Topic started by Swaminathan N (@ infosys.inf.com) on Wed May 14 15:38:06 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- From: TFM Group (@ greed.cs.umass.edu)
on: Wed May 14 16:47:40 EDT 1997
Take a look at our Ilayaraja page. Thats the last we heard of it
- From: Rajaram (@
on: Fri May 16 02:19:27 EDT 1997
1. "Ilayaraja has finished the symphony an is in the middle
of negotiations regarding when it shd be released
and the money for it, etc"
- Gangai Amaran during his US tour in 1996
2. Ilayaraja didn't like the final product and wants to
redo the whole thing.
- Unfounded
- From: R.BALAJI (@
on: Tue Oct 21 22:35:31 EDT 1997
Ilayaraja the great has at last released the
symphony few days back that is oct 3rd week in madras.Hope this will end all the nasty talks on
- From: Ar.ANNAMALAI (@ foxglove.singnet.com.sg)
on: Fri Nov 14 22:05:25 EST 1997
where can I get the symphony composed by Ilayaraja
please help me
- From: Elango S (@ d847.pppdel.vsnl.net.in)
on: Thu Nov 20 07:18:58 EST 1997
Kindly let me also know where can i get a copy of the symphony relesed?
- From: kumar (@
on: Fri Nov 28 22:35:09 EST 1997
where can i have the maestro's masterpice(symphony no 1)
- From: Nagarajan (@ dutyfree.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Wed Dec 3 16:01:15 EST 1997
Mr. Balaji,
Are you sure that Ilayaraja has released the
symphony? I talked to my Madras friends and they
didn't seem to know about it. Hope you are not
spreading any rumours. If you are, then you would
certainly go to hell..
- From: KannanSrinivasan (@
on: Fri Dec 5 05:58:10 EST 1997
Dec 4th 1997 4:30 P.M (IST)
To all Fans who are all eagerly waiting for the symphony to be released,
Just today i enquired in one of the biggest music shop in madras- Music World, upto now they have got the authorization for that album and also did'nt get its copy. But they also do'nt know the precise date of its release.But sure the day is not for away for all of us to listen the maestro's symphony .
- From: Massimo Simonini (@ smp.nettuno.it)
on: Fri Dec 5 06:36:32 EST 1997
Bologna, 5 dec.'97
I am loking for a contact of Ilayaraja. I need to write, to speak with him or with his manager. Someone can help me?
Also I would like to know how I can get his simphony?
Thanks in advance.
Massimo Simonini
- From: KannanSrinivasan (@
on: Fri Dec 5 08:30:14 EST 1997
Sorry to all:-
There is major spelling mistake. It is not" They have got"- It is they have'nt got the authorization and the copy. I do'nt know the meaning of authorization in this context.
- From: KannanSrinivasan (@
on: Fri Dec 5 08:50:21 EST 1997
Another Latest News from one of my friend from Goa university, Goa. It seems Symphony may be released for this Tamil new year Day.
He also told that there another new album which has been released by IR.It is also excellent and which is already released in mumbai last week.
It is avaible only in CD's The album name is
"India 24 Hours". Today i checked in madras they told they r not aware of it. Anyone had come accross it in madras or any other place.
please inform me.It seems this album is done for some advertising firm.
- From: Nithin Sreedevan (@ nc.pr.mcs.net)
on: Fri Dec 12 20:29:56 EST 1997
India 24 hours is available everywhere. I bought it 2 months back, to my utter supreme disappointment.
The Super Supreme creation of the Almighty Supreme Omkriya Samskriya Cream o Ponds' Namaha, I am compelled to declare, pardon me, in this rather antiquated and supremely sardonic fashion - which reminds one, quite of the supreme days of Narada - now coming to the point, urr, er, where have I left off?
Aah, the album is crap. That guy is out of his mind, I mean look at MSV, when he was retired, he produced Antha 7 natkal. Where is the almighty Endre Endrekum Ilaya Ilaya Raja? Antha 24 hours. Engeyo Poyttar. Please Almighty forgive your Supreme creation.
a humble supreme devotee of the Almighty Raja
- From: Nagarajan (@ dutyfree.proxy.lucent.com)
on: Mon Dec 29 15:20:30 EST 1997
Mr Nitin,
Please remember that India 24 hours is only the
collection of BGM of a teleserial. Naturally the
music has no sequence if you listen to it without
the video. But when I listened to it with the video and I kind of liked it. But I hate to admit that this album is no good when compared to all his earlier masterpieces. If I get a chance
I would like to talk to Raja and find out what's
wrong with him. I can't imagine that this guy
is running out of stuff. It can't be true because
for the past 20 years he was like a king, full
of varieties and how come suddenly he is pushed
to the corner. UNBELIEVABLE..
