Tamil Film Musicla ella movieslayum ella songsum hit allathu ketka nanna irukkumrathu sila padankalil mattume. If u feel like all songs are great or very good in a movie, please post your response including the film name, songs and the MD for that movie. Etho oru pattu mattum koncham sari illenna kooda parava illai.
I am starting this topic with a movie 'Sindhu Bairavi'. Music Director 'Mastro' genius Ilayaraaja.
1. Mari mari ninne..
2. Padariyen padippariyen..
3. Maha ganabathim...
4. Poo maalai vaanki..
5. Thom thom namtha...
6. Kalaivaaniye...
7. Manathil uruthi vendum..
8. Thanni thotti (Thrishti!).
Please any other songs if i have missed here. It will be nice to collect a list so that we can trace out CDs which has combinations of movies which has good songs. Best of Luck.
Thanks in advance. Guhan Ksmaniam.
Topic started by Arimugam (@ mercmarine.com) on Fri Jan 30 17:46:47 EST 1998.
All times in EDT/EST +9:30/10:30 for IST.
- From: vijay (@
on: Fri Jan 30 18:07:24 EST 1998
first of all i believe the topic is slighty self-contradictory in that it says 'ella moviesleyum" and finally it says 'sila padangalil'
mattume.anyway, my line of thinking is as
unless all the songs in a film are pretty good do not buy the cassette or CD of the film.i do not believe in buying CD's because in a CD out of say 20 songs u would like only 10 songs and u have to listen to the others which u do not like just because u have bought the CD.
i.e u are forced to listen to songs which u do not like.instead of that for the same money u can have more than 1 cassette of assorted songs
all of which u like and the recording cost is going to be less than buying a CD.this is true for guys in india.i do not know about U.S or singapore.i always belive in cassettes having assorted songs of my choice.i do not have a single prerecorded cassette or a CD as of now.
if u do CD recording then the recording quality is also going to be good.
some of the films are:
3.alaigal oivathillai
4.all of mani's films .pagalnilavu has only 2 good songs.
5.udaya geetham,payanangal mudivathillai
6.ninaivellam nithya
7.punnagai mannan
8.mellath thirandhadu kathavu
9.amman koil kizhakaale
10.vaidehi kaathirundhal
and plenty to follow
- From: Krishnan (@ m_33_66.pppmad.vsnl.net.in)
on: Sat Jan 31 03:06:49 EST 1998
Let me add my list :
1.Panneer Pushpangal
3.Gopura Vaasalile
- From: taste_budds (@ bones.deneb.com)
on: Sat Jan 31 04:09:59 EST 1998
I STRONGLY recommend yoy to buy the ARUNACHALAM CD
with 4 catchy/beautiful songs. (I am sure you would have
bought it already! I know you have a good taste)
In your SB listing:
1 & 2 are part of the same song
3 is ONLY slightly modified version of original
4 is sort of soft version of 8
5 - I don't know which song you are referring to
6 - It is a OK song (may be because I don't understand ArOganam/avarOganam)
7 - good song (but a very short one)
8 - as you said it is thirsti (NOT just a pottu on the kannam BUT
the BIG POOSANIKAI for the house)
You missed the BEST song of the movie - nAnoru sindhu
Wondering how you selected SB as an example to this topic,
when so many other BEST ORU PADA PATTU from IR!!!
(I guess the taste differs!!)
(SB as a 'kirukkuthanamAna' movie got so much attention is a different issue!!)
- From: SATHIYAVAGEESWARAN (@ client-151-200-127-20.bellatlantic.net)
on: Sat Jan 31 09:36:41 EST 1998
I list Barathiraja's all films from IR
- From: Bhaskar (@
on: Sat Jan 31 14:10:01 EST 1998
Maouna Raagam
Idhaya Kovil
Agni Nakshatram
- From: vijay (@
on: Sat Jan 31 16:00:18 EST 1998
mr.arumugam and others
i beg to diffe strongly with bones wrt to sindhu bhairavi,believe me it is one of the best albums IR has ever produced and no classical music based song inthe recent past has ever equalled the song 'poomalai vaangi vanthaan' from sindu bhairavi.it is NOT a soft version of thanni thotti song as mentioned by bones.the tunes of both the songs, or the raagas, are completely different.bones has given a rather totally underrated review of the movie.he says song no.2 is a part of song no.1.
so what?both of them are brilliant.and about the song 'thom thom thana' which bones did'nt write
i have quitesomething to tell about it.it is perhaps the only song in TFM to be composed in the song kanakaangi and if anyone else has composed another song it can only be IR.the song is a short one and it would make your hair stand on its edge and would give u goosepimples.
i can write a whole thread about this movie.the best ever from KB in the eighties and he has only degraded since.
also u need not understand arohanam/avarohanam to appreciate the song 'kalaivaaaniye' since the tune is simple and down to earth .that is the beauty of IR's songs.they have simple tunes but captivate.
also pl. see IR's creativity thread for my posting on 'poomalai' song which i had given as the best example of IR's creativity.
thanni thotti does not pretty well fit in the scheme of things and i feel that it should have been edited out from the movie.but as a song if u hear it without relating it to the movie then it is one of the best in its genre ,namely dabbankuthu.when people can appreciate 'pettairap',then this song would be like bethoven's ninth symphony to them.
one thing which i liked was,the director trying to convince that folk music is a better medium in the movie has neatly avoided hardcore carnatic krithis in the movie and has put some 'janaranjakamaana' songs,so that anyone irrespective of whether they know carnatic music or not can enjoy the songs,though if u love carnatic music u can appreciate the songs better.
- From: vijay (@
on: Sat Jan 31 16:03:10 EST 1998
in fact i do not know why mr.bones has recommended arunachalam.just because it was composed by deva?in my opinion other than aasai no other album of deva is worth a buy not even nerukku ner.and as a matter of fact both these films have songs that have been lifted.
- From: soso-bairavi (@ bones.deneb.com)
on: Sun Feb 1 04:48:11 EST 1998
I (as a IR fan) disagree with you that SB is NOT one of
his best. I don't know anything about ragas - so I can't
accept that because a song is from a unique raga - it is good.
It didn't impress me.
Regarding "KalivAniyE" - as for as I know,it is a
"kaneer-carnatic-based" song and it will noway come
close to "rAga deepam Etrum pOthu" and
"sangeetha jAthi mullai".
From the lines "thom thom namtha" I am not able to
remember the song - with this starting line I can
think of only "sangeetha jAthi mullai".
