Gee guys,
"Who will succeed Illayaraja?" is the question I have tried to address.
To find an answer I have given my critical analysis of one factor that
appears to have challenged the Maestro's dominance in the Tamil Film
Music. The irony, as you will see, is that Raja himself was responsible
for it! (I can't keep the suspence until the climax, so my friends don't
watch movies which I have seen).
Topic started by S.S.Vasan (@ on Wed Feb 25 11:04:33 EST 1998.
All times in EDT/EST +9:30/10:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: Srinivas (@ scproxy3.sc.intel.com)
on: Fri Sep 4 18:08:33 EDT 1998
Excellent analysis, man! Congratulations!
- From: S.P MAHENDRAN (@
on: Fri Sep 4 21:09:19 EDT 1998
After IR there will be his son Karthik Raja.No doubt.....guys.AR can't replace IR place.The person who replace IR place must be a genius or intelligent.
- From: Soma (@ swanhill-ppp1.ruralnet.net.au)
on: Fri Sep 4 23:05:59 EDT 1998
Guys Guys
Please stop comparing IR and ARR. IR is equal to mount everest.
Does any body compare everest with any other mountains
I have IR's songs from 1975 to now. IR is a genius.
He cannot be replaceable. Only one Bradman was in the cricket.
IR is the only MD with that talent for another 100 years.
- From: Soma (@ swanhill-ppp1.ruralnet.net.au)
on: Fri Sep 4 23:07:55 EDT 1998
Guys Guys
Please stop comparing IR and ARR. IR is equal to mount everest.
Does any body compare everest with any other mountains
I have IR's songs from 1975 to now. IR is a genius.
He cannot be replaceable. Only one Bradman was in the cricket.
IR is the only MD with that talent for another 100 years.
- From: MKT_Paiththiyam (@
on: Sun Sep 6 01:26:11 EDT 1998
See, Mr SS Vasan, who started this topic, mentioned
MKT's name first before MSV and IR. Obviously,
therefore, he is interested in comparing the singing (or, perhaps, acting?)
capabilities of MKT, then MSV, then IR. I think
he is trying to say MKT was a great singer, then
MSV and IR were bad and worse. What next down the
line? As a "fill-in-the-blanks" in this downward
going order, Deva will fit in very well, I think. :-))))
- From: junior (@
on: Sun Sep 6 06:14:06 EDT 1998
look, I juist wanna say 1 thing:
People have been claiming that ir is the best in indian, on earth, etc...(I mean ir hc fans have been saying this. But I have not heard a single person outside tn who thinks ir is a force to recon! That is not the case with arr he is known world wide, Other music greats accept him as a genius, it is just the tamilians(ir hc fans) who thuki vachu kittu kondadurarkal ir-vai
- From: SURESH (@
on: Sun Sep 6 14:15:58 EDT 1998
To MAdhan:
- From: kiruba (@ slipper.watcom.on.ca)
on: Sun Sep 6 18:28:50 EDT 1998
Any music to have its durability should have the backing of the masses. Jazz was developed from its African-American origins. IR has developed Tamil Film Music from his/our folk/ethnic origins. The melody in IRs music is our 'mun vaasanai'. He has very delicately introduced/mixed western classical in this genre.
ARR might handle the Jazz idiom very well. I would consider him a success only if he has successfully merged it with Indian music. For that, the music has to be popular all over TN/India not just the cities. The urban crowd is always looking for novelty. If ARR cannot develop a style of his own he would not be considered musically intelligent. Ofcourse, he can stay in the market continously dishing out music set in different style/genre but then again somebody else will be there to do it and he will not get his honors.
So we need somebody who can make a tamil song sound very tamil (the test is the man on the street not the jeans-clad generation) inspite of it incorporating new ideas/style (not necessarily music from another culture).
Who can do it ? I cannot say ARR yet.
- From: kiruba (@ slipper.watcom.on.ca)
on: Sun Sep 6 18:52:06 EDT 1998
Dude, I went back a read your prev posts - your characterisation of IR as the 'indigenous industry' and the call to Tatas etc to fight the new foreign market forces.. wow wow.. you are a genius guy !!! :-) :-)
You know what you could become a politician :-)
Seriosly, you have made lots of points there. Funny thing is, IR, as somebody pointed out will do things at his own pace and liking. He is one of the genuinely creative persons the tamil film industry has produced.
people idolise IR because he is the one who brought folk/ethnic music to the mainstream. I can safely say that Tamil Popular Music gained much more credibility and status (especially vis-a-vis Carnatic/classical) after him.
Ofcourse, idolisation has been the bane of the Tamils :-) :-)
- From: nieli (@ client-151-197-121-90.bellatlantic.net)
on: Mon Sep 7 00:33:05 EDT 1998
Hi one who says IR is not well known outside TN
must be very ignorant...IR is regarded as a genius
in Andhra...and some of my friends from kerala and
other states as well told me that a similar view of him is held in their own respective states... also his greatness cannot be confined to India alone since his symphony has attracted rave
reviews from other great musicians of the world...
hopefully the world will get a chance to listen to this genius...indeed he's one of the finest in his art.