- From: SATHYA (@ client-151-200-127-21.bellatlantic.net)
on: Tue Dec 30 00:41:39 EST 1997
Let me explain why the Giant Ilayaraja has come down. Forgive me if the discussion is too long.
Also I will explain how his decline is different from others.
If you see the decline of others, they ran out of stuff and they could not sustain in the market. Somebody else would have taken their place and they lost market. (It includes K.V.M., MSV, V.KUMAR etc.)
But if you see the decline of Raja, few things are visible.
First thing.
Nobody took away his market. He was doing 45 films an year (Can you imagine!!!) and more than 125 hit songs an year. So if any body has taken away his market, he should be doing the same no. of films.
Only Deva is doing 30 films an year and producing almost junk. Hardly 2 or 3 that to copied professionally from Raja.
Has Rahman took his Market? No! Kunjumon and Sankar have never been a customer of Raja. Even Mani's "Iruvar" failed musically too, which never happened to him before. Even when ManiRathnam has failed to give a good Movie Raja has Rescued him in the following films. "Idayakoil, PagalNilavu, Anjali, Thalabathi ". Even Agninatchthram, Idhayaththai Thirudathe have obviously had Raja's stamp, and they might have gone null and void in the absence of Raja's Music.
Then what made him to go away from the Market? I attribute the following things for his decline.
1. Backstabbing
2. Satellite TV
3. Failure of All of his Customers all of a sudden
4. Prestige issues.
I like to quote the following three guys for betraying Ilayaraja. Resoective fans forgive me.
1. Rajinikanth
Veera was about to go for a flop. Raja rescued and the film ran for 100 days and saved Rajini. It was the time Rajini was growing like anything. Press people started writng about Music rather than the Gimmics of Super star. Rajini was not happy to share the credit. He himself accepted in the 100th day function that Raja takes 50 % and he takes 50%. And he decided not share the credit anylonger. If you see the songs of Batcha, Muthu, Arunachalam they were primarily Superstar's songs and if you see the songs of Ejaman, Veera they wre Raja's songs rather than Rajini songs. Raja is the only man who can supress super star. The same fact prevented Rajini from using Raja's services.
2. Kamalahasan.
Everybody knows Kamal is an oppurtunist. After Mahanathi he did not have Raja for his movies (Except Sathileelavathi).
1. Nammavar
Due to some differences between Nagiretti and Raja Ilayaraja did not score for this.
2. Indhiyan
After the failure of Nammavar Kamal lost confidence on him and wanted to try a different combination to survive in the Market. So he joined with Sankar and Rahman. Film was succesful but Kamal was humiliated by the duo regarding which I am happy. Shankar warned in Anantha Vikatan that Kamal Has No business with Director's duty and Rehman refused to customize the tune for Kamal and said he can show the tunes only to the director.
Kamal would have survived in the Market. But he fell down losing his identity.
3. Barathiraja.
Can you think of 16 vayathinile .... Mudal mariathai....Nadidithendral in Raja's Absence.
Barathiraja was jelous over Raja's supremacy in cene field and he could not tolerate Raja's kingdom. So joined with Rehman.
All these things happened in the same year and was a big blow to Raja.
All these 3 peoplr have sucked Ilayaraja's blood when he was at the peak. They are indebted to Ilayaraja for their success in career.
Ilayaraja built each one's Image movie by Movie like an architect. How could Kamal earn the Knight "kadal Mannan" without raja's songs. Right from "pothuvaga en manasu thangam" Raja carefully enhanced Rajini's Image.
Raja never got benefited from these guys. He had so many customers and gave life to number of actors like "ramarajan, murali, rajkiran, mohan, vijaykanth, karthik", producers like "kovaithambi, sangilimurugan, amma creations siva, sathyajothi thiyagarajan, sathya movies" directors like 'santhanabarathi, p.vasu, R.V.udayakumar, R.K.selvamanietc.." Only because of Ilayaraja these people have survived.
After gaining all benefits from Raja, they left him alone. They should have stood by Ilayaraja when Raja had a crisis. But they reiterated that Cinema field is famous for betraying and backstabbing.
Who is Manirathnam without Ilayaraja? Where do you see Sridhar or Balachandar in this 2 decades without Raja.
All people were around him when they needed him.
But Ilayaraja with his talents as good as he was in 1976, is out of Market. Nandri Ketta Ulagamappa!!!
Still he proved by "kadaluuku Mariathai" has he is supreme. While Mallus still stand by him our guys are away from him.
Satellite TV
It was the time when "Gentleman" Was released. All satellite TVs started a program called "top 10, pepsi 10 etc..."
