Topic started by hehehe... (@ on Wed Aug 21 17:58:59 EDT 2002.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
//all his recent movies have been flops.
Hope his luck does not rub on rajini hehehe...//
this was typed on 14th aug-before release.how true it has turned out to be!
ARR adds another feather to his flops cap.
can someone please tell us what was his last hit movie?
Even sirpy,barani etc seem to be having better hit movie ratios.what happened to that 'midas 'touch?
- From: Mumbai Ramki (@
on: Wed Aug 21 18:03:36 EDT 2002
If iam right his last hit was LAGAAN in HINDi and Thenaali (can it be considered a hit ..?)or before that Kandukondain in TAMIL..
But personally i feel Parthale paravsam was ahit ,by his standards .......But STAR ,ALLI ARjuna Terrible ,Kanathil Muthamittal was good ,but sufcient to be ahit
- From: Unmai (@
on: Wed Aug 21 18:28:19 EDT 2002
Being it is TFM, i think KK is his last hit movie. It had more than 3 good songs in it. somewhat ok BGM. Star(terrible), AA(terrible), KM(so so), PP(so so), Thenali(so so), Baba(terrible) they are all just ok. I personally feel this is the period when he focussed more on Hindi music. He just took Tamil fans for granted as he thought he got the measure of Tamil fans.
ARR is turning into a Rajini Kanth in music field who takes his fans for granted.
- From: Vj (@
on: Thu Aug 22 00:37:01 EDT 2002
"ARR is turning into a Rajini Kanth in music field who takes his fans for granted. "
Point well said... but hope it doesnt draw comments like "IR is kamal, deva is goundamani" etc etc. :-))
- From: Nijam (@
on: Thu Aug 22 00:45:48 EDT 2002
IR is Kamal? Don't flatter yourself!
IR is at most Mohan or at best Ramarajan.
- From: Speaker (@
on: Thu Aug 22 06:11:49 EDT 2002
I have noticed a trend with ARR( CITY !!) fans. When it comes to BABA they strongly advise that "it is for masses and the movie would be big hit in rural areas. Intentionally the movie is targetted like that. ...' (Here they actually want village masses to give a big helping hand so that BABA can be big hit and claim that this movie is a hit because of ARR). But at the same time they redicule IR for his village folk songs and he is unfit for TFM. Why this time the interest of rural folks is never considered.
- From: a (@
on: Thu Aug 22 07:49:43 EDT 2002
Well from my point he is a flop in city, so they are begging village hand to help ARR come back....
- From: Unmai (@
on: Thu Aug 22 12:22:00 EDT 2002
Vj!!!! No sooner you said " hope it doesnt draw comments like "IR is kamal, deva is goundamani" etc etc. :-)) " than you receieved comments like "IR is at most Mohan or at best Ramarajan.". Some it will never reach their supid heads as they say!!
- From: Unmai (@
on: Thu Aug 22 12:22:24 EDT 2002
Vj!!!! No sooner you said " hope it doesnt draw comments like "IR is kamal, deva is goundamani" etc etc. :-)) " than you receieved comments like "IR is at most Mohan or at best Ramarajan.". Some it will never reach their supid heads as they say!!
- From: Nijam (@
on: Thu Aug 22 20:53:49 EDT 2002
Unmai, don't you realise you are the most idiotic, stupid moron to ever visit this forum?
And you have the cheek to insult other people.
You are a pain.
You are a pest.
You are an idiot.
Now that all the above has been ascertained, get lost.
- From: Unmai (@
on: Thu Aug 22 21:49:06 EDT 2002
Well Nijam you are the one who appreciates IR with a Name GB and criticizes IR with a name Nijam!! Look who is talking!!.... Normal music fan won't blabber like you...
- From: Nijam (@
on: Thu Aug 22 22:47:05 EDT 2002
Another moronic statement from a jackass.
Look, I am telling you for the last time. I am not GB. I even explained this clearly, but apparently you do not understand simple English. Your shallow mind can only understand straight forward things and gets confused when it is put to a simple test.
BTW, did I tell you that you supporting IR actually brings down his stature? Get lost idiot!
- From: Vj (@
on: Fri Aug 23 06:34:45 EDT 2002
i believe ARR is going the IR way.... IR is nowadays choosy about composing for films (by his own admission).. and its better for any music lover who loves good music ... (here, comments like "IR wasnt given any movie", "IR is no more" etc etc can be posted in another thread please..my comments are not directed at fuelling the IR Vs ARR debate)and ARR himself, right from the beginning, has not accepted movies in bulk...he has become more and more choosy nowadays and u can expect trash from him if he's forced to do a movie. Good music lovers, including yours truly, are waiting for real good music once again from ARR and not the 'oh-yet-another-ARR-album" kinda.
Just to add, if you hear IR's movies of the 90s (let alone good ones), they sounded tired and repetitive... and that was the main reason ppl humled ARR readily... i feel ARR is almost in that patch, but that can only bring out the best in him as in the case of IR who strikes gold without fail whenever he's given a good platform to perform.
Sorry for the comparison, anyways.
- From: Nijam (@
on: Fri Aug 23 20:58:06 EDT 2002
i believe ARR is going the IR way.... IR is nowadays choosy about composing for films
Isn't that supposed to be IR going ARR way? ARR has ALWAYS been selective - remember he has even been criticised by some people in this forum for that.
Anyway, I don't for a minute believe that IR is being choosy. Don't jump to conclusions based on hearsay. We all know how he jumped into HeyRam when offered the opportunity.
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