me; I am sure that would be far better than anybody else singing' "
Now option is ours to choose MJ or Gandhiji for reference for a Heavenly voice (in caps!).
-- Also please understand that in addition to whatever qualities that you have mentioned about LM (a playback singer)like H.Voice,diction,bhavam etc., a classical singer like MS has one more dimension in the presentation - 'Creativity' .
-- Fliflo sonna mAdhiri 'Kick' vittAlum, en karuthai mAtra mudiyAdhu. As per Common Friend, you need not waste your precious time writing to my personal e-mail id. Anyway Thamizh panpAdu - kaeta mariyAthaikku - subbiah1@yahoo.com. We can be good friends. But please bear this mind - "En brain, 'washing'-kku kidaikAdhu"
--Naan Kinatru thavalai thAn... Aanaal yAraavathu en kinatrai patri thappAga paesinAl porukka mudiyAdhu.
-- Nalla velai BangalAdesh India-vai vittu pirindhu vittadhu - illAvitAl, edhAvathu 'RunALailA' Award enru koduthu IR -i- insult seivArgal.
-- Do not talk about Padmashiri / Padmabhushan here. If IR had known knee surgery work and got a chance to perform it for the PM, he would have also got a Padmabhushan.
-- My stance is very clear. If topmost award like BharatRatna needs any 'mariyAdhai' it has to first precede the name of IR. Till then I am saying in LV's style 'MY FOOT' ...
- From: eden (@
on: Tue Mar 27 04:26:04 EST 2001
oru chinna (periya?) doubt, LV, neenga Ezhavathu manithan LV-yA? (kAkkai chiRaginilE nandha lAlA)
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