Topic started by Tamizhan (@ on Thu Apr 18 13:45:51 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
- From: kiru (@
on: Thu Apr 18 20:50:27 EDT 2002
Thanks for the links guy..Good interviewing.
- From: Need Translation (@
on: Fri Apr 19 01:59:02 EDT 2002
can the whole Interview be translated to english, so that Non-tamilians too can get the info. Generally, the info about the Maestro doesnt reach out to a wider audience due to this fact that most of his interviews are in Tamil script and without translation.
I agree that Maestro Ilayaraja is very particular and passionate about his Mother tongue Tamil, but that doesnt mean even Non-tamilians should start reading Tamil:-)
So anyone kindly send a link with the translation.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Fri Apr 19 02:41:34 EDT 2002
Another face of IsaiGnani(the one who knows music):
Born and brought up in a village called paNNapuram which is in the foothills of western ghats amidst green patches just like a jambu fruit that slipped into the river; and during early years wass dragged into communists principles which was followed by eldest brother, "Paavalar" Varadharaajan; was fascinated by his(varadharajan's) music; having spreaded these principles in more than 2000 stages by singing; and having come to foreground from the background of "Paavalar" family; and having come to the capital Madras due to the urge to learn music; and having become assistant MD during learning music, Illayaraaja became a Music Director through the thamizh film "ANNakkiLi".
Since then, his Musical journey has crossed 400 films with more than 4000 songs and having got the unanimous praises from world thamizhs, he became king of thamizh's heart throne.
We, for(and from) "Arumbu"(name of this magazine), went for an interview with the one who, even being a thamizh having not imprisoned himself in any of the prisons built by this society, having the world humanity alone in his mind, and having dissolved himselves in spirituality for many years and having music alone his journey.
Mostly he avoids interviews. We had to have his appointment after explaining how "Arumbu" has an effect on the present young society.
We met him alone in Prasad studios amidst his tight works for two mega forthcoming film projects.
Mostly introvert, Arumbu's effect made him to talk. He is not just Isai Gnani, he is a greater human. This will become evident through this interview.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Fri Apr 19 02:43:55 EDT 2002
Since then, his Musical journey has crossed 400 films with more than 4000 songs
Please read it as
Since then, his Musical journey has crossed 800 films with more than 4000 songs
Sorry for the error. Would continue with the interview.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Fri Apr 19 02:59:51 EDT 2002
Arumbu: Being a person who gets internal light thru the quest to see the width and depth of sprituality, what is your opinion about the present human society's mind due to education and violent mentality.
In present human society 99 out of 100 have the mentality to make quick money.
IR: But since the mind is distracted to find the ways to make such quick money the mind becomes polluted due to such wrong thinks. In everyone's mind this same mentality exists. This affects people of such same mentality forcing them to indulge in violence.
The cars, buses, lorries pollute the air. One feels the wind in a park as fresh after being in a confined place. Even if he is happy with it, he doesn't know that that is not a breeze. He doesnt know that smoke has gone into him through this wind.
Human society has to come up from this. Those who learnt, learnt it to follow it not to become just knowledgeable.
If education gives pride, such education is not needed. Education means learning and being modest.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Fri Apr 19 03:22:51 EDT 2002
Arumbu: Please tell your idea about how should the present younger generation be.
IR: This world won't become as i wish. I won't agree to the way this world is going. The creator of this world, if has kept the youngsters in good position it is a gain to me even though it is not. If He(creator) has kep these youngsters in bad position it is a loss to me even though it is not, because the world has no future if the youngsters don't go in correct path.
Feeling of independence affected one youngster, he became Gandhi. Music affected one youngster he became Illayaraaja.
Arumbu: Do religions spoil humans?
IR: How can one say in which way religions are not need which in fact brought the humans to good path from being barbarians.
Religion is a path in which Greats who knew the complete form of God, walked.
Those who walked did not stop there. They reached the God through that path. But we stopped in that path. Just like the trees planted in our path - their fruits - flowers - waterfalls give pleasure to us and make us to forget our destination, the Greats true words became trees, fruits, waterfalls, flowers to us. We don't have enough age to even appreciate these completely. Those ruining others are not religions but people.
Arumbu: In your feeling how effective was the religion?
IR: It is from our mentality that you see me as Hindu, i see you as christian and other as muslim. But the one that is seeped into us is the belief "Praying the God". The belief be it due to whatever religion makes us to pray the god alone. Religion has principles but God has none. But, even if religions fail to save principles God never fails to save his children. Its good to shatter the violence created due to the religion's effect on us.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Fri Apr 19 03:54:11 EDT 2002
Arumbu: What is your view about the comment of osho that asceticism is against nature?
IR: Nature itself is contradictory. Earth and other planets came into existence after contradicting Sun. Aren't they nature? Everything created in this nature is contradictory. Wind doesn't blow in a same state(way). Fire doesnt burn in same state(way). Every creature in the world, including osho, has to come out contradicting the nature. So there is nothing against nature. It is just an opinion to say that asceticism is against(contradictory) to nature, not the truth(fact) of asceticism. Asceticism is natural thing. All objects have asceticism from other objects and doing penance (hence showing their individuality). They are not agreeing with each other. That is starting with self, philosophy, religion.
