Topic started by NOV (@ on Thu Oct 23 05:57:33 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- From: NOV (@
on: Thu Oct 23 05:58:27 EDT 1997
What began as a tiny idea has now sprung into a young shoot. Yes, L&G, most of the "posters" to the TFM pages have agreed to an Annual Journal. For want of better words, we shall call it the TFM Aandu Malar. To understand how this idea was conceived, please refer to the TFM Club discussion. I am now reproducing pertinent matters from that discussion, so that the rest of you can take part, with this single motive in mind. So, here it goes...
From: NOV (@ on: Wed Oct 22 02:43:50 EDT 1997
James, aruLarasan, Gopal, Gopi, TRV, Rajaraman, Kanchana, Gokul, Aravind, Amar & Ravi -
Thank you very much for your support and encouragement. From what we have received so far, Gopal & I can handle the page design; and aruLarasan, Gopi, and TRV have volunteered to do the writing/compiling. More volunteers are needed off course. When volunteering, it would also help if you could mention which area you excel in, for instance Satya Keerthi can do lyrics-varnanai, etc,.
Now, let me address your concerns:
Rajaraman, Kanchana & Aravind - I don't foresee financing as a big problem, especially if it is
spread out among many of us. Alternatively we can get some sponsors, either from US or India.
IDEA 2: Eventually, this book can be sold in the open market or through internet via the many (silent majority) who browse these pages. Income derived from these sale can then be pumped into making the TFM pages better. How do you like that?
Gokul - To be really cost effective, we have to increase the "per run" of the book not its frequency. Certain costs, like film-making are fixed whether we print 10 copies or 1 million. Off course unit printing costs decreases as the quantity printed increases. We will come to this later.
Aravind - I have my reservations on printing it in India. Without meaning to offend, I must say that I am not impressed with the quality of printing in India. If we are not particular about the quality and if all we want to see is the end-result, then let's go for it. But given our spread around the world (and what more with our contacts) I think we may get good rates elsewhere too. We'll come to this later as well.
Ravi - I had this idea of "putting it on the net" as the final resort if everything fails. But you have munthified again! :-) But let's get on with the print version first. Nothing like holding it in your hands!!
OK - now shall we work on the approach?
1. Concept - What will it look like? - The contents
2. Design - How will it look like? - Number of pages, and technical details
3. Costing - Once we know 1 & 2 above, we can get quotations from all over the world.
4. Method of financing
5. Distribution
Shall we begin?
Let's put our heads together on what we want to be included in the TFM Annual. Don't worry about the sequence, yet.
1. Foreword from the Page maintainers
2. Table of contents
3. History of TFM Pages
4. Lists - Firsts
- Kannan songs
5. Discussions - Kannadhasan Kavidhaigal
- Mayakkum Kaathal Geethangal
6. Write up on TFM Personalities - Ilayaraja
- Kannadhasan
- MS Visvanathan
7. Analysis of songs
8. Profiles of current people posting on the TFM Discussion Forum
Please continue... (on subject 1 only)
From: Ravi (@ greed.cs.umass.edu) on: Wed Oct 22 04:13:33 EDT 1997
Reviews of new albums.
From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu) on: Wed Oct 22 18:51:45 EDT 1997
I was also thinking about another thing we all might do. How about, as an annual affair, selecting one song/movie for best music from TFdom and giving away TFMClub award (just virtual - what I mean by virtual is that we will maintain a complete album or bgm online with the title TFMClub's Best TF song/bgm of the year). How does this sound?
This should be "prestigious" because this is the only online DF on TFM we all have good tastes and sense (??? !!!!!! :-) ). We can do, like other awards, voting and select or find some other novel method.
From: Aravind (@ on: Thu Oct 23 00:10:36 EDT 1997
NOV - I was not offended by your remark on the printing standards in India. But I think your exposure to the same is limited to kumutham, Anantha vikatan and the like.
Everything depends on how much you are ready to spend. You can defenitely go up to international standards provided you are ready to spend that kind of money. Even that would work out cheaper because of the conversion factor.
