Topic started by Pozhudhu pogadhavan (@ 55.norcross-09rh16rt.ga.dial-access.att.net) on Thu Aug 2 14:01:41 EDT 2001.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
How far is IR towards his 800th movie?
- From: UVII (@
on: Thu Aug 2 17:27:24 EDT 2001
The Q should be how far IR is from his 900th movie...he had passed 800 mark already.
- From: Pozhudhu pogadhavan (@ 82.norcross-10rh15rt.ga.dial-access.att.net)
on: Thu Aug 2 22:41:09 EDT 2001
I don't think so. Heyram was 785 and 786th(Hindi version) movie. Did he do 15 films after that?
- From: Kupps (@ atlwebproxy2.core.hp.com)
on: Fri Aug 3 00:23:56 EDT 2001
UVII and Pozhudhu,
I just counted the number of IR films listed in Alphabetwise in the Raajangahm site, to my astonishment it comes to 1018. I counted twice still it comes to the same number(At the top of the list for each alphabet the total number of movies scored by in that alphabet is given, i just summed-up those total and arrived this figure). Might be I have made a mistake. So could any of you cross check and might be arularacan or other Raajangham people can clarify.
- From: S (@ bangalore-cache-1.cisco.com)
on: Fri Aug 3 08:08:47 EDT 2001
may be they have counted their telugu/mallu/hindi version again.
- From: UVII (@
on: Fri Aug 3 12:12:05 EDT 2001
Pozhudhu, Kupps, Shankar
This is what I heard. IR apparently told somewhere that Usire is his 800 th movie. I think RaajaNGAHM people have also included all other lang versions of same film in the Database. That is the reason for that total.
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