As a person who knows carnatic music, you may
enjoy/appreciate the intricate points of SB.
BUT as a layman - with zero KM - SB didn't
impress me at all as SANKARAPARANAM did.
As for the movie, SB is another MCP kind of
attitude of KB. KB showed (sort of justified)that:
- two educated adults can't just have intellectual
relationship, SEX is needed.
- Just because a wife is a maladi, she can take kuppai from
her husband (MATEEEER-nu thalaila adichu pOdAnu sollavEnAm)
- A great/scholorly/talented/wise-man - unable to
withstand that SHE left and becomes kirukku and
dancing/singing with pigs (character assasination).
Vijay, I have to add one more thing.
The same time SB was released "Muthal MariyAthai"
came which portrayed how two uneducated, kirAmathu
makkaL can have a nice descent relationship (no physical)
sorry, for the digression.
SVageeswaran: (for your BR-IR list)
Is it not "VALIBAME VAA VAA" a great disappointment
from both BR & IR!!!
- From: SATHIYAVAGEESWARAN (@ client-151-200-126-202.bellatlantic.net)
on: Sun Feb 1 10:15:43 EST 1998
That is why it disappeared from my list. I do not know a single song from it. Anybody knows? It is still a surprise for me how the duo falied in that film! Whose mistake? Barathiraja or Raja? If somebody knows, please clarify.
- From: vijay (@
on: Sun Feb 1 12:46:01 EST 1998
i appreciated sindhu bhairavi for its songs its BGM and the fine directorial touches.the scene where sulakshana imagines slapping suhasini,in the beautiful song 'poomalai' ,sulakshana once again firing the driver,and how beautifully the director symbolically shows that sulakshana is poojyam in carnatic music in several scenes!i did not get any message to the effect that 2 intellectual adults should have a physical relationship.there are a lot more good things to observe and accept from the film rather than take a message like this!i do not think KB had this in mind when taking a film and this is not what he wanted us to realise after the film!so it depends on how u look at the film!
there are people who take only the wrong messages
from a film!
once again i stress that no carnatic music knowledge is needed to listen to the songs,and anyone can take my word if u are not yet decided on buying the CD.did we all appreciate 'raasave chitterumbu' from walter vetrivel only after knowing that the song was in the raaga lataangi? NO! likewise,u need not know the raaga to appreciate the melody in SB,and knowing the raaga would only help u better in appreciating,that's all!most of the songs exceptperhaps for a couple are ordinary tamil songs and are not carnatic kirthanais.the message itself is that anyone who does not understand the language or simply listens to carnatic music without any knowledge about it and without understanding it would appreciate the folk type music as a better medium and this is the only message i too got from the film!this film is a landmark in IR's career
and it proved that he was not an ordinary folk musician ,but can be creative in classical music as well.
- From: Guhan (@ mercmarine.com)
on: Mon Feb 2 11:05:35 EST 1998
Here is a lot to discuss in this topic. I do apologize for the mistake in the title and thanks to Vijay for indicated. The intention is to collect movie names in which all songs are good to hear. I selected Sindhu Bairavi because I like it very much. Thanks to Bones for indicating the song 'Naanoru sindhu'. There is another song 'Lochana kamala lochana'. Mr. Bones, thom thom namdha thom thom..is really a good song by KJYesudas. Two lines from the song, they really impressed me and exactly indicated the great singer's (hero) situation in the movie.
They are :
'Aasai ennum puyal veesi vittathadi...
Aani ver varaiyil aadi vittathadi...
Kaappai devi...'.
They way KJY sang that song and the Balachandar's touch in the movie, i can write a thesis about it mr.bones. Tasts differs here, entire family from grand father to grand son can listen and enjoy the songs from SB. It is a high class movie and it is not necessary to learn karnatic music to enjoy the songs. I don't understand one thing mr. Bones, when you like songs from 'Sangarabaranam' without knowing karnatic or telegu, why can you not like SB songs. Is that voice of SPB in karnatic makes you better to listen comparing with KJY. I also like Sangarabaranam and still listening everyday.
There another list from other language like 'His highness abdullah', 'Bharadham', 'Suryagandhi' from malayalam from which songs are really good to listen. There are many ways to like a song, here are some points:
Some one may like a song because he or she may like the voice of the singer very much. In that case any song from the singer may be good for him or her.
Some one may like a song because he or she may like music of the music director eventhough the singer made many mistakes in the song.
Some one may like the song because the lyrics may attract him or her the lyrics may impress very much as they may indicate their real life some times.
Some one may like the song because the way it is picturized in the movie and exactly fits with the situation in the movie.
So here in this topic all I would like to collect is the movie names in which all or most (like 9 out of 10) songs are really good to listen (may not be good to see in video is different issue).
I would like to request TFM fans to discuss about the songs and the song situations in this topic and we do not want to discuss about the entire story of the movie. I am posting this request because mr. bones started to discuss about the SB story. It is not our intention to discuss about the story of the movie, but you are always welcome to discuss about the situation about the song it has been filmed.
Once again my thanks goes to Mr. Vijay for supporting SB to include in my list. There are many combinations here like Manirathnam-Ilayaraja movies, Balachandar-Ilayaraja movies and Barathiraja-Ilayaraja movies. Most of the movies in their combination have good songs.
Once again to Mr. bones, 'Sangeetha jaathi mullai' and 'ragadeepam' are also very good songs. The situation for the songs are completely different from "Kalaivaaniye". 'Ragadeepam' is for the situation in which the hero wanted to be a popular singer so the emotion is different. But in SB, here is already a popular karnatic singer, 'kalaivaani' is 'saraswathi', God of knowledge. When the hero gone down and when he coming back to his position again, he is calling 'Kalaivaani' to help him. At the same time, it exactly matches with his life as he wanted to get his lover back. He felt like he got the knowledge about his life only after he met 'Suhasini', his lover. He lost her, so again he wanted her back, so the song 'Kalaivaaniye unaithaane azhaithen.." is exactly fits with the situation. Athallam anubavichu rasikkanunga mr. Bones. 'Maarthaadu maarthaadu mallige' oru kannada lyrics konda patta recommend panra neenga yen nalla tamil songs pidikkalennu solrathu puriyavillai. I can never take the execuse that you are not able to enjoy SB songs because you don't know karnatic. Once again I strongly post my opinion here that is, it is not necessary to know karnatic to listen, understand and enjoy SB songs.
