Topic started by Prabhu (@ on Fri Oct 18 02:19:39 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Why is it that we like(to an overwhelming extent) some songs(termed 'hits') and casually treat others? Is there a psychology or a science involved in the tune/musical arrangements/selection of instruments? For songs conveying emotions like sorrow/happiness/fantasy, do certain instruments serve the purpose better than others? Similarly with tunes?
Surely these are things amateur composers have to deal with.
Would like to hear the views of practitioners and composers as it would surely help common rasikas to appreciate music better.
- From: K (@
on: Fri Oct 18 15:21:51 EDT 2002
Interseting topic. I am going to reply to this more based on consumer behavior rather than musical expertise. Because "hits" are more a reflection of consumer behavior than musical expertise. Consumer behavior in all fields including music fall into different segments. The segments are based on both demographics and psychographics which determine a pattern of purchasing behavior. Shifts in the demographics and psychographics that occur once every couple of decades among new entrants with purchasing power provide opportunities for new composers - or anyother producers of a product. Also, when a use of particular product becomes larger, it automatically opens up a segment for those against it. Like the widespread use of colas (like Coke and Pepsi) created a segment for Sprite - which positioned itself as the 'uncola'. So, in the early 90's when IR's music was the most prevalent, IR' strength was his versatility with different styles of music - tamil folk, carnatic, western classical. So the 'uncola' differentiation was to stick to one style appealing to the hip populace. That accompanied with the shift of the demographic and psychographic trend influenced by the opening of the the Indian market and the "wanting to be considered hip" attitude of the younger population - opened a growing segment for a new composer. Similary, I think the timing is right for someone to differentiate themselves as the "un ARR" positioning and could sweep the market.
- From: saDukabaL droL (@
on: Fri Oct 18 16:31:22 EDT 2002
Now i can see my back every 2 seconds...
guesss what?
Ennoda thalai suthuthu...:-)
- From: s0 (@
on: Fri Oct 18 18:41:26 EDT 2002
Excellent observation, K.
"That accompanied with the shift of the demographic and psychographic trend influenced by the opening of the the Indian market and the "wanting to be considered hip" attitude of the younger population"
you are not giving ARR his due credit. stretching the same logic back in time to the time when IR entered, people didn't catch on to IR just because it was out of the norm. Sprite should have enough zing in it to provide an alternative that is attractive and long-lasting.
- From: selva (@
on: Fri Oct 18 21:33:05 EDT 2002
Socioeconomic factors in the form of liberalization, globalization, technological revolutions and social class divides have significant roles too.....
Rajiv was assassinated in 1991. Congress and AIADMK were swept to power. Rupee was devalued, Gold was sold, Manmohan Singh brought in liberalism and globalization of economics. Dollars poured in and so did the western culture. The NRIs were happy to contribute to the indo-western transition. India was, by then, ripe to accomodate this techno-economic transition but.... was it ready for the social transition (I have my doubts, if you know what i mean)....
By 1992, MTV and Star TV were household phenomena in city dwellers. Sadly, Djs and Vjs turned into role models for majority of the city-youth. Pink Floyd, Guns N Roses, Heavy Metals, Hard Rocks, Raps, Technos were heard and seen with awe. They were 'Hep'. I remember 'Pet shop boys', ARRish music and sound revolution.....
Suddenly, ceylon radio, echo sound systems, two-in-ones, doordharshans etc etc were inadequate. We needed hi-fis, CD players, and the mega bass in Pioneer and Bosch sound systems in our cars. We needed sound quality... and Dischotheques mushroom in cites...
ARR moans that magnetic tapes are inadequate to record his music. he wants the ultra mordern recording gadgets engineered by sound specialists. CDs come out in TFM..... Chikku bukku raiyele is heard in every car that passes by on MG road and Brigade road in Bangalore. Ultra hep crowd of the cities are drawn in.... who are these?.. the growing middle class of the modern india....... who can afford tapes and CDs in their HiFis. Sonys, panasonics, phillips are all there, suddenly, a new market.... people are flocking the showrooms to buy the ultra mordern systems.....a status symbol.....
A new marketing strategy evolves...... Pudhiya Mugam (1993) had sold lakhs units on the day of the release. Subsequent releases are sold in multiple units of lakhs and crores in weeks. Each release breaks a record no matter whether movie succeeds or not ( a significant point). A dissociation of music from films!
Creativity in marketing strategies sees no bounds. for example.. inspite of so many tamil music dubbed in Hindi (Roja, Gentleman, Thiruda Thiruda, Kadhalan, etc etc)Rangeela is marketed as the first original hindi musical score by ARR. There are millions in the cities with the money to fall for this... hahaha..
ARR had sold an estimated 500 million units (as reported during the release of BD), more than Madonna and Britney Spears put together. Even if he were to receive 1 rupee as royalty for each unit he could have potentially made 500 million rupees. But it doesn't work that way in India. So he charges more than a crore per movie, still a clever wealthy man. What happens to the budget of a movie... another story altogether. If rumours were to be believed.... IR is bankrupt and is indebted to Oscar Ravichandran and therefore Ramana and Austria.........hahahahahaha
this is just a beginning... and there is more to analyse..sorry for the digression.....it is not just psychology and science alone......there is more to it than one wants to see.....goodluck..
PS.. I liked your observation K, looking forward to more such from you.....
- From: selva (@
on: Sun Oct 20 04:51:40 EDT 2002
sorry, 'Bosch' should read as 'Blaupunkt'.
- From: kiru (@
on: Sun Oct 20 13:00:08 EDT 2002
K and Selva ..very good observation..Success of music can be analysed using socio-economic changes and you guys have done a good job. Selva has elaborated very well. I am with you guys on this. ARR's success is associated with modern rhythms and stylish tunes which do not sound like the traditional rAgam based tunes of earler MDs. He is surely an icon of this new burgeoning middle-class. I like to analyse it from musical point of view as well. But I will do it in another few days after I am done with my work.
- From: Prabhu (@
on: Mon Oct 21 01:23:36 EDT 2002
Sure kiru :) I am also too busy to post..will raise points on musical selection later.
K and selva:
Thanks for the inputs on perception...does picturisation and story influence the acceptance of songs?
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