Topic started by isai_nanban (@ on Sat Oct 11 22:09:51 EDT 2003.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The golden age of European & American began from the 40s and ended in the 80s, but while their musical idiom is simply sublime (epitomised by Cole Porter, Rich Rodgers, Burt Kaemfert, Alan Lerner and a thousand others, while in India we were satisfied by a reasonable number of composers only, unless some individuals like Biddu come along), in India we don't have Orchestral/Instrumental Big Band arrangers like Andre Kostelanetz (my favorite) Ray Coniff, Ron Goodwin, Franck Pourcel, James Last who gave super versions of Broadway/ Hollywood/ West End/ European traditional themes (for example, Never On A Sunday, a traditional Greek tune is a joy for me to listen to so many, many different arrangements, the best is by James Last on Trumpet Go-Go, then also a superb superb fast theme, likes of which even IR has not composed is The Headless Horseman especially the version by Ron Goodwin makes me giddy, man) spectacular archivability and that legacy is what is compelling. Indian film songs don't have that kind of representation at all (i don't believe in the flute versions or nadaswaram or saxophone versions of some individual enthusiast.) I am asking is there any talent at all in India who will bring out "fantastic" orchestral versions of popular film songs. So far, I've seen none, come on let us not expect IR to do this dirty work also ( i mean isn't it enough he has given enuff material for others to SPIN-OFF something else based on his legacy and other composer' tunes that have THE IDIOM needed for orchestral versions? Any thoughts on this topic? I mean it is time, some not-so-interested-in-films-composers just got off from wasting time is films and did this job.
- From: bb (@
on: Sat Oct 11 23:03:20 EDT 2003
I think it will never work out, because it might be pretty expensive. We've been seeing the movement towards the other side, i.e., getting rid of real instruments and players.
- From: PGEN (@
on: Sun Oct 12 01:07:32 EDT 2003
Good idea and thought but in the end it is all about money and sustainability, if not profitability. There is still not much market for this type of work. Who knows what future may hold.
- From: Raj (@
on: Sun Oct 12 01:59:53 EDT 2003
isai_nanban: Something in these lines was discussed in a thread a few months back. It was in answer to a question whether Indian music industry will ever emulate the west. I do not remember the exact title. As long as cinema music dominates in song and dance form you are not going to see any independent orchestra. The reasons were given in that old thread.
- From: i_n (@
on: Sun Oct 12 13:18:44 EDT 2003
bb, Raj: what i meant was Indian film music has is also past its golden age - 40s to 80s, strangely the money for it has gone up and real talent nowhere. that is the irony. so commercialised that art has lost value.
also i feel that karthik raaja should do such works instead of film music. he has got grand style.
- From: Raj (@
on: Sun Oct 12 15:22:36 EDT 2003
i_n : I agree with you. But, making a change takes courage and foresight and willingness to risk failure. Our society is very security oriented for obvious reasons. So, any experimentation is done within the boundary set by filmdom where failure does not destroy a person completely. What you are asking for has to start with the younger genearation not related to filmdom in any way. Here is the old thread which has some discussion relevant to this question:
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