- From: shankar (@ webgate0.mot.com)
on: Mon Sep 7 00:42:29 EDT 1998
According to U J Scott (he conducted IR's symphony no1) and RPHarmonic orchestra are IR's HC fans,is it???
which music great has accepted him as a genius????
BTW, did u see the most popular indians of 20'th century????
Where 's ur ARR???? Probably, the guys who voted there r also HC IR fans from TN, aren't they???
- From: harivaradhan (@ m52.chn.vsnl.net.in)
on: Mon Sep 7 05:05:51 EDT 1998
Nothing like raja.
But one thing, Every one starts from kids only.
while in your age of 5 your expectation was a toy only.
while in your age of 10 your expection was rank 01. in your school or class.
while in your age of 18 you need a girl for sight seeing.
In 25 you need a wife, to suite with your family.
IN 30 you need a house and other basic necessitites.
and so on.
The same way music composer also goes.
Even raja also started from folk, pop, jazz, and now he ends himself with karnatic music.(which itself a ocean.)
I hope if ARR works in a similar way. he can also claim the everest. But he has to work more hard, not believe the computer instruments, should be the real melodies and other heights.
Once again IR is reached mountain no Doubt. Here the question is ARR is having enough age to reach IR. My opioion is no. ( here I am quoting age is not bilogical age.)
IR is a one of the great composer in the world.
- From: What is ARR? (@ chcgb202-31.splitrock.net)
on: Mon Sep 7 13:17:52 EDT 1998
how r ya? Yeppedy irrukken?
wat is your age? vayadhu yenna? How old are you? Where were you barn? Yenge pirandhen?
- From: Srinivas (@ scproxy2.sc.intel.com)
on: Tue Sep 8 17:29:24 EDT 1998
It is totally wrong to say that IR is not known outside TN. He is the most respected composer in Andhra. Even today, ALL the new MDs have acknowledged IR by incorporating his style into their music. The admirers of ARR are usually kids/ college students, who are carried away by the funky beats/ rhythms. The older generation of listeners prefer IR. In fact, M.M. Keeravani's albums sell more than ARRs albums in Andhra! Also NONE of ARRs original ventures in Telugu was commercially succesful! (Neither the film nor the album!)
- From: rajsekar (@ )
on: Wed May 9 05:07:31 EDT 2001
never anybody can replace IR he is one and the only AR could be a world famous as he is a great in his own way but he is just a composer of good music but raja is a creator of music.i tell u even his children cannot replace the greatest.....
- From: cosmician (@
on: Wed May 9 07:14:21 EDT 2001
Accept it or not...sorry to say guys...the mantle has now gone to ARR...who is now scaling greater heights and there is more to come....music is being redefined and you are all feeling uncomfortable...remember :
"In times of drastic change, it is the LEARNERS who inherit the future, the LEARNED find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists ."
LEARNERS - Anybody who up holds creativity and doesn't follow the textbooks you people define like Carnatic music, WCM etc. etc. (let's see whether you can define "creativity" in a text book - even i can't explain it in words.)
LEARNED - all the "learned" pundits with doctorates and have learnt the complexities of scale, notations and the zillions of other musical terms etc. etc.
So whatever u claim about achievements being made in the past, jean-clad generation, man on the street etc....the need of the hour is being fulfilled by ARR and this is just the beginning...
- From: kiru (@
on: Wed May 9 11:10:11 EDT 2001
cosmician..you are the one who defined LEARNERs as 'one who up holds creativity'. So it is your responsibility to define creativity. BTW, Carnatic music, WCM etc I hope are not 'frozen' standards. It is there for anyone to evolve them. (Quiz, who introduced to the western violin to Carnatic music ?)
- From: dss (@
on: Wed May 9 12:59:33 EDT 2001
ARR will succeed (no - has succeeded) IR easily. I feel he has gone even beyond him. There are 2 things where ARR defeats IR flat
b)making good music even in Bollywood - bridging the gap between north and south.
- From: dss (@
on: Wed May 9 13:00:23 EDT 2001
and please do not compare the mediocre children of IR with the great ARR please!!!!
- From: ruben (@
on: Wed May 9 14:18:46 EDT 2001
ur rite...even KR & YSR are not near to ARR.....
ARR is num 1 compared to the young MD's....they lack of experience & people can still say KR can top ARR...what nonsense!! Even KR's DUM DUM DUM (produced by Mani)is nothing near to other ARR - MANI production like Roja, Bombay, Dil Se and Iruvar.......ARR worked hard to come to up...so u guys give ARR some support....he's the best after
IR...no other new MD's are near ARR.......
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