From: NOV (@ on: Thu Oct 23 03:11:46 EDT 1997
Aravind - A thousand apologies! I have read several books and magazines (including from the North) from India and made that remark based on my experience. Off course I could be totally wrong. Anyway, we can worry about the printing at a later stage. I'm not sure about the conversion factor though. RM1 was about Rs13 a few weeks ago but now is about Rs7!!
Note for those who are puzzled: RM is the Malaysian currency.
- From: Gopal (@ host-207-53-4-90.atl.bellsouth.net)
on: Thu Oct 23 11:57:25 EDT 1997
As said, Kumudham, Vikatan, etc., have one of the best printing tech. in India. Moreover, the idea
to get books printed in India is to avoid high cost factor, besides roots.
Firstly, why shouldnt we invite logo/insignia design from our friends? The best design can be selected! The first step in this direction is to create a common address and enable people to mail the design!
Periodicity is one impt factor that determines the cost of print and quantum of data! Half-yearly or Annual is OK! Then no. of pages, size, quality of paper, (mostly refined art paper (fr to back)), A4 (Quarto) styling of paper, etc., To set the ball in motion, I would estimate the cost: Assuming Indian parameters,
1. Half/Annual
2. Foreign Art with more grain/thickness(from India point of view!!)(refined)wrap to wrap
3. say, 25 scanned images/fotos(incl fr,back images)
4. 40 or 60(max) pages/A4 size
approx. 140INR maximum. That means around INR 37500 for 250 copies! (More copies, less cost
One copy, same cost concept)approx. 1200USD. That means max. 4 USD per club member!! Not bad!!
Provided, we have that strength!! The mute spectators have to help!!Can TFPOrg come out with
official/unofficial list of members? Because, the more the membership, less per head share!!
The example is just estimation!!(Disclaimer bla bla!!!)Considering the cost hike, per person share might go as high as 5 or 6 dollars!!
Feedback from all, please!!
- From: Gopal (@ host-207-53-4-90.atl.bellsouth.net)
on: Thu Oct 23 11:59:47 EDT 1997
Mailing, compilation cost, proof-reading, and other sundries not tken into a/c.
- From: Gopal (@ host-207-53-4-90.atl.bellsouth.net)
on: Thu Oct 23 12:00:39 EDT 1997
Adhu TFM Andu malaraa? Or TFMP Andu Malaraa??
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Thu Oct 23 13:19:40 EDT 1997
Hi guys,
This is just a preliminary estimation i got from my uncle (has a
printing press himself) and he said that for a book (A4 size) of
100 pages, at present costs, he can do the printing (printing
alone - no typesetting) for around Rs.10k for 100 copies and that
remains the same for 1000 copies. This is just a preliminary estimation.
I will get a detailed quotation from him this weekend and post the
details (like what sort of paper, exact cost, etc.) then. Till
then let's come up with the design and content of the malar.
My contribution will be in editing/writing articles. I am planning to
dig out interesting articles from various threads and categorize them -
bgm, ir vs arr, dhEva, kaNNadhAsan, vAli, classical music in TFM,
excellent kAdhal pAdalgaL, bhArathiyAr pAdalgaL. I will send a copy to the
original contributors and request permission for inclusion of that
article in the book and when they accept ask them to correct and beautify
the same. Of course, people can contribute articles that
have not appeared in any of the threads. But before we go about
with this it would be good to form a sort of a editors board and we
can do that by voting.
If that's okay with you all, we can form an editor's board of
10 people with three or two or one as chief editor(s). Please
let us know if you are willing to serve in the editors board
and also propose names who would be great at this job.
Personally, i volunteer to serve in the committee and propose
sathiya keerthi, kAnchanA, nov, cp, kOvAlu (!!), gOpi, bones,
guru, ravi, ravy.
I have voluntarily left out rAmki et al who are back in school
after a long time and i wasn't sure if they can spare time for
this. please join the game.
