Topic started by NaNbaN (@ barcache1.caribsurf.com) on Mon Aug 24 15:32:49 EDT 1998.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
The inerview sounds to me a different ARR. I see a decline in his attitude to make good songs and come out wiht explantions. The same 'maniac' attitude which caught IR after 16 years seems to have caught ARR as quickly as sucess his sucess. This industry seems to me as money, money, money.Hope ARR understands himself better before he thinks of audience. What you guys feel?.
Follow this link
- From: Sriram lakshman (@ sf-dnpqi-005.compuserve.net)
on: Tue Aug 25 01:24:15 EDT 1998
Hi ,
I could not access this site. Kindly advise
- From: buddy (@ synergy.nus.edu.sg)
on: Tue Aug 25 04:13:28 EDT 1998
I happened to read the interview.
Guys that guy has got so much on his head now (as well as his pockets).
He has changed a lot from what he was.
He sounds very adamant.
Watch out guys it is going to be too long for him to bite the dust.
- From: buddy (@ synergy.nus.edu.sg)
on: Tue Aug 25 04:14:39 EDT 1998
I meant
Watch out guys it is not going to be too long for him to bite the dust.
- From: MPR (@ hindsight.nodak.edu)
on: Tue Aug 25 12:06:19 EDT 1998
I don't think he has changed. May be looking
at how much money he is getting nowadays will
make you think like that, but it seems as a
person he hasn't changed much. And one more
point, he gave this interview to rediff which
is a magazine mostly concentrates on Bombay
film circuit. I think he responded quite well
to those copycats.
- From: ANJIE (@ spc-isp-tor-uas-82-88.sprint.ca)
on: Mon Sep 14 17:48:53 EDT 1998
- From: Ravi (@ sloth.cs.umass.edu)
on: Mon Sep 14 18:00:55 EDT 1998
try this:
- From: L.Karnan (@ scctn03.sp.edu.sg)
on: Wed Sep 16 00:37:06 EDT 1998
How come no questions about IR?
- From: S.P MAHENDRAN (@
on: Wed Sep 16 01:34:47 EDT 1998
What a rubbish interview by AR.He is always copy music from western countries but do not want to accept it.He is really a mamak.
- From: Srikanth (@ proxy1.dpn.deere.com)
on: Wed Sep 16 15:52:12 EDT 1998
The following interview will make Mr.S.P.Mahendarn HAPPY
How is your score go good?
ARR: Simple!, I reuse scores from western.
What do you think of Hindi MDS copying your score.
I copy they copy so we copy.
What do you thing about Deva?
Well principled Duplicator.
Why do people say all your songs sound the same?
They should try to change their ears, I am doing my best, and also my keyboard has few keys removed, so I am forced to use the same keys.
Your scores sound like Enigma?
Is it so! Who is enigma or what is enigma, (With an innocent tone)
I have heard only my score since my birth.
Why do you take so long to do a song?
I need do a good study on the song, also Hindi MDS lift my score before it is released.so
if needed you can hear thru them.
What about Illayaraja ?
Nothing Much, he is a great musician, I wish he comes back and chases me out.
What next?
(smiles) Depends on Enigma, Phil Collins etc, They have to set my inspiration.
All the best Mr.Ar.
- From: Quick Gun Murugan a.k.a Srinath (@ 206-93-59.ipt.aol.com)
on: Wed Sep 16 21:03:52 EDT 1998
I can understand your frustration :-) But I must grant you this - you have a fantastic sense of humour !
I have been watching your posts for sometime. Though you always refer to IR as God,etc., you have not drawn much flak from anyone because you did not draw any other MD into your postings. Unfortunately, you have now started criticising ARR openly. I can only request you to stop 'explicit' bashing of other MDs. To put it simply - if you shout at ARR, everyone will shout at IR. Please do not shout at ARR. Only praise IR. OK wa ? ;-)
"What to do ? We are like this only ?"
- From: NOV (@
on: Wed Sep 16 21:57:22 EDT 1998
Srinath - You are a riot!