Almost all tv's suntv, rajtv, etc etc put that gentleman is no. 1. They also promulgated that those songs were copied in Hindi too.
When Ilayaraja was copied by Hindi people for 15 yrs nobody wrote about that.
Hindi Music Director "Anand Milind" openly stated that Ilayaraja is as good as the God and he does not feel ashamed to copy Raja as he is taking music from the Musical Guru.
All of a sudden press gave importance to Rahman while these TVs started promulgating Rehman's songs are No 1 always.
Raja's songs became hit only after people heatr them. Bit today these music directors' songs even before getting released come with a Tag called "super hit". Today's music relies on advertisement rather than stuff in it. Even Kuppai songs were whispered by people because of repeated adds.
And TVs argued that this is youngster's season and they influenced people's views. Youngsters went away from Raja feeling he is old.
When Raja was growing he benefited Radios , TVs, Recording centres. Even today you can see Raja's photo in musical centre's as Raja only gave life to them.
So technology went against him. It is a fate we have yo regret.
Failure of Customers
Primarily he lost good customers like Rajini, Kamal, Barathiraja, Balachandar, Manirathnam in a short span.
Then Mahendran, P.Vasu, R.V.Udayakumar, R.K.selvamani, Rajkiran, Vijaykanth ran out of field, Balumahendra alsom lost rithm. Good producers like Sathyajyothi, Sathya movies , AVM,
Kovaithambi also faced failures.
All these things happened in an year and this led to his decline.
Can any other music director before IR or After IR hit the film without a good artist, producer, and with lowest budget. It was done only by Raja and such era ends with himmself.
Prestige Issues
Raja could have rescued himself by adjusting with or coming down and making a request to his old friends. But he was not ready to do that.
We should appreciate that. He is a single man Army. He is a Lion defeated by 100 Foxes.
He achieved in every department in Music. His achievements are not measurable. Even with money, onofficial newses state that , this single man has earned more than Rs 300 crores in 20 years.
Never mind that Ilayaraja is not in the Market. Even if not today he has to come down some other day. Nobody can reach the heights he reached.
I like to qoute the following proverb.
Yaanai Paduththalum Kudhirai Mattam.
(Even if elephant falls down, Horse is still inferior)
Guys, your comments are welcome. Sorry for such a lenghthy discussion. Thank you
Sathya (vagees@hotmail.com)
- From: sathya (@ client-151-200-125-252.bellatlantic.net)
on: Tue Dec 30 02:13:39 EST 1997
Please forgive me for numerous spelling and grammar mistakes as I have composed late night at one stretch.
- From: vasu palaniandi (@ pluto.nationwide.com)
on: Tue Dec 30 12:33:44 EST 1997
it is really good. i appreciate your efforts.
but don't say that raja's market has declined.
it is still there. only one man in this field can do wonders with one song like ''otha roova tharraen''. even heroes like murali and directors
like kazhanchiyam can give a hit movie if Raja
is the music director. he is coming back with all
the power in ''kadalukku mariyaadhai''
- From: T.Madhan (@
on: Tue Dec 30 13:37:52 EST 1997
Dear Sathya,
YOur writeup was fantastic - but I would like to beg to differ in one aspect.
Kamal - IR relationship-
I don't agree that Kamal ditched IR - because , very recently in Ananda Vikatan, IR had made the mention that if there is one actor who has ISAI GYANAM, it is Kamal - now if IR was not in good terms with Kamal, IR would have never said that -
Kamal's abstinence from IR may be because other reasons - otherwise, KarthikRaja would not have composed for "Marudha Nayagam " trailer.
or Kamal would not have sung in KR's ULLASAM album.
I completely agree with all of your other comments - YENNAKKU RATHTHAM KODHIKKUDHU when I think of the backstabbings IR must have experienced.
- From: vasu palaniandi (@ pluto.nationwide.com)
on: Tue Dec 30 17:36:47 EST 1997
dear Mr. Madhan.. i clearly agree with the kind of
behavior that Mr. sathya has described about
Kamalhasan. He is a very good example for an opportunist. He is a good actor in real life too.
I too like him very much as an actor but not as a
human being. The words that Mr. Sathya has used are all 100% correct in the matter of Kamalhaasan.
Though the arguments you put up are all of convincing nature, truly it is not. Obviously a person like IR won't critisize in public. None would like his son's career being spoiled bcos of
his personal problems.(especially in cinema industry).(it applies to politics too).
these words are worth repeating again:
After the failure of Nammavar Kamal lost confidence on him and wanted to try a different combination to survive in the Market. So he joined with Sankar and Rahman. Film was succesful but Kamal was humiliated by the duo regarding
which I am happy. Shankar warned in Anantha Vikatan that Kamal Has No business with Director's duty and Rehman refused to customize the tune for Kamal and said he can show the tunes only to the director.