Mr. Bones, you are always welcome to write collections of your taste. (Cho's M-B-Thuklak' paarthirukkingala mr. bones, oru dialogue irukku athile..unkaludaya abibraayankalai neengal thaaralamaagath therivikkalam...aanaal en mudive iruthiyaanathu..).
Cassette sales may be good for some movies but songs may not be considered as so good to listen or think about it. Ottakathe kattikko may be a hit at one time, but Mukabala vanthathum Ottakam odiduthu, Aribikkadaloram vanthathum Mukabala maranthu poiyachu, Jeans pottathum Ratchagan songs 'Kappaleri' poyachu aagividalaam.
Please do not change your taste for others, if you feel that all songs in that movie is good, please post the name. Athu 'athanda..ithanda..' enru mariyaathai illamal irunthaalum sari, allathu maattai pathi yaaravathu paadinaalum sari, they are always welcome to TFM.
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Mon Feb 2 12:34:55 EST 1998
There are a lot of IR movies with great songs but were not hits : Koyil PuRa, Enakkaha Kaathiru...
Listen to songs from AlayamaNi and pAlum pazhamum. Each song is better than the others. Marvellous songs.
- From: bs (@ neptune.bt.com)
on: Mon Feb 2 13:36:36 EST 1998
KB was and is one of the greatest innovators in TF World.. Nobody can deny this..He is the only one who can take a completely off-beat,complex film and get off with it without falling altogether flat.. Even ManiRathnam cant claim such a success as his only offbeat film "Iruvar" was a megaflop and I dont think he will dare to make that sort of film again.. Compared to that KB's Kalki did a decent run..
Sankarabharanam is an out-and-out classical song based movie which definitely a Carnatic music buff having knowledge of Telugu keerthanais can enjoy much better.. SB is purely Tamil based lyrics as well as quite enjoyable to "pamaras" like myself.."Thannithotti" song definitely fits into the flow of the film..
In the golden days of TFM there used to be the concept that songs were written for the situation rather than as a different package altogether.. Now-a-days we can see that the hero&heroine is not even part of the song.. Hero/heroine enters the train, some guy jumps out like a monkey, a horde of others join in to blare the hell out of one's eardrums and at the end of the song hero exits from the train as though he was no way related to this garish episode..
Okay.. this is not the place to lament about.. By recalling the golden songs of TFM we can atleast try to be in peace with the world..
Continuing with the topic,
Chippikkul Muthu
Salangai Oli
- From: RV (@ nat-20.avanticorp.com)
on: Mon Feb 2 15:37:57 EST 1998
It may be a good idea to hv a lower limit on the number of songs per movie. e.g. Tik Tik Tik has only 3 songs; they are all superb; lyrics and tune are nearly perfect. Kadhalikka Neramillai has 8 songs that were all brilliant. Nizhal Nijamagiradhu had just two songs. Excellent lyrics and tunes both; Sila Nerangalil Sila Manidhargal has just two songs and both were terrific!
How about 4 as the minimum number ?
- From: GK (@ mercmarine.com)
on: Mon Feb 2 17:29:53 EST 1998
Mr. RV, please we do not want to limit the no. of good songs in this topic. That is the reason i have mentioned in the beginning like 'All the songs or all except one song'. Some movies may have 8 or 9 songs but only 5 songs may be good. So please do not limit to 4 songs. But at the same time, if a movie has only 2 songs and one is super good but the other is bad, then please do not add the movie name in the list. Movies like 'Mudhal mariyaathai', 'Payanangal Mudivathaillai' are most welcome. They got many songs and most of them are good to hear even now. In case of a movie which has only 3 songs and all are really nice to hear, then we can consider that, also we can consider some movies which has only 2 songs and both are really good like 'Oru kaithiyin Diary'. Some of my collections:
Raajathi Raaja,
Kaathal Parisu,
Naan paadum paadal.(ithile oru song ilavarasi, pandiyan, exception).
Some movies may have a song repeated different times in different situations by different singers like Naan paadum paadal(paadava..un paadalai is repeated many times), they are also
welcome here.
- From: billa_yes_mr.miranda_no (@ bones.deneb.com)
on: Tue Feb 3 09:31:45 EST 1998
First thing first: DON'T MR ME!!! (you can ADE me)
Regarding SB songs: They don't impress me.
(well! may be some of my brain-cells are NOT properly tuned for these songs!!)
I can't think of any song from Sattam & Kathal Parisu and you have mentioned the movie
in this "All good songs" thread. Help me.
When I think of all good songs the first movie which comes to my mind is Karnan.
I always wonder how Viswnathan Ramamoorthy were able to score
such great songs which are a level apart from the regular movie songs...
Recently I watched that movie also it had beautiful BGM (some of them can be resued for
new songs - Deva kavanikka)
I remember 15 year old Then kinnam in Madars alaivarisai - in that Visu (actor/dir.)
mentioned a whole lot about how much he liked the
Karnan songs.
It had songs for the following situations:
(most of them are NOT the regular situations in TF)
RaNi thoodu to Raja:
pulavargaL prasing Karnan
Karnan's love - 2 great songs
Sort of love failure
Newly wed Wife leaving home
Newly wed's are received in the aranmanai
Karnan to die - soozchi by Krish
Krish aruLum Bagavad Gita
Have I missed anything ???
- From: GK (@ mercmarine.com)
on: Tue Feb 3 09:46:03 EST 1998
Bones, or bones with flesh, mariyaathai koduppathuthaan thamizh panpaadu. Irunthaalum neenkale vendamenumpothu ini no mr. bones, just bones ok.
Arimugam and GK are diff. names but points to same person. Songs from Sattam,
1. Nanbane...enathu uyir nanbane..
2. Oru nanbanin kathai ithu...
3. Vaa vaa en veenaiye...
4. Ammamma saranam saranam..
Songs from Kaathal Parisu:
1. Kaathal maharaani..kavithai poo mudithaal..
2. Koo koo..intha kuyil koovatho...
3. Kakithal odamitten...(forgot exact lyrics..but
still remember the tune..) and a
4. dance competition song.
There is also a very good song but it was not shown when the movie was released. But when i saw 2 years back, i wondered. I think may be it starts like this..
Purakkale..purakkale..thoothu sellungal..
I need some one's help here.
- From: GK (@ mercmarine.com)
on: Tue Feb 3 10:01:26 EST 1998
Request to Ms. Kanchana, Mr. Amar and Mr. RV, please add any movie names which has all the songs are good from VR, MSV , Kumar music direction. I would be happier if anyone can suggest movie names out of the following list.