My admiration for your postings grow day by day. I can't believe that you are only in your early 20s. :-))))
BTW, what is this "Quick Gun Murugan?"
- From: GV (@ d40-fx01-lond-pdi.attcanada.net)
on: Wed Sep 16 22:03:46 EDT 1998
Keep it up guys! At the end of a long day, it is so interesting (and relaxing) to go through this thread.
- From: balaji (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Sep 16 22:18:21 EDT 1998
quick gun murugan is the hero of "sambar westerns" , just like spagetti westerns. he is in the league of clint eastwood!!!! looks like danny devito and the characterization itself is very funny. we do need this thread to keep some humour going. u can also refer to ARR in KM thread.
srikanth: what u have written is what should be said by ARR in SP.Mahendran's dreams. let me write about what IR will probably have to say in ur dreams:(this is just a joke)
Sri: vanakkam.
IR : vanakkam.
S: how do u rate ur songs??
IR : why should i do it?? there are people who think my songs are ultimate.
S: but in reality ,are all of ur songs good?
IR: some of the best songs i liked were criticized as bad. some songs which i composed in haste are claimed to be good. i think only 25% of my songs are good.
S: why did you not accept this fact before?
IR: otherwise u will not be interviewing me now.
S: do you accept that you copy , especially from SDB?
IR: yes, sure. but my fans will quickly term them as "inspirations".
S: what about deva and ARR?
IR: they learnt the trick of the trade from me and have overtaken me.
S: what do you think about ur songs being copied into hindi films?
IR: from where they come, they go to .
S: do you think you deserve the "isaignani" title?
IR: i am detached from the title as much as vairamuthu from "kaviyarasu".
S: why are people feeling that the quality of your music has gone down recently?
IR: the number of supporters i had is decreasing and people are beginning to listen to other music as well.
S: nanri.
finally srikanth wakes up from his dreams to find more people at his throat in the "dabba songs" threads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- From: Srikanth (@ slip-32-101-16-193.il.us.ibm.net)
on: Thu Sep 17 08:31:42 EDT 1998
Balaji: He he!
I wish I could talk to Raja.
in reality. I have more questions (musically)
Good to see some humor here, after a big session of verbal war.
- From: balaji (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Thu Sep 17 11:52:27 EDT 1998
i think one will be too much overawed by IR to conduct any decent interview. so if u get to talk with him, u might forget all ur questions!!
- From: SR Kaushik (@ elroy.cs.wisc.edu)
on: Thu Sep 17 19:28:00 EDT 1998
Balaji, That's true - I experienced it, man!! I had been to his recording with the full intention of asking him some questions like - why he uses the piano and other WC instruments so less?, why doesn't he bring out an album with BGM scores?, etc., but I was so awed by the man that I could merely mutter out a question about his symphony. Seeing him at work is an experience in itself - one thing that strikes you is his immense concentration which is the main cause of his great output, I think.
- From: venkat (@ lpcat102.oardc.ohio-state.edu)
on: Fri Sep 18 15:04:31 EDT 1998
NaNbaN is right. I too felt that ARR answers seemed a bit arrogant and callous. 'Chinne Chinne aasha' from Roja is a direct lift from an Italian album. 'Thillana Thillana' song begins with a music bit that is straight lift from 'Deep Forest' album. There is no doubt that ARR is talented but most of his songs are short lived and western oriented, which is one of the reason youth enjoys them. However, the big melody makers are IR, KV Mahadevan, MSV, etc. Of these melody makers only IR is still hanging around to this day.
- From: V. Shekhar (@ lockhart.cs.berkeley.edu)
on: Sun Sep 20 16:37:52 EDT 1998
To Venkat:
Befor you make any blatant comments, you should support yourself. Can you tell me the name of the Italian Album that Chinni Chinni Asai is copied from???
Before, someone said it was copied from a japanese album, then someone remarked that it was a copy of an icelandic song, and now , you claim that it is a copy of an italian song. Yeah, right, sure:)
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