Kamal would have survived in the Market. But he fell down losing his identity.
- From: sathya (@ client-151-200-127-11.bellatlantic.net)
on: Tue Dec 30 20:05:07 EST 1997
Hi Madan,
As a Kamal's Fan your grievance is acceptable. In my discussion I did not mention about a word came from Kamal's mouth, because I was wounded by such a word so much that I wanted to forget those words.
Few years ago a reporter asked Kamal to rank Indian Music Directors.( I hope 1991) Kamal said First 10 places goes to Ilayaraja and rest is not worth listing.
Last year he was asked by Kumudam why IR does not figure in his recent films. Kamal replied
" Producers want to do business, I do not want to interfere "
I will give the exact words he told in Tamil.
" Rajavai podanunnuthan asai, Panam pottu Yaavaaram Pannuranga, ennala thadukka mudiala"
What does this mean? He liked Raja's Market rather than Raja's talents and Raja himself.
A good friend is a person who participates in all your endeavours and stands by you when you are in a crisis. Is Kamal a good friend? I would have appreciated his stand if he atleast had not told in the press such a word. Ilayaraja would have felt more wounded about this instance than his decline itself.
Kamal as an actor, as a screenplay writer, as a trend setter etc etc stays far ahead of the rest. I agree that he is one of the most talented artists in Indian Film Industry all time. But as a human being, he is not so. I have given you the evidence. He changes his colours like a chameleon.
It is also evident from his recent statement during Film Industry strike that even though he Balachandar may be his Guru, he came to the Industry even before Balachandar and claims seniority over Balachandar.
- From: Kannan (@
on: Wed Dec 31 07:10:36 EST 1997
Hi Sathya,
Your work was fantastic, now your assumptions are becoming true. Do'nt listen to what madhan is telling.He is a always biased towards Kamal. Kamal proved yet again that he is away from Raja. For his new muti crore venture"Maruthanayagam" the music director is not Raja. In last week The Hindu(Sunday,28th dec) in Folio section, there was a article about Tabala Genius Zakir Hussian, in that he himself(Hussian)told that he is going to do the music for Kamal's "Marathunayagam".
But in ur writeup i am very particular about the sattlite TV role in current days.
If Sat Tv were not there now. Our beloved raja would be the ultimate now also.
P.S - Sorry For Spelling mistakes if any.
- From: Nithin Sreedevan (@ nc.pr.mcs.net)
on: Wed Dec 31 16:32:34 EST 1997
Dear Mr. Sathya:
I am just delighted to read your article on that great creation of God, Shree Ragadevan Illaiyaraja.
If you have any more, please enthrall us with the news.
I only wish the best for our Great Raja.
- From: T.Madhan (@
on: Thu Jan 1 12:54:01 EST 1998
Dear Ksnnsn and Sathya,
So I have to believe in this theory that has been proposed - well fine,ok go ahead - but let us wait for "MARUDHANAAYAGAM" - then we will know about the MD - we will know whether IR is in or out - then the Truth will be out .
It is painful to learn about the person that Kamal is - true even I have heard from many quarters about Kamal's double headed nature . Now what I am going to tell you all is nothing to do with Kamal - IR - it is the way IR has been treated in general .
1. I have personally heard many aaccpeting IR's genius reluctantly, but also grimace that he is after all a " PARAIYYAN " - i.e., he belongs to a lower caste - I am not lying - this is the general feeling I could get - it is a fate of Tamil Nadu that despite the high level of education and development , we Tamilians are still backward in our thinking - best example - the recent riots in Tirunelveli district, where many lower caste people were killed mercilessly.
2. There is also a STRONG POSSIBILITY that people like BHARATHIRAJA, MANI RATNAM, K.BALACHANDER ignoring and ostracising IR simply because of the caste factor - as for KAmal,
" naattham yedukkum koovum nadhikkaraiyil pon vilaiyndhaal, adhaiyum porukkum gunam udaiyyaa oru thirai ulaga Jaambhavaan !!" So going by your theory, Kamal must have ditched IR only because of market ( oppurtunism ) rather than his caste factor.
3. Rajinikaanth - indha aal yaaru - periyya Kalai Maamani - vengaayam, katthirikkaai - after twenty years in the Tamil film industry , indha aallukku thodarndhu two minutes Tamil dialogue pesa vakkilaadha oru 'dabba' actor - summaaa cigarettai thookki pottu pidippadhu, thundai tholil maatri poduvadhu - indha gimmicks vaithu namadhu mara mandai tamizhargalai azhagaaga yemaatri kodi kodiyaaga panam sambaathiththavar - ivar yenna seidhaar ? - yedho oru padathhin 100 days nigalchhiyil, periyya pistaavai pol " For actors like us we have to slog out in the sun, for people like ilayaraaja, they sit comfortably in a room and compose music - a very easy job indeed "
yendru nakkalaaga vaarthaigalai vittaar.
