got the Best Music Director award for atleast
ChiraiChalai or Moga Mull (was it released during
this period) They had great music as against
Minsara Kanavu. What do you guys think?
Topic started by Gokul (@ on Tue Jun 17 21:15:37 EDT 1997.
All times in EDT +9:30 for IST.
- Old responses
- From: T.Madhan (@
on: Tue Jun 16 10:34:26 EDT 1998
Stop hankering about IR not getting awards -
Sunny Deol got the Best Supporting Actor award for his role in "Damini" , Amitabh got the best actor award for "Agneepath"(he could have been given the same for "Abhimaan" or "Anand")
Sunny Deol doesn't even deserve to be a CONCRETE Face delight - he got the National award - what a joke ?!!
IR should have walked away with the award for this movies as well -
THEVAR MAGAN - how come you all missed out on this movie ? the BGM throughout the movie is reminiscent of an unknown danger,fear lurking somewhere - finally escalating into that TERRORISING crescendo in the climax - and the songs - each song aptly fits the situation except of course "Santhu pottu" which again is not IR's fault , it was a minor blotch in the screenplay which forced him to compose that song - but the other songs merged incredibly and beautifully with the soul of the movie - see the movie ,the song "Maasaru ponney varugu " and "manamagaley" both are such a part and parcel of the movie that you don't notice them at all..
IMO, Devar Magan, deserved National Award for IR more than ARR for ROja which was released the same year.
- From: vijay (@
on: Wed Jun 17 19:26:04 EDT 1998
If national award could be given to a song like
'maana madurai' from minsaara kanavu then IR does not deserve that award!
- From: Veera Akkoor (@ 1cust11.tnt2.det1.da.uu.net)
on: Wed Jun 17 20:35:54 EDT 1998
Hello folks,
Did anyone listen to "GURU" Malayalam movie.
All songs are gems of all kinds.
"guru charanam" is a masterpiece that proves IR is the genius who is to remain forever. This is incidentely after kalapani.
If anyone needs GURU songs can call me or send me a mail.
- From: k.r.ravi (@ sf-dnpqq-028.compuserve.net)
on: Thu Jun 18 05:59:12 EDT 1998
Yaa., man. GURU whatta music. Especially Guru Charanam song just mesmerises me. The Saranam of the song and the chorus in the background explains raja's gemius.
- From: gOpAl (@ 1cust173.tnt1.sarasota.fl.gt.uu.net)
on: Thu Jun 18 14:02:28 EDT 1998
I repeat. Awards dont deserve rAjA.
- From: Srikanth (@
on: Thu Jun 18 17:18:55 EDT 1998
This is because the selection committe is filled with deaf people ,
SelC dont know any other music other than ARs music
This is because the SelC dislikes Raja and loves AR..Might be the Sons or Daughtors of persons in selC would have influenced the decision and favoured AR...or they might not have heard
Raja's music. Raja might have given them free tapes to listen the music. I suggest Raja fans here should try to be in SelC instead of bull fighting here.
Guys --- One day Ar or x, y,z will win grammy, emmy, a, b, c award , dont let them get it ...fight for it and give to Raja.....
Ore Raja Polambala pochu....Thangalada sami...
- From: k.r.ravi (@ sf-dnpqm-107.compuserve.net)
on: Thu Jun 18 17:27:57 EDT 1998
Well said Gopal, Awards dont deserve Raja.
- From: Rajesh (@ pdxss902.jf.intel.com)
on: Thu Jun 18 18:01:46 EDT 1998
I have always enjoyed your postings. Oflate I dont know why you at pouncing at anything and everything. Cool down. Contine ur intellectual fights.
- From: Srikanth (@ 76.minneapolis-06.mn.dial-access.att.net)
on: Thu Jun 18 19:21:01 EDT 1998
Hi Rajesh
Thanks , yes u r right I have been too rough for past the one week..
I will cool down...
- From: MSK (@ marimuth-nt.qualcomm.com)
on: Thu Jun 18 19:44:07 EDT 1998
Most of the times I don't understand the trend of these Awards.. sometime back it used to be some art movies of sort that no-one would have heard off.. then the movie would be released (On big screen) after getting the award and then people will get to know abt the movie.. SO they were called art movies.. and seldom any commercially sucessful movie got any awards..
But these days, the awards invariably seem to go
to blockbusters..no matter how good/bad the quality is... But then it's good in a way to it relects the mass's taste..
So when kaadhalan or Minsara Kanavau was a big blockbuster hit and then they get the awards ..no surprise. If a lot of people listen to Deva's music and it's a big hit , then it's better he gets an award.. WHo cares/is knowledgeable to realise if that music was blatant plagiarism or
a peice of crap..
Same with Cinema vimarsanams in Vikatan.. Way back , movies that get high marks never used to see the 10th day in theatres.. but these days Vikatan goes by the mass taste rather than it's view.. but then they care for their sales and everyone does..
So i Guess IR's Score not getting awards is not surprising.. considering the fact that how many people would have listened to Yathramozhi other than the very few in this DF... Even good music listeners don't seem to care ..
