Topic started by Neels (@ ppp3-121.bom.vsnl.net.in) on Fri May 8 10:35:41 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I strongly feel that in spite of ruling the South Indian Cinema for so many decades, Susheela hasn't got the recognition she deserves...
In fact Susheela and S Janaki did to South Indian Music what Lata and Asha did for Hindi films... and yet, they haven't got their dues..
Forget nation-wide recognition (Read: Hindi Film Industry), even the music companies are not doing anything about it.. HMV for instance in Hindi has over the years come out with so many combinations of the "Golden Oldies" like Lata sings for Madan Mohan, Lata with Kishore, with such ans such artist,,, that the list seems endless.
Is it because the "Southies" can not market themselves???
Is there anyone out there listening???
- Old responses
- From: Shanmugam Murugappan (@
on: Fri Jan 15 15:02:43 EST 1999
As Anand and Sriram have mentioned, Lata, indeed, seems to be a dominant character who cannot appreciate her peer's growth and as one who cannot sustain competition. I don't know any other HFM (female) singer who has got atleast a small percentage of the popularity that LM has got. Does that mean that HFM didn't have any other singer as capable as LM? But, PS had her competitors in Leela, Jikki and then SJ, VJ and also Chithra. She is not a arrogant character and was respected by others ONLY because of her talent and her respect to her peers.
As far as I am concerned, I am an ardent fan of TFM and I don't think HFM has produced a genius like IR or MSV or TMS or PS. "Vandhaarai vaazha vaikkum Thamizhagathil thiramaikku vaaippu undu". As far as I know, there were not any "dictators" in TFM as there were in HFM. IR with his image and popularity could have forced the industry itself to act according to his wish. But, he didn't. He believed only in his musical capability and didn't indulge in any ways of stopping other's growth. In that way, he stands a class apart from LM and the rest.
- From: Sriram Lakshman (@ ifmxlenx.na.informix.com)
on: Fri Jan 15 17:12:01 EST 1999
Lata had enough stuff to sustain any comptetion. Lata fully deserved all that came her way in the form of accolades (atleast during her hey days) but my take on the whole thing is that PS did not have enough coming her's.
TFM has had several geniuses and so has HFM. PS herself has gone on record stating that Lata's singing in "AAyega Aanewale" is the closest thing to bible for lady singers. SPB, one of the greatest things to have happened to playback singing owes the extra special romantic touch he brought to songs like "Seer Kondu Vaa", "Then sinthuthe Vaanam" to Mohammad Rafi. SPB lives with his influence till today. I know I am digressing but the point I wish to emphasize upon is that there is (was) as much talent in HFM as there is in TFM.
- From: Murali Sankar (@
on: Sat Jan 16 01:51:41 EST 1999
Another small digression:
I noticed that many of the great shots of music except IR are not tamilians eg
MSV,KJ,Chitra - Kerala
PS,SJ,SPB - Andhra
TMS - sourashtra
I think these form almost the complete list of the geniuses we adore.
- From: Udhaya (@ ip194.sjc.primenet.com)
on: Sat Jan 16 14:22:50 EST 1999
I haven't gotten into this nasty comparing game in a while let me break the fast with this now. Some in depth analysis here so far, hey, at least we're not calling each other names yet.
I haven't listened to a Hindi song in many years. Just snippets when I visit people's homes. When LM sang in Thamizh songs like "Kanna Undhan Kaadhal Meera", "Valaiyosai", I thought she sounded just like S.Janagi. This immediately puts them in a different class of singing. I hate their shrill voices like all Treble and no Bass, the frequency must be such a thrill for mosquitoes. Now, if P. Suseela sang a Hindi song then we can compare PS and LM on fairer terms.
I have heard both Thamizh and Hindi versions of songs like "Kalyaana Oorvalam varum", I always came to the same conclusion: PS has the best Bass, Treble balance of any singer I've ever heard. I guess we'll keep coming up with creative arguments to prove why our own choice is better.
I'll be back some day to read other justifications of personal taste. Have fun guys.
- From: karthi (@ lab2.theatrium.net)
on: Sun Jan 17 19:21:52 EST 1999
Kalyaana Oorvalam Varum is by Jikki. I think you must have confused 'Kanavu Kanda Kaadhal' by PS with this.
- From: Ramki (@ pm062-04.spindler.wmich.edu)
on: Sun Jan 17 20:59:51 EST 1999
PS has sung in couple of hindi songs(one for kRV-she played Jailalithas role in hindi version of Major chandrakanth and one for Jamuna in remake of iru kodugal)but both of them were not noteworthy-very ordinary numbers
- From: anandaum (@
on: Mon Jan 18 01:19:50 EST 1999
I am mot going to participate in htis argument but just would like to share somehting about Lata. When VJ started her career in HFM, she became was said to be a htreat to Lata because of her talent. Knowing this Lata threatened all the MDs whom wanted to use VJ that she will not sing under them if they use VJ. Due to her popularity HFM MDs chose Lata instead of VJ to avoid unnecesary risk.This made VJ to be forgotten by HFM MDs. So she came to South. This incident shall enlighten us about the popularity of Lata. So she sang thousands of songs so of course the number of hits will at least hundreds. In this case we shall not compare her popularity with any other singers. But however nobody can deny her talent.
