Topic started by Isai Priyan (@ proxyf10.cyberway.com.sg) on Mon Jul 28 00:14:28 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- From: Isai Priyan (@ proxyf10.cyberway.com.sg)
on: Mon Jul 28 00:19:20 EDT 1997
What is the reason for classical singers like BMK, Sirkazhi, Unni, Bombay Jayasree etc. singing for movies ? Their voice more often do not suit the hero / heroines. Yet MDs make use of them . Is it because the regulars (TMS, SPB, KJ etc) are not that easily available ?
- From: Rajaraman (@
on: Mon Jul 28 01:13:38 EDT 1997
I think professional singers are being used
to sing some special more classicm oriented
songs. (It's a different story that singers
like Unni later on drift towards crap songs.)
Interest on the part of professional singers
could be due to the publicity they get out of
film media.
- From: P Sundram (@ palo1.pacific.net.sg)
on: Wed Jul 30 11:19:28 EDT 1997
I think MDs use professional classical singers in order to get endorsement for their brand of popular music. If Bombay Jayashree can condescend to sing for ARR (albeit a classically-oriented tune) and Jesudas for Illayaraja, then ARR and Illayaraja can thumb their noses at their critics.
Classical singers, for their part, take to film music primarily for economic reasons.
It's a positive development, I think. The cross-fertilisation leads also to classical singers becoming more aware of the need to render classical tunes with passion, not just with technical finesse.
- From: Sunil Nair (@
on: Wed Jul 30 18:00:30 EDT 1997
I'd like to know about a singer called Sangita Sajith.She sang the song "Thaneerai Kadhalikkum" from Mr.Romeo. Is she a Carnatic singer by any chance?
- From: Subramaniam (@ brf-cache10.jaring.my)
on: Mon Jan 3 00:53:28 EST 2000
How about Chitra?She is also an profesional before she entered the film industry.She is the one and only who hold degree in carnatic music.
- From: debajyoti ghosh (@ )
on: Mon Jan 8 09:22:43 EST 2001
give me the resedential address of sonu nigam.
- From: A.G.Kutty (@
on: Thu Jan 11 11:30:34 EST 2001
Chithra is a very good classical singer too and holds a first classs musical degree. But she was not getting time for classical songs because of film music assignments.However, recently she performed a classical
programme for "SURYA" at Trivandrum and dedicated it to
Swathithirunal. Her classical casette released by Audiotrack by name "Swathithirunal Padangal"more than an year back is an excellent one.
Nithyasree is an another classical singer who migrated into film music.
- From: Balaji (@
on: Thu Jan 11 12:50:56 EST 2001
Sorry for the Digression:
Is Chitra busy as she was few years ago.. As one of the ardent fans of CHitra (Aruvi is the other one!), I thought you would know the answer... Telugu filmdom no longer uses her.. She sings only very difficult songs in Tamil... Kannada, I have no idea.. Ofcourse, may be in Malayalam she rules still..
This is not a mischevous post, by any chance... Just curious, thats it..
- From: Ramki (@
on: Thu Jan 11 13:54:04 EST 2001
Balaji i see her name in many new telugu albums including thenali(pranama(swasame)and she has done a beatiful job and i wish ARR had used her in tamil version too),mrigaraju,devi putrudu,soori(a nice album by Vidhyasagar),nuvve kavali(kallaloki kallu-best number in the album and its by chitra),ninne premistha,vamsee,Rayalseema ramanna chowdhary,Azad etc etc. Now this is a lot isnt it?
- From: Balaji (@
on: Thu Jan 11 14:19:47 EST 2001
"Kadaloda Nathikenna..' Still I have not found out...
I may be wrong, but I don't see the 'New Chravarthi (who used to give music for 80% of the Telugu Filsm in Late 70s and early 80s)', ManiSharma seems not to be using her.. The films mentioned by you seem to be Dubbed (/Remake) films or the MD is Vidyasagar (Mallu influence may be..)
Correct me if I am wrong.. In all the languages the trend is to use Sujatha/Swarnalatha or one of the Hindi playbacks (Sadhana/Kavitha...)
Good to post a reply to your mail..
- From: Ramki (@
on: Thu Jan 11 14:37:54 EST 2001
Balaji i do agree that she is not singing all the songs as she used to before(and i think the current trend is to use 10 or more singers in one album)but she sings atleast one song in almost every telugu album.
Mani sharma does use her regularly-mrigaraju(chiranjeevi *er),azad(nagarjuna),rayalaseema(krishna),vamsee are all by ManiS
nuvve kaavali is by koti
soori is neither a remake nor dubbing
ninne premistha(shrikant and soundharya) is a remake of nee varuvai ene
and devi putrudu(pappa in tamil) is simultaneously made in both tamil and telugu-music SAR.
