Topic started by Swaminathan N (@ infosys.inf.com) on Wed May 14 15:38:06 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: pg (@ gate02.merck-medco.com)
on: Thu Feb 3 11:48:56 EST 2000
How did you hear about this program ?
- From: bb (@ desert-42.slip.uiuc.edu)
on: Thu Feb 3 15:47:11 EST 2000
a friend.. don't have more details with me.
- From: Karthik (@ netcache2.mot.com)
on: Thu Feb 3 16:31:21 EST 2000
bb .. being a page admin (or ex page admin) should'nt you have confirmed/obtained more details about the program before posting it here?
- From: srikanth (@ host2.cvs.aa.net)
on: Thu Feb 3 16:43:05 EST 2000
bb, what is this, you are brining unwanted issues!..plese mail to singapore and ask them.
- From: MS (@
on: Thu Feb 3 16:44:26 EST 2000
Karthik..I think he just raised a doubt as a DFer..I donot see a problem in his raising a question..
- From: Srinath (@ mail.startec.net)
on: Thu Feb 3 16:46:54 EST 2000
I think bb posted with the intention of gaining more information/confirmation/debunking of this issue ! :-) I think he made it quite clear by his question if someone could throw more light on this issue !
- From: srikanth (@ host2.cvs.aa.net)
on: Thu Feb 3 16:51:03 EST 2000
guys/bb, I have mailed mr.Deepan who is the latenight host of the show!..I came to know he made that remark, so bb (thru our same friend, who wishes to be unknown for various reasons)
please wait!,we might get info.
- From: AT (@ max2-11-118.njit.edu)
on: Thu Feb 3 19:14:24 EST 2000
I got this email printed in some webpage on Ilaiyaraja. It might be an useful info...
From: Anandh Haridh
To: cbas153@ccsun.strath.ac.uk
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 00:21:35 -0400 (EDT)
I was in London over the summer and spoke to the person who was the production/technical director of Illayaraja's recording. He informed me that Illayaraja had rewritten some portions which were retaped and then he came to London and picked up all the master tapes and left. The Royal Philharmonic people do not know when he plans to release it. Their impression is that he (illayaraja) wants to make sure this is launched with enough publicity so that he gets recognition from serious western classical music listners rather than just a small group of South Indians. He is therefore looking for a label (Sony, BMG etc. ) that can make it accesible to listeners in U.S> and Europe. But the delay could also be because of Illayaraja's eccentric nature. (I have
- From: Srikanth (@ host2.cvs.aa.net)
on: Fri Feb 4 11:59:44 EST 2000
reply from Mr.Deepan of OLI!...hope this makes some sense!.....
Firstly, thank you for listening to Oli 96.8FM.
That info is in a new fortnighly Tamil magazine called "Vin Nayagan".
Its the latest edition from Chennai. A reader has asked the editor
incharge of cinema 'kelvi bathil' section, what has happen to Ilayaraja's
symphony. In his reply, the editor has said that, composers in London
didn't consider Ilaiyaraja's composition as "symphony".
I will be talking to Karthik Raja on the 6th, coming Sunday, for my Kalai
programme. Its about the re-recording of music for Hey Ram at Hungary.
I will broadcast this interview the same at 8.05pm(S'pore Time)
I will ask him about the Vin Nayagan news about Ilaiyaraja.
I will also interview Kamal Hassan about Dr L Subramaniam's interview given
to Kumudam from New York. Karthik told me that Kamal is very upset about
the interview. I hope to broadcast this interview next week(13.2.2000).
Have you read that interview. "Gandhi padam eduppavar, poi sollalaamaa?".
Once again, thank you for listening to Oli 96.8FM
- From: kooththan (@ mail1.pmc-vacc.com)
on: Fri Feb 4 13:19:54 EST 2000
Thanks for taking the effort to clarify this matter Srikanth.
Now the question is who is this dude answering questions on 'vin nayagan', and who/what made him such an expert on the matter?
I have never even heard of this magazine. May be this was their idea for getting some free press.
Seems to be working so far.
Poor Raja. avarukku ithuvum venum, innamum venum. I wish he would just release the god forsaken thing and shut all these idiots up.
- From: Rajan Bala (@ bay-72.pppmad.vsnl.net.in)
on: Sat Feb 5 23:28:55 EST 2000
Hi Folks, The man who is the editor of Vin Nayakan, Rao (And Madhan is the adviser to this new mag) was the editor at
Vikatan and was involved in that cover story "Veli varatha Symphony...". So he knows some thing that we don't know. Even if
the music can not be classified as a symphony in the strict sense, so what...call it a symphonic suite....or some thing like that.