1. Ulagam sutrum vaaliban.
2. Kumutham.
3. Aalayamani.
4. Vasantha maaligai.
5. Ninaithaale Inikkum.
6. Keladi Kanmani.
7. Neeya?
8. Elaavathu manithan.(Barathiyar songs?).
9. Varumaiyin niram sikappu.
10. Meendum Kokila.
Please write in detail the reason if we can not consider anyone of the movies listed.
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Tue Feb 3 11:41:26 EST 1998
Bones :
I am with you on SB. These songs were composed with one aim in mind : to prove IR's knowledge in carnatic music. A song without rhythms, a keethanai in a different raga, a song only in Arohanam, a song in a very rare raga - all these are good for junta who understand carnatic music but for sheer musicality they are not IR's best.
IR's Nizhalgal - indhap padathil varum indha 3 pAdalgalukkaga (pon mAlai pozhudhu, poong kadhave thAzh thiravAi, madai thirandhu) IR-kku edaikku edai thangam kodukkalam.
Also moondRam piRai - superb songs. (vAnengum thanga, kaNNE kalaimanE, nari kathai song, poong kAtRu pudhidhanadhu)
Add Panneer Pushpagnal (Kodai Kala KatRE, PoondhaLiRAda. general song is vengAya sAmbaRum...)
Add Kadal Meengal, Koyil Pura, KaragAttakaran, 16 vayathinilE...
the list keeps growing !
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-tf05.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Feb 3 14:14:07 EST 1998
I think you might have missed mahArAjan ulagai ALuvAn which was not used in the movie.
neenga solra mAdhiri mariyAdhai koduppadhu thamizh paNbAdu, sari. AnAl, adhu manasilum ezhudhara vArththaiyulum irundhA pOdhumE! Ms. ellAm vENdAm, please.
As per your request, I'm listing a few movies with all/most great songs from yester-years, which I like. Please note quite a few of these movies have 8-12 songs easily.
uththama puththiran
meeNda sorgam
pAlum pazhamum
Alaya maNi
pudhiya paRavai
pAsa malar
pAva mannippu
pAr magaLE pAr
pArththAl pasi theerum
kAdhalikka nEramillai
padiththAl mattum pOdhumA
policekAran magaL
balE pANdiyA
kalangarai viLakkam
nichchaya thAmboolam
kAththirundha kaNNgaL
kuzhandhaiyum dheivamum
enga veettup piLLai
ooty varai uRavu
rahasya police 115
kudiyirundha kOyil
sivandha maNN
uththaravindRi uLLE vA
apoorva rAgangaL
nizhal nijamAgiRadhu
moondRu mudichchu
manmadha leelai
ulagam sutRum vAliban
ninaiththAlE inikkum
......................................the list goes on!!!
MDs for the movies mentioned above include G.Ramanathan, A.M.Raja, MSV/TKR, MSV; lyricists include kaNNadhAsan and vAli.
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-tf05.proxy.aol.com)
on: Tue Feb 3 14:33:53 EST 1998
Left out two MDs in the above: KVM & T.Chalapathi Rao. Sorry!
- From: Sathiya Keerthi (@ panorama.nus.edu.sg)
on: Tue Feb 3 19:52:32 EST 1998
Of the 80+ movies by MSV/TKR, I think about 50+ movies had all
great songs; not only that, typically there were 5 or more great
songs in each movie (that was due to the fashion of those times
and the tremendous amount of time and care put into each song).
In the pre IR-arrival period, say till 1977, MSV did about 180
movies alone. Among these, you can list about 40-50 movies which
had all great songs. In the post IR-arrival period MSV just had
only a few, say 10-15 movies with all great songs, although he
did about 180 movies in that period.
Adding to your list, here are some more by MSV/TKR and MSV alone,
which had all great songs.
Bhagap pirivinai
Mannadhi Mannan
Nenjil Or Aalayam
Paadha Kaanikkai
Aanandha Jothi
Idhayaththil Nee
Idhu Saththiyam
Nenjam Marappadhillai
Paar MagaLE Paar
Periya Idaththu Pen
Andavan Kattalai
En Kadamai
Kaikoduththa Dheivam
Pachchai Vilakku
Pudhiya Paravai
Panakkaara Kudumbam
Vaazhkkai Vaazhvadharkke
Ayiraththil Oruvan
Panam Padaiththavan
PanchavarNa KiLi
Vaazhkkai Padagu
Vennira Aadai
Neela Vaanam
Anbe Vaa
Petraalthaan Pillayaa
Parakkum Paavai
Nenjirukkum Varai
Iru MalargaL
Kannan En Kaadhalan
Oli vilakku
Pudhiya Boomi
Uyarndha Manidhan
Lakshmi Kalyanam
Kanne Paappaa
Shanthi Nilayam
Enga Maamaa
Nilave Nee Saatchi
Raman Eththanai Ramanadi
Sumathi En Sundhari
Avalukkendru Or Manam
Kaaviya Thalaivi
Dhava Pudhalvan
Netru Indru Naalai
Aval Oru Thodarkathai
Urimai Kural
Sivakamiyin Selvan
Thanga Padhakkam
Idhaya Kani
Avandhaan Manidhan
Naalai Namadhe
Oorukku Uzhaippavan
Manmadha Leelai
Mayor Meenaatchi
Avan Oru Sariththiram
Meenava Nanban
Nool Veli
Thanga Kalasam
- From: ;)))) Soul (@ bones.deneb.com)
on: Wed Feb 4 08:51:37 EST 1998
THANKS A LOT. I am REALLY GLAD to know that there is another soul which feels that
SB is NOT one of the best of IR but has good (seasonal) songs.
ellOrum muyalukku 3 kAl endru sonnAl athai nAm accept paNNa mudiyumA enna ?
(muyalukku reNdu kAlthAn endru namakku nallAvE theriyumE!!!)
Is there any other soul out there who believes
in "muyal-kAl" theory ??
Arimugam/GK/Guhan/Thugluk ("sAmaniyam"Ana ALA neenga!!):
MS vEndum
MSV vEndum
TMS vEndum
but NO Ms. (sarithAnA, thirumathi/mAnbumigu/thavathiru .... avargaLE!!)
"Mr. Mr."nu pOttu ennai "thiru thiru"nu muzikka vachiteenga!!
Unga listil "koo koo endru kuil koovAthO" thavira
matra pAdalgaL enakku theriyalai.
If you really want to know each and every song from the above two long lists,
please visit PPP and judge yourself.