- From: Ramki (@ c11.lab.cae.wmich.edu)
on: Thu Oct 23 14:18:44 EDT 1997
Arularasan thanks for being understanding
but i too like to contribute a little of something(Ramarukku Anil udhavi seidhadhu pol)so please feel free to allott me something that will not take much time:))
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Thu Oct 23 17:14:41 EDT 1997
Sorry i missed out few. more proposals: rajaraman, pagalavan.
all silent observers, please comment and give suggestions.
rAmki: ungaL uthavi illAmal intha nalla kAriyam yeppadi niRaivERum?
anything and everything you contribute will be of great help and
gOpAl: can you provide an article on IR? basically his history,
styles of compositions, achievements.
- From: Sunil (@ relay.alf-x.dec.com)
on: Thu Oct 23 18:52:58 EDT 1997
This is a great idea. Articles contribute pannara aLavukku jnanamillai endralum, I volunteer for all activities (like proof reading, compilation etc )
- From: Chandrasekaran (@ proxyf8.cyberway.com.sg)
on: Fri Oct 24 04:09:33 EDT 1997
NOV, innoru thread-l (TFM Club) Gopal idhai pattri ezhudi irukkiraar about coordination / contribution etc. Now I have few questions w.r.t. Aandu Malar:
1. Is the malar going to be in English / Tamil or both ?
2. If it is going to be printed, do we have to get the legal permission such as MITA, etc.
3. How are we going to ensure the copy-protection?
4. Who is the target audience (reader) ? Nammalae magazine ezhudi namaalae padithaal namakku paithiyam pudithu vidum.
5. Who are the office bearers of the magazine ?
6. What is the periodicity of the magazine (not for aandu malar, but for the regular magazine) ?
7. Content determination ?
- From: aruLarasan (@ newton.umsl.edu)
on: Fri Oct 24 11:24:47 EDT 1997
Hello everybody,
ChandrashEkhar has raised some interesting questions. Whatever I
wrote was only for ANdu malar. To bring out a magazine is redundant -
we already have one online namely TFMDF. So ANdu malar is just an object
for us to pIththify about to kith and kin (evvaLO varushamAchchu intha
phrase use paNNi).
Regarding language, we can have a maNipravALam - thamizh and english.
MITA? Please explain. Regarding other points you raised: nov has
already given an outline of contents. please suggest additions/
corrections. office bearers are purely voluntary. please read my
previous posts in this thread. nAmE print seythu nAmE padiththAl ...
yERkanavE ennai en friends guNA endRu azhaikkiRArgaL !!!
- From: aruLarasan (@ newton.umsl.edu)
on: Fri Oct 24 12:29:35 EDT 1997
hi y'all,
Gopal suggested the following committee in another thread. feedback
* From: Gopal (@ host-207-53-3-126.atl.bellsouth.net) on: Thu Oct 23
20:44:20 EDT 1997
Why not form a committee now so that each one knows the task on hand??
Fix date/time for exchnge of developments? We can easily have a chat
opened for this in tfmpage and chat in this regard on fixed schedules//
This is how I would go::
TFM Page Aandu Malar '98 Working Committee
Chairperson & Editor-in-charge : Mr Rajaraman
TFMORGANIZERS : Malar '98 Working Committee Executives
Edtorial : Rajaraman
Regional Co-ordinator(s)US : M/s Kanchana (West), James(North, East)
Sunil (South)
Regional Co-ordinator(s)Singapore & Malaysia : NOV, Arvind
Regional Co-ordinator(s)(India) : Sathyakumar Bones, Sundar Ramanathan
Funds Co-ordinator(s) : Kanchana, Sathya Keerthi
Lyrics Co-ordinator(s) : Sathya Group, Ramki, Kanchana, CP, Bhaskar,
Amar, NOV
Design, Articles(E,T) : Gopal, NOV
Flash, Current News, Articles : PG, Bones,Aravind, Amar
Music review : TRV, Chandrasekaran, Kitcha, Arularasan,
IR Articles co-ordinators : Sellur, Rex, Gokul, Gopi, Kannan, Tenraaja
History, Archives co-ordinators : Pakiri, Bones, Sundar, Vaidy
This is just an attempt to bring people together. Gen disclaimer)No
regular has been intentionally left out. It should be slip. Basically
every person is a volunteer. This is just a fillip to
work. People may go ahead with removing, replacing, rejecting
accepting, etc.,of names and tasks. Suggestions welcome.