Arumbu: If so what is your idea about asceticism?
IR: What did you feel as yours? What you are going to shun? You body is not yours it is earths. If life is your then it would go off sometime later. The one you think is yours is not yours. How can you shun the one which is not yours? If the mind that shuns the thinks during such situation that shunning quality is asceticism.
Arumbu: Do you agree that osho is a complete knowlegeble (gnani)?
IR: Only a gnani understands a gnani. I don't know whether he(osho) is a gnani. I don't have the right to say any comments on him. An indication of a gnani is that he wont agree that he has disciple and he is a guru. He wont identify defects and preach the humans who exists due to God's wish. For a gnani everything he sees should be God. For a gnani there is nothing seperate from him. Based on these grammars for a gnani, which i came to know, you may judge based on these.
- From: isaiosai (@
on: Fri Apr 19 14:11:17 EDT 2002
adutha paadhi engE? adhaan idhuva? appidina, innoru paadhi engE? :-)
Nice translation! Thanks.
- From: education and humility - two contradictory paths (@
on: Sat Apr 20 00:40:55 EDT 2002
Kupps, thanks.
- From: S T S (@
on: Sat Apr 20 23:32:48 EDT 2002
Kupps, Nice translation. I went through the original link. I needed to read atleast twice each answer to fully understand the meaning. Shall we call him 'Saint' Ilaiyaraja? :-) He seems to be beyond the materialistic world. Now, I simply do not understand what still motivates Maestro to give excellent scores.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Mon Apr 22 00:16:40 EDT 2002
After that i was not able to access this site. Then sat & sun he...heee. I'll try to complete atleast the first interview.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Mon Apr 22 00:17:01 EDT 2002
Arumbu: What is your opinion about, the comment of osho that to transcend Kama(sexual feeling) one should completely experience it - takes the present younger generation to different direction?
IR: This opinion is like asking to add petrol(fuel) to fire. The fire will burn more not will come down. After experience the mind and body will long for that and wont come out of that circle. This opinion will damage not just our land's cultural feelings but also human mind in general.
Arumbu: Recently, the book "Illayaraajaavin sindhanaigaL (thoughts of Illayaraaja)" has become a hot talk in literary areas. In that you have expressed heavy spirituality. As far as ourselves is concerned this is an another face of IR. How will be your participation in the literary world?
IR: This is a work after "Sangeedha kanavugaL (musical dreams)", "vetta veLiyil kotti kidhakkidhu (spilt in open space", "vazhiththunai (way help?)". Instead of saying this as my another face, (i feel) God, using me, expresses himself as music and literature. This is a grace of that abode of Grace. In this footsteps more will come following these. In this year "thiLi kadal (droplet ocean?)", "gnana ganga" and two more books will be released that would be a helper in the life of youngesters. I have one more face. That is also due to immesurable God's grace. I have pleasure in photography. There will be a compilation in that also. In musical eyes seeing poem and photo is due to God's grace.
Arumbu: Based on what mentality you have started writing?
IR: Now and then, whenever i get time in between composing music i would write poems. Have read and unable to comprehend the width and depth of these poems, poets and film lyricists wished these to be released as books. Not based on any aim these are written. Since the omnipresent God helps everything is seen as god. He himself is all the writings. Do we need any other state if everlasting god is with you?
Arumbu: To hich type do your forthcoming books belong?
IR: Now and then just like drops those small ideas have become "thuLi kadal (droplet ocean)" For example:
pudhayal alla
pudhiyavai alla
(buried are not treasures; treasures are not new).
Next poems on God - with explanantions. Even though these resemble the poems of sangham age these are poems for the human minds to be God oriented. For example,
aennai nee udalukkuL kattinaai
unnai naan uyirukkuL kattinaen
aennuyiraal katturumor poruLaa nee?
un kattuL naan uLLaen kai vidarkka.
(you bounded me with life and i bounded you in my life. are you an object that could be bounded? But im bounded by you don't leave me). These peoms are to be released as "gnana ganga". Additionally, two more books, one will be like the events taken place in my life and another will be in the form of assorted poems. The god who is giving time for music, if gives time for writing also then more writings will come up.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Mon Apr 22 00:20:20 EDT 2002
First Interview is completed.
- From: Kupps (@
on: Mon Apr 22 00:21:09 EDT 2002
Rather, the interview's First part is completed (first link).
- From: a thinker (@
on: Mon Apr 22 01:55:35 EDT 2002
Kupps, thanks again, waiting for more revelation. one thing i understand is that god is not within everyone's reach if they do not devote time to contemplate, meditate and communicate to others healthy thoughts. That explains why there is strife, war, prejudice and so much evil around. Does the powerful, the greedy and the ignorant have the need to meditate, contemplate and think of peace? We can have only very few people on this earth like the Maestro, because they spend a lot of their time in bringing peace to others thru their own enlightnement, which is not possible for the people at large. people need to contemplate and then act.
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