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-td07.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed Feb 4 09:33:21 EST 1998
thiruvALar/mANbumigu/thavaththiru Bones avargaLE:
PG and you have done a good job of including my thoughts on SB songs. Anything else I say will be redundant!
I also like PG's list of movies, wonder if nenjaththaik kiLLAdhE,ninaivellAm nithyA,vaLLi would be good additions to it.
- From: GK (@ mercmarine.com)
on: Wed Feb 4 10:41:27 EST 1998
Kanchana,SK,Bones writing this with respect in my heart and mind. Thanks for listing. Eventhough i have not seen many of the films listed, i listened to most of the songs from the movies. I need more time to recollect the songs and list all the movies in order to make this topic success.
1000 per konda aboorva Bones avarkale, ini Mr. illai unkalukku. Thukluk character is the one who made me to talk like Cho and i like that character. When i was in India, i was one of the readers of Thukluk, i used to read mainly for editorial and questions and answers by 'thukluk' Mr. Cho Ramaswamy. Some times i used to imagine, how will it be if we have this guy as a CM for TN and Mr. Sheshan as a Governor. That will be a fun time for TN.
Ok, back to topic, Kanchana neenga Karnan filmle oru mark pannirukkeenga, what is that?, Is that because your favourite songs in the movie?. I would also request everyone to indicate the movie whether it is old or new in case of the same name for two movies. For example, Pudhaiyal is name of a new movie which is also the name for an old movie.
Please note, only in case of having same name for two movies you need to indicate. One movie may have all songs good and the other may not be. In case if both old and new movies with the same name have all songs good then also you are requsted to indicate.(Rare case!).
(Bones, marupadiyum Thukluk velai maathiri irukkille??).
Kanchana, Valli is old or new?. I am not sure whether there was a movie in called VALLI in good old days. I think i have seen some name like that, may be 'Valli Thirumanam' or 'Sri valli', i don't know.
SK, you gave me a big list, thanks for that. But Noolveli and Thanka kalasam ?, who did music for that movies, Could you please mention the songs in those movies?.
Bones, I told in SB all /most of the songs are good and i have not told that they are great of IR. In one way it is good to have you here to discuss about different opinions of diff. people.
Just for fun i would like to say you one thing here to Bones. Arunachalam song 'Nagumo..' kettu irukkinga illaya, there is a song 'Nagumo' in classical by Balamurali krishna athe kelunga, if you don't like his voice, athe song Unni Krishnan paadirukkar athe kelunga. Aana Arunachalam Nagumo lyricsukkum, classical lyricsukkum sampantham ille. But if you have free time kelunga. (Kettathukkappuramum neenga 'naanoru sindhu..in SB' is much betternnu solveenga, it's ok, ketkarathile thappillaye?!!.).
A question to all, 'Geetham Sangeetham..' enru oru song in a movie called ' Kokkarakko', somehow i like that song, but i have not seen the movie. Is there any other good songs in that movie?, can we add to our list?.
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-td07.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed Feb 4 11:11:41 EST 1998
I meant the movie vaLLi with Rajnikanth in it--excellent music, unforgettable guitar interludes in two songs!
(Oh, the asterisk near karNan was just to show it's the same one Bones had mentioned).
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Wed Feb 4 11:40:33 EST 1998
Kanchana :
nenjaththaik kiLLAdhE is a sure addition (paruvamE, uRavenum pudhuya vAnil, E thendRalE + one more not-so-good song).
ninaivellAm nithyA is also great. Other Sridhar-IR combination movies also had great songs : thendRalE ennai thodu, thandhu vittEn ennai.
Other IR movies : unnai naan sandhithEn, udaya geetham. Kovaithambi's Motherland Pictures was a big banner in those days only because of IR's songs and IR always did a great job for them.
Also include : raja pArvai, aboorva sahodarargal, nallavanukku nallavan.
IR-BR movies (almost every movie)
16 vayathinilE
pudhiya vArpugal
kizhakkE pogum rayil
sigappu rojakkaL
maN vAsanai
pudhumai peN
oru kaidhiyin dairy (only blemish - a cabaret song by Anuradha)
kAdhal oviyam
alaigal Oyvathillai
mudhal mariyAdhai
kadalOrak kavidhaigal
nAdodi thendRal
en uyirth thozhan
IR-KB movies
sindhu bhairavi
punnagai mannan
unnal mudiyum thambi (Has anybody heard the original rudra veenA in Telugu ?)
manadhil urudhi vENdum
pudhu pudhu arthangaL (maybe not - two general songs - but very situation-specific)
IR-KVishwanath movies
salangai oli
sippukkul muthu
rAja pArvai
IR-MR movies
idhaya kovil
mouna rAgam
idhayathai thirudAdhE
agni natchatram
IR-Mahendran movies
muLLum malarum (nitham nitham nellu choRu may be the odd one out - but this is perfect for the situation)
udhiri pookaL
nenjathai kiLLAdhe
IR-BaluMahendrA movies
moondRAm piRai
neengal kettavai
vaNNa vaNNa pookaL
IR-RSundararajan movies (there must be others)
payaNangal mudivathillai - one of Raja's best scores. Much better than sindhu bhairavi, IMO.
nAn pAdum pAdal
vaidEhi kAthirundAL
IR-SPMuthuraman movies
sakalakala vallavan
murakku kALai
thoogkAthe thambi thoonkAdhE
SPM movies are generally total masala movies - the songs become hits but are soon forgotten. For example, katta vaNdi, nethu Rathiri yamma were great hits at the time but now they are forgotten. Similarly IR-Rajasekar movies (Kakki sattai & others)
IR-Nasser movies
IR-RVUdhayakumar movies (these movies generally have two dubba songs)
kizhakku vAsal (dubba - vettukku veettkku, thaLukki thaLukki)
ejamAn (dubba - the one which Rajni/Senthil sing stealing food)
IR/MSV movies
senthamizh pAttu
mella thiRandhadhu kadhavu
IR-Sridhar movies
ninaivellAm nithya
thandhu vittEn ennai (another not-well known movie - great songs)
IR-Faazil movies
poovE poochoodavA
varusham 16
kAdhalukku mariyAdhai
rosAppu ravikkaikAri
kadal meengal
azgagE unnai ArAdhikkirEn
enakkaga kAthiru (highly underrated songs - one of Raja's best songs)
ullAsa paRaivaigal
moga muLL
ninaivE oru sangeetham
guru - Tamil - Kamal, SridEvi
meeNdum kokilA
kozhi koovudhu
koyil puRA
chinna thambi
If you see in the above list, there are 'bad' songs in the above list. But in most cases, the 'bad' songs are 'bad' not because of Raja but bcos of the situation. For example, in muLLum malarum, the first-night scene of Rajni-Fatafat Jayalakshmi. The heroine is a sAppAttu rAmi - and she sings 'nitham nitham nellu choru' - a perfect fit for the situation. But the song is not likely to survive for a long time bcos of the situation.
