Topic started by Arun (@ internet1.ford.com) on Wed Jun 25 12:54:08 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: MSK (@ marimuth-nt.qualcomm.com)
on: Wed Aug 5 21:58:25 EDT 1998
Hey Srikanth,
I mentioned your name to just make a point for example. Sorry if that was wrong in any way ..
- From: kavalan (@ proxy1.ksc.net.th)
on: Thu Aug 6 02:28:38 EDT 1998
Uyire songs songs like IR songs for me. I am not telling he had copied IR songs but the style is IR style.. don't u think so people? Even ARR has now found out that if he had to be great he have to follow IR style.
FRom kavalan
- From: Srinath (@ socks14d.raleigh.ibm.com)
on: Thu Aug 6 10:45:31 EDT 1998
All these fights over MDs and their music reminds me of an 'eminent quote' from one of my college seniors who was a singer in the troupe ! During every practice session we used to have heated arguments over various things like somebody making a mistake or somebody not being dedicated enough or something or the other. Seeing this, one day the singer commented wryly, "Our practice sessions are becoming more and more like Rajnikanth's movie - Anju paatu, anju fightu (5 songs and 5 action sequences)" !!! Cool down guys !
- From: k.r.ravi (@ 33.birmingham-04.al.dial-access.att.net)
on: Tue Aug 11 01:25:05 EDT 1998
LOL srinath.
- From: SR Kaushik (@ banjo.cs.iitm.ernet.in)
on: Wed Aug 12 05:50:24 EDT 1998
Hi everyoe I am an ardent IR fan but also appreciate other good MDs like ARR, etc.
I have always been interested in the IR vs ARR chain. From ARR's point of view, there are a few stumbling blocks which convince me that he will not last long.
Although his intial output was excellent, nowadays he appears to have lost out on inspiration. And , mark my point, this is so inspite of working for big budget movies and guys like Mani Ratnam who never failed to inspire IR. This is clear bcos Bombay and Dil Se are far short of Roja and Thiruda Thiruda. This unlike IR whose every Mani film had superlative songs.
ARR's Wc pieces clearly indicate a loss of inspiration - thiruda thiruda had magnificent WC pieces but aftert that, his WC pieces have been rather average. His main interests seem to me to be in rhythm oriented music as he comes up with innovative beats even now.
- From: kiruba (@ slipper.watcom.on.ca)
on: Fri Aug 14 16:25:54 EDT 1998
This one is for Srikanth to respond :-)
Why do you think ARR uses all the techniques and styles you have eruditely recognised and mention here ? Lack of Creativity ??
(For some strange reason I am reminded of the Indian culture's obsession with breadth of knowledge than creativity)
Is ARR popular people liked the novelty of his music ?
(just not taunting you :-))
- From: raja m (@ spider-te083.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Aug 14 21:34:17 EDT 1998
ARR is popular, because he is good. :))
The only place I hope he doesnt reach by an accident web search is DF.
- From: Ravi (@ envy.cs.umass.edu)
on: Fri Aug 14 22:40:14 EDT 1998
raja m: Try searching for tamil film music on the web. :-).
- From: Srikanth (@ slip-32-101-16-201.il.us.ibm.net)
on: Fri Aug 14 23:26:44 EDT 1998
Can you define creativity?
- From: GreatQuotes (@ 103.orlando-06.fl.dial-access.att.net)
on: Sun Aug 16 03:06:14 EDT 1998
Hi Srikanth,
Here are some quotations from great people who have said something about creativity. Hope it is of some help in the ongoing discussions.
Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun - ~ Mary Lou Cook ~
Creativity is essentially a lonely art. An even lonelier struggle. To some a blessing. To
others a curse. It is in reality the ability to reach inside yourself and drag forth from your
very soul an idea - ~ Lou Dorfsman ~
It is wise to learn; it is God-like to create.-
~ John Saxe ~
- From: venus (@ 26.los-angeles-08.ca.dial-access.att.net)
on: Sun Aug 16 22:11:35 EDT 1998
Indha pediungal innum ore definition
Seeing the things(concepts, objects, ideas) like others but think entirely differently (leaving others imgination no way near ...) but constructively.
(This definition is not my original, I read somewhere)
Einestein, newton saw the same phenomena but thought differently. But Einestein's creative idea on mass energy relation used destructively though
This is just a analogy.
I hope this can be applied in any field (including
Whoever does this should be recognised and appreciated without prejudice.
There maybe some incidents like Akila, Akila. As far as Tamil makkal are concerned , deva thought differently but if you see , really he thought differently to download the tune to Tamil Nadu.
Still anybody can argue that lot of Tamil MD's listened to that song but deva thought differently
to take the tune to the unaware mass.
Is it healthy situation or not . That is a different ?(million dollar ?. sorry million rupees ? we need to ask deva how many millions)
- From: kiruba (@ slipper.watcom.on.ca)
on: Mon Aug 17 22:02:44 EDT 1998
Nobody can understate Ilayaraja's work as himself. He has said, that music is nothing but a new permutation and combination or something to that effect. But I think his music is more than that.
I do beleive that Rehman is a talented guy. Let me digress for a while, you are probably aware that in a society you have producers/creators, consumers and vendors. To me Rehman is bordering on the line between creator/vendor and Ilaiyaraja is surely in the creator category. (Deva would surely fall in the vendor category :-). The guy has to lift the most popular Bob Marley song in nErukku nEr)
All those people who came up with the defintion for creativity (thanks guys) will hopefully help me out again.
BTW, I dont beleive in worshipping personalities. But I beleive in fairness. Ilaiyaraja is one of the guys whom I am proud to say 'engal mannil pirandhavan'. Maybe I will be convinced about ARR too that way sometime later but not yet !!!
Call me music-ignorant or whatever, I just dont care. En arivukku ettiyadhai solgirEn..
(how come I am talking too much tamil today :-))
- From: Srikanth (@
on: Tue Aug 18 09:34:08 EDT 1998
HI Kiruba,
I agree 100% with you, I have put the same thoughts here sometime ago, check for old postings on any ir vs arr fight.
I put this on the types of MDs evoling around.
(btw: with these ideas you dont seemed to be a music ignorant, do you know the guitarist Prasana by any chance, he is one who explained me first and it was 100% same wordings you have used.)
- From: kiruba (@ slipper.watcom.on.ca)
on: Tue Aug 18 12:10:08 EDT 1998
Are you from IIT, Madras 85-89 batch by any chance ?
BTW, I should stay out of this thread it is not fair to bash Rehman. He is a talented guy. We need people like him to keep Ilayaraja inspired :-) Otherwise he (IR) tends to fall into boredom. Competition is the key to excellence. Look at the American auto industry - it is now responding well to the Japanese imports (though not that well). This wouldnt have happened if the domestic industry had been protected from foreign competition.
- From: Murali Sankar (@
on: Wed Aug 19 15:28:40 EDT 1998
Yei, Ennappa Enga poguthu route? Numma topic pathi konjam pesunga!! mmmm!!!
- From: Udhaya (@
on: Wed Aug 19 21:10:01 EDT 1998
adakkappaarkkum maanidarae
ennae um aanavam
- From: Shibu TN (@
on: Thu Aug 20 16:23:05 EDT 1998
Aren't we giving more importance than necessary to Rehman by comparing him to the Maestro?
Tell ARR to go to hell. Our KING is there to create music for the world, we we are here to listen to his music.
- From: balaji (@ denver.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Fri Aug 21 10:51:14 EDT 1998
well said. rahman has too much hype on his side.
most of his cassette sales are only by his and the
film's name. whereas IR must do wonders to push his
songs to the top of the charts.
- From: ARR (@ proxy2c.emirates.net.ae)
on: Tue Aug 25 07:20:12 EDT 1998
if ir is the only md then it would be only his hc fans listening the world wont even bother, even if he was the last resort!
balaji: ir has to make wonders to push, you said that!
now tell me if a person has to make wonders than he is just a normal md. but ARR fans do'nt say he has to do wonders because we know what ever he makes is a wonderand moreovernowadays people are not dumb to judge "a book by its cover"
- From: shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Thu Aug 27 07:48:54 EDT 1998
I think u r also one among those fooled by the hype that was made during the release of all ARR albums.
VM was released in 27 countries.I donno how many people bought it :-))
In india at least in TN i heard a lot of people saying it's a waste.
I agree people r not dumb enough to "judge a book by its cover" but the success of ARR songs stand testimony for their being dumb enough to "re-read different edition of the same book".
- From: balaji (@ g219.grainger.uiuc.edu)
on: Thu Aug 27 12:26:07 EDT 1998
ARR: do u know that for KM, the sales went up
a lot after the songs started appearing in the
movie and in TV, whereas, in normal ARR albums,
like jeans, the sales is unprecedented on the
first few days of the release of the audio cassette. BTW, i was also like one of them, i bought "Mr.Romeo" the day it was released and
never repeated that mistake. about IR doing
wonders, the wonder is from our point of view,
not from IR's. IR once said that he has been
serving only pickles till now, what will people
say if he could serve a full meal!! it came in kalki , i think. IR's name does not spell success
in album sales any more, whereas ARR does, this is what i was coming to say. name precedes the quality of music in the album.
- From: Sreeni (@ unknown-196-133.beasys.com)
on: Thu Aug 27 16:07:29 EDT 1998
Interesting that IR's full meal came in a movie for which Deva composed the music!
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