Such kind of classifications and past trends and works by many great composers are available for IR to do like that. Above all,
what ever you call it or the critics will call, it should be a good music to listen to. And I can not imagine IR to be such a fool to
write a music, get it played by one of the greatest orchestras in the world and then dump the whole thing because he has doubts
that what has come out is not a symphony but he already told the whole world that what he has done is a symphony and above
all has accepted the felicitations and what not from every Tom, Di...H in the world. So what IR, at least for all those efforts
of the people you should let them listen to your music. I don't know at this late stage in life he is afraid of critics. He should
release it irrespective of what the critics would say. People would love that. And most of them are not going to be bothered as
to what you call that...a symphony or a symphonic suite, or a concerto......
Rajan Bala
- From: bb (@ desert-56.slip.uiuc.edu)
on: Sun Feb 6 00:57:39 EST 2000
rajan bala, what else was written in that article on the symphony?
- From: Rajan Bala (@ bay-71.pppmad.vsnl.net.in)
on: Sun Feb 6 03:22:52 EST 2000
The english and tamil version of that vikatan article are available at Dr. balaji's new site on IR called raja-saga. and i think it is available in other sites too like MPR's site.
Of course, the english also appeared in some of the threads related to symphony posted by RA/irf01 and there were a lot of discussions on that. A very well written piece of work. if you have not read, then you should.
Rajan Bala
- From: srikanth (@ host2.cvs.aa.net)
on: Mon Feb 7 12:41:21 EST 2000
One more mail from Mr.Deepan
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Ilaiyaraja's Symphony
Thank you for listening to Oli 96.8FM
On sunday I spoke to Karthik and asked him about the article in Vin Nayagan.
He told me "it's not true. we know the reasons. i think someone has asked that person to write. they do in chennai"
Did you listened to the interview he gave to Kalai Ulagam?
I hope Kamal will give me an interview, also.
Please continue to listen to Oli 96.8FM
- From: kumar (@
on: Tue Feb 8 04:25:27 EST 2000
Have anyone from TFMpage posted a question to
John Scott (the conductor) enquiring about IR's
symphony? (there is a section 'ask a question' in his personnel homepage).
if some one did? what did he answer?
btw I didnt any previous questions regarding raja there. shall we post a question there regarding
any deviation in symphony standards?
- From: RajanBala (@
on: Tue Feb 8 07:51:45 EST 2000
Hi Folks
This has reference to Karthik's comments to Dheepan. I think he is just bluffing...I have read that article and it is obvious it is written by a die hard IR fan who just out of the frustration of hearing news about the release now and then and then and just wanted to burst out his feelings. So on that score it does not look like a plant as Karthik says but by some one who is genuinely interested in hearing that symphony, not just for himself but for the whole world to listen to and enjoy.
So, Mr. Dheepan cut all that crap that Karthik has dished out to you... What does he mean "some one has asked that man to write...they do it in Chennai...."
It is still a fact that IR took the world to be a fools paradise...if not for any thing at least for the joy and pride these people felt for his achievement and without even listening to what he has done...every one was united in giving and showering him with their love and appreciation.
At least for that, IR has a moral responsibility to make that available to them. And in that SUN TV interview he sheepishly mentions about this RPO work in a passing way...."and just because it has not come, I thought I will do this RR with a symphony orchestra and give some symphonic music my people..."
What crap man. Why should he feel so hesitant or bad about talking about this RPO work....It is all mind block man. After that it all links up, makes some sense, as to what was written in that Vikatan article....that Mr. Karthik Raja brushes aside so easily as a plant or etc. etc.
Ok It is a plant....Vikatan asked some one to write....do you have any answers to that Mr. Karthik.. can you tell us then why the hell it has taken almost seven years still your dad did not release that work for which millions of idiots like me have been waiting for and for......don't think you guys can fool around with all the people all the time...ok.
I don't think any one in his minds can give a convincing reason....that I wrote a great orchestral work in western classical music...got a top notch orchestra in the world to play it...got a top ranking conductor to conduct the recording, and then told the whole world of my achievement....got the feliciations....what not from every tom..d..Ha...in the world...then suddenly some thing happened to me and got into a mental block...and since then I have stopped talking about it....now and then tell the inquisitive pestering idiots fans that copyright problem..that problem,,writing a few more works and will release them together..like that and then will stop talking about it completely...and if some one writes about it or asks about it then he is my enemy and my enemies are arranging all this....what a crap man.
Do you buy all this? I don't. I think I have had enough of IR and his ego centric excentricities with reference to this RPO symphony business. I am sorry, I have been a lover of his music for a long long time. And still do that. But in this symphony matter he has lost all my respect and regards for him.
Call it any thing and release it....let the world decide whether it is worth listening on the basis of the music quality and certainly no one is going to be bothered about the classification of that music.
Rajan Bala
- From: vijanth (@ robot.ee.qub.ac.uk)
on: Tue Feb 8 08:23:33 EST 2000
Raja Balan.. I think in someway or rather
you are quite right. IR die hard fan like you and
me sick of waiting for the sysmphony release.
It will always better to say the truth by IR
party rather than keep guessing.
Bless you all
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