If approved by TFMOrg, we can now open a chat (parachat)in tfmp and fix
chat time/schedule to discuss planning, developments etc.,
Feedback, please.
* From: Gopal (@ host-207-53-3-126.atl.bellsouth.net) on: Thu Oct 23
21:00:52 EDT 1997
Sorry Pagalavan, Idhayan, ungalai vittutEn! Nengal quiz section
paarthukkalaamE! Guru from Australia can do something. Sujatha #1, #2,
Athi Narayanan, (welcome newcomer) Madan, etc., etc.,Feedback pls.
Hi gopal,
ungaLukku enmElayum TFM enthusiasts mElayum enna ivvaLavu kObam?
Me and music reviews? did you think "no contribution is better
than some contribution from aruLarasan"-nu nenachchittIngaLA,
kAtRuveLiyidai kaNNammA padiththuvittu? (just kidding?) I am an
ignoramous in music (mIzik). I prefer writing on lyrics, editing, etc.
Can someone volunteer to key in articles in thamizh?
- From: easwaran hariharan (@ amex.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Fri Oct 24 18:05:16 EDT 1997
Hi guys,
This is the great idea. Kudos to whoever started this. If it is not too late, I have something
to add.
What about also adding
old interviews by MDS, singers and others. Even
if possible, try to get an appoinment with them, and get an exclusive interview for TFM. People in RMIM are doing that. Stories behind some of
the great songs, profiles about various MDS,
singers in much more detail.
- From: Gopal (@ host-207-53-0-48.atl.bellsouth.net)
on: Fri Oct 24 19:17:30 EDT 1997
no problems// vEru engO IR pathi ezhudha solli irundheenga! Pannidalaam//
welcome//unga idea is excellent//malaril add pannidalam//
ippo oru doubt//andha pakkam "Thalaivar" (Rajaraman) mummurama tfmpage upgrade pathi (collectionla :))yerangittarE, Malar pathi yaarum
(nammai vittal) pEsaradhaa theriyalayE!!
arul, at least neenga nalla vElai senjeenga! Naan ezhudhina ideasai ingE konduvandhu cut and paste panniteenga! Elloraiyum izhukka enna pannalam sollunga? edhavadhu lottery/sweep stakes announce pannalaama?
Onnum puriyalayE!!!!!!!
- From: Kannan (@
on: Fri Oct 24 23:09:00 EDT 1997
Very good idea!! Even I want to contribute a little, if possible.
Way to go!! Great work!
- From: Rajaraman (@
on: Sat Oct 25 01:29:44 EDT 1997
TFM aandu malar is attractive because of the reach it can have.
Basically we can target almost all the people who read magazines
like Anandha Vikatan, Kumudham, etc. To reach the maximum
audience, I think we should make the magazine in Tamil only. We
may have English articles also but Tamil translations of these
articles should be provided.
It would be great if we can publish interviews of MD's or singers.
Does someone have contacts in Kollywood? Or knows ways of
getting this done? It would certainly be a great attraction.
But all this comes after we agree that the project is feasible.
To me, it sounds like a big project. Needs lot of people's time
and efforts. As you know, I'm working on TFM's next upgrade(apart
from my offcial work and other chores). So I don't know if I can
go too much into this. I would like someone to come forward,
spearhead this project and coordinate the activities. Enakku periya
pathavi ellaam vendaam. I would like to serve in some "advisory
board" : ) or steering committee. Of course, you can count me in
where you think I can pitch in. Thanks.
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Sat Oct 25 19:02:16 EDT 1997
I would like to summarize, now, what we have arrived at so far.