Raaja summaaa iruppaaraa - sardhaan poyyaaa yendru odhingi vittaaar - Bangalore il bus conductor udhyogam parthukkondirandha ivar , KBalachander in dhayavaal nadithhu, S.P.Muthuraman, AVM Productions, ARoordass
( dialogue writer ) pondrorin udhaviyinaal indru SUPERSTAR ! Yedhaavadhu oru padathhirkkavadhu, kadhai discuss seidhom, screenplay discuss seidhom, paattu compose seiyum podhu kooda iruppom yendru muyarchi seidhadhundaa ? Oru mannum kidaiyaadhu - aanaaal, oru muyarchiyum illaamal, (leave talent alone, but the attitude matters equally ), Tamil Naattu maangaa madaiyargalin madathhanathaal indru Superstar - ivar vandhu IR patri comment kodukkiraar - Tamil Naattu Greatest Artiste Maestro Illayaraajavukku idhuvum vendum, innamum vendum.
4. Some of my close friends told me that even the doyen of Carnatic Music, the great Semmangudi Sreenivasaiyyar does not allow Raja to enter his residence because of IR's caste background - I don't know how far this is true , but it hurts, pains a lot that when the 21st century is just two years away, we all think like neolithic age men.
- From: r.ravi (@ m33.pppmad.vsnl.net.in)
on: Thu Jan 1 12:56:11 EST 1998
To Sathya :
Well excellent sathya ! Just great. The analysis was upto the mark. The threshold set by raja ( 125 films a year etc) are the ones that other music directors must try to emulate. Any way no chance for others , for the GOD of music is too much for others to handle.
- From: vijay (@
on: Sat Jan 3 03:05:22 EST 1998
regarding the first point u have mentioned about IR regarding his background and community etc.,this is one of the main reasons which makes me like him even better more so as a peronality rather than as a MD.
coming from a village without proper education,without having enough money for proper food,playing in party meetings for a living.
whereas rahman has had good musical education in U.S and is apparently from a well ff family.
if we consider all this then IR's rise is meteoric.as i had mentioned before in a separate thread his life is like a film story and can be made into a film.he is a role model for all aspiring youngsters in every walk of life.he has
shown what dedeication ,commitment and hard work
can do to a man's career.people should consider all this when comparing him with others.
he has really been gifted and is a genius,no doubt.
- From: r.ravi (@ m32.pppmad.vsnl.net.in)
on: Sat Jan 3 12:53:50 EST 1998
Guys to be frank, I consider Ilayaraaja as my guru in aspects of my life. Professional, personal, family etc. His professionalism and dedication is just something we youngsters ought to emulate in our life. I many times wonder, what if Ilayaraaja was endowed with a gift to write software than music. Thats it, he must have given IBM and Microsoft a run for their money. He must have sat on par with Dennis Ritchie and Kerninghan. Do not argue that IR and companies like Microsoft cant be compared, Microsoft is a one man show run by the vision of a single man BILL GATES. So, once again all the above works out only if by chance ILAYARAAJA wrote software than music.Just a imagination. Take in a lighter sense softies.
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Mon Jan 5 13:28:01 EST 1998
To T.Madhan :
I can't believe what you wrote about Maestro and Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer. SSI had spoken about IR in glowing terms at the Music Academy when U.Srinivas played IR's compositions. Listen to it on the cassette (not on CD).
I refuse to believe that caste is a factor for IR's non-popularity. IR annually hosts navarathiri at his house and I know for a fact that carnatic music stalwarts like Lalgudi Jayaraman and TVG go to play at IR's house without fail.
- From: r.ravi (@ m32.pppmad.vsnl.net.in)
on: Thu Jan 15 13:18:26 EST 1998
FLASH ! FLASH !!. SYmphony is to be released on April 14th at Chennai, and the Chief Minister Mr.M.Karunanidhi will recieve the first copy of it from Ilayaraaja. Musicians are to fly from London to play the symphony at Kamaraj Memorial Hall, Chennai. The above news was confirmed by people at Pyramid audios to my friend who runs a Audio Centre. Guys have any other news, please pour in. I will try to Get more details.
- From: Guru Prasad (@ pezzuto-g2.pharm.uic.edu)
on: Tue Jan 20 02:40:46 EST 1998
Dear Ilayaraja fans (madhan, ravi, sathya etc.,)
It was a delight going thru your arguments about IR's talents and how others have backstabbed our GURU.
