Topic started by Swaminathan N (@ infosys.inf.com) on Wed May 14 15:38:06 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: PIM (@
on: Sat Jan 11 04:35:55 EST 2003
In reference to these endless bickerings which looks like mutual pseudo-intellectual masturbation rather than anything else. Please introspect....
' Classical music snobbery isn't new: it's been with us since millenia. Even Plato, who should have known better, was guilty of muddle-headedness on the subject. He seemed to believe that only the elite could appreciate.... Sadly, musical narrow mindedness hasn't quite disappeared and - ironically- lovers of pop music are often just as guilty of snobbery as classical fans..... the point is that there's no need to feel intimidated by classical music or classical music experts....'
'...in the argument on live concert vs CD recordings, there is something particularly powerful about a concert. The physical sight of an orchestra - the coordinated movements and emotions of performers and conductor - can bring meaning to music. The physical signs and animations of the performers influence our understanding of what the music is striving to convey and provide a persuasive argument in favour of live music'
'In reality, though, most classical music was written with concert hall in mind, and a recording (however good or exhilarating) is actually a distortion of the composer's original intentions' So, do you want to see and hear the symphony or only hear it on a CD?
Listen to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Sat Jan 11 05:23:22 EST 2003
Othert than IR and select few nobody in this vast world have heard that for years...
But you may ask SUBBUDU and MSV for some independent opinion. You can get a good alround perspective about that music from them.
This is not what I am suggesting. Some two years before when the same issue was rocked in...I was given this answer......I thought its fair to help Vijay here who has the same thirst as mine.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Sat Jan 11 05:34:28 EST 2003
>>>and the interesting aspect is , checked his awards and nominations
>>>Nominated for WORST Musical Score .. that's really funny
Quite funny....
Now , my honest and answer to Yaaro..Thanks for that one link..but it explain nothing other than the list for films compiled. I never said that JS is a mean composer or conductor...I just said don't make him a larger than natural image of him. His association to IR was just as a conductor and just that....
You might say that he is like Praveen Mani. He too has his share of contributions and achievments. HE has several times mentioned that ARR is great and a fine composer..Why don't you accept that then...See, quoting people from text and other source can be easily done..The question here especially is regarding IR's symphony..And till it is made public...I think IR should not be unnecessaryly creditted for that time and again....Symphony is not the only one thing that IR did....
I saw a mail by drJVV to a site in imdb regarding IR's composing skills...Well it was afine letter and with good intentions...He mentioned about IR's symphony there...If a comletely alien comes to know about IR and want to check the symphony (That is what people in West probably understand first..not out carnatic classic) where will we go...What will be our answer?
By repeatedly talikng about a supposed symphony and making no efforts to hear it any way..you people are just playing spoil sport with it. When it finally releases..(God wishes) and if its not upto our expectation because due to high expectations then we will have little space to hide our face....
Okay..instead of just shouting in support lets see if IR loyalists do any effort to bring it live for general audience.
- From: yaaro (@
on: Sat Jan 11 07:08:59 EST 2003
//In fact ALW is not as popular as John Scott in UK. Poor guy.//-rajini is more popular than kamal.
ARR is more popular than IR in India.
Jayalalitha is more popular than kamaraj.
veerappan is more popular than dawood ismail.
When have you ever talked sense WN ?
- From: yaaro (@
on: Sat Jan 11 07:15:50 EST 2003
the issue here is not about non-release of symphony-this has been done so many times that I usually stay away from any discussions-late-a vandhalum,adhu latest-a varum.It was your ill-informed remarks on JS based on a totally unrelated site which is the cause for all this postings now.
About raazi,every composer has his share of debacles best forgotten.
To be a conductor,as I said ,is no joke.He has to be a complete master in nuances of WCM,and the orchestra must respect him enough to obey him.An organisation like RPO does not give its conductors post so easily to anyone.It is not a simple matter of waving your arms and jumping up and down.
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Sat Jan 11 07:58:34 EST 2003
>>>JS based on a totally unrelated site
Yes, probably..and I said the reason that when you earch in google..then sites for JS as composer are very little.. My common sense (for that matter anybodies) will suggest that a popular and talented person will have more references accross the world. If it is in India then I can accept that we have not come to the inet age as compared to west..but there in West inet is more like the nerveous system of mordern world. So JS's links are far too little...
Okay...and also the so called great JS seems to have been nominated for worst scores also...