(i) Is the malar feasible? Assuming it is,
(ii) people who have expressed willingnes to work on it are:
nov, aruLarasan, rAmki, sunil, gOpAl, TRV, gOpi santhAnam, ravy,
amar, rAjArAman, kaNNan, e. hari.
Twelve in all. cp et al. we are waiting for your inputs and contributions.
(iii) nov has expressed willingness to come up with design, layouts,etc.;
aruLarasan for editing, articles on songs; ravy for reviews on lyrics;
TRV for reviews on music; gOpAl will write an article on IR; sunil
expressed willingness to do proofreading/compilation, etc.;
rAjAraman, due to other commitments (like TFMP III) can take part only
peripherally but has expressed willingness to be an advisor.
(iv) with an idea of who is willing to contribute what we can decide what
should be the content of the malar. As nov has previously written down,
the malar should have
(a) History of TFMPage
(b) Article on some interesting threads in DF. This would include topics
like kaNNadhasan's kavidhaigaL, mayakkum kAthal gIthangaL, ir vs
others, articles on non-filmi albums by film MDs, bgm, etc.
(c) Lists - kaNNan, paRavaigaL, pUkkaL etc.
(d) Articles on TFM personalities like kaNNadhasan, IR, MSV, et al.
(e) Analysis of songs. Of the type we had for satti chuttadhadA,
kAtRuveLiyidai kaNNammA, etc.
(f) Articles on various philosophies expressed in TFM like songs on
socilalism, songs on bhakthi/vIdu, ... .
(g) Interviews with TFM personalities. I, personally would like to have
one from TMS, MSV and all those oldies as a mark of respect. Again,
there is this question of feasibility of this idea.
(h) Reviews of this years songs/bgm.
(i) Profiles of current people posting in TFMDF.
(v) Once we have come up with a the contents, we can decide upon the no
of pages and size of the book.
Please keep pouring in ideas/suggestions. Also please let us all know
if you would be able to contribute in any manner to this malar.
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-te61.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Oct 26 00:57:06 EDT 1997
To all the volunteers for the ANdu Malar:
Congratulations on your energy, enthu and efforts to date. It is definitely an ambitious project!!
I can definitely help out with lyrics, articles, summary analysis etc. I think we all know each other well enough to understand what each can do well. I'll try to see if we can get some interviews with the Kodambaakkam types--but please don't count on it till I come back to you and say it is a "go".
I'd like to be upfront with you about a potential issue since we are going to work together as a team: my limited time due to my new position's broader responsibilities. If we can decide what it is precisely that I should be contributing (just as for others), with enough lead time and clear timelines/deadlines I will work that into my schedule. Fair enough?
The "padhavi" :-)) is not important to me, advisory role is actually really acceptable while I do the necessary work as a volunteer. Let's just be very clear upfront on who's going to do each and every piece, minimize duplications or potential to step on each others' toes etc., and move forward.
1. What is the timeline for this project? It will be great if the ANdu Malar comes out around/after the inauguration of the TFMP III, with the new domain name etc.
2. What is the actual, concrete next step?
3. Who is/are actually running the whole show--who should people turn to if there is a crisis? I am sure we will be a great team together, but there are always times when it's good to know the answer to this question.
4. If everything is in thamizh, how do we type it up for submission?
5. Where are we in terms of costing and funding that? Have you guys (unisex word) considered commercial sponsors for the ANdu malar? I was personally against commercial sponsors for TFMP III for obvious reasons which is why I started the other thread to get internal sponsors, but the hard copy ANdu malar can surely benefit from commercial sponsorships?!
Let's talk thru some of these issues and those raised by others above. Look forward to working with all of you and having fun!
- From: Gokul (@
on: Sun Oct 26 11:57:19 EST 1997
Kanchana has raised very relevant issues..
If we could get some corp. Sponsors we could really make this grand..
We need to get a firm timeframe on this. I think
if we can release this on Pongal It would be nice
otherwise it should ThamiZh NewYear Release..