First i would like to express my sincere thanks to madhan who blasted Rajini in his response. Frankly all those were my opinion and i keep arguing with my friends here about this craze for rajini and all their stupidity. Just look at that guy's films - none of them has a message. In all his movies he acts either like a bufoon or a mechanic or orphan or some crap.Then he keeps repeating some dialogue for which the front benchers run into a thunderous applause. In all his movies he comes as either an auto driver ( sometimes taxi if the story has to be different) or server etc. But the girl he falls in love(or rather she falls for him) is a multi millionaire's only daughter and her father would have been the person who killed Rajini's father. This he comes to know just before interval. Then he vows to his Mom that he would take revenge. All of a sudden (after a few minutes of relief during the interval) the hero is an IAS or IPS officer with a great friend like Sharath Babu who helped him to study that much. He kills the villain and marries his daughter. Mean while guys like Senthil just keep coming on and off in the movies (in the so called humour filled scenes) and says Guruve bla....bla...bla... I am sorry this is Raja's site and i am bringing in Rajini into this. But this was just to add to Madhan's comments about Rajini. And this fellow has the guts to comment about Raja without looking at his own back. What do they do under the sun?? Have fun with the heroines. Just imagine Meena acted as his daughter in amovie and now she is his heroine and maybe sometime later as hi mother too(like Sri Vidya).Useless fellows.
I am sorry, I might be hurting the feelings of some of the fans of Rajini but it's high time they realize their folly.
Raja is the greatest and there is no question about it. So many have ditched him and there is no doubht about it. Lets not talk about those idiots rather lets start analysing and talking about Raja's hundreds of melodious numbers.
The comments from Sathya is exactly my opinion. Great job Sathya.
I think i shall have some more news about Raja's when my friend comes back from India tomorrow. In fact he might have met Raja as he knows Karthik raja's friend very well.
Sorry guys if i was harsh at any point. I am new to this site.
- From: S. Thirupathy (@
on: Sat Jan 31 06:02:33 EST 1998
Dear Sathya !
Sathyama solren it was a great write-up about Ilayaraja, a man whosse music gives peace to me in all occasions.
I don't want to beleive anything on Raja's failure, B'se I am the one who has strong feeling that Raja is still (ever) on the TOP.
PEPSI Uma was quoting that she rates Raja as the greatest in the World.
Even if you hear any nasty or baseless comment on Rajas work, ask those JADAMS to see 'Kadalukku Mariyadhai'. If they are going to pass on any more comment, No way I can conclude that all are having severe problems with their EAR (AR).
I don't agree with my friend's view about Semmangudis treatment towards Raja, No... it might not be. He has got good respect on Raja.
Thanks and Congrats Sathya. Dear Guruprasad I would be grateful to you if I get more info about SYMPHONY.
And I pray Almighty for Raja to get World wide Recognition for his talented and faithful work.
Eager to see some more info in the same site !
Keep listening melodies of Raja.
Musically yours,
- From: Srini Murthy (@ gate13.ny.us.ibm.com)
on: Sat Jan 31 20:29:11 EST 1998
I see a reference here for Ilayaraja's web page.
Can someone give me the name for the same.
- From: Pugazhendhi (@ ww-td04.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Feb 3 15:52:22 EST 1998
Hey Guys After going through all the above I want to tell all you people that it is not all these people who are rejecting Ilayaraja, but it is that Mastero who is now not willing to score for number of people. I am able to make that statement with confidance because I have got some friends in the cine field.
Hey Guys If u have an oppourtunity try to listen Karuvelam Pookal by raja its too good. Its all folk songs.
U'll also like Poovarasam Poove in Kadavul.
There was an article in Vikadan on the date of release of Symphony which will be on the Tamil New Year where the RPH Orchetera is going to replay it in Chennai. Simultaneously he might release his second volume of his Symphony.
I think Raja is going to score for next Rajni move along with Maruda Nayagam.
Rehman is not a Music Director but he is a good Sound Engineer.
If Deva is copying from local music Directors, rehman is copying it from Yaani, and other Western people
- From: Venkat (@ m_33_67.pppmad.vsnl.net.in)
on: Wed Feb 4 10:38:08 EST 1998
Yes, what pugazhendi wrote is 100% right. but still we cannot compare Ilayaraja with other crackpots. always remember "empty vessels make noise".
Though the symphony was not released, we've had enough symphony bits in most of the songs. Take the case of "Ennulae Ennulae pala minnal ..." song from Valli. But still we would like to wait for the release of the symphony.
- From: R.ANGU SELVAN (@
on: Fri Feb 6 02:50:38 EST 1998
To all Raja Fans,
I do agree with whatever you people said.