Among male singers, udit narayanan is singing many songs(Mani sharma uses him regularly)
Harini,sujatha and Devan are also singing many songs
End of Digression
- From: Balaji (@
on: Thu Jan 11 15:38:01 EST 2001
I always knew you have swallowed Tamil FILM AGARADHI.. Never knew you were equally an expert in TELUGU FM also..
Vanagugiren Thalaiva....
Thanks for the update
- From: Kutty (@ )
on: Tue Jan 30 09:20:41 EST 2001
Sorry for the delayed response.I have been away from internet for quite some time due to some buzy schedules elsewhere.
Let me first of all thank you for calling me as an ardent fan of Chithra.I still believe she is the best among female musical singers and it only adds to my pleasure if somebody identifies me as a fan of Chithra's music.
However, I would like to make it a point here that I was not doing it on a comparative scale when I talked about her buzy schedules. In diffrent languages, it may be diffrent people. But I am sure that in Malayalam , she is the busiest artist. In other languages also, she has
many assignments(see Ramki's examples)although I have no idea about her assignments in terms of number.In addition to the film songs,she is also quite engaged nowadays for albums of her on cassette company, songs on TV serials and other musical albums(eg.Piyabasanthi,Sunset point etc).Probably that is still the reason why she is not in a position to do Classical concerts.
sunset point etc.)
- From: Rajeev (@
on: Wed Jan 31 08:35:58 EST 2001
Sirkazhi is an exception. He adheres with all styles. I mean both the Sirkazhis!
On the Classical stage there is pure classicism and devotion, on light music stages they suit the occassion. On films, they are not inferior to other so-called professional singers for films. It will become a mimicry rather than play back singing.
Before questioning why Balamurali,Sirkazhis, Unni, Bombay jayshree, Nithyashree etc should sing in films, One should not forget to question why filmis like M'Sia Vasudevan, IR, Bhavatharini, etc try to take up to classical music singing with TVGs sabha during music season!
Classical musicians add quality to the song. Film music singers lack that!
- From: Venkatesh (@
on: Thu Feb 1 01:55:47 EST 2001
There is no doubt about it Rajeev.
Ive seen the film singers and music directors trying to percolate into Classical music by trying to sing in a sabha, compose krithis and make classical vidwans sing and play. This is happeninig. As you send only few singers have a standard singing format for classical as well as light music. Mostly it happens otherwise! They sing a film song like a keerthanai or these people sing a classical song like a light music number.
- From: BPS (@
on: Fri Feb 2 20:31:30 EST 2001
I am the webmaster of the official Sirkali Home Page. This is to inform fans of Drs. Sirkali that the web address has changed from
http://www.icdc.com/~sirkali (or w3)
Please change your bookmarks to point to this new link.
Thank You very much,
Balaji Pratap Sirkali (grandson of Dr. Sirkali Govindarajan, nephew of Dr. Sirkali Siva Chidambaram)
- From: pandu (@
on: Mon Feb 5 11:28:50 EST 2001
It is a known fact that film music directors turn Classical when they are given a choice. This has become a fashion. For.eg. they invite only classical musicians for their family functions. It is obvious with all functions, especially marriages(eg. IR arranged only Mandolin srinivas and Unnikrishnan for KRs wedding). Why is this hippocricy? It would have been an honour to a fellow film music director if he was given that oppurtunity. On the contrary, Deva arranged MSVRamamurty orchestra film music for his daughters wedding, but he too never failed to arrange Mandolin.
One point is evident. Classical musicians work hard to maintain their dignity rather than identity as film singers, where as it is just the opposite with filmies.
Hence by assosciating now and then with classical musicians they try to get an identity for classicism, with the dignified musicians working for them.
The real interest to put professional musicians in cinema for pure classical music songs are gone with G Ramanathan days. Todays usage is purely for fashion.
- From: joyce morton (@ )
on: Wed Oct 3 16:26:33 EDT 2001
can any one help me to become a profesional singer
- From: Raguvaran (@
on: Wed Oct 3 17:36:05 EDT 2001
Joyce Morton:
You have to practise a lot. Make sure that your muthalan kattai and ettan kattai are at high bass. That is a sure way to become a professional singer.
- From: sirisha (@ )
on: Sat Oct 13 05:14:56 EDT 2001
i am sirisha.i would love to join the telugu industry and i love to become an actress.i would really love to act with tarun in any of the movies.i heard that telugu industry needs new talents.....please give me chance to act....
please reply back and let me know.....
- From: amit (@ )
on: Fri Feb 8 12:45:52 EST 2002
i want to know information about swarnalatha.list of songs sung by her.
- From: Isaipriyan (@
on: Fri Feb 8 12:56:09 EST 2002
Raguvaran (@
Long time no see,..what happened??
- From: rajib chakraborty (@ )
on: Fri May 24 02:30:29 EDT 2002
give me the residential address of sonu nigam
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