Topic started by easwaran Hariharan (@ amex.proxy.lucent.com) on Fri Aug 15 11:43:59 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: bb (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Mar 17 00:23:44 EST 1999
karthi: i don't see any special way of PS's singing to match kushbu in poo pookkum maasam. how can u sweepingly say that her voice "matched" kushbu?
- From: karthi (@ lab6.theatrium.net)
on: Wed Mar 17 01:49:15 EST 1999
bb, did I say PS changed her voice to suit Kushboo? come on balaji, Why don't you read my posting again and understand the underlying tone when I said that? I said it only evokes surprise when you find her voice matching almost all the heroines. There's no other singer in India whose voice could so naturally match as I said almost all the heroines.
- From: bb (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Mar 17 02:18:53 EST 1999
yes, pray tell me, how does PS's voice match kushboo? or which heroine will her voice not match? and don't chitra & SJ's voices match kushboo? if they also do, then is ur observation a bit relevant to the topic?
- From: karthi (@ lab6.theatrium.net)
on: Wed Mar 17 02:31:33 EST 1999
I think you need to re-look the title: it's not about whose voice will match Kushboo's - it's who's the best of the three. The singer's voice must match the artiste's - this is what you call play back singing. Ofcourse with expression. If you take this alone into account among others then PS scores by leaps and bounds.
Now that you have asked it let me tell you how even if SJ's and Chitra's voices match Kushboo's, how well it's still relevant to the topic - it's a matter of whose voice suits the best.
Enakku oNNu mattum theriyudhu: you seem to know my weakness! nErla vaa pathukkarEn :-))
- From: bb (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Mar 17 02:42:45 EST 1999
again, karthi, tell me, how does PS score by leaps and bounds against SJ and chitra, when it comes to matching kushbooooooooooooooooooo
nErla thaanE, let us meet at mumbai masala sometime:-)
- From: rajaG (@ kcecfp01.sprint.com)
on: Wed Mar 17 09:55:28 EST 1999
bb has hit upon the point which I was trying to make earlier too. I think you have a bias for PS and are showering her with qualities and 'discovering' unique or exceptional qualities in her singing. PS has done hundreds of songs which belong to the genre of naaLai indha vELai paarththu and poo pookkum maasam. And you find distinct qualities for vaaNisree and Khushboo respectively in those two songs!. Gimme a break.
C'mon Karthi, if you are the biggest fan of PS, Good! more power to you. But don't place your opinions as if they are facts. Let me repeat what I said earlier. I have not heard as many PS songs as you have. But in my exposure to her singing, I HAVE found that she expresses the song fairly based on lyrics, tune, situation etc and I HAVE NOT found any link to the specific actress (in any case DEFINITELY NOT to the level you seem to find).
BTW, is your weakness PS or Khusboo?
- From: bb (@ compq1.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Mar 17 10:37:09 EST 1999
rajaG, spare poor old karthi... his weakness is for PS only... khushboo en (namma?) weakness:-))))))
- From: chandy (@
on: Wed Mar 17 10:37:44 EST 1999
Karthi, that PooPookum Osai example was ridiculous!!
Female voices of actress do not show much variation as compared to male voices. While it is very easy to differentiate between the voices of MGR/Shivaji/Kamal etc, its relatively not that simple in case of actresses (I'm referring to the voice per se, not the style of dialogue delivery and the modulations). Hence it is very easy for a female singer to sing for a number of actresses, while for male singers, the freedom isnt that high. TMS had to change his voice a to suit MGR / Shivaji whereas there was little such need for PS to change her voice to suit the actresses.
But, if you look at Janaki, you can easily find her "changing" and "adapting" her voice to different actresses... be it silk smita, or a child's voice, or other actresses, Janaki could perform better!!
- From: chandy (@
on: Wed Mar 17 10:38:45 EST 1999
Errata : The song in my last posting is "poo pookum maasam", and not "poo pookum oosai"!!
- From: bb (@ compq1.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Mar 17 10:42:21 EST 1999
how about opening a new thread and discussing on which singer matches heroines the best? my vote goes for bhava:-)))))))))))))
- From: karthi (@ lab3.theatrium.net)
on: Wed Mar 17 11:05:20 EST 1999
I think you have to be a little more polite in commenting on my opinion chandy. What if I said you lacked the sense of judgement?
RajaG and bb, it's PS who is both my weakness and strength!!!
- From: Srinath (@ ss01.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Wed Mar 17 11:08:37 EST 1999
Your statement might well be true, considering that we don't have a clue as to what the heroines will sound like in person ! Come to think of it, all female singers sing in a falsetto - then how could it match anyone ? Was the match like "fat people have base voices" or "short people have squeaky voices" ???? And Khushboo of all people ! Gawd !!! Ever heard her speak ? :-)) She sounds like a young boy ! But then she didn't become a heroine for her voice, did she ? ;-))
- From: Srinath (@ ss01.nc.us.ibm.com)
on: Wed Mar 17 11:14:29 EST 1999
And this I know for certain - even if TMS' voice resembled Sivaji Ganesan's, by no stretch of the imagination could he have modulated his voice to sound like M.G.R !!! Leave that stuff to the Mayilsamys ;-)))
- From: bb (@ schubert.crhc.uiuc.edu)
on: Wed Mar 17 11:20:30 EST 1999
karthi, boost..che...PS might be the secret of ur energy, but nee ippadi pannaradhaalE avanga image uyarap pOradhillai, unfortunately.