But look at the otherway. Raja need not score for
the highly idiotic screenplay and expressionless
actors. He can bring out his best instead of giving variety for the same situation for the nth
- From: Anand Subramanian (@
on: Sun Feb 8 11:43:42 EST 1998
It is really good to see that inspite of the
whole cine industry dropping IR just like
that, people like us are still with him.
It gives me great releif that people like
me are still there, after going thru above
Hope the discussion continues.......
- From: Nithin sreedevan (@ nc.pr.mcs.net)
on: Sun Feb 8 16:05:59 EST 1998
Is it true Rajadhi Raja is releasing more symphones? Bery bery yeageryly baiting por a reply. (Just yexcited!)
- From: GAUTHEMEN (@ proxy5.jaring.my)
on: Wed Feb 18 02:41:16 EST 1998
I like rajas picture very much but he gives all his pictures a dramatic vision
- From: k.r.ravi (@ m32.pppmad.vsnl.net.in)
on: Fri Feb 20 02:59:45 EST 1998
Hello guys, its a long time, but i am just back.
Well, here in chennai it is almost "Kaadhalukku Mariyaadhai " wave. Well, in the theatre, the response raja gets in some scenes for his background score is unbelievable. Probably, this is the first time i saw people responding to background score. I have seen the movie many times just to hear the background score. After the first 45 minutes, its music all the way. Well, to sum it up, fazil has told a beautiful story to raja and raja has in turn told the story to the audience with his magical music. Above all the songs are just great. Probably this film can be used as a lesson to all the other music directors as to what a background score is. And, fazil has proved once again that he is a director par excellence. This movie has come as a awakening to people who depend on too much visuals, special effects, computers, to make their movies a success. Kudos to the fazil team.
The climax scene music is just mind boggling, even fazil must have had a tear or two seeing that sequence.Well, coming to the topic, SYMPHONY is going to be released on april 14th at kamarajar hall, chennai.Musicians are to fly from LONDON to play that live. I have already ordered the CD's from pyramid audio.Its a six volume pack. Let the great day dawn as soon as possible.
- From: Nandakumar (@ brk-25-116.tm.net.my)
on: Sat Mar 7 21:52:58 EST 1998
Hi everyone outthere !
Illaiyaraja has done it again in Kadhalukku Mariyaadai. Like K.R.Ravi I also have watched the movie so many times in my computer. If its not for Raja i would not have spent 35 dollars to buy the original VCD. What a way to introduce Hariharan by Illaiyaraja. The combination is going to be a lethal one for long long time to come. o.k. I admit that i could not control my tears in the climax scene ! oh Raja neenga vaangi vantha varam appidi. keep it up. Oru pattam poochi paadalil 2nd stanza will simply take you to heaven. I can skip my meals no problem i cant stop lisetning to Rajas songs. He is one of those kohinoor gems.
- From: Madhan (@
on: Sat Mar 7 23:58:17 EST 1998
Yenangappa idhu , Pyramid Audios sent me a reply for an earlier e-mail that I had sent to them - they had informed me that they KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE RELEASE OF THIS SYMPHONY AND ASKED ME TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THEM SO THAT THEY WILL INFORM ME IF THEY COME TO KNOW OF IT - THIS WAS FROM THE LONDON, UK BRANCH OF PYRAMID AUDIO. Onnummaey puriyalai - aalaalukku vevveru news koduthhu oru veruppu.
Can many of us send mails to Pyramid Audios and arrive at a proper answer ?
please do send the e-mails for the sake of fans like us.
e-mail address of pyramid :
Yedhaavadhu seiyungappaa.
- From: Anand Subramanian (@
on: Sun Mar 15 09:43:40 EST 1998
Hello friends,
I am new to this discussions, but the topic is a very very curious for me since days.
Yes..let's do something about this as madan
said to find out what is really happening on
the great maestro's symphony..please..
what do u all say?
By the way did any of u had a chance
to read article in 'Ananda Vikadan' about
Raja's symphony sometime back?
- From: k.r.ravi (@ 218.houston-03.tx.dial-access.att.net)
on: Sat Mar 21 01:49:18 EST 1998
Well, madhan, i am shocked to hear your response. Actually the news was conveyed to me by a friend while i was in INDIA. Anyway, i will try to contact him and confirm it.
Nandakumar :
Hi nanda, great to know that you appreciated that movie and BGM. Well i saw the movie in my computer while i was in INDIA , it was a pirated one. Do you get original VCD of "Kadhlaukku Mariyaadhai " here in the U.S ? If so please give me the detalis.
- From: Nithin (@ nc.pr.mcs.net)
on: Tue Apr 7 01:06:13 EDT 1998
Will Ragadevan ever release THE symphony. I want this work to be know all over the universe as THE SYMPHONY. I know IR is waiting for the moment.