Other IR movies to come.
Oldies :
haridAs - MKT - music by ?
Ashokkumar - PUC - music by ?
AM Raja - Sridhar combination always gave great songs. In fact I do not know any bad AMR movie.
PolicekAran magal - Is this mentioned ?
anbE vA - great songs by MSV.
balE pANdiya - neeyE unakku endRum niharAnavan, paRavaigal palavitham are overshadowed by athikAi kAi kAi.
veera pANdiya katta bomman
- From: vijay (@
on: Wed Feb 4 14:10:08 EST 1998
from IR-MAHENDRAN list johny is a noticeable miss.for this is one of the best films that represent IR of the 80's and is a must buy for anyone intending to have a collection.
i think even 'poonthotta kaavalkaaran' had some pretty decent songs like
'sindiya venmani' by KJY
'ennuyire vaa' by SPB,SJ
and 'paaramal paartha' by SPB AND a female singer.this song has a fantastic rhythm and as some one mentioned in one of the other threads
it is one of the very few songs that start and end with the same tune/beat and i liked the way which IR did it.this song will catch on to u instantly and was a hit.
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Wed Feb 4 14:49:48 EST 1998
Yes, I missed out Johnny. One of my favourite movies and IR's music.
Also add
poNNu oorukku pudhusu
Anybody more familiar with KB-MSV, KB-VKumar can list them out. Many KB movies had great songs
aboorva ragangal (except the 'oor sirikkum' song).
Add to oldies:
thiruviLaiyAdal (KVM ?)
I am not sure I have heard kandhan karuNai songs. KVM won a national award for this, so I assume the music is great.
How about Gemini Ganesan's movies ? I remember many of them having superb songs; like meeNda sorkam, Gemini-Sridhar movies etc.
Add LVaidyanathan's EzhAvadhu manidhan (somebody mentioned it before).
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Wed Feb 4 14:53:08 EST 1998
ARR's movies :
pudhiya mugam
thirudA thirudA
- From: GK (@ mercmarine.com)
on: Wed Feb 4 17:40:50 EST 1998
I am adding 'Sathi leelavathi' in Balumahendra-IR combination hits.
Can i add 'moodupani', i think it is also Balu-IR
movie?, but i am not sure about the songs?.
PG I have not listened to songs from Puthiya mugam?, how many songs are there and how many of them are hits?.
I can see many movies are repeated in the topic. Please wait for a day or two for the compiled list.
- From: pg (@ client-116-1.bellatlantic.net)
on: Wed Feb 4 17:50:25 EST 1998
Pudhiya mugam is very good - much better than any ARR-Shankar combination movies.
I know only one song in moodu pani - en iniya pon nilAvE - what are the other songs ?
Add to oldies :
Ayirathil oruvan
adimai peN
nandhanAr - MMDhandapANI desikar
sivakavi - MKT
- From: NOV (@
on: Thu Feb 5 04:54:40 EST 1998
Having heard what all of you had to say about Sindu Bairavi, I think I need to express my opinion. Sindu Bairavi songs were not necessarily popular songs, but they are definitely GOOD songs (IMO, off course). While many may write off Iruvar, there is a certain section who think that it is of a different class. Sindu Bhairavi may not have mass appeal, but I just love the songs.... (Too bad, if you don't like them. :-)))
Bones - antha rendukaal muyallei neengal yennidam kaatungal, naan yenthu moondravathu kaalai kaattugirein.
Sankarabharanam songs do not appeal to me.
PG - In my ARR list, include Minsara Kanavugal.
Moodu pani was IR's 100th movie but didn't boast of many good songs. The BGM was however, out of the world. Also if you do a Kamal-IR combo, you would come up with a good list.
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Thu Feb 5 11:31:46 EST 1998
I like SB songs but they are not at the top of my IR list.
Thevar Magan - IR/Bharathan/Kamal
How about Deepam ? It had two great songs - poovizhi vAsalil yAradi vandhadhu, andhapurathil oru maharani. What are the others ?
I don't remember much of Shankarabharanam songs, so I can't say. Anyway it is not TFM.
Add to IR-Balu Mahendra movies :
rettai vAl kuruvi
un kaNNil neer vazhindhAl - Rajni/Madhavi movie - mega flop, but great songs (enna desamO, malarE malarE ullAsam and one more)
Add to IR-SPM movie :
uyarndha uLLam
Add to IR-BR movie :
Tik Tik Tik
Oldies :
Missiamma - AMR (?)
Remove from IR-MR movie :
nAyakan - I like only two songs - thenpANdi seemaiyilE & nilA adhu vAnathu mElE.
- From: Amar (@ worf.qntm.com)
on: Thu Feb 5 13:04:18 EST 1998
I maybe able to add a few to the list but I am not sure if they will be duplicates. So, I will wait for you to compile the list before adding to the thread.
There is one more good song by TMS in "Deepam", "Peisaathey, Vaayulla Oomai Nee, Sonthamenna, Bhanthamenna, Sonnaal Paavamey, Peisaathey!"
There is a crap song in "Deepam" where Sivaji sings with a bunch of Junior-Artistes and Seema( yes, the famous Malayala Actress before she became popular ), something like, "Adhi Leela, Krishna, Radha, Ramana, Jiguna Rangamma!"
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Thu Feb 5 13:34:19 EST 1998
Amar :
Are you sure that the song you mentioned is in Deepam ? I think the song is in Andhaman Kadhali or Thirisoolam.
Anyway, I think Deepam makes it to the list.
Also add TRajendar's Oru Thalai Ragam.
- From: Amar (@ worf.qntm.com)
on: Thu Feb 5 14:20:26 EST 1998
"Peisaathey, Vaayulla Oomai Nee" is definitely in "Deepam"; The other song of "Deepam", I don't remember but gave a similar song( "Adhi Leela" song which is from "Andhaman Kaathali" ) as an example for the type of song I was referring to in "Deepam" - Hey, I remember the 4th song of Deepam, now:
Raja, Uvaraja, Naalthoarum Puthoroja;
Raja, Uvaraja, Naalthoarum Puthoroja!