- From: rajaG (@ kcecfp02.sprint.com)
on: Wed Mar 17 11:26:12 EST 1999
Karthi and Srinath,
Besides was'nt Sarita doing the dubbing for almost all the heroines at one point in time. When I listen to the heroines, most of the time they have the annoying squeaky (I love this idiot.....) kind of voice. TMS and SPB - I'm going to address in the separate thread. Srinath - please join me there.
- From: karthi (@ lab3.theatrium.net)
on: Wed Mar 17 11:59:24 EST 1999
Come On bb, I don't think I am going to answer any more than this to your provocating questions - I know how to and how not to speak in order to take PS image to heights and I can't even think of, let alone say, anything which might be unfortunate for her. Please keep away from saying anything even remotely near to criticizing my love and devotion for her. Most of you guys seem to miss the whole picture of what I'm saying and just keep hanging to Kushboo (that much you like her!)! Srinath I think I have to tell you what I mean by matching voices - if it's not matching the actual voice of the actors then it's imparting such a feeling on the audience when singing for a particular actor by trying to slightly or subtly modulate the voice. I did not anywhere say PS modulated her voice for Kushboo, what I posted was an expression of surprise at the nature of her voice to suit most actresses. But yes she did modulate to suit the old actresses. (I mean 60's and 70's). I could find this even in many songs which she sang in the 80's. Listen to "Megatha Thoodhu Vitta" and "RasaavE Unna Kaanadha Nenju", "Raasaathi Manasula" all on screen. "Kalaith Thendral" might have become a classic example if not for the strain of her age showing up in that song! As I have already mentioned earlier, it's both - the nature of her voice and her intuitive ability.
- From: karthi (@ lab3.theatrium.net)
on: Wed Mar 17 12:01:28 EST 1999
rajaG, on a separate note, Saritha did do dubbing a lot but I doubt if she did that for many heroines! Saritha's voice will not be irritating but the voice that we all are familiar with - the one which Radha and the like have - I think it's some Uma's or someone's - I also sometimes hate that voice!
- From: Srinath (@ s04.austin.ibm.com)
on: Wed Mar 17 12:42:15 EST 1999
I ws just kidding about the matching part :-)) Please don't take it seriously ! Actually, I have my own explanation regarding the matching of voices. I think most playback singers developed a set of styles (which, IMHO, had very little to do with what the actresses sound like on screen) and retained them for some top actresses.
For example, I have always had this strange feeling that I can identify when SJ sings for Revathi ! But that is because SJ must have sang in a particular way once for Revathi and kept at it over several years, thereby leading us to think that it matches Revathi's voice ! Similarly, PS must have sang in a particular fashion for a couple of actresses and whenever she got a chance to sing for them again, she must have (wittingly or unwittingly) reverted to that style.
What I am implying is that these playback singers probably have two or three styles of singing (we'd never need to guess what style they would have used for Silk Smitha !!!). They might reuse these styles depending on the actresses. In fact, you may realise that Revathi, Radha and Amala "sound" similar during a song whereas Radhika, Khusboo and Meena might "sound" like each other but different from the first three ! This is just conjecture and I am randomly using actresses names (I just pleasantly surprised myself taking 1 full minute to come up with three more names after Revathi, Radha and Amala ! Cha ! Nalla payyan pa naan !:-))
Seriously speaking, shouldn't it be the actresses who should try to look as if they are really singing ? :-))
- From: chandy (@
on: Wed Mar 17 12:46:08 EST 1999
Karthi, Oops.. i never thought my usage of the word "ridiculous" would be taken for impoliteness. sorry about that.
I'd reproduce a line from your posting to reiterate my point. "what I posted was an expression of surprise at the nature of her voice to suit most actresses."
PS is a great singer.. no qualms about that.. But your point of argument that her voice suits most actresses is whats bothering me. SJ, PS, Chitra, anuradha... their voices will suit (m)any actresses.
Compare Janaki and PS with respect to suitability of the voices to actresses, and you'd understand the difference. SJ can sing a range from inji-idupazha for revathi to silk-smitha songs with different rendering and different kinda voice! She cld sing for many child artists as well. Using the yardstick of "suitability of voice to different actresses", PS is just as good as any other singers. I'd put SJ above PS in this respect!!
- From: karthi (@ lab3.theatrium.net)
on: Wed Mar 17 12:48:15 EST 1999
Srinath, appadeenna unakku Radha romba pidikkum pOla irukku, Kushbu-vai vidava? BTW, in response to last line, yes they could easily if the singer does some justice! I am not talking about the 'vaayasaippu' of heroines which I don't notice much in nowadays movies. Then, 'PS must have sang in a particular fashion for a couple of actresses' - not a couple, a dozen!
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