- From: shankar (@
on: Sat Apr 11 03:54:35 EDT 1998
hi friends,
I'm back.Please give me more about our thalaivar's symphony.
Mr.Madhan ...remember me (shankar from MOTOROLA )
do send mails to fd94701@bits-pilani.ac.in
Mr.ravi ....do drop some mails on this topic (symphony)
- From: vasu (@
on: Wed Apr 22 00:38:26 EDT 1998
Hi all,
Is symphony over? Please inform me.
- From: Job V Tholath (@ proxy4.emirates.net.ae)
on: Thu Apr 23 06:51:48 EDT 1998
Great page !
I hope Ilayaraja himself has seen this page. It analyses his life / his music / his popularity / his justification etc.. without any bias . It will be easier for him to analyse about what people feel about 'The great' even when he is not as popular as in 80's.
Everyone including his friends in cine field / public like / fans know that he can not be compared with anyone in Indian film music.
Thanks for hosting this page and many thanks to the writers of the contents.
Is there any way of communicating with the great.
- From: Venkat (@
on: Sat May 9 13:33:42 EDT 1998
No one has discussed about Vairamuthu's departure from Raja's company and its influence on Raja's music. Raja is a great gifted musician but when it comes to serving public one has to adjust and understand the people surrounding him. They (Raja-Vairamuthu) could have delivered more to us if they have worked together. Always poets are short tempered persons. But they have lot more stuff in them and great musicians only can dig out of them.
- From: Joseph George (@ 196-31-20-232.iafrica.com)
on: Fri May 15 06:41:11 EDT 1998
Hi everyone,
Will someone contact me to work together on a website on Illairaaja? My address is
- From: Chandrasekar (@ ww-ta04.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sat May 16 12:25:25 EDT 1998
I am new to this discussion. Whatever sathya says is 100% true. Nobody can achieve even 1/4 th of
what he achieved. Also he did the wonders in 70's and 80's when there was no technical advancements in recording (dts etc). Not even stereo. I heard that Priya is the first ever film in tamil recorded in stereo. Kannadasan and Vali are all senior poets in tamil cinema. When IR can work with all of them peacefully, why not with Vairamuthu. So it is not the problem with IR.
Now after more than 20 years, he need not do many films (so called masalas). Once in a while if he does movies like kadaluku mariyadhai, that is enough. I wish IR should do more albums like Nothing but wind and how to name it.
- From: Sujatha Chandrasekaran (@ ww-tk01.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed May 20 15:30:29 EDT 1998
Hi friends,
I am also new to this discussion. I admire Sathya's writings (Except that 'prestige issue')
Why should Raja adjust with that 100 foxes?
If he does so, then we can't call him as 'lion'.
Here, I remember a proverb. "Puli Pasiththalum
Pullai Thingathu". Raja eppavumae Rajadhan.
Kottai illae, Kulium illae, appavum avar Rajadhan.
This is not a loss for our Raja. But our Indian
film industry has lost that wonderful musician.
What a pity! How disgraceful it is!
I know our Raja's address. If anybody wants to
have contact with him, write to the following
Dr. Ilayaraja,
Plot no.38,
Murugesan St.,
T. Nagar,
Chennai 600017.
I expect more details about our Raja from all of
you friends.
Thanx a lot to everybody participating in this
interesting discussion.
- From: j. pon singh (@
on: Sat May 23 06:30:19 EDT 1998
Hi Sathya,
Realy a great work. I appriciate your efforts on this page. I am a fan of IR and I enjoyed reading your research on IR. Keep continiuing....
- From: nathan (@
on: Sun May 24 04:57:02 EDT 1998
hi every body . i am new to this site....anyway can some one help .....please ...how can i get the great ilayaraja's album. nothing but wind, how to name it and vedic chants......can someone help me ...please e-mail me at anna124@yahoo.com..pls ........at this place i would like to express something.........thats nobody in this world can be as good as ilayaraja...
- From: Gopinath Rajee (@ cnnib102-34.splitrock.net)
on: Sat May 30 01:02:30 EDT 1998
I'am n newbie to this site. I thouroughly enjoyed this discussion.
I would like to point out one important topic which is missing when MD's talents r 2 b comapred.
I'am referring 2 the BACKGROUND score, a comparative debate has not been done in any of the threads. (have u heard of the ANJALI background score, the background score for the manirathnam-Nagarjun movie - the same is
in Nothing but wind).
Xcept for Ravi 's thread I havent read any others.
And undoubtedly, with respect 2 the background score there cannot b an another
IR ( Kadhlikku Mariyadhai as ravi says is 2 good).
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