As for as my contributions.. I can do some articles on IR (BGM/Songs Reviews etc).
As to contents.. Do we really need to publish
lists ? (NoV Sir excuse me!)..
I dont see the purpose behind it. As for as TFMDF
the lists are OK because people are looking for
songs to collect and specific info. But Aandu Malar need not contain such long lists. IMHO, it will be a waste of space, which can be utilised to
public insightful articles on TFM.
What do you folks think?
- From: NOV (@
on: Mon Oct 27 01:41:55 EST 1997
1. Gopal has proven his worth in designing the maestro's page.
2. Gokul's opinion on lists should be taken into consideration.
3. If Rajaram is too busy, I don't mind spearheading this project, as TFM is very close to my heart! :-))
4. aruLarasan has summarised our feelings very aptly.
5. Kanchana's idea of seeking advertisements deserves merit and should be examined carefully (the pros and cons, permits, etc.)
6. If we think we are done with the contents, we should move on to the technical details. Are we sure that we don't want to include anything else?
7. Is it alright if we can give this a break for Deepavali? I'm really into the festive mood and cannot concentrate on anything as serious as this! :-)) Off course, people are still welcome to post their suggestions, but maybe we can hold back taking concrete steps, until a little later. What say you?
- From: cp (@
on: Tue Oct 28 15:44:46 EST 1997
Do you really think this is feasible? We might circulate it among ourselves for our satisfaction. Otherwise if we struggle hard, we can try to market it with the help of people who have high-level contacts. But who is the target audience? Creating an electronic magazine or an on-line TFM club is really exciting. People who are around the world can interact on-line - since that is already happening in TFM page and we are all contributing to the upgrade for the TFM page I do not see any reason behind creating an Andu Malar. People who are interested to write articles on TFM specifics can write in TFM page. And there are hundreds of such magazines out there for film news and articles and I do not see how we can market this magazine. I personally feel that there is so much you can do on the Internet without paper and ink. So, IMO TFM Andu Malar can be an on-line Andu Malar in TFM page and not necessarily on paper.
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-to01.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Oct 28 20:27:23 EST 1997
Without dampening anyone's enthusiasm for the core concept and desire to contribute, let's revisit all the questions everyone has raised about this topic so far, and come to a clear decision as a team.
Hard Copy ANdu Malar (AM)
1. What is the objective behind a hard copy AM?
Who is the the target audience beside the on-line audience--is there one?
2. What are the logistics of executing the hard copy project--printing, distribution etc.?
3. Do we have a clear timeline and action plans for execution?
4. Given the rough costing we have above, do we know how we are going to fund this hard copy? What are the complexities involved?
1. What is the objective behind an on-line AM? Isn't this a logical expansion of the current "highlights section" of the TFMP which can be enriched once the new domain is up and running? This was proposed earlier by Ravi and raised again by cp. What do we see as the pros and cons?
This has never been a one-person issue, and has to be treated as a team issue. Let's just clearly evaluate our options and bring the question to closure.
Whichever way we decide to go, it's very clear we have a lot of talent and a willingness to contribute that talent to TFMP. Let's keep that spirit alive!
- From: Bhaskar (@ dutyfree.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Fri Oct 31 00:08:18 EST 1997
Join me in your group, but I will be available only after Dec 3rd. If it is OK with you.
- From: kumar (@
on: Fri Nov 7 10:25:54 EST 1997
hi... please circulate mail on this for
any help or decisions on this
andu malar
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Wed Sep 30 15:28:05 EDT 1998
With a whole new group added to the TFMpage and with free publicity from Vikatan's internet page, I feel this would be a great time to revive this topic. I want to test the pulse of interest out there, let's see a show of support or at least open up the discussion to see why this Aandu Malar is not a good idea. If it was decided by the TFM Group to drop the idea, can either Ravi, or Rajaraman explain why?
BTW, I'm willing to give my time to editing and organizing discussion threads, besides monetary contributions.
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