Well I don't buy that as I have not listened to them too..but opinions are opinions...when this man who himself has some adverse commentory on his own composition by some one..how can we believe his claim about critisism regarding IR's supposed sympjony.
My point is...shouldn't we know what's all the critisism about IR's symphony...If it is not a symphony and if WestCM pundits think so and critisise then IR should accept that try to do a better attempt.
Ultimately if he succeeds, as a tamiliam even I will be proud of him (unlike many who don't feel the same when said about another fellow tamilian)
Mistakes are human nature and lets correct it. IR being silent for years on this only strengthen suspisions.
Did I answer your question.?..I lost the track....surprisingly today I have more time for TFMpage..
- From: Are Yaar (@
on: Sat Jan 11 08:02:03 EST 2003
>>>So JS's links are far too little...
should be
But JS's links are far too little...
- From: waste of time (@
on: Sat Jan 11 15:22:16 EST 2003
I think IR will not release the symphony unless there is some major company "marketing" it, because that was his first question to pyramid company. if there is no money, no takers no symphony.
looks like we will never get the Symphony unless one IR fans buys it out and distributes it to us.
- From: bb's inspirational choice 'ALAIGALE' (@
on: Sat Jan 11 18:53:59 EST 2003
Why is anyone searching for that ONE SYMPHONY? Is it because HE announced it as a symphony?
There have been many by HIM prior to IT and many after IT!!!. Discover them and feel for them. Stop this degradation of music.
- From: Sam (@
on: Sat Jan 11 19:02:24 EST 2003
u guys have been crying over this for six years????
- From: Sam(son) (@
on: Sat Jan 11 19:06:50 EST 2003
Five years to be precise!!!! or is it ten years????
- From: s0 (@
on: Sat Jan 11 20:50:07 EST 2003
something more to cry over
on: Sat Jan 11 21:48:24 EST 2003
see IR composes songs, and every other composer also has composed songs.. that does not mean IR' symphony is out of style because of vidyasagar. what orchestra was that in hungary? is it hungry orchestra or hungarian street musicians that played for vidya sagar.
as bb says, we have over 4000 symphonies (most in 5 movements, some even 6 movements - prelude, pallavi, interlude, charanam next interlude!!!)
now, i believe vidyasagar and deva also composes songs, but can u call them symphony or cacophony?
i called those kaakaphony.
so, bb is right why do we sweat it ( but, i want a 1 hour symphony from IR to be on the walls and shelves of my home, THAT IS THE WHOLE ENTIRE POINT I AM MAKING FOR 10 YEARS NOW)
- From: WN (@
on: Sat Jan 11 22:46:22 EST 2003
"ARR is more popular than IR in India.
Jayalalitha is more popular than kamaraj.
veerappan is more popular than dawood ismail."
Let me guess yaaro...all the above was to prove that "popularity" is not a measure of talent, right? Then how do u explain this statement
"for you info ALW is widely disliked in UK -mainly for his musicals which are fit only for tourists.hehehe..."
Was it perhaps, a showcase of your own complete absence of sense?
Well, I am glad to have made you have spit out at your own folly wit jus 1 line.
- From: WN (@
on: Sat Jan 11 23:00:24 EST 2003
And jus to add to ur list yaaro...
Kamal is more popular than Ramarajan
IR is more popular than T. Rajendar
Karunanidhi is more popular than SS Chandran
If popularity is not a measure of talent, we need to leave it at that. To say a less popular person is more talented (simply bcos of tat), is as ludicrous as saying a more popular is more talented. But I'm sure u understood tat. :)
- From: ambleen (@
on: Sun Jan 12 03:49:33 EST 2003
John Williams earns more $ than Jerry Goldsmith. Its the publicity he gets from oscars, his association with big directors, concert hall perfomances, etc. But still that didn't stop film score lovers from knowing who is the master between these two. These music afficiandos didn't get fooled by commercialism.
And if you don't understand the above, read the b/m.
Like JW, ARR collects more $ than IR. That's all.
Like JG, IR collects more praises from music lovers for his quality in songs and BGM.
Like JW, ARR's songs are all nice & exciting in the begining but get 'lost' soon after into oblivion. Thanks to the majority who listen(who seem normally childish & think they are the unique youth of the nation but represent nothing).
Like JG, IR's 70/80's music are still being listened leave alone the rest.
- From: yaaro (@
on: Sun Jan 12 04:00:35 EST 2003
I was going for the tops in terms of popularity and talent.You are just(as usual )doing it for doing-it sake.You make sure sure you are atleast consistent.
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