Sarasa, Leela, Ganga, Rekha,
Sarasa, Leela, Ganga, Rekha,
Adhikkadi Valathukkann Thudikkuthu;
Puthupputhu Nenappugal Udhikkuthu;
Raja Uvaraja, Naalthoarum Puthuroja!
"Thyaagham" is a movie with good songs( Sivaji-Balaji-IR combo )
1. Vasantha Kaala Koalangal - SJ
2. Ulagham Verum Iruttu - TMS
3. Theinmallippoovey, Poonthenralkaatrey - TMS, SJ
4. Nallavarkkellaam - TMS
5. A Cycle-Ride-Competition Song by TMS
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Thu Feb 5 14:45:05 EST 1998
Amar :
I was questioning 'Adi leela krishna..' song.
In Thyagam, 1,2 & 4 are very good melodious songs, I don't remember 2 & 5 songs.
Another IR-Sridhar I missed with very good songs :
iLamai oonjalAdugiradhu
- From: vijay (@ solstice.cosm.sc.edu)
on: Thu Feb 5 22:05:10 EST 1998
'vasantha kaala kolangal' is inddda melodiou song.
'ada ada maamarak kiliye' from chittukuruvi
'katrinile varum geetham' by SJ
'ennenbadho edhenbadho
kaadhal penne kalyaana....' by SPB is from which film?MD?
i do not understand the statement by PG on SINDUBHAIRAVI.what if songs wre composed in a strange raaga or in avarohanam only?
do u have to know this to appreciate this song?
NO.kalaivaaniye need not be appreciated only after knowing that it has been set in aarohanam only.
did u all like 'rasave chiterumbu' from walter vetrivel only after knowing that the song is set in lataangi raaga? NO. in fact it was a shock to everyone when it became known that the song was set in lataangi.likewise, SB's songs are melodious and do not require carnatic knowledge on the part of the listener.
if u are not able to appreciate 'poomalai' song,then atleast hear the BGM for the song.the interludes till today are one of the best from IR.
'manathil uruthu vendum' and 'aananda nadanam aadinaar' by KJY from the same movie can be appreciated by anyone.
in fact most of raaja's songs are raaga based.if u are able to appreciate all that how come u are not able to appreciate SB songs?
- From: RV (@ 1cust39.max18.san-francisco2.ca.ms.uu.net)
on: Thu Feb 5 22:52:10 EST 1998
Latecomer to this discussion: So if I repeat any movies, ;-)
I am going to look out for MDs that seem not to be covered here to avoid redundancies.
1. Utthama Putthiran
Mullai Malar Mele
Kaatthiruppan Kamalak Kannan
Mannulagellam Ponnulagaga
Anbe Amudhe Arunganiye
Yaaradi Nee Mohini
Pulli Vaikkuran Podiyan Sokkuran
Kondaattam Manasukkule Kondaattam
Aalap Pirandha En Kanmaniye
Unnazhagai Kanniyargal
2. Kappalottiya Thamizhan
Kaatru Veliyidai Kannamma
Paarukkulle Nalla Naadu
Odi Vilaiyaadu Paappa
Vellip Pani Malaiyin
Thanneer Vitto Valartthom
Endru Thaniyum Indha ( two versions )
Unavu Sellavillai Sakiye
3. VPKBomman ( with the exception of Pogaadhe Pogaadhe En Kanavaa )
Maattu vandiyai Kottikkittu
Inbam Pongum Vennila
Polladha Singam Un Kaalai
Singarak Kanne Un
Manam Kanidharul
Takku Takku
4. Mandiri Kumari
Ulavum Thendral
Vaarai Nee
Erumaik Kannukuttti
Andhi Saayura Neram
few others
5. Thookuth Thooki ( I think this is GR )
Kannudan Kalandhu
Sundari Sowndari
Pengalai Nambadhe
Yeradha Malai
MD: AM Raja
1. Thenilavu
Oho Endhan Baby
Nilavum Malarum
Oorengum Thedi
Paattu Paada Vaa
Kalaiyum Neeye
Chinna Chinna Kannile
2. Kalyanap Parisu
Vadikkai Marandadhum Eno
Asaiyinale Manam
Thulladha Manamum Thullum
Kadhalile Thoviyutraan(l)
Unnaik Kandu Naanada ( The Naan Vaada is he exception )
MD: Sudarsanam:
1. Kalathoor Kannamma
Adaadha Manamum Adhudhe
Arugil Vandhaal
A Kamal drama
Few others
2. Penn
Madhar thammai Izhivu
Katha Kalatchebam
Sonna Sollai Marandhidalama
Bharatha Naattukkinai
Akhila Bharatha Pengal
Few others
3. Naam Iruvar
Solai Malaroliyo
Mahaan Gandhi Mahaan
Several others
MD: Ghantasala
1. Maya Bazaar
Aha Inba Nilavinile
Kannudan Kalandhidum Subha Diname
Needhana Ennai Azhaitthadhu
Aha Naa Pellantta ( I dont know the Tamizh version )
Bale Bale Bale Dheva ( One exception )
Kalyana Samaiyal Saadham
MD: Rajeswara Rao
1. Missiamma
Ariyap Paruvamada
Mayame Naanariyen
Padiyumendraal Mudiyaadhu
Vaarayo Vennilave
Brindavanamum Nandakumaran
Pazhagath Theriya Venum
Umakku Neere Emakku Naame
Therindhu Kollanum Penne
MD: Adhi Narayana Rao
1. Manalane Mangaiyin Bhagyam
MD: Vedha
1. Adhe Kangal
Pombala Orutthi Irundhaalaam
MD: TK Ramamoorthy:
1. Naan
Raja Kannu Pogadhadi
Podhumo Indha Idam
Ore Mugam
Some Kali aattam song
Come Septemer copy
MD: Vijayabhaskar
1. Mayangigiral Oru Maadhu
Samsaram Enbadhu Veenai
Oru Puram Vedan
Vara Vendum Vazhvinil Vasantham
MD: V. Kumar
1. Bommalattam
Nalla Naal Parkkavo
Vaa Vadhyare Ootande
2. Notthukku Nooru
Nittham Nittham Oru
Naan Unnai Maatri Paadhugiren
Eman Ennai Velbavan Evan
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Fri Feb 6 09:24:56 EST 1998
To Vijay :
The songs I like best in SB are
poomAlai vAngi vandhAn
dhom dhom
manadhil urudhi vENdum
The rest of the songs (mahA gaNapathim, mari mari ninnE, kalaivANiyE, pAdariyEn, nAnoru sindhu) I listen bcos they are supposed to be great use/experimentation in carnatic music and bcos IR won a NA for these. Otherwise they don't appeal to me much - like say Johnny or payanangal mudivathillai.
