Quote Originally Posted by venkkiram View Post
"எனக்கு ராஜா பாடல்களை மட்டுமே பிடிக்கும்" என்ற விவரமான முன்மொழியோடு சொம்பு எடுத்துக்கொண்டு அலையும் கருத்து கந்தசாமிகள் சூழ் உலகம் இது!
Man!!!that's quite a pessimistic way to look at everybody. If you keep wearing dark glasses all the time, statistically you are bound to miss out on good/geniune things too.
FOrtunately, it isn't my problem but yours to deal with.
Indirectly hinting (AGAIN!) with a sarcastic comment doesn't help your case at all. I clearly mentioned that I was just expressing my way, and you went around beating the bush.

You talked about who are we to preach others, geniuses have their own quirky ways, etc but you did the exact opposite of preaching etc. And I called out this action as being hypocritical. You cannot hold different set of standards for yourself and others.

Bottomline - no matter how much ever we justify erratic actions of anyone (against norms of a social living), it gets censured. History has repeatedly shown.