- From: Neels (@
on: Mon Jan 18 07:56:46 EST 1999
Hey, that's news. I didn't know that PS has sung for Hindi films. Thanks Ramki.
By the way, Who is KRV?
- From: ragaG (@
on: Mon Jan 18 12:08:07 EST 1999
While it is true (at least in rumors) that VJ's career in HFM was shortlived courtesy of LM (actually this list includes Suman Kalyanpur, Kamal Barot, etc. etc.), if VJ was so good, why did'nt she do so well in the "friendly" TFM field. My point is, that as good as VJ was, she did not offer a product which replaced or was superior to LM's. Asha Bhonsle did, and continued to do so.
LM WAS an exceptional singer (even now, however she is exceptionally bad!). PS was an exceptional singer too. Both of them belonged to different cultures, languages and traditions and it is very difficult to compare one with the other. However, both of them exhibited somewhat similar styles and "product positioning" within their fields. LM was complemented by AB, PS was complemented by LRE and SJ.
- From: karthi (@ lab3.theatrium.net)
on: Sun Jan 24 18:47:39 EST 1999
For your kind information it's not a rumour that VJ was suppressed by LM, it's a widely known fact. I think you should consult your seniors I mean your parents or anyone who's familiar with the happenings of those yester years for confirmation:
It came out in the open when VJ gave an interview in 'Kumudham' many many years back.
Here's a slight digression from the main topic...
Come On ragaG, while you say "VJ has not given a product which could replace or was superior to Lata's" what did you mean?
VJ never even had a chance to drink in the situation of the HFM let alone flourish. She was literally routed from there. Who said she did not do well in the "friendly" (as you chose to call it) TFM?
I strongly condemn your use of the word "friendly" in this context in the sense you have used it.
Tfm only proved its right attitude in appreciating her talent thanks to MSV and certain other MDs. Her talent was certainly not fed properly in the later years when IR took over. Somehow he had an extra-ordinary preference for SJ but that's a different story.
Can you make Lata sing another
"mAnasa sanchjararE" Or
"nAdhamenum kOyililE" Or
"Ezhu swarangalukkul" Or
"mEgamE mEgamE" ?
- These are immemorable songs of VJ of exceptional quality. Ofcourse, I need not comment on "bOlerE pappi".
VJ was chosen to sing songs of the same cadre and mood as Lata's unlike Asha who sang very different types of songs. If anything you can compare Lata and VM, and not Lata and Asha!
Now, coming to the main thread...
While you're not ready to compare Lata and PS saying they came from different cultures, languages and tradition, I agree that, but who stops you from comparing their voice, expression and modulation? Endha mozhiyA irundhAlum, endha nAdA irundhAlum nava rasangal manidhanukku podhudhAnE?
- From: karthi (@ lab6.theatrium.net)
on: Sun Jan 24 20:24:36 EST 1999
Oh please, typo, read it as sheer not sheet!
- From: rajaG (@ cerberus5.fon.sprintcorp.com)
on: Mon Jan 25 11:05:10 EST 1999
I did'nt realize that I touched a raw nerve in you that provoked you to become personal - ref."you should consult your seniors I mean your parents or anyone who's familiar with the happenings of those yester years."
My choice of the words "friendly" should not be construed to mean " condescending". Earlier there was a reference, and truthfully so, that TFM/PS has encouraged artists to coexist and showcase their talents. BTW while VJ is a good singer, if you are trying to list her "hits" and make a comparison to Lata's number of hits we will be arguing only for argument's sake.
Irrespective of what you may feel, PS,SJ, Chitra/Sujatha are leaders in TFM. VM is only an also ran (and there probably are good reasons why it is so).
- From: karthi (@ lab6.theatrium.net)
on: Mon Jan 25 22:29:02 EST 1999
Oh ragaG, it was not at all meant to be a personal reference, I mean, I genuinely meant you should ask some of the elders because I myself came to know this only through my sister!
As for your feeling, I suppose you're only being highly unjust in saying that VJ was only 'an also ran'. Please please never ever compare her with sujathA or chitrA for that matter.
She was the only singer mostly sought after during the 70's (until the advent of IR again!) irrespective of the MDs and the language, to sing for heroines. She grabbed most of the songs which would otherwise have obviously gone to PS, thanks to her voice and ability. Please go by the quality of the songs and not by the number or the sustained presence. If you really can't appreciate VJ, then what only can I say?
Thanks for your clarification on your usage of the word "friendly". (though you said it did not mean 'condescending' you didn't say what it meant especially when it was within quotes! just kidding).
- From: Rajagopal (@
on: Wed Jan 27 20:44:22 EST 1999
PS has sung in a Hindi Film Singhasan,starring Jeetu and Jayaprada,music by Baapi Lahri. It has five songs,3 by AB and 2 by PS&KK. One should listen to comment on her fantastic diction and leaves an impression as to why this great artise was not given her due credit.
To share PS participated in a programme on this Republic Day at Chennai and rendered some songs. Still the same voice, at this age. The highlight was that she sang Darling.Darling on stage for the first time. My goodness she just took the audience with her fast beat at times.It is time that GOI honours her with a Padmashree.
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