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-tm06.proxy.aol.com)
on: Fri Feb 6 10:01:35 EST 1998
Thookku Thookki is by GR. I'd listed ambikApathy and uththama puththiran.
Noticed you've included Vedha for adhE kaNgaL. yAr nee is a movie with excellent songs (&kaNNadhAsan lyrics), but most of the tunes were total copies from Hindi tunes. Could we still include it here?
Thank you for your further input to my comment on nenjaththai kiLLAdhE, ninaivellAm nithyA.
I agree with all the other ARR movies you've listed, but I'm curious about your perspective on Pudhiya Mugam. The songs are:
kaNNukku mai azhagu (male & female versions)
nEtru illAdha mAtram (happy & pathos versions)
sambo sambo
july mAdham vandhAl
Do you like july mAdham & sambo sambo?
To topic:
The old movie Meera with MSSubbulakshmi.
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Fri Feb 6 10:53:13 EST 1998
Kanchana :
I like all the songs in Pudhuya Mugam except 'sambo sambo'.
'nEtRu illAdha mAtRam' is the best, 'kaNNukku mai azhagu' has good music but pathetic lyrics : another list-making exercise by diamuNdu.
- From: Ravy (@ eagle.vapower.com)
on: Tue Feb 10 14:25:10 EST 1998
PG: Apart from those 3 NizhalgaL songs you've mentioned, there is one more song that is not in the movie (dhooraththil naan kanda - SJ). Strangely Vikatan gave a thumbs-down review for this film and songs. (vazhakkama BR-IR combination-la paatu nalla irukkum; indha padaththil adhu kooda illai).
Someone wondered about songs from Valibamae Vaa vaa - I remember 2 of them - both of them are by KJ. Kanne balam thannal vandhadhu, beeman gadhai kaiyil vandhadhu ... and sevvana poongavil (?). Anyway it was a trash movie.
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Tue Feb 10 15:17:39 EST 1998
I was a school kid when Nizhalgal came out and even at that time, Nizhalgal really appealed to me. Nizhalgal was a good movie. A little more work and it could have been a great movie. I never read any Vikatan's reviews at that time. The guy who wrote that review must have been deaf and blind. Nizhalgal should be in top five of anybody's ranking of IR's film music.
poongkadhavE and pon mAlai pozhudhu are sheer magic.
I remember reading that the late carnatic musician MDRamanathan was astounded by IR's use of Kedharam in pon mAlai pozhudhu. The writer Sujatha wrote about IR's music in glowing terms in one of his essays. I read this in a collection of Sujatha's essays published by kAvyA - anybody remember the name of the book ?.
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Tue Feb 10 15:20:52 EST 1998
I was listening to pudhiya mugam yesterday and here is a example of DiamuNdu's stupid lyrics :
In the female version of kaNNukku mai azhagu,
PS sings :
iLamARan kaNNukku eppOdhum nAn azhagu
Our miss is in for a rude shock : in the male version Unni Menon sings :
vidiyum varai peN azhagu
aHA ! vAzhga diamuNdu !
- From: Ravy (@ eagle.vapower.com)
on: Thu Feb 12 13:22:09 EST 1998
How about 'kavidhai variyin suvai artham puriyum varai' from the same movie? Does he mean that once you understood the meaning it cease to appeal anymore?
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Thu Feb 12 13:31:04 EST 1998
That shows diamuNdu's confidence in his lyrics !
- From: aruLarasan (@ psiphi.umsl.edu)
on: Thu Feb 12 19:49:04 EST 1998
nanna shonnEL pOngO :-)
- From: shyam (@
on: Fri Feb 13 13:31:20 EST 1998
"Kavithai variyin suvai artham puriyum varai " –
pazaya kaalathu paadalil poruL purivathu mikavum kastamanathu.
Arththam puriyum varai mandayai pottu udaithuk kondirupoom.
Athan piragu paadal rhythm than nammai mIndum mIndum kEtkavaikkiRathu
- From: Ravy (@ eagle.vapower.com)
on: Mon Feb 16 15:00:15 EST 1998
I beg to differ. Even now when I listen to 'ThoL kandEn, TholaE kandEn'(PBS) I marvel at Kannadasan's mastery over tamil and enjoy every bit of the lyrics in that song even though the 'kavidahi' is not very hard to understand.
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-tk03.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Feb 22 17:51:39 EST 1998
Which movie is the following song from? MD--IR?? All I remember is that it starred a very young Karthik & Suhasini.
pongum AgAya gangai
iLa mangai
en kAlgaLE siRagAnadhO
sirikkindRa Osai kEttu
jannal Oram pooththa oru thAmarai
konjam vAsal thANdi vArAdhO
- From: NOV (@
on: Sun Feb 22 20:02:37 EST 1998
Kanchana - Bathil-lei kelviyiley vaiththu kondu thindaadureergaley! :-))
Song : Pongum aagaaya gangai
Singers: Gangai Amaran & S. Janaki
Movie: Aagaaya Gangai
Music: Ilayaraja
- From: Kanchana (@ ww-ta06.proxy.aol.com)
on: Sun Feb 22 20:12:04 EST 1998
NOV: I came across this song in my cassette collection, liked the song and couldn't remember the facts. Thank you for pointing out the answer in my question. :-)
- From: mannAru (@ ns.arraycomm.com)
on: Wed Feb 25 01:10:21 EST 1998
I don't know anybody mentioned earlier these
mahA kavi kAlidAs
Thiruvalar chelvan
raja raja chozhan
thooku thooki
thillana mohanambal
IR, Kovai thambi movies:
payanangal mudivadhillai
vaidhehi kAthirundhAl
nAn pAdum pAdal
pAdu nilAve
udhaya geetham
ilamai kAlangal
idhaya kOvil
All are great albums. Each and every song is
- From: Guhan (@ d243.cloud.interaccess.com)
on: Sun Mar 1 20:22:54 EST 1998
Once again i would like to thank everyone who is making this topic valuable. I do apologize for not participating in this well due to my busy work schedule. But i will do it asap. I would like to request fans who have listned to most of the old songs to verify the names of the movies and the songs in them. Thanks in advance.
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