I would say pettai rap/ Oorvasi should have got
the award for best Lyrics. Bad .?? No .. not at all.. more people listened to pettai rap than Yathramozhi.. So what's the point in giving the award to Guru/Yathramozhi ..
If Kaathalukku mariyathai gets any award for Music ( did it get any.??? ) it is not b'cos the music was good.,
or was it from a guy who has scored over 700 movies and still does'nt have a trace of any of his earlier songs or other MDs.. NO . was it that it had a great BGM. NO.. Just b'cos it was popular among the masses.(how did that happen.??)
So no point worrying abt the awards. Whenever u think of awards/titles think of these..
Deva ....Kalaimaamani
Jayalalitha ... Dr.
If IR is Honorary doctrate and Jayalalith is also the same , then it only speaks of the "sanity" of that title...
Sorry for the long post .. could'nt help it..
- From: Veera Akkoor (@ 1cust32.tnt2.det1.da.uu.net)
on: Thu Jun 18 20:55:26 EDT 1998
Dear friends,
IR had got the greatest award of his life when he conducted the "Royal Philharmonic Orchestra" in London. No ordinary person gets the honour. It seems they scrutinise a lot and test the scores and then allow you to conduct. If he deserves any other award it could be "Bharat Ratna".
Am I right or asking too much?
Please answer me folks.
- From: Rajiv (@
on: Fri Jun 19 06:09:15 EDT 1998
IR is a person who cannot be compared with anyone now. He is a legend by himself. So why should we cry foul when someone else gets an award. I'm sure that IR himself does not have any such ambitions of getting any more awards. HE's the best , we know it, he knows it and the people who get the awards also know it. There is not a single MD is not influenced by him even though some might be too proud to accept it.
IR is like GOD to the music industry and awards are given to only ordinary mortals!!!!
- From: Srikanth (@
on: Fri Jun 19 11:31:25 EDT 1998
"IR is like GOD to the music industry and awards are given to only ordinary mortals!!!!"
God is too big word, . Irs music definitly had impact on TFM, he was a legend agreed ... ..but that cannot justify him as God of music.....
Isai Kadavul (might be for Ramarajan or Raj kiran)
People like AVM, Prasad, RMV, VGP have done more than Raja from the techincal side..like building ultra modern studios and recording facilities..that match world std...
Without these TFM would be not where to match the inrternational std.
"There is not a single MD is not influenced by him "
-- ARR has not been influenced by Raja , he gave something brand new...
People lik BalaBharathy, Anand all are different..
Award of anyone cannot be denied just because Raja did not get it.. the persons whoever got the award did not get it just like that or because of pure luck.. - they work pretty hard.
If you dont appriciate -- please dont Depreciate others skill- Live and let live...
Start a thread -- Raja should get an award instead of pulling the legs all the other mds around TFM...
- From: mr xxx (@
on: Fri Jun 19 16:08:26 EDT 1998
sirai chalai was a film dumped by arr and ir got the chance! and chirai chalai , was not at all a hit! nor was it good! ir lone success is sindubairavi! this shows slc are not influenced by his wife nor kids. arr is greates of great, face it!!!
- From: jith (@ wwwcrat.wellsfargo.com)
on: Fri Jun 19 16:41:33 EDT 1998
It is a despo attempt to project ARR as GREAT..! it is a pEthal that siraichalai was a film dumped by arr and ir got the chance. You know Priyadarshan(how? u know only ARR) who directed siraichalai. in one of his interview(in 1994-95 when he was devising the project siraichalai) said: ".... For music i have no options but IR. " he was very clear about MD. You stop this cock and bull story. I dont say ARR is bad., commercially he is successful MD. He has to go a long way to be compared with IR. IR is good not only producing hit songs also good in background score. You how good our ARR is in rendering background score. OrE eraichhal..
- From: nesan (@
on: Fri Jun 19 17:47:32 EDT 1998
Hi Jith,
Well said. All these ARR fans are jealous of IR's
coming back (commercially.) BTW, there was a romour about the movie "Iruvar". It seems that Manirathnam ask IR to score and then he denied for
some reasons. Then only ARR got the chance. No body knows how far is it ture?
- From: Srinath (@ socks10d.raleigh.ibm.com)
on: Fri Jun 19 19:11:32 EDT 1998
To all IR fans who have constantly been accused of 'ARR bshing' and 'IR prarthanai club' - this is what I found on ARR's home page - "Roja, fetched him the National Film Award in 1992 (similar to an Oscar)...". We stand vindicated ! Apparently ARR fans hold patented rights to unabashed sycophancy and hero-worship.
- From: Srinath (@ socks8d.raleigh.ibm.com)
on: Fri Jun 19 19:16:32 EDT 1998
I don't believe this !
"Indian music has been dominated by film music as a genre for years and had settled into a complacent rut towards the late eighties and the early nineties when along came a 25 year old who prefers untrained voices and breathing spaces between beats to the typically layered, cramped orchestration."
ROTFALU - Rolling On The Floor And Laughing Uncontrollably :-))))))))
All of you guys must visit this temple, this shrine, this Mecca of ARR fans at http://www.arrahman.com
The server is almost as slow as ARR's output. Please be patient.
Theevira IR Rasigan,
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