Topic started by Myuran (@ on Sat Nov 3 10:40:11 EST 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Listen to the Paarthale Paravsam samples at
- From: Guru (@
on: Sat Nov 3 12:11:06 EST 2001
Except for a couple of hummable numbers like Anabae Sugamaa and Neethan yen thesiya getham, rest of the songs suck. Paarthaale paravasam title song sounds a bit hip, otherwise, there is nothing special about PP songs by ARR. Looks like KB's penchant for melodious and evergreen songs are gone in this movie. Definitely nowhere ARR's perfomance in PP is comparable with Duet IMHO as expectations are greater for songs in a KB's movie!
- From: Prasanna (@
on: Sat Nov 3 12:13:18 EST 2001
Well In My Opinion This Album Is Great! Because It Will Take Time To Grow The Songs On You. If U Listen To It Once, You Should Even Judge It. Trust Me All The Songs Are Good. I Would Say Its Better Than Star...
- From: chanakya (@
on: Sat Nov 3 12:31:28 EST 2001
- From: Guru (@
on: Sat Nov 3 13:10:56 EST 2001
I ain't coming for an argument here, but if PP album is considered great,then it is an overstatement as there has been other albums by ARR that were truly 'great'. Its just that I had bigger expectation in the music of ARR for a KB movie. Specially one can see the clear difference between the quality of music between Duet and PP, that's my point.
- From: raycas (@
on: Sat Nov 3 14:40:18 EST 2001
what's the use of commenting a rahman album after hearing it once or twice? if u are a real arr fan then u should know that usually it takes a lot of time till u like who started this thread????
guru, u said u aren't here for an argument, but it's exactly that what u are doing...PP has not yet been considered great (at least it shouldn't be) can't be at this call it great, atleast 1 or 2 months should pass...
so please don't anyone start reviewing after hearing once or twice...please don't do that...
- From: Guru (@
on: Sat Nov 3 14:48:07 EST 2001
yeah, I should have actually said, its not worth arguing whether PP music is great, as i do not forsee any one would call it so even after 1 or 2 months. My point was that, even after hearing just once or twice, there has been ARR films's earlier which could be considered excellent, but PP would not fall into that category, considering that its a KB movie.
- From: truth (@
on: Sat Nov 3 15:27:33 EST 2001
hey guys ...
wonder whats rong wid you people...the songs are faboulously of the best in recent times..rehman proves rather scores again....many wishes to him...
and this coming from a an IR fanatic...
great work rehman ...
- From: Normal Man (@
on: Sat Nov 3 18:36:28 EST 2001
Is this really a KB album??? Big letdown.....
- From: KRR (@
on: Sat Nov 3 20:27:12 EST 2001
Indeed a stupendous album. very much refreshing
- From: rr (@
on: Sun Nov 4 00:31:45 EST 2001
Ella padalgalum nichayamaga hit akum
mutahl murai kettkum pothu sumagarathondrinal
appadalgal nichayamaga hit agum ex.kadhalan,indian
kondukonden2,lovebirds etc
- From: WhyNot (@
on: Sun Nov 4 01:39:17 EST 2001
Maybe we need to watch the movie in order to appreciate the songs. Like, when someone gave me 'Jeans' or 'Padaiyappa' cds before I had watched the movies, I heard them once, didn't find anything great abt them and chucked them aside. Only after watching the movies, did I look for the cds again, dusted them and kept listening to them non-stop. Maybe PP is like that.
- From: venkatesh (@
on: Sun Nov 4 01:55:04 EST 2001
this is a 100th film of kb.
so, expectation is more.
please, see the film only theatre,and not by cd.
- From: Pras (@
on: Sun Nov 4 05:32:40 EST 2001
i listened to the songs on ... can't see the rahman's touch .... i think this album is as sumaar as thenali or star ...
- From: Balaji (@
on: Sun Nov 4 13:44:57 EST 2001
INHO: Very very poor album!
Poor KB!
- From: arochordidae (@
on: Sun Nov 4 19:22:18 EST 2001
I agree...bad album.....
Repeated tunes....
Newbie stuff.
Simply disappointed...I expected more :( :(
Oh well, we'll see with the other albums A.R. is doing.
- From: Misguided Soul (@
on: Sun Nov 4 21:22:38 EST 2001
Common guys.....THIS ALBUM SUCKS .....
ppl say wait for 1 or 2 months to get this album hit ...common we know ppl will make it a hit ..
but does this album deserves to be a hit ...
A.R.R takes six months to compose a single album
and then u want to give him 1 or 2 months
to make it a hit .........
yeah there a satelite channels earn money
and make crabs like these a hit ...
GOD SAVE TAMIL MUSIC..................
- From: NeelD (@
on: Sun Nov 4 21:55:31 EST 2001
pArththAlE paravasam
kEttAlO sahikkalai
- From: Ganesh (@
on: Sun Nov 4 21:59:42 EST 2001
If neethan and ahzage are not 'good' songs I dont know what a good song is...the interludes in moonraezhuthu is sheer magic....
I am sure the comments are going to change in th next few days !!!
Hats off to ARR for being different is very album (Zubeida, lagaan and now PP).
- From: ARFAN (@
on: Sun Nov 4 23:10:51 EST 2001
Really dissapointing.Only a waste.
- From: Raj (@
on: Sun Nov 4 23:12:44 EST 2001
A lot of experimentation is done in PP!! It mostly works whatever ARR seems to do. My pick is Azhage Sugama!!! Love Check is simply great!! Manmathamasam is a great experimental song that keeps us guessing most of the time
- From: bb (@
on: Mon Nov 5 02:09:24 EST 2001
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