about Ilayaraaja
Topic started by Gopal (@ host-207-53-4-173.atl.bellsouth.net) on Wed Oct 15 18:28:32 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- From: Gopal (@ host-207-53-4-173.atl.bellsouth.net)
on: Wed Oct 15 18:33:13 EDT 1997
I wish to have the foll info about IR:
1. Year of birth (I know he is a gemini born on 2nd June)
2. Total no. of movies as of date.(A no. would do)( I have Dev Man's list and I wish to update the same)I know movie no 700 is Ejamaan, Can someone get me names of movies 725, 750 etc.,If you can collect the movie names between 700 and the latest one, kindly email the list to me.
3. His non-film albums/performances (like HTNI, NBW, I24, Vedic Chants, Geethanjali, Panchamukhi Any more? (forget the symphony no. 1 which we may have to forget eventually, I presume!!))
4. Any english movie besides Bloodstone?
5. Is Priya, the first tamil stereo music/movie??
6. Any other notable performances, achievements, information,etc., in his film /music career?
Further, I wish to know about IRs vedic recitation album titled "Vedic Chantings". Year of release, availability in US/India, etc., In this regard, I found this observation by one Srini Pichumani, in the url http://www.synflux.com.au/~mohan/articles/vedicrecitation.
Among non-traditional recitations, recordings of Vedic material that I have come across, I have found only Ilayaraja's, Balamurali's efforts commendable... they seem to have done their homework right,so to say... and don't let their musical genius intrude too much in their attempts... here, I am thinking of a cassette put out by Ilayaraja called Vedic chanting which has recitations and a few assorted stuff...and Balamurali's sAmagAna at the beginning and end of a concert in the Music Academy in the late 70s............
Can someone throw more info on this??
Guys, I need your help!! Kindly get back !! You may even quote the urls that contain some info about IR !!!
- From: pg (@ client-116-29.bellatlantic.net)
on: Wed Oct 15 19:10:39 EDT 1997
Other non-filmy albums of IR :
rAjAvin ramanamAlai
Mandolin Srinivas plays IR's classics.
Was Panchamukhi released as an album ? I think it was just a performance not released commercially.
I have all of IR's non-filmy albums except for the Symphony and Panchamukhi (if released).
I don't there is any other English movie besides Bloodstone. Do you guys know/confirm that IR recommended Rajnikanth for this movie ? Anyway this movie was a third-rate Hollywood movie - this is no achievement.
Priya is the first stereo movie. You can see IR going bonkers in this album - switching left/right channels - there is no soundstage there is only two discrete channels - nothing in between the channels !
- From: Gokul (@
on: Wed Oct 15 19:25:12 EDT 1997
He did score for a Dance program (Bharathanaatyam by a Muslim .. If I recollect
correctly) It was called RajaNadai...? (Raja something ). I dont know if it was released as an
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Wed Oct 15 19:50:53 EDT 1997
Hi TFMPage managers.
Can you please remove the . at the end of the link supplied by gOpAl.
- From: TRV (@ tvenkata.qualcomm.com)
on: Wed Oct 15 20:53:49 EDT 1997
As far as your comment on Priya goes, I
would beg to differ. I do agree that IlaiyarAjA
has really 'gone bonkers' (to borrow a term from
you) and switches channels like crazy, but there
are in-between channels too. If you listen to
the second interlude in the song "Oh Priya!" (I
think), there is a string ensemble piece which
moves side to side, from left to right. I
can distinctly remember the effect as a movement
from one side to another than just a jump from the
left channel to the right.
- From: sarath (@ )
on: Thu Mar 15 20:51:53 EST 2001
iam a great fan of IR. but unfortunately, i didnt come to hear all his work. even in film music. so if any one kind out there, do mail me
providing all the film & non film names.
that w'd be a great help for me. iam basically amusician....IR's music was the real insporation for me.
pls let me know all the work that he have done.
- From: Selva (@
on: Sat Aug 7 09:01:58 EDT 2004
hi to all
i love IR music . now i need raja in ramana malai. wher can i download. send to me downloadble link.
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