Topic started by k.s.krishnan (@ on Sun Mar 19 08:50:36 EST 2000.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
dear friends, i am an upcoming singer and want to start my carreer in this line. i don't know how to start, whre to go, and how to make md's listen my voice. please advice
- From: ECHO (@
on: Mon Mar 20 13:58:51 EST 2000
go and listen to more and more songs... after u done with atleast 5000 songs u'll know where to go and what to do. or not to sing any more
- From: MS (@
on: Mon Mar 20 14:20:47 EST 2000
Cine field is a very difficult field to get in unless you are extremely lucky. HAve you been giving concerts (classical) regularly ? If not, please try gettting the concerts. this way you may get in touch with the light music groups and then you may continue with them for a while. Only if you make an impact, you may be picked by an MD to sing in films. IT is a long road. But you are young. So you can do it.
Wish you good luck.
- From: kk (@
on: Mon Mar 20 16:24:39 EST 2000
First give an audition for sun tv sapatha swarangal.
- From: aruLaracan (@
on: Mon Mar 20 16:46:24 EST 2000
that was in bad spirit.
the best in the cine field is the most easy to approach, but, i understand that person plans to cut down on fm assignments. give it a try. good luck.
- From: k.s.krishnan (@
on: Tue Mar 21 05:03:08 EST 2000
dear friends,
thanks for your friendly